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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. Voice of Tigers - Pulikalin Kural on 6225,11510,17560.
   2. Old Ultralight Sony SW-100 test (Giampiero58)
   3. Glenn Hauser logs November 27, 2009 (Glenn Hauser)
   4. African Logs (
   5. (no subject) (
   6. Re: Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 83, Issue 16 (Dallas McKenzie)
   7. Spain & Portugal Survey in BOC18 (Giampiero Bernardini)
   8. Prague 7355 (Eike Bierwirth)
   9. OT: Help for struggling shortwave stations (David Goren)
      (John Schneider)
  11. St Helena (Robert Gulley)
  12. Tips from Milan (Giampiero58)
  13. New QSL (Patrick Martin)
  14. Magna updated with both EIBI and AOKI (
  15. Re: Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 83, Issue 16 St Helena (Paul)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 21:07:13 +0530 (IST)
From: Jaisakthivel <>
To: crwatch <>
Subject: [HCDX] Voice of Tigers - Pulikalin Kural on 6225,11510,17560.
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

6225, Voice of Tigers - Pulikalin Kural, 1500-, Nov 27, Tamil revolutionary 
songs dedicated to LTTE Head Prabakaran. At 1505 UT News were read by OM. Most 
of the news concentrates on Sri Lanka, 32332.

11510, Voice of Tigers - Pulikalin Kural, 1400-1458, Nov 27, Tamil 
revolutionary songs with the revolution talks by OM, 33433. 

17560, Voice of Tigers - Pulikalin Kural, 1202-1258, Nov 26, Tamil film songs 
with out any announcements. It?s like a test broadcast, 33232. (Jaisakthivel, 
Chennai, India,

      The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 18:16:08 +0100
From: "Giampiero58" <>
To: "HCDX" <>, <>,
Subject: [HCDX] Old Ultralight Sony SW-100 test
Message-ID: <a731298f22e443dca61837d92804d...@bernardini>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

I tested, after many years I forgot it in a box, an old ultralight, the Sony
ICF-SW100 with my outdoor antenna T2FD 15 meters long. It is nice to observe
that it doesn't need on SW the preselector, as Tecsun PL-310 and Grundig G6
Aviator. Sony SW100 is a nice receiver with Synchro AM (upper and lower)and
good SSB too. I used the Drake R8 as control receiver.

On 40 meters ham band I could follow QSOs by a KP2 (Virgin Islands) old man
without problems.

It works well also on MW. On on this band it accept also the external
antenna! (Not PL-310 and G6). But on MW it is really better to use a
preselector. I used MFJ 1020C.

On LW, for NDB, it shows more sensitivity with its internal ferrite than
PL-310 and G6. And it works well thanks to its superior USB or LSB/CW.


Here some tips

1197 27/11 0225 Absolute Radio, UK, songs, ids, fair

1431 27/11 0208 Radio Sawa, Djibouti, songs, fair, long fading

1467 27/11 0258-0301 IRIB, Isfahan, Iran, Farsi, slow songs

1566 27/11 0220 County Sound, UK, nice songs, QRM BBC, fair

3240 27/11 0132 TWR, Manzini, Swaziland, EE, man & woman talks, poor

3330 27/11 0120 CHU, Canada, pips & ids, poor/fair

5010 27/11 0115 AIR Tiruv..., India, talks, poor

5025 27/11 0113 Radio Rebelde, Cuba, talks, fair

5045 27/11 0105 Radio Cultura do Par?, Brazil, nice songs, fair

6090 27/11 0055 Dr.Gene Scott net, The Valley, Anguilla, religious, good

6110 27/11 0051 Radio Habana, Cuba, economics, good

6185 27/11 0045 Radio Nacional, Brazil, songs, fair

8743 27/11 0025 Bangkok Meteo Radio, Thailand, USB, weak/fair

9370 27/11 0020 WTJC, USA, Religious songs, fair

9675 27/11 0015 Cancao Nova, Brazil, talks & songs, fair

9810 27/11 0008 Radio Republica, Candestine via USA, songs, jammed

9825 27/11 0004 Radio Mart?, Clandestine via USA, politics, fair

10000 26/11 0000 Observatorio Nacional, Brazil, pips & ids, weak but clear

11690 26/11 2358 Radio Habana, Cuba, SS, id, fair

11815 26/11 2340 Brasil Central, Brazil, songs, fair

11920 26/11 2344 HCJB, Equador, PP, sermon, good

12010 26/11 2348 Radio Australia, Shepparton, good

12050 26/11 2353 WEWN R Catolica Mundial, USA, SS, religious, good

Giampiero Bernardini
Milano, Italia


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 11:08:43 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 27, 2009
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** BIAFRA [non]. V. of Biafra International, another Friday still on 15665 via 
WHRI, Nov 27 at 1901 in opening anthem, VG signal for the weekly one-hour 
broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL [and non]. 11815, R. Brasil Central singing ID as soon as I intuned, 
Nov 27 at 0620, then TC for 4:22 at 0621, song, fair signal and similar one 
from R. Bandeirantes 11925v. 

