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Today's Topics:

   1. WED dx (Charles B)
   2. LOGS + NOTICE (Zacharias Liangas )
   3. Glenn Hauser logs September 30, 2009 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 09:30:04 -0400
From: "Charles B" <>
To: "Anker Petersen" <>,  "Bob Wilkner"
        <>, "Charles B" <>,        "dxld 
        <>, "Glenn Hauser" <>,
        "hard-core-dx hard-core-dx" <>,
        <>,   "shortwaveworld shortwaveworld"
Subject: [HCDX] WED dx
Message-ID: <00b401ca41d2$1f1c5ad0$fcc8a...@pc1>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Peru, 6019.30, Radio Victoria, 0820-0835,   Noted a male 
in Spanish language comments over music.  Announcer 
seems to be giving details of a religious program scheduled.
Infact at 0824 a different male commences broadcasting
a religious program. Caught his first name as "Armando".
Armando speaks until 0827 when the original announcer
returns with additional comments.  Signal is at a good 
level with no interference present this early.
(Chuck Bolland, September 30, 2009)

Korea, S (Cland), 6003, Echo of Hope, (TENT) 0847-0905,  Between 0847
and 0857 noted a reasonably strong carrier on this freq, but no audio.
 At 0857 however, a very weak indication of a female talking was heard. 
Unfortunately, the audio was very tenuous and impossible at this point
to hear details. Nothing changes as the female continues her comments
and the signal remains at a threshold level.  (Chuck Bolland, September 30, 

Watkins Johnson HF1000
26.37N 081.05W

Just updated the Magna file and uploaded it to:

Only the AOKI side of the program has been updated
since the EIBI side hasn't been updated from the 8th
of September.    

When you check in to the above link to download,
please send me your email address via the form 
on the page.  I had a computer problem recently
with lightening and lost all of the addresses of 
those who I usually notify when the Magna program
is updated.  Ofcourse, if you don't want to be 
notified, the above request doesn't apply to you.

With the scarcity of DX these days, a good database
of Radio Stations is a beneficial tool in finding and listening 
to targets.  Both the EIBI and AOKI datafiles are excellent
tools to have when trying to locate Radio Stations. The EIBI
and AOKI datafiles, having been converted and incorporated
into a single database program where records can be sorted
and selected in a number of different routines, the Magna
program is even more helpful to the DXer.  Give it a try.


Chuck Bolland


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 18:37:40 +0300
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <>
To: <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

sevreal past logs

I again advise you to look into my new web page at
that is the 70% mirror of the from the tomorrow DELETED page in 
the includes linkwise the om pages including links to my two other sites

For 25th Sept 
4770 Kaduna 2153 S7 with nealy vacant carrier!
4885 Para 2155 with man speaing with emphasis
5005 RN Bata  2157 2157 with talks S5-6 
6330 Mystery radio with pop songs S7 
7105 CNR 1 2203 jamming someone that hasd very low signal 
7180 CNR? 2205 with YL in talks  S3 325433 
7235 BBC? 2207 with talks in Malay atau INdo About S3 that time under 
string QRM forn 7240 but growin to S6 
4985 RBC 2213 with discussion 

26th Sept 
6297! possibly tuned out RN Saharui At S2 with arabis talks and quran on 

1089 mixed english and russian station "mezunarodna" that signed off 
@0400 leaving UK station in clear though a carrier was heard S7

Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 

Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________  (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)  (my social 'bookmarks' ) (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE     some videos (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos    pictures upload
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 09:35:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 30, 2009
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 30 at 1244: poor with flutter on 8400; very much 
better to good level on 9000 also with some flutter. At 1254, just barely 
audible on 10210, and nowhere higher (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 5025, R. Rebelde, at 1223-1225 Sept 30 report during Haciendo Radio 
show about Radio Cuba improving Rebelde coverage in the mountains of Guant?namo 
province, presumably more FM and also TV relay transmitters; sounded like Arnie 
Coro but apparently not. 

This reminds us that Radio Cuba is in charge of all transmitter operation, no 
doubt including the unmentionable jammers, spy number stations, and those used 
by Radio Habana Cuba, a separate agency, probably explaining the incredibly 
poor communication between the two and RHC`s inability to express its own 
schedule accurately either in announcements or on website. But then, it`s all 
owned by Castro & Castro, so what`s the difference? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CZECHIA [and non]. 13580, R. Praga in Spanish mentioning something about 
Cuba to be on this semihour, Sept 30 at 1404, but with QRM from Cuba itself, 
the 13780/13680 leapfrog landing on 13580, which however is always much 
stronger on the upper leap, 13880 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ECUADOR. Barely remembered to tune in 9745 at 0503 UT Sept 30, hearing last 
couple notes of national anthem, OC and off. This might have been HCJB`s final 
broadcast on this frequency, or could come 24 hours later, when I plan to be 
monitoring and taping.

The final morning broadcast on 11960 is surely today Sept 30, so I intune that 
too late at 1256 to hear the tail of a speech with a heavy gringo accent in an 
echoey room, probably the boss in Manantiales de Colorado, about how HCJB 
Global is moving into New Media; 1258 the congregation started singing HCJB`s 
favorite hymn, but nothing stands in the way of automation, cut off a few sex 
for beam change, and faded out in time for ID at 1259:30, this one giving ``desde el centro del mundo``, 3+1 timesignal for 1300 
TUC = 8 am.

On this special occasion I monitored evey quarter hour and taped the variety of 
automated IDs, all giving correct frequencies 11690 and 11960.

1300 show as usual, Cruzada con Luis Palau, sermon on second of three bad 
things affecting LAm men: machismo, the first being alcoolismo. I am pleased to 
hear machismo pronounced correctly as ignorant English-adopters tend to make it 
a hard k. 

