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Today's Topics:

   1. Tue Morn Dx (Charles B)
   2. Glenn Hauser logs September 21-22, 2009 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. Soem logs / NOTICE (Zacharias Liangas )
   4. Re: Glenn Hauser logs September 21-22, 2009: Bhutan (Glenn Hauser)
   5. Logs en Riviera Maya (Manuel M?ndez)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 10:33:07 -0400
From: "Charles B" <>
To: "Anker Petersen" <>,  "Bob Wilkner"
        <>, "Charles B" <>,        "dxld 
        <>, "Glenn Hauser" <>,
        "hard-core-dx hard-core-dx" <>,
        <>,   "shortwaveworld shortwaveworld"
Subject: [HCDX] Tue Morn Dx
Message-ID: <001701ca3b91$9adf90c0$fcc8a...@pc1>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Bolivia, 6075, Radio Causachun Coca, 1005-1015,  Noted a 
female in Spanish language comments until 1006 then 
a male joins her.  This continued during the period.  The 
signal remained poor to threshold however.  (Chuck 
Bolland, September 22, 2009)

Bolivia, 6155.26, Radio Fides, 1015-1030,  At tune in, noted a 
series of canned promos or ADs.  This was followed with 
music.  At 1017 a female live gives TC in Spanish, but 
this changes to Quechua language comments which
sounded like news.  Signal starts to fade in from a threshold
to fair signal.  (Chuck Bolland, September 22, 2009)

Peru, 5039.22, Radio Libertad, 1027-1035,  Noted a program
of Huaynos type music at tune in.  Signal was really threshold
struggling to be heard over the noise.  The only part of the 
program that is audible at this time is when music is 
present.  (Chuck Bolland, September 22, 2009)

Watkins Johnson HF1000
26.37N 081.05W



Message: 2
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 08:33:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 21-22, 2009
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** ALBANIA. Tuned in R. Tirana 13640 in English, just in time to hear them 
saying goodbye and brief theme music at 2026-2027* Sept 21, but not before I 
read the S-meter at 9+20, no QRM or QRN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BHUTAN. 6035 in unrecognizable language, Sept 22 at 1318, bits of music, and 
too weak by 1330, tentatively BBS. On same channel is PBS Yunnan, Kunming, 
a.k.a. Voice of Shangri-La, but the latter puts out spurs on 6028 and 6043, and 
I could detect no trace of those. 1400 English for Bhutan is too late here 
until possibly in winter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC is sometimes JBA on 17660, but Sept 21 before and after 2100 it 
was very good in Spanish instead of scheduled English.

RHC leads the way with another groundbreaking innovation: three transmitters 
within 10 kHz! Sept 22 at 0547 I found 6060 missing, but instead on new 6006 in 
English, big signal like // 6010 and of course making a big het unless you 
tuned to one side or the other. 

Furthermore, much weaker RHC Spanish was still on 6000. 6006 must be punch-up 
transposition error instead of 6060 and apparently also from same site on 6006 
and 6010 as they were exactly synchronized. English also on 6140, Spanish also 
on 6120.

If RHC stix to 6006 it will be bad news for BBCWS in English and its would-be 
listeners, 0300-0700 via Ascension, also 0200-0300 via Seychelles, per Aoki. 
Noel Green in England also heard Habana on 6006, hetting BBC (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** HONDURAS. Things are heating up again, with the return of Zelaya to the 
Brazilian embassy, so how about some hot news direct from the country? Ha! 
3250, presumed Radio Luz y Vida, just playing music around 1140 Sept 22. The 
gospel huxters probably want to stay out of the fray, and never dealt with 
real-world news anyway (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9524.9, VOI, Sept 22 at 1335 with distinctive voice of guy from 
RRI Banjarmasin via phoneline, also at 1352 saying bye2 at end of script but 
then continuing to converse with Jak YL host. G signal but with flutter, 
undermodulated and hum. Another regular Tuesday co-produxion (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** JAPAN. R. Nikkei has different language lessons around 1300 UT; Tuesday Sept 
22 at 1306 on 6055 was hearing lecture in Japanese explaining various phrases 
in German such as ``Die Frauen sind selbst-st?ndingen geworden`` (Glenn Hauser, 

** MALAYSIA. 6049.6v, Sept 22 at 1314 pop music vocoder-altered, 1315 
announcement, lite het from 6050, presumably remnant of HCJB. This 
off-frequency is Radio Asyik FM via RTM as often reported by Ron Howard, CA, 
but seldom audible here. Still detectable at 1348 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** NIGERIA. VON, 15120, Sept 21 at 2010 in English about the end of Ramadan; 
clear modulation but not enough of it and signal also significantly weaker than 
neighbors Spain 15110, WYFR 15130, which would occasionally splash spikes onto 
15120 that Nigeria was unable to offward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Abatement of my neighborhood line noise was short-lived, 
again bothering the higher bands, but not so much 90m, and several PNG signals 
audible Sept 22:

3385 was best at first check 1143 with island music, clear of any TADIL-A ute 
QRM. 1223 choral music, then talk in Pidgin. No IDs heard from any of these, 
but surely R. East New Britain. 