Looked for other 25m Brazilians, and on 11895, a rippling SAH between two weak 
signals. At 0631 one of them was identifiable as REE in Spanish, so the other 
is likely as listed in Aoki: ``11895 R. Legi?o da Boa Vontade, 0700-0200 
1234567 Portuguese 1 336 Porto Alegre RS B 05109W 3003S`` perhaps on air an 
hour earlier due to DST. 1 means 1 kW, and 336 means its azimuth, USward so 
helping the low power a bit.

11780, RNA popped on mid-song at 0636 with huge 250 kW signal compared to the 
others. This station shows no finesse about proper sign-ons. By 0700, 11815 and 
11925 had improved considerably (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See 

** CHINA [non]. 11855, at 0658 Nov 27, CRI pr?lude music, 0700 opening in 
Chinese, good signal. Figured it was direct, but really via C?rrik, ALBANIA, 
310 degrees, same azimuth as R. Tirana via Shijak site to NAm (Glenn Hauser, 

** CUBA [and non]. RHC Nov 27: at 0544, 6140 in English this time, phone 
ringing audible in background, but not so on // much stronger 6060 or 6010. At 
0650 science editor Arnie Coro ending Breakthru, still phone ringing on 6140. 
Altho not so an hour earlier, now 6060 has Spanish service mixing in as it did 
24 hours earlier.

11760 very strong at 0640 in Spanish also with the big hum it develops around 
this time. Equally huge signal with hum and whine on 11532 from spy(?) 
transmitter overriding and hetting WYFR 11530. 11532 was mixing with 11760 to 
produce a leapfrog on 11304 which included RHC audio, fading in and out.

49m things had changed at 0711: 6140 now in Spanish // 6150, 6120 with news 
sounder. Least hum on 6150. 6010 off, audibilizing LA music, presumably Mil 
rather than Conciencia; 6060 still on in prolonged English and still with 
Spanish crosstalk under. 0614 Isabel Garc?a (is she still also head of RHC 
English?), talking about the current military exercises, ``Basti?n 2009`` to be 
prepared for US invasion, admittedly not on a very big scale this year due to 
current economic situation. 

6110 missing again at 1422 Nov 27 --- nothing to separate the best and the 
worst of US international broadcasting, VOA 6105 and Harold Camping 6115. Maybe 
6110 is not opening now until 1500, for there it was at 1508 with Cuban music.

11600, free of jamming at 1510 Nov 27 when weak signal from presumed Prague in 
Spanish was there, but DCJC noise wall was back at next check 1630, evidently 
against nothing. More jamming news at USA: WRMI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** FRANCE [and non]. 11830, often hearing Portuguese between 06-07, which is 
RFI via SOUTH AFRICA, in Luso accents, so not confundible with the Brasilians 
on band; a regular since it`s 330 degrees also USward. But Nov 27 at 0700 there 
was rapid SAH and double audio echoing in another language; mentioned Allah 
al-Akbar until one of them went off at 0702. 

What`s RFI doing promoting any particular religion?? Charitably, it may have 
been a clip of someone interviewed during newscast in scheduled Hausa, as the 
pious have to make that clear before saying anything secular. Explaining the 
overlap: Meyerton stayed on beyond its scheduled 0700 close, when 11830 reverts 
to Issoudun, 500 kW at 170 degrees until 0730 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** GREECE. VOG again on 15650 instead of excursion to clear 15630, Nov 27 at 
1500 atop Miraya FM for Sudan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA [non]. 12005, Nov 27 at 1437, one-word-at-a-time missionary haltingly 
speaking unknown language, kinda reminds me of HCJB`s Kulina, but this is for S 
Asia, one of numerous unknown languages on the Gospel for Asia schedule via 
Wertachtal, GERMANY at 1330-1530. Per Aoki, Thursdays and Fridays at 1430-1445 
it is Konyak. 

