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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs November 5, 2009 (Glenn Hauser)
   2. Glenn Hauser logs November 5-6, 2009 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 09:52:30 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 5, 2009
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

** ALBANIA [and non]. Checking R. Tirana, Albanian to NAm, Nov 5 at 0015: 7425 
very weak and seems two signals, the other being China; 6110 heavy mix of RT 
and RHC in Spanish which has usurped this frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** AUSTRIA. Since R. Austria International has vanished from the Canadian 
relay, despite being in the B-09 schedules on 13675 at 16-17 UT, I had to 
confirm whether this station teetering on the brink of extinxion was still 
broadcasting direct to the Americas. 

Yes, on 7325, good signal at 0034 Nov 5 in Austrian, 0039 switch to English, 
the 3-minute token newscast repeated from the domestic service at 0708 UT on 
6155, concluding with the local weather forecast which is no longer a 
predixion, 0042 into more of the same in French, from 0712 UT originally. 

Instead of returning to Austrian at 0045, played 5 minutes of Blue Danube IS 
and quadrilingual IDs, including Spanish which has been banned from any other 
usage on ORF SW! Love that music, but enough is enough, and what a waste of 
valuable airtime. 0050 resuming programming in German to 0059* when changes to 
9840 to SAm for repeat to 0130, but unchecked. The 7325 starts at 0000, and I 
think all three semihours are identical, so the English should also be at 0009 
and 0109, UT Tue-Sat only, except when there is a weekday holiday in Austria 
and no news can possibly happen anywhere in the world, nor local weather (Glenn 

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 5 at 1353: 8400 good with flutter, 9000 fair with 
flutter, 10210 very poor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC chex during the afternoon and evening of Nov 4-5: none; too busy 
doing WORLD OF RADIO 1485. Finally at 0642 I find: 6140 is in English tonite // 
6060 and 6010; Spanish on 6150 // 6120. I don`t think 6000 is on, tho sometimes 
too weak to tell vs WYFR which is Camping out on that frequency overnight, and 
beside, Mali 5995 was stronger. After 0700, 6010 was off, clearing channel for 
XEOI [see MEXICO], but 6060 still running RHC in English at 0717, for how much 

Since I had not yet checked RHC`s axual frequency usage before 1300 UT since 
the Nov 2 schedule shakeup, I finally managed to do so Nov 5:

At 1235 a suspicious open carrier on 6110, must be RHC, but no modulation and 
still just OC well past 1300. Next check at 1348 now Spanish // 15120 et al., 
tho missing from frequency announcement.

Others running RHC Spanish at 1235: 6180, 9600, 11760, 11800, 13770 ex-13760, 
JBA on 15120, 15360. At 1249 I noticed 6150 too, maybe missed it a few minutes 
earlier? This is bad news for KNLS Alaska, with English at 12-13 on 6150, which 
we did manage to hear in the first week of B-09 before RHC usurped that 
frequency. 6150 starts at 0500, so are they running it all night?

RNV relay also as usual on 11705 at first check 1235.

At 1259, the RHC QSY announcement as monitored on 11760: said 9600 and 6180 
were about to close, and would be on the following thenceforward, in the usual 
disorder, Soviet-style: 15120, 15360, 13770, 13680, 13780, 11760, 11730, 11800. 

Meanwhile as this was going on, 11760 was hit by timesignal and CCI from 
something in English, I think. Trying to ID this later we find BBCWS in English 
listed via Oman, but that`s already running from 0700, to 1400. CRI English via 
Kunming also at 1200-1357 on 11760. AND R. Australia via Taiwan starts 11760 at 
1300, but in Chinese. What a logjam!

At 1301, 9600 and 6180 were indeed off and replaced by 13680 and 11730. 13780 
was also running; both it and 13680 are big signals here spawning the leapfrogs 
on 13880, 13580. Weak 13770 still on too, plus distorted 11800, and 11760 --- 
AND THE TWO DOZEN SPURS FROM 11760 ARE STILL GONE! We are beginning to be 
hopeful about that. No note from Arnie has been received, thanking us for 
drawing the spur problem to their attention.