3335 was second best at 1143 but exceeded 3385 at 1228 with instrumental music; 
at 1253, 3335 better than 3260, vocal music running past 1300. R. East Sepik.

3260 at 1228 with ``All of Me`` by Skeeter Davis, 1230 talk; 1235-1252 chanting 
and drumming reminiscent of native American. R. Madang (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** PERU. 9720, Sept 22 at 0520 chanting, at first thought Tunisia, but not at 
this hour and not // 7275. Listening more closely, includes glorias and 
alleluias --- so it`s Radio Victoria with wacky evangelist David Miranda. 
Haven`t heard this frequency in longtime, as WYFR normally dominates from 9715, 
but no sign of it tonight, as `skip was long`. While the 31m channel which used 
to be off-frequency is now on-, 9720.0, the 49m channel still puts a big het on 
CRI 6020, as it did at this time, but enough signal from Per? to // it (Glenn 

** U S A [and non]. The IBB Greenville DRM test prompted by HCJB is still 
ongoing, as DRM buzz reading S6 to S9+5 audible 15470-15475-15480 at 2009 Sept 
21. No trace of LRA36 now, nor at earlier check 1905 when it would have been 
unimpeded, even by my hi local noise level which for reasons unknown, like some 
neighbor unplugging a touch lamp? had abated, while large band of T-storms from 
mid-MO to central OK made heavy almost continuous electrical noise as crashes 
overlapped on lower bands, especially MW. Not much of a het on 15345v either 

** U S A. WRMI, 9955, Tue Sept 22 at 1153, AWR Wavescan with Bangladesh DX 
report, Mr Dolar spelling out contact info, then Jeff White with some music of 
the world, fair signal on SSE antenna, clear of jamming --- until 1158 when the 
DentroCuban Jamming Command cut on, completely blocking WRMI, as if they were 
expecting Radio Cuba Libre still to be airing at 12-14. The latest program grid 
dated Sept 12 instead shows R. Prague/Praga. 

Checked the webcast at 1355 and instead heard Frecuencia al D?a with concluding 
item this week, report originally from Univisi?n about a radio station in 
Washington state that broadcasts in Mexican Indian languages. So are other DX 
programs axually appearing weekdays in the 12-14 UT block before WRMI becomes 
audible again on NW antenna from 1400 with yesterday`s R. Prague program in 
English? The grid does show some variations on weekends, a new broadcast of 
WORLD OF RADIO Saturdays at 1330; Wavescan Saturdays 1300; Frecuencia al D?a 
Sundays at 1300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7887.0 at 2018 Monday Sept 21, 5-digit YL Spanish spy number 
groups with some hum and very weak Morse code audible in background. Tried to 
recognize a `DE CLA` ID but too much voice modulation, on huge S9+20 signal, 
the strongest by far of anything below 9385, and nothing like it on 7 MHz, with 
CHU 7850 and WBCQ 7415 pipsqueax by comparison. Cuban spies in the USA must use 
very insensitive SW radios requiring such RHC-level 250+ kW transmitters for 
this. Did not notice exactly when the final, final came, but open carrier 
stayed running long afterwards, off at 2047* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 



Message: 3
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 16:29:12 +0300
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Soem logs / NOTICE
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Notice : My webpage on very soon will be deleted 
from Yahoo  due to their  policy 
for this reason i have alerady pasted into this adress:

This page  includes most of the pages of geocites , while all gadget reviews 
have been transfered to my main page on There is 
also a site listing of all pages including intereting pages linked to my main 
and secondary blog 

Here are the logs made on early 20th ; Sorry for any typos
5025 Cuba 0342 YL mentioning R CUba , and talks in spanish over folk 
music background . S9 
4790  R.Nueva Atlantida  0344 with talks by OM S1
4775 0344 R Tarma? 046 with religious style of talks (with pitches etc) 
QRM4776 with FSK 
15075 AIR Hindi 0347 with old bolly songs S7
6890 Fana? 0345 with talks by OM in Eth S1 
6915 TWR 0351 with prg in CC , rok song om 0352 S7  
6985 Family raadio 0352 reading bible , in english , salvation preaches on 
0354 S8 