Per EiBi`s exhaustive language list at 
--- ``KNY Konyak Naga (India - Assam, Nagaland: 0.1m)``. If only all the Konyax 
in OK knew about this opportunity to convert to Christianity (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** JORDAN. 11960, Amman presumed, Nov 27 at 0623 with Arabic discussion, fair. 
Scheduled 0500-0715, 500 kW, 350 degrees, but so is CNR Beijing at 00-09, 100 
kW, 37 degrees, unheard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via JSR JAPAN, in English this 
Friday, Nov 27 at 1402, M reading numerous headline stories from Kyodo about 
North Korea, relations therewith, etc. He has a very heavy accent; if I could 
not speak a foreign language any better, I would not put myself on the 
worldwide air with it, but probably a volunteer for the cause. No QRM, and 
signal at least as good as NHK with its much better English on 5955 (Glenn 

** KURDISTAN [non]. Since the Tamil Tigers were no longer audible on 11510, at 
1455 Nov 27 I tuned up to 11530 for V. of Mesopotamia via Ukraine, for some 
neat Kurdish music, which was cut off abruptly without apology or announcement 
at 1500 sharp, time to QSY to 7540, unchecked; and do they expect the Kurds to 
know where to tune next? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 4800, Nov 27 at 0720, very weak music with CODAR, then YL 
announcement, too weak to be certain it was Spanish. Presumably sporadic XERTA 
operating at very low power (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI absent from usual good AM signal on 11725, at 0619 Nov 27, 
while DRM was roaring 13725-13730-13735, but 11725 was back at next check 0633 
with Victor Borge misplaying scales and other musical comedy bits, the 
discussion topic apparently being music education.

6170 atop annoying VOR in Chinese, Nov 27 at 1416, woman reading steamy story 
of seduxion involving a butterfly-like woman, Clara, set in Man?us, Jan. 7, 
1904 as in outro at 1421, ``Scent of Butterflies``, with fado music (Glenn 

** RUSSIA. Check of VOR WS in English to NAm, Nov 27 at 0556, story being told 
expressively, so Audio Book Club? No, the grid at shows ``VOR Treasure Store`` 
and no A.B.C. anywhen on the schedule anymore [BTW, MS Word spell checker 
approves anymore as one word, but not anywhen, before any modification on my 
part]. 12030, 9855 and 9840 all // and synchronized from DVR sites. 12030 
marred by CODAR pulses at the rate of two per second; some nights 12030 is not 
propagating at all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA [non]. 11510, the ``IBC Tamil`` transmission, Nov 27 at 1423, fair 
and fluttery, somewhat weaker than 11530 V. of Mesopotamia for Kurdistan. 11510 
had music with a heavy bass drum double beat, 1429 brief announcement in 
presumed Tamil and more music. Next check at 1455, it was already gone.

Jaisakthivel in Chennai was also monitoring this but tells DX Listening Digest 
that it lasted until 1458, then 6225 from 1500. He says it was really Voice of 
Tigers, Pulikalin Kural, with revolutionary songs dedicated to LTTE head 
Prabakaran, i.e. the overtly clandestine service revived, despite, or rather 
because of, LTTE`s defeat. The earlier frequency today, 17560 at 1202-1258 was 
just film songs without any announcements. 

Sites are unclear, but had been registered at same or nearby times as: 6225 
Tashkent, 11510 Almaty, 17560 Dushanbe. This was the final day for these 
special broadcasts, not for testing, so will they lead to more such 
transmissions? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 15580, VOA English news of Africa at 0602 Nov 27, 0605 into 
Daybreak Africa. Good signal, normally none at this hour. It`s Botswana at 
03-07, 350 degrees.

VOA`s Korean service plays some good old American music, such as Stephen C. 
Foster, Nov 27 at 1443 on 9555, 21 degrees from Tinang so also USward, Old Folx 
at Home, O Susannah, My Old KY Home to 1451, then explaining what Kentucky is, 
I assume (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WRMI`s NW antenna still out of commission. Nov 27 at 0550, 
weak Spanish on 9955, presumed Praga as scheduled, and no jamming audible. 
However, at 1440 nothing but jamming on frequency during scheduled Happy 
Station Friday repeat in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. Since WBCQ had anomalies on Nov 26, I checked again on Nov 
27: 15420-CUSB with NM preacher, before 1900 usual big collision with BBCWS in 
English via South Africa, then in the clear, and no second rock music audio 
from WBCQ today.