The unannounced 6150 also went off around 1300, and the open carrier on 6110 
continued; see above (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 15080, poor signal Nov 5 at 1350, but enough to tell that the music 
being broadcast is distorted. Must be Cairo! Yes, scheduled Arabic at 
1300-1600, 250 kW, 241 degrees from Abis. How do these broadcasters get away 
with operating inside the exclusive(?) off-route aeronautical band? Except for 
spurs, they do manage to keep out of 10010+ and 17900+, other such bands. See 

** INDIA. 15050, poor with flutter, some kind of music, Nov 5 at 1350. It`s AIR 
Sinhala service at 1245-1500, 250 kW, 174 degrees from a Delhi site. How do 
these broadcasters get away with operating inside the exclusive(?) off-route 
aeronautical band? AIR has several more transmissions on 15040, 15075. See also 

AIR Aligarh blob, extremely distorted mush extending 9455-9475, bothering RA on 
9475, and centred approx. 9465, Nov 5 at 1355. I am beginning to suspect that 
my almost-daily monitoring reports of this plastered ``all over the Internet`` 
are not enough to embarrass them into fixing it. How about some others joining 
in? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. VOI missing for the fifth day in a row from 9524.9 and 9525.9 ? 
nothing on either at 1306 Nov 5. The RRI domestic relay on 9680 may also be 
missing altho I have not been looking for it every day, but Nov 5 at 1356 only 
a trace of some carrier there, while it used to put in a good signal, and 
well-modulated unlike VOI. What`s going on at Cimanggis? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** IRAN. 15545, YL in Arabic, Nov 5 at 1347, good signal giving websites ending 
in .ir, pronounced in English (but how much longer will that last?), 
e-mail address, mixing with nice string music (mugam?). Is VIRI`s expansive 
Arabic service, 0530-1630, 500 kW, 295 degrees from Sirjan site. Went on to 
talk about Islamic stuff, an obsession of theirs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** ISRAEL. After a few days` absence, not unusual, Galei Tsahal is heard again, 
now varied down to 15783.5, Nov 5 at 1345 with discussion in Hebrew, one side 
of which was via telephone (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9880, Nov 5 at 1452, strong signal but heavy flutter 
playing ``Sukiyaki``, so must be Japanese-related? Tho widely recognized 
abroad, apparently not considered so stereotypically Japanese that it should be 
avoided. Provoked harmonica accompaniment in this household. But faded it down 
before finished for announcement by YL in Japanese, shortly mentioning kHz. 

This is Furusato no Kaze, one of the abduxion-obsessed services, listed as via 
Darwin, 250 kW at 3 degrees. Flutter is not something we normally get from 
trans-equatorial Australia. Went off a few sex before 1500, tho a second 
semihour with same parameters is registered until 1530, on stand-by for the 
sibling service in Korean? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. RHC is back on 6010, but apparently only 05-07 UT, so Nov 
5 at 0717, Radio Mil was in the clear with ID, ``Vive M?xico`` slogan, 
timecheck, temperature, ads, back to next music which was doo-wop in Spanish, 
quite a treat. No co-channel QRM audible from Colombia if it was on; 5910 was 
not when checked a bit earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. Not hearing any BSKSA buzz today on 11785, so is it audible on 
13m? Barely, on 21505, Nov 5 at 1455, with slightly better signals on 21460 and 
21640 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. AWR Wavescan is now scheduled just before Happy Station on WRMI 9955, 
Thursdays at 1530, so listened Nov 5 ? this week`s feature is about the history 
of and radio from St. Helena, with more to come next week, for obvious reasons. 
Break at 1538 for Indianapolis address voiced by Allen Graham, tho not IDed as 
such, using the pronouns ``us`` and ``our`` as if he were part of the AWR 
organization instead of HCJB? But DX Partyline continues separately, evidently 
worthy of salvation by HCJB Global. I suppose he was roped into recording the 
announcement for vocal variety, something unknown on WORLD OF RADIO. 