15120 CRI 0410 in english S6 (22 th )

Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 

Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________  (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)  (my social 'bookmarks' ) (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE     some videos (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos    pictures upload
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 16:35:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 21-22, 2009: Bhutan
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Before this gets out too far, please add this to the BHUTAN item in my latest 
log report, or remove it:

** BHUTAN [non]. Re 6035 at 1318-1330 Sept 22 which I tentatively logged as 
Bhutan, Ron Howard explains that Yunnan has fixed the spurs on 6028 and 6043, 
so the absence of them does not mean it was not Yunnan. However, since the 
signal dropped at 1330 it was even more likely to have been BBC in Indonesian 
which covers Yunnan at 1300-1330 even tho it is 140 degrees from Singapore. He 
has not been able to hear Bhutan at all lately under Yunnan.

Furthermore, in dx_india, Jose Jacob reports that BBS 6035 was missing 
following an earthquake epicentered there Sept 21, and I have not yet received 
any reports from the area that it was back by Sept 22 (Glenn Hauser, DX 

** BHUTAN. 6035 in unrecognizable language, Sept 22 at 1318, bits
of music, and too weak by 1330, tentatively BBS. On same channel is
PBS Yunnan, Kunming, a.k.a. Voice of Shangri-La, but the latter puts
out spurs on 6028 and 6043, and I could detect no trace of those. 1400
English for Bhutan is too late here until possibly in winter (Glenn



Message: 5
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 07:31:29 +0200
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs en Riviera Maya
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Espa?a

Escuchas realizadas en Hotel Catalonia Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo,
Pen?nsula de Yucat?n, M?xico, entre los d?as 13 y 19 de Septiembre
Grundig Yach Boy 400


4835, Radio Virgen de los Remedios, Tupiza, 1110-1122, 18-09, m?sica de
flauta, locutor "Vamos hacer una pausa", "Bolivia quiere seguridad". 24322
Tambi?n 1105-1115, 19-09, locutor, comentarios, canciones, canci?n "Ana
Mar?a se fue", del grupo F?rmula V. 25322. (M?ndez)

6135, Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1012-1023, 14-09,
espa?ol, locutor, comentarios, se?al muy d?bil. 14321. (M?ndez)

4755, Radio Imaculada Concei?ao, Campo Grande, 2225-2237, 16-09,
locutor, locutora, comentario religioso, portugu?s. Muy d?bil. 14321.

6185, 1010-1025, 15-09, locutor, locutora, comentarios, identificaci?n:
"Radio Nacional da Amazonia", comentario sobre elecciones: "Tribunal
Superior Electoral".  34433. (M?ndez)

COLOMBIA, 5910, Marfil Estereo, Puerto Lleras, 2358-0012, 14-09,
canciones latinoamericanas, comentario religioso, identificaci?n:
"Marfil Estereo". 24322. (M?ndez)

ECUADOR, 3280, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 1056-1106, 15-09, espa?ol,
locutor, comentario religioso. Muy d?bil. 14221. (M?ndez)

4800, XERTA, Radio Transcontinental de Am?rica, 1038-1046, 18-09,
locutor, comentario religioso, canciones religiosas. 24322. (M?ndez)

6010, Radio Mil, M?xico D. F., 0950-1005, 13-09, canciones mexicanas,
locutor, comentarios, identificaci?n: "Radio Mil". 34433.
Tambi?n escuchada 1010-1115, 14-09, locutor, comentarios, canciones,
identificaci?n: "5 de la ma?ana 26 minutos, 11 grados en Ciudad de
M?xico", "Vive M?xico en Radio Mil", m?s canciones, a las 1100 programa
"Enfoques", "13 grados temperatura ambiente, fuertes lluvias para hoy".
Tambi?n 1005-1030, 15-09, identificaci?n: "Radio Mil", "Vive M?xico en
Radio Mil", canciones, locutor: "Hola buen d?a, vamos a iniciar la
ma?ana". 25322.
Tambi?n 2355-0015, 17-09, m?sica de M?xico, a las 0000 identificaci?n:
"N?cleo Radio Mil Comunicaciones", comentario financiero. 33333. (M?ndez)