9330 checked shortly after 1800, BCQ not on yet but a weak signal, presumably 
Syria. At 1859 WBCQ was again on 9333-CUSB instead of 9330! ID and 1900 
infomercial, VG signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. Have not been hearing R. Nacional de la RASD lately in 
the 06-07 hour as previously, altho did get 6297.1 at 2056 Nov 26. Seems they 
are now signing on an hour later, if not just a Friday thing: Nov 27 at 0708, 
Qur`an in their inimitable style, and VG S9+20 signal, incomparable to Cairo 
since 6290 thence closed around 0700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6074, a day without 8GAL, Nov 27 at 1359-1402 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

UNIDENTIFIED. 11735 with unbroken tone test, Nov 27 at 0556 continuing past 
0600. It`s on both sidebands, so not two stations hetting. Nothing scheduled 
here per Aoki, EiBi, HFCC. North Korea is taking a break from 11735 between 04 
and 07. R. Transmundial, Brasil, Aoki shows with an 0600-0630 broadcast Sat & 
Sun only but this is Friday, otherwise off between 02 and 08. Whatever it was, 
gone at 0618 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTFIED. 11901, 2-way Spanish SSB intruding, Nov 27 at 0627, distracting me 
from Brazil/Spain on 11895 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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Message: 4
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 16:51:36 EST
Subject: [HCDX] African Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5005, Radio Nac, Bata, 2250-2301*, 
Nov 26,  African choral music. Sign off with National Anthem at 2258.
Weak but  readable. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** ETHIOPIA. 7165, Voice of Peace & Democracy, via Radio  Ethiopia
transmitters, *0356-0431*, Nov 27, sign on with Horn of Africa music  
and ID announcements. Talk in listed Tigrinya at 0400. Fair signal
but  hit by noise jammer making for poor reception after 0400. Good
signal on //  9560.58v - varying between 9560.27-9560.77.  Listed for
Mon, Wed, Fri  only. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** ZANZIBAR. 11735, Voice of Tanzania-Zanzibar, 1755-1900+, 
Nov 27,  looking for Zanzibar but only heard a strong open carrier
past 1900. No audio  heard. But on the air at 1929 check past 2005 
with local music and Swahili  talk. No English heard. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom IC-7600,  two 100 foot longwires 


Message: 5
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 22:03:05 EST
Subject: [HCDX] (no subject)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

no show of Radio St helena here, has had good signals in the past
Frank N7SOK
Boise ID


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 20:16:59 +1300
From: Dallas McKenzie <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 83, Issue 16
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

St Helena

Good Luck to all who did heare it .......... Here on the Wesrt Coast of NZs
Sout Island,  except for an  Odd USB signal of very faint Un Id Music at
2120 z  Nothing but a carrier signal at  22.00 and 22.22 Z was heard
......Not  like last years reception.

On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 6:35 PM, <>wrote:

> Send Hard-Core-DX mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Hard-Core-DX digest..."
> ---[Start Commercial]---------------------
> World Radio TV Handbook 2008 is out.
> Order yours from
> ---[End Commercial]-----------------------
> ________________________________________
> Hard-Core-DX mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
> and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
> published by Michael Stutz at
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Radio St. Helena 2009 (
>   2. Radio Australia begins Burma broadcasts (Arnaldo)
>   3. EMR (Manuel M?ndez)
>   4. LOG 15/NOV (Jorge Freitas (Yahoo))
>   5. Grava??es de Logs (Latest recordings of logs)
>      (Jorge Freitas (Yahoo))
>   6. My reception of 11092.5 RSH, Nov 14 (Horacio Nigro)
>   7. Nov 15 Logs (
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 00:02:00 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [HCDX] Radio St. Helena 2009
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";
>        format="flowed"
> It was interesting to read all the posts of little to no reception of
> Radio St. Helena, especially in North America.
> Here I was able to record the entire broadcast from 2000, although the
> North American portion was by far the worst  reception and suffered
> from the usual distortion as had been noted in the past.  An e-mail to
> the station did not get anserwed no was the problem fixed as it had
> been in the past.  RF getting back into the transmitter with their
> antenna beam directly at the utility transmission tower on the RSH site.
> 2000 "crash started" with a couple of time pips and the National
> anthem.  The first song was Hotel California and at 2020 the
> "unoffical NA" St. Helena Island was played.  Throughout the first
> couple of hours there was mention of a contest and winners were
> selected at 0057 UTC.
> Some other hilites was the pirate heard at 2254 UTC singing over the
> ABBA tune about wanting to meet up wth a lady on St. Helena (not using
> those words though).
> Best reception was probably between the 2200 hour to Europe when many
> Japanese listeners reported very good reception and received several
> music requests.
> Any of the pre-recored segments (with the Govenor, Commerace advisor,
> or the young school girl that read a brief history of her school) just
> did not have very good audio and was lost once it hit the shortwaves.
> Useual "classic" pop/rock tunes from ABBA, Rush, The Carpenters, Joe
> Cocker etc were played but during the North American broadcast I did
> not recognize more than a couple of tunes and very little, if any
> e-mails were read.
> So, I suspect our choice of a log periodic helped reception, but the
> beverages did do well early on as did the K9AY.  I was using an Icom
> R72, while Don and Nigel used their Perseus.
> By far the worst reception in recent memory of RSH day but by far not
> a complete loss.
> 73
> Mick Delmage
> Sherwood Park
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 05:57:42 +0100
> From: "Arnaldo" <>
> To: "DXLD" <>
> Cc:, playdx2003
>        <>,
> Subject: [HCDX] Radio Australia begins Burma broadcasts
> Message-ID: <000d01ca65b0$2a22e5a0$98a1c...@windowsv03oj4t>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"
> Radio Australia, the ABC's international radio broadcaster, has begun
> broadcasting to Burma.
> The Burmese language service began Monday morning, with two news
> broadcasts.
> Radio Australia's Chief Executive, Hanh Tran, said Burma's elections next
> year and increased international attention on the military-led country
> prompted the decision to start the new radio service.
> "This is the first new language service for Radio Australia in more than 15
> years," he said.
> Mr Tran told Radio Australia's Connect Asia program that the creation of
> the Burmese service expands the broadcaster's brief to provide impartial
> news and information to the region.
> "Our audience has always been those who are in developing countries. Their
> access to information is limited, for reasons of poor infrastructure, or
> state control, or sometimes the reasons relate to stability in the region:
> he said.
> "We don't go along the activist path of regime change or anything like
> that. In fact the service we provide Burmese people is no different from
> what we provide people in China, in Vietnam, those countries (that) are
> having very good bilateral relations with Australia."
> The broadcasts will be transmitted to Burma seven days a week on shortwave
> frequencies 12010 and 17665.
> The Burmese service will begin as a 15-minute news broadcast on shortwave,
> satellite and online at 5:30 am local time, and repeated three times across
> peak morning listening times.
> More broadcasts will be added in the evening as the service grows.
> Cherry Mangrai, producer of the Burmese service, says though access to the
> Internet is limited in Burma, she expects a wide audience to tune in via
> shortwave.
> "A lot of people would have transistor radios that they can tune in on
> shortwave, and that is still very very popular in the whole of Burma, so my
> audience is I think, 50 million plus," she said.
> Ms Mangrai says there currently are four shortwave radio services
> broadcasting into Burma, two from the United States and two from Europe.
