Warm greetings to all of you !

I have been buzy lately either with preparing invitations for my birthday party (even so I forgot to call several times a music-minded Peruvian girl to ensure she will attend my party and I feel ashamed which is why I decided to write down my logs in order to try forgeting such an upset misunderstood situation) or chatting with some highly charismatic Venezuelan DXers using SKYPE. Another reason for my lack of any DXing is that I have highly annoying high-pitched growl on 172 kHz terribly offending reception of Morocco's Medi Un (171) that seems to originate from our neighbor's house (who are on vacation). It can be nulled with the PK LW loop perpendicular to the North-East, but the Morocco's signal is somewhat weaker. That being said, it isn't as weak as I have thought, because the directionnal pattern of Nador-171 is NNW which means some of it signal manages to scatter toward the northeast of my QTH, even though the correct bearing from Montreal to Nador (Morocco) is SSE not NE !

That being said, I reactivated last night and I must say I'm impressed with the 150-450 kHz LW loop... The connector cable was included, so I didn't need to purchase it the past few days... Another thing to mention: it amplifies the 153 kHz TA channel properly, though only some moderate hum could be heard on this channel ! I have some severe noises issues between 198 and 279 kHz meaning I didn't log RMC Info 216 kHz lately... In addition to those, I'm get a severe high-pitched growl on 234 kHz so unless it stops during the next few weeks, it would be a while before I relog RTL !

Enough chatter, into the logs:

Trans-Atlantic DX

162 FRANCE France Inter, Allouis JUL 18 0305 - playing one of the latest Vanessa Paradis tracks, then interview with her. She told she dislike jolidays on the beach and what she enjoys the most is the performance on stage... Good signal but static scracthes made readability so-so. This was the only LW signal that happened to be on a clear frequency without growl and noises from hte neighborhood downstairs at this late time, while Germany-183 had already faded out ! (Chiochiu-QC)

171 MOROCCO Medi Un, Nador JUL 18 0255 - woman host of an Arabic music program containing mostly plaintive Egyptian religious vocals. Very good at times. Best on 169 kHz in AM WIDE Mode with the PK LW loop perpendicular to the north-east / south-west which is not too bad as 171 Nador has a NNW directionnal pattern meaning some of its signal manages to scatter toward the north-east of my QTH. I took my battery powered Sangean ACS 818-CST along with the PK LW loop and just came to the other side of the road and this station was QRM-free ! (Chiochiu-QC)

183 GERMANY Europe 1, Felsberg JUL 18 0210 - carrying French Top 50 memories... Noted at a fair, but very clear level, S3 out of S7 on the Sangean's reading meter ! (Chiochiu-QC)

189 ICELAND Rikisútvarpid, Gufuskalar JUL 18 0240 - Tentative with very weak audio; the first sign of a darkness path of any kind between Montreal and Gufuskalar ! During the month of June, the only Trans-Atlantic darkness path allowing Icelandic DX is between Newfoundland and Gufuskalar, because of the proximity ! (Chiochiu-QC)

198 unID JUL 17 0315 - with man talk. Very threhsold and very noisy, both man-made and a huge amount of static scratches from a nearby thunderstorm ! Could be unlogged Algeria ! (Chiochiu-QC)

9575 MOROCCO Medi Un, Nador JUL 17 2250 - fair with splatter from 9580 and 9570 kHz; with mostly plaintive Egyptian vocals, religious in nature. When the darkness path between Morocco and Montreal is viable, LW 171 kHz often fares better than SW 9575 kHz, as far as its signal strength goes ! (Chiochiu-QC)

11820 SAUDI ARABIA BS Of the Kingdom, Jiddah and / or Riadh JUL 18 2108 - Fair with koranic male chanting. SINPO 35433. I will be happy when I will be able to identify them on 594 kHz. 1521 would be impossible given my equipment, the relative lack of selectivity, WWKB-1520 QRM and, to a lesser extent, local splatter from overmodulated CFAV-1570. +JUL 18 2122 - SINPO 45533 right now with Koranic chanting ! +JUL 18 2126 - going into a prayer, then back into Koranic chanting at 2130 GMT with the same SINPO ! +JUL 18 2131 - with a prayer in the form of speech ! (Chiochiu-QC)

Pan-American DX

750 VENEZUELA YVKS, Radio Caracas Radio, Caracas, Distrito Federal JUL 17 0320 - man talking about FM listening issues. Very poor and difficult to follow with QRM from both WSB in Atlanta and a nearby thunderstorm in my neck of the woods ! (Chiochiu-QC)

760 COLOMBIA HJAJ, RCN Cadena Basíca, Barranquilla JUL 18 0720 - carrying CNN audio feed in Spanish. They talked about the Latin American countries with the fewer cases of swine flu. Bolivia was among them. Good in a difficult WJR null. (Chiochiu-QC)

780 VENEZUELA YVNM, Radio Coro, Coro, Falcón JUL 18 0625 - carrying Ruta Musical 7-80 with some great cumbias that were taped. More on that later for the followers of the LatinMWDX group ! SINPO 42232 in and out of splatter from both CIGM-790 and WABC-770 that were local-like; not much annoyance from local CJAD-800 though. Dear Bruce, this one isn't in Distrito Federal, but in Falcón which is another Venezuelan "estado". Instead of virtually inventing logs of Ecuadorian or Peruvian outlets, why not try to consider each YV estado a new spot on a map rather than a new station from the same old country ? Mexican estados are allowed as seperate and DISTINCT targets on IDXD ! Why not do the same with Venezuelan "estados" ? (Chiochiu-QC)

Additional comments:

I have a severe case of noises on several spots on LW, MW and even SW since several months... Now it has jumped from 162 to 171 kHz leaving France Inter in the clear but burrying Medi Un... It seams to come out of our neighbor's backyard, as I did some testing the last night with the radio in the dark ! Any hints on how to solve this awful issue I have with DXing ? On MW, I can't DX anymore 570, 770, 900 (where I had Cuba a few weeks ago), 1100, 1110 in addition to those channels swamped by awful IBOC hash such as 650 and 670 ! At least WABC is keping its IBOC crud at night, but the growl from powerlines or guess what other noise factor is destroying WABC-770 (which is almost local-like here), while leaving 760 and 780 in the clear with just some adjacent channel splatter from locals or local-like pests !

I have powerline hum between 198 and 279 on LW, which is why I DX mostly the frequencies below 200 kHz ! What should I say to our neighbors, dear DXers ?

I'm going to walk the dog, but hope to comeback before the Middle Eastern SW broadcasters switch off their entertaining outlets !

This report is brought to you by Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu, DXing from Pierrefonds (Montreal's West Island), Quebec, Canada using a Sanyo MCD-S830 / PK AM LOOP combo, a Sangean ACS 818-CST / C-LOOP HDSM 150-450 kHz LW Shielded Magnetic loop combo and a Grundig G5 / random wire connected to a broken Yagi antenna combo

May the good DX be with you !
Bogdan Chiochiu

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