Says men should emulate NSJC and not cheat on their wives --- but, but, JC was 
allegedly a batchelor, and whatever sex life he had was not well reported, 
except for the nasty rumors about Mary Magdalene. 

1329:30 ID plugged Ecuador as ``el tercer exportador en el mundo de flores``, 
[maybe, but this table as of 1995
shows Ecuador in 5th place with a mere 2.7% of the world market in cut flowers, 
while Netherlands had more than 50%] 

1359:30 ID, quotation from Moody about having the Bible in your heart rather 
than your head or your pocket.

1400 show Gracia a Vosotros from a Grace Community Church, somewhere.

1429:30 ID faded out the BGEA address before it could finish; about 124 species 
of hummingbirds in Ecuador, ``el pa?s de los picaflores``. Interesting how the 
SS focus on the birds` beaksticking into flowers, rather than their sound.

1430 show, Ciudad M?dica.

1444:30 ID, quotation from Albert Einstein.

1445 show, Siempre Amigas, for women, yet uses the masculine group plural in 
further comments.

1459:30 ID, outro theme cut off early, back on a few sex, and then plugs 
Ecuador as the greatest provider of cacao, which is also its oldest product 
[maybe, but this table as of 2001-2002
shows Ecuador`s produxion is in seventh place]

Timecheck 10 am = 15 TUC, timesignal and off. Forever. The sound of silence; or 
rather band noise.

BTW, if VozAndes had been set up in Colombia, it might have got the callsign 
HJCB, leading to less cumbersome slogans in Spanish and English (Glenn Hauser, 

** FRANCE [and non?]. 7265, RFI again with heavy echo at 0506 Sept 30 and 
whenever checked a few more times during the hour. Longpath not an option at 
this hour over dayside, and nearby European signals, 7250 Vatican and 7240 
Portugal at 0537 had no such echo either. 

Possibly a relay site erroneously or even deliberately is running same 
frequency as Issoudun, but echo level always seems same rather than 
independently fading so more likely both the signals are coming out of 
Issoudun, double audio input or double transmitter output, yet unsynchronized. 
Is anybody paying attention at the site or at Paris HQ? If it`s out of 
Issoudun, the echo should be audible everywhere (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** INDIA. 9425, AIR National Channel, Bengaluru, Sept 30 at 1350, big but 
fluttery signal with loud but distorted Hindi talk, even worse than WWRB 9385 
or WTJC 9370 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. After a sesquiweek or two of undermodulation, VOI finally jacked 
it up on Sept 30. Does this require major transmitter repairs or is it must a 
matter of paying attention to the audio input/output level? 9525.9 at 1336 
starting Music Corner, fair signal too, but soft rock songs from the 90s(?), 
hardly Indonesian. We want gamelans, even in rock music! 1341 outro by YL still 
uncopyable and hummy. 1351 going from one song to another about friendship. 
1356:30 managed to get out www address before CRI 9525.0 carrier/het oncut. If 
there was anything about the latest Sumatera earthquake, must have been in the 
first semihour, since it was entertainment business as usual in the second 

** ISRAEL. The wandering Jew, Galei Tsahal, on 15783.9 with music at 1410 Sept 
30 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 16m was hopping pretty well, so checked usually dead 13m, Sept 
30 at 1416 and pleasantly found NHKWRJ in English introducing Easy Japanese 
lesson 50; fair and steady readable signal, less than one second ahead of 13630 
via Ramipisham UK, and only an echo apart from 11705 via Sackville, CANADA [and 
no echo there from Yamata direct lately]. 21560 is Issoudun, FRANCE at 152 
degrees; only other signal on 13m was a weak trace of Spain on 21570 (Glenn 

** NETHERLANDS [non]. I was expecting to hear RNW on usual 9345, but now it`s 
on 9350, Sept 30 at 1253 in Dutch with ``economic nieuws``, good signal. This 
is via IBB TINIAN, NMI, 250 kW, at 1230-1257 only, aimed 267 degrees to CIRAF 
49 = Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, where there are no doubt oodles 
of Dutchmen, since Amsterdam is tame compared to Bangkok (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** SAUDI ARABIA. 17895, poor and fluttery but abuzzous Qur`an, Sept 30 at 1413, 
i.e. BSKSA Riyadh HQS, scheduled 12-15 at 295 degrees. Someone reported this on 
17900, but I doubt it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 15450, VOT fairly good as reception improves autumnally, Sept 30 at 
1315 wrapping up Letterbox, mostly music fill afterwards, but 1324 cut off 
closing IS before even one iteration could play.

It`s the end of September, and it dawns on me that I haven`t heard anything 
about a VOT essay contest this year. Normally it runs in the spring/summer and 
winners are already touring Turkey by September. Was there none this year? 
Nothing found on website, but here is an outdated program schedule where there 
used to be none at all!
I am also having trouble getting a live stream from VOT any more. Is it gone? 
(Glenn Hauser, OK, Sept 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WRMI 9955 continues switching to NW antenna UT Wed & Fri at 
0000-0800. Good signal at 0038 Sept 30 check with English religionist, but 
plenty of jamming also audible. 

On schedule as of last week later UT Wed: 0052 Viva Miami, 0100 Studio DX in 
Italian, 0130 World [Mexican] Baseball Today, 0145 Acontecer Venezolano, 0200 
Wire Light infomercial stuff, 0400 R. Prague, 0430 R. Praga, 0500 Wire Light, 
0700 WORLD OF RADIO (from last week), 0730 Frecuencia al D?a. 

However, gone here by next check 0140, and no revival in further chex to 0530 

UNIDENTIFIED. 13950-13970, OTH radar pulses, presumed, Sept 30 at 1310 (Glenn 


End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 82, Issue 1

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