Then a musical break in the form of the R. Portugal IS, chimes, ID in French 
and anthem, from Ian McFarland`s idents collexion, off-air recording complete 
with adjacent-channel QRM. Should have been pointed out that this is nostalgic 
history too, as they banned French from SW long ago, in fact nothing but 
Portuguese is permitted, and I don`t think RDPI airs Lisbon`s version of Big 
Ben any more either; this was followed by seven bongs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. A late change I was not aware of in time to mention the previous 
week, nor in the WORLD OF RADIO schedule expected to appear in the November 
NASWA Journal out shortly: The Friday 2130 UT airing this standard-time season 
is on 7465 instead of 15825, so coverage of North America and beyond should be 
much better without skipovers or MUF-dropping fadeouts. But will 7465 make it 
as well to Nigeria? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. VOA Spanish service, now retimed to 00-01 UT, Nov 5 at 0015 
audible on 9885 unlike previous nights when no signal. No jamming audible, but 
// 5890 still had DentroCuban jamming. There used to be a third frequency for 
this, 5940, but now just two (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED [non]. 15465-15470-15475, DRM noise at 1349 Nov 5. Is anything 
scheduled there in or in HFCC? Of course not! But there 
is in Aoki: 15470 WAZ (DRM) 1300-1400 1234567 German(Digital) 100 kW 5 degrees 
from Nauen D, 01254E 5238N, WAZ b09. 
That is, the text-news service, no audio? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 



Message: 2
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 18:31:09 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 5-6, 2009
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** BELGIUM. RTBF has not quit SW yet: Nov 5 at 2217 heard some French on 9970, 
mentioning Belgique, then jazz, but hard to copy with splash from WWCR 9980. 
Wavre is the only transmitter in the world scheduled on 9970, at 0400-2315, 100 
kW, 167 degrees across Eurafrica. Are they still running a separate DRM 
schedule, the wave of the future? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHAD [and non]. 6165, checking Nov 5 at 2228 to see how R. Tirana is doing, 
intended for Europe at 2130-2300. It may have been underneath, but the dominant 
6165 signal was not // RT Albanian talk on 7435, as 6165 was musical, and 2229 
into announcement I finally decided was in French but with an extremely heavy 
accent; closing ID included ``Ici poste national de l`ONRT``, anthem and off at 
2231:30* and even then there was little of Tirana to be heard. 

I was not expecting ONRT as an ID for this station usually referred to as RNT = 
Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne, but uplooked later, ONRT fits perfectly to 
the WRTH heading: Office National de Radio et T?l?vision du Tchad. Does this 
mean that both poste and office are masculine?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CHINA. Fluttery intruder in Chinese, 7105, Nov 5 at 2202, a late-afternoon 
time when we do get lower-frequency Asian signals. Must be CNR1 jammer, and per 
Aoki we may blame this on Falung Gong clandestine Sound of Hope, which per Aoki 
is on 7105 only at 22-23 for the early birds on the Mainland, 100 kW, 325 
degrees via Tanshui, Taiwan site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC check Nov 5 at 2146, found nothing but Spanish in // except some 
were an echo apart, and I did not try to sort out this time: 11730, 11760, 
11770, 11800, 13770, 13790. 

Nothing on 15 MHz, but 17705 was S9+12 with open carrier only, same at rechex 
2200, 2214, 2226. However at 2231, RHC theme had started, then into French (not 
Creole), with `news` about the `putsch` (is that a French word?) in Honduras. 

17705 originally alternated Portuguese, Guarani and finally Quechua, 2200-2430 
but the latter two have not been confirmed in a long time, and even Portuguese 
is replaced by French; personnel problems at RHC? Or did the studio forget to 
feed whatever program audio to the transmitter at 2200? Did not check it after 
2300 tho should have if propagation was holding up this time.

With 11760 off after 2200, RNV relay on 11670 at 2203 and no spurs for a change 

I did find yet another new frequency for RHC Spanish, 9660, at 2218 // 13790, 
11730, 6110, etc. Not sure of its span, but by 0010 Nov 6 it was off and usual 
9600 was on. Could have been a transmitter frequency typo? But nothing already 
scheduled on 9660 to or from the W Hemisphere between 1300 and 0230. And 9600 
normally opens at 2300.