6105, XEQM, M?rida, 2004-2018 13-08, locutor, comentarios en maya,
anuncios comerciales en espa?ol: "Los trabajadores de los medios de
comunicaci?n mexicanos tenemos los m?s altos valores", canciones en
espa?ol. 25322.
Tambi?n 2311-2322, 14-09, comentarios en maya y canciones en espa?ol.
Tambi?n 2329-2345, 15-09, canciones latinoamericanas, locutora, maya,
"810 AM", anuncios en espa?ol, "Fundaci?n Radio Televisi?n Mexicana".
Tambi?n 2340-2355m 17-09, "810 AM, vive la m?sica", maya y anuncios en
espa?ol: "Yucat?n tiene de todo", "Cambia el aire acondicionado, tiendas
Tapur, para saber vivir". 34333. (M?ndez)

6185, Radio Educaci?n, M?xico D. F., 1021-1035, 17-09, m?sica cl?sica.
Interferencia de Radio Nacional da Amazonia en la misma frecuencia.
33333. (M?ndez)

3250, Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis, 2315-0006, 14-07, locutora, locutor,
comentario sobre la familia, "Proyecto mirador", sobre la familia, a las
0001: "Un placer encontr?rnos con ustedes en este medio de comunicaci?n,
Radio Luz y Vida". 23322. (M?ndez)
Tambi?n 2327-2336, 16-09, comentario religioso: "El Nuevo Testamento".
24322. (M?ndez)

3340, La Voz de Misiones Internacionales, Comayaguela, 115-1139, 18-09,
locutor, comentario religioso, canciones, identificaci?n: "Voz de
Misiones Internacionales, algunos comentarios en ingl?s. 24322. (M?ndez)

4790, Radio Visi?n, Chiclayo, 1112-1127, 14-09, comentario religioso,
espa?ol. 15321. (M?ndez)

4825, La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, 1059-1112, 15-09, m?sica, locutor,
espa?ol, comentario: "10 a?os aqu? entre nosotros", locutora. 15321.

4940, Radio San Antonio, Villa Atalaya, (probable), 1104-1110, 15-09,
locutor, comentario en espa?ol. Muy d?bil. 14221. (M?ndez)

5940, Radio Melod?a, Arequipa, (Probable), 1107-1120, 14-09, locutor,
espa?ol, comentarios. Se?al muy d?bil. 14321. (M?ndez)


1000, RCN Cartagena, 1027-1043, 14-09, locutor: "Escuchan Radio Sucesos
RCN", noticias de Colombia y de Cartagena. Por detr?s se escucha Radio
Mil de M?xico. 33333. (M?ndez)

1100, Caracol Radio, Barranquilla, 1027-1035, 15-09, locutor, locutora,
noticias, identifidaci?n: "Caracol Radio, 5 horas 28 minutos", noticias
de Barranquilla. 24322. (M?ndez)

1170, Caracol Radio, Cartagena, 1019-1027, 15-09, locutor: "En Caracol
Radio son las 5 de la ma?ana con 20 minutos", "Caracol Radio",
"Temperatura en Cartagena 26?". 24322. (M?ndez)

1190, La Voz de la Costa, Barranquilla, 1047-1055, 17-07, locutora,
identificaci?n: "La Voz de la Costa, 1190 AM, Barranquilla",
comentarios. 23222. (M?ndez)

1270, La Cari?osa, Antena 2, Cartagena, 1035-1047, 17-07, noticias y
sucesos de Cartagena, llamadas telef?nicas de oyentes sobre quejas del
municipio. 24322. (M?ndez)

550, Radio Rebelde, Pinar del R?o o Guant?namo, 1030-1035, 14-09,
programa "Haciendo Radio". 33333. (M?ndez)

610, Radio Rebelde, Bah?a Honda, 1036-1041, 14-09, "Seis treinta y seis,
seguimos Haciendo Radio". 24322. (M?ndez)

960, Radio Reloj, La Habana, 1025-1033, 13-09, locutor, locutora,
noticias, "Radio Reloj, seis 25 minutos". 45444. (M?ndez)

1020, Radio Reloj, 1033-1037, 15-09, noticias, identificaci?n: "Radio
Reloj, seis y treinta y tres". 34333. (M?ndez)

1040, Radio Cadena, La Habana, 1029-1045, 15-09, locutor, locutora,
comentarios, identificaci?n: "Radio Cadena Habana, son  las seis y
treinta de la ma?ana". 34433. (M?ndez)

1110, Radio Angulo, Holgu?n, 2358-0007, 15-09, locutor, comentario,
identificaci?n: "Radio Angulo". 34333. (M?ndez)

630, Radio Am?rica, La Ceiba o Choluteca, 1731-1745, 16-09, noticias de
Honduras. 45444. (M?ndez)

660, HRN, La Voz de Honduras, La Ceiba, 1715-1723, 16-09, locutor: "HRN
la emisora ligada al coraz?n del pueblo presenta, las noticias del
mediod?a". 34333. (M?ndez)