> Of Radio Australia's addition to the field, she said: "Coming from this
> region closer to Burma, it would be very good, would be very refreshing for
> the people in Burma.(
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 11:41:55 +0100
> From: Manuel M?ndez <>
> To: Conexi?n Digital <>
> Subject: [HCDX] EMR
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Manuel M?ndez
> Lugo, Espa?a
> Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G
> Antena de cable 8 metros
> Escucha realizada en casco urbano de Lugo
> ALEMANIA, 6140, European Music Radio, 1025-1040, 15-11, m?sica pop,
> locutor, identificaci?n: "EMR, European Music Radio", a las 1030 m?s
> m?sica y programa "Mail Box", con Mike Taylor. 45444. (M?ndez)
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 11:39:42 -0000
> From: "Jorge Freitas \(Yahoo\)" <>
> To: <>, <>,
>        <>, "Hard Core DX" <
> >
> Subject: [HCDX] LOG 15/NOV
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"
> 6015 15/11 0335 TANZANIA, VO Tanzania Zanzibar, *presumida*, em Swahili,
> desde Dole, com 50 kW, OM talk, as 0336 UTC local mx, as 0339 UTC curta
> fala
> do OM e nova mx, as 0342 UTC YL com men??es a Zanzibar, as 0343 UTC o que
> parece nx por OM e YL com trechos de discursos, 23432 (Jorge Freitas-B)
> 9425 15/11 0147 UZBEKISTAN, CVC INT, em Hindi, desde Tashkent. Com 100 kW,
> gospel mx, as 0150 UTC vinheta CVC, as 0151 UTC o que parece ser uma
> entrevista de um OM fora do est?dio, as 0156 UTC gospel mx em estilo ?rabe
> (estilo do Uzbequist?o), as 0200 UTC YL talk, as 0203 UTC pop gospel mx,
> 25333 (Jorge Freitas-B)
> 9625 15/11 0220 CANADA, CBC Radio Nord Quebec, *tentativa*, EE, desde
> Sackville, com 100 kW, sequ?ncia de pop mx, as 0225 UTC OM e YL talk, forte
> QRM da REE em espanhol na freq. de 9620 kHz, as 0227 UTC mx estilo jazz,
> parece um programa de jazz e h? uma sequ?ncia de jazz somente instrumental
> entre curtas falas do OM, as 0252 UTC desloquei a freq. para 9627 kHz para
> fugir da QRM da REE. Voltando a freq. as 0347 UTC continua o px musical,
> gravado, 22432 (Jorge Freitas-B)
> 73
> Jorge Freitas
> SWL1023B
> Skype jorge.freitas.fsa
> Escutas (listening):
> Blog DX:
> Blog Pessoal
> Feira de Santana Bahia - Brasil
> 12?? 15' 1.57" S 38?? 58' 40.30" W
> Degen 1103
> Antena Dipolo de 16 metros Balun 4:1
> Dire??o Leste/Oeste
> "De Certa forma, as pessoas s?o como esponjas; elas t?m a tend?ncia de
> absorver o que est? ? sua volta. ? muito f?cil adotar, mesmo sem querer, as
> atitudes, os padr?es e os tra?os de personalidade daqueles com quem temos
> muito contato"
> "Mesmo que n?o me escutem ainda assim eu falarei, pois sei que as paredes
> t?m ouvidos" (JJFS)
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 15:41:23 -0000
> From: "Jorge Freitas \(Yahoo\)" <>
> To: <>, <>,
>        <>, "Hard Core DX" <
> >
> Subject: [HCDX] Grava??es de Logs (Latest recordings of logs)
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"
> Colegas.
> J? se encontra em meu blog as ?ltimas escutas em meus logs com trechos da
> Radio Santa Helena. (Latest recordings of logs, including Radio St. Helena)
> 73
> Jorge Freitas
> SWL1023B
> Skype jorge.freitas.fsa
> Escutas (listening):
> Blog DX:
> Blog Pessoal
> Feira de Santana Bahia - Brasil
> 12?? 15' 1.57" S 38?? 58' 40.30" W
> Degen 1103
> Antena Dipolo de 16 metros Balun 4:1
> Dire??o Leste/Oeste
> "De Certa forma, as pessoas s?o como esponjas; elas t?m a tend?ncia de
> absorver o que est? ? sua volta. ? muito f?cil adotar, mesmo sem querer, as
> atitudes, os padr?es e os tra?os de personalidade daqueles com quem temos
> muito contato"
> "Mesmo que n?o me escutem ainda assim eu falarei, pois sei que as paredes
> t?m ouvidos" (JJFS)
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 18:23:22 +0000 (GMT)
> From: Horacio Nigro <>
> To: Horacio Nigro <>
> Subject: [HCDX] My reception of 11092.5 RSH, Nov 14
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Just returned from four familiy's house in the seaside resort of El Pinar,
> 30 km East from Montevideo, capital city of Uruguay escaping the noise at
> home.
> I could get the RSH broadcast beamed to India & SEAs fairly well from 2000,
> but it was tough to get a readable pitch for the music and voice
> announcements on my Kenwood R600 connected to a wire on the ground 50 metres
> beamed to the east.
> I am not  -and have never been- good recognizing titles for modern musical
> themes but there was a song by James Taylor at 2055. I didn't stick to the
> entire broadcast, checking it from time to time while I was attending other
> family affairs. The worst signal was for the European target period. At 2333
> I could identify a Abba mx theme. At the time I found nice condx to AIR
> stations on the 60 mb so QSYed there.
> >From 2356 to 0200 4775 Imphal, 4920 Chennai, 4940 Guwahati, 4970 Shillong,
> 5010 Thiruvunanthampuram booming, 5040 Jaypore, besides listed 15 KW from
> China 4220 Qinghay PBS, Tajikistan 4765 Dushanbe, made my weekend more
> interesting than RSH, with very nice signals.
> 73
>   Horacio A. Nigro
>    Montevideo
>    Uruguay
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 13:26:46 EST
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [HCDX] Nov 15 Logs
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 6250, Radio Nac-Malabo, 0548-0615,
> Nov 15,  irregular. Spanish talk. Afro-pop music. Radio Nacional IDs