** ALASKA. 7355, bit of English mentioning next transmission, Oct 21 at 1256, 
then nothing but praise music until 1259* No doubt KNLS, which does these 
postludes instead of sign-off being the last word. Their English broadcasts on 
7355 are about to become a pastthing with the advent of B-09.

KNLS B-09?? On English website they still have the B-07 as ``current`` and A-08 
as next!! http://www.knls.org/English/ksched.htm

However, the two schedules on the Russian-language site

are dated 30 March-25 Oct 2009, and 26 Oct 2009-28 March 2009 [sic!]. So altho 
starting on Monday instead of Sunday, the latter probably really means B-09 
into 2010y.

The Angliyskiy/English portion:
08-09, 10-11 and 12-13 6150
12-13 also 6915
14-15 6890 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. 11825 with country-rock music Oct 21 at 1350; I thought it had a 
gospel tinge too, but could that be? Since it`s RA`s Chinese service via 
Darwin, easily // 9475. 11825 has no AIR blob to contend with, but splash from 
WYFR 11830. Do the Chinese really crave Australian country-rock? (Glenn Hauser, 

** CHINA [and non]. 7420 with big Chinese clash, Oct 21 at 1308, CNR1 jamming 
BBC via Thailand, which is scheduled 1300-1530 per Aoki A09. One wonders if PBS 
Nei Menggu, scheduled 2230-1605 on 7420 remains on air too, also becoming a 
victim of ChiCom jamming, which trumps everything else. At 1410 check, the CNR1 
jamming was easily // 7365 and 6110 against other stations, and // 7305 and 
6095 seemingly alone.

Firedrake Oct 21 at 1407: 10210, 9000 and 8400 all //, all fairly good, but 
best on the highest (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC Oct 21 at 0536: 6140 in Spanish instead of English, along with 

** INDIA. AIR Aligarh blob, Oct 21 at 1319 with AIR IS, 1320 Vande Mataram, 
covering at least 9460-9480 with extreme distortion, victimizing Australia on 
9475 and Thailand on 9455 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. VOI modulation improved a bit Oct 21 at 1345 on 9524.9 during 
music, and then YL talking in English about Indonesian music, still at 
near-strain-level. More like 9524.88 as measured by Ron Howard (Glenn Hauser, 

** ISRAEL [and non]. Galei Zahal masked by heavy hi-speed RTTY(?) around 15786, 
Oct 21 at 1318; but clear of that at 1357 check when I found GZ on 15785.9 or 
so, but then less-than-5-kHz het from B-B-C- chimes about to open Arabic via 
Cyprus on 15790.0 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 11945 in Arabic, Oct 21 at 1404 repeatedly mentioning Romania, as 
scheduled on RRI, 140 degrees from Galbeni, with heavy long-path/short-path 
echo. It`s approximately oppositely aimed from US, so boosts the LP plus the 
commonly received SP off the back (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. BSKSA 13m check Oct 21: at 1313 only 21640 was making it 
weakly, but stronger by 1352, still best, joined by // 21505 with big buzz plus 
same Arabic talk, and 21460 with Qur`an in, what else, Arabic (Glenn Hauser, 

** VATICAN. 17765 at 1314 Oct 21, VR IS, 1315 opening Vietnamese, fair. This is 
72 degrees from SMG; we keep hearing Vietnamese from VR in CNAm on various 
frequencies; how much better would it be in the target if not so much leaked 
out way over here? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 3325, best extracontinental signal on 90m, Oct 21 at 1250 with 
music presenting usual conundrum: PNG or INDONESIA? If I had stayed with it for 
clues, would have missed other stuff upfrequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 6140, Oct 21 at 0536 was hearing a het on RHC. Much weaker than 
it, less than 1 kHz away, maybe a semikHz, but hard to tell whether it was on 
hi or lo side, as both seemed to be the case as I rocked back and forth. Could 
it be R. LĂ­der, Colombia coming back as some thought they already heard? Or if 
really on both sides, maybe just a modulated tone instead of intermittent phone 
ringing out of the RHC transmitter. Needs further chex especially when RHC is 
off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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