690, La Voz de Honduras, Choluteca, 1723-1730, 16-09, noticias, anuncios
comerciales, identificaci?n: "La Voz de Honduras", "Partido Liberal de
Honduras". En paralelo con 660. 24322. (M?ndez)

720, Radio Caribe, La Ceiba, 1720-1731, 16-09, anuncios comerciales de
La Ceiba, locutor. 24322. (M?ndez)

900, Radio Sat?lite, La Ceiba, 1332-1343, 16-09, locutor: "Radio
Sat?lite, su estaci?n amiga, en Radio Sat?lite son las siete con 34
minutos", "Aqu? la hora Sat?lite, siete con 37 minutos. 34433. (M?ndez)

1390, La Voz Evang?lica, Tegucigalpa, 1031-1047, 17-07, locutor: "HRVC
present? palabras y s?lo palabras", "Confraternidad Evang?lica de
Honduras". 24322.
Tambi?n 2348-2357, 18-09, locutor: "Transmite HRVC La Voz Evang?lica de
Honduras, evangelizando hoy, ma?ana y siempre". 24322. (M?ndez)

560, La Poderosa, Chetumal, 1329-1340, 16-09, locutor, anuncios,
noticias de Canc?n y de Chetumal, "Festejamos las Fiestas Patrias".
34433. (M?ndez)

810, Radio el Sol, Cozumel, 1023-1035m 13-09, locutor, locutora,
"Disfruta de la mejor m?sica", "Qu?date conmigo, Sol 88.9 FM", "Sol
Cozumel", canciones latinoamericanas. 55555. (M?ndez)

740, Radio F?rmula, Canc?n, 1317-1326, 16-09, locutor, comentario sobre
recaudaci?n de impuestos en M?xico. 44444. (M?ndez)

860, Radio Chetumal, Chetumal, 1312-1317, 16-09, locutor, "En Septiembre
vive M?xico, vive Quintana Roo", "Transmite Radio Chetumal". 24322. (M?ndez)

900, W Radio, M?xico D. F., 1058-1110, 18-09, locutor, identificaci?n:
"Esta es W Radio". A las 1100 noticias: "La primera plana de hoy por
hoy". 24322. (M?ndez)

1000, Radio Mil, M?xico D. F., 1015-1032, 13-09, canciones, locutor,
comentarios, identificaci?n: "Radio Mil". 34333.
Tambi?n 1102-1115, 19-09, identificaci?n: "Radio Mil transmite con
50.000 watts de potencia desde la Ciudad de M?xico", "Radio Mil", "Vive
M?xico en Radio Mil". 23322. (M?ndez)

1060, Radio Educaci?n, M?xico D. F., 1032-1045, 14-09, l?rica, m?sica
cl?sica. 45444. (M?ndez)

1240, Radio Ranchito, Morelia, 1123-1136, 14-09, locutor: "Con la m?sica
bonita de Radio Ranchito", "Radio Ranchito le da la hora, 6 con 26
minutos, anuncios. 34333. (M?ndez)

1440, Cambio 14.40, M?xico D. F., 1117-1127, 14-09,  locutor: "Cambio
14.40", "C?mbiate a 14.40, la radio p?blica que se escucha",
comentarios. 34333. (M?ndez)

1470, Radio F?rmula, M?xico D. F., 1028-1035, 17-09, locutora: "Radio
F?rmula, Cadena Nacional, comentarios. 34333. (M?ndez)

1500, Radio F?rmula, Cadena Radio Uno, M?xico D. F., 1045-1107, 14-09,
noticias de M?xico, deportes, identificaci?n a las 1100: "F?rmula, Grupo
F?rmula", "F?rmula detr?s de la noticia, con el periodista Ricardo
Rocha". 24322. (M?ndez)

1570, La Poderosa, Ciudad Acu?a, 1001-1015, 13-09, canciones mexicanas,
locutor, comentarios, anuncios, identificaci?n: "La Poderosa". 24322.

NICARAGUA, 680, La Primer?sima, transmitiendo programa La Voz de la
Liberaci?n, Managua, 1043-1057, locutor, programa religioso: "Todos en
Managua el 20 de Septiembre", "Campa?a de la Prosperidad en Managua",
"La Voz de la Liberaci?n". Programa muy parecido al de Radio Victoria,
Lima, Per?. 34333. (M?ndez)

USA, 1700,  KKLF, Texas, 1044-1055, 19-09, ingl?s, locutor, anuncio
partido f?tbol americano de Dallas Cowboys. 34333. (M?ndez)

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 81, Issue 21

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