Jamming report: see USA: VOA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ECUADOR [non]. 12025, still nothing but VTC fill-music loop, Nov 5 from 
before 2130 to 2144. Period is 63 or 64 seconds; why couldn`t they make it 
exactly 60? Hard to tell exactly when it starts as the music fades up rather 
than downbeat. It`s soft enough to serve as lullaby during my nap. 2144 switch 
to RCI IS and ID until 2145* during the half-sesquihour that the HCJB Arabic 
service is supposed to air. Third time in a week I have noticed this, probably 
occurring every day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. Something strange on 7450, Nov 5 at 2157: two stations at once with 
SAH of 260/minute (just over 4 Hz apart); also mixed in to this was a tone (or 
a het?). One was surely Greece, and the other one just about as strong, but 
hard to sort out the mess or be certain of the language when there was talk. 
Still the same at 2226 and past 2230 when I quit monitoring this.

Looked up later, I see nothing but Greece scheduled anywhere on 7450 during 
these hours except CNR Lhasa, Tibet, and the other station was really far too 
strong for that.

Then I heard from John Babbis, perpetual VOG monitor in Maryland, that he was 
still hearing weak Greek on 7450 at 0025 UT Nov 6. ``Did the engineer forget to 
switch Avlis 1 to 12105 at 2250? Nothing on 7475 and 9420 here.``

So my theory now is that Avlis was running both the Makedonias station ERT3 
(scheduled until 2250, right John?) on 7450, and ERA5 Voice of Greece also on 
7450 by mistake. If so, not good for the adjacent transmitters.

And then John replies: Glenn: ``I noticed interference on 7450 which I assumed 
was from 7445 at 2100 UT Thursday November 5. I just tuned in Voice of Greece 
AVLIS 1 at 0136 UT Friday. 7450 is coming in at Sinpo 45354. Nothing on 7475, 
9420, and 12105. Now, I am positive that 7450 is on by mistake on AVLIS 1 
instead of on 12105`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. Altho Aligarh 9470 was a mushy mess earlier UT Nov 5, at 2214 check 
it was normally narrow and clearly modulated, weaker than // 9425 Bengaluru. 
Thus we know AIR *can* transmit on this frequency correctly, so why don`t they 
do so all the time?? Maybe swapping between different transmitters without the 
resolve to dump the offender once and for all, if they cannot repair it. 9470 
still OK in Hindi at 2238 recheck, and still // stronger 9425.

AIR GOS in between on 9445 with much better S9+20 signal than the National 
Channel flankers, tho fluttery still, at 2215 Nov 5 ending commentary on 
Japan/US security alliance, ID, into Listeners` Choice playing a song whose 
title and artist I could not possibly understand even tho the broadcast is in 
English. Know your audience! Also found // on very much weaker 9950 in AM, not 
DRM as previously scheduled. Have AIR ended their DRM experiment? Not likely as 
they supposedly have a long-term commitment to build it up. 

Comparing the parameters on these three frequencies:
9425 is 500 kW,  18 degrees from Bengaluru, NNEward across India

9445 is 500 kW, 325 degrees from Bengaluru toward Europe and close to NAm 
direxion too, 2045-2230; also at 1730-1945 at 300 degrees

9470 is 250 kW, 188 degrees from Aligarh southward across India. It could be, 
tho not necessarily long path when we hear this one in our morning or evening 

9950 is 100 kW, 312 degrees from Delhi NWward toward Europe, at least when 
scheduled in DRM at 1730-2230, and supposed to resume in AM at 2245 from 
Aligarh, 250 kW at 65 degrees to China and Japan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. Extremely distorted noise spurs covering roughly 9395-9405 and 
9340-9350, Nov 5 at 2239, which altho not precisely matched strongly imply that 
the S9+20 signal from WTJC amid them on 9370 was the source, as previously 
traced several times when the modulation peaks could be matched, and nothing 
else now in the area to suspect (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. VOA Spanish reception varies greatly from night to night on 
the only two frequencies left at 0000-0100, 5890 and 9885. Nov 6 around 0010, 
9885 bore DentroCuban jamming only, while 5890 had a mix of VOA Spanish and 
heavy jamming. On other occasions, 9885 has been absent or free of jamming 
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 83, Issue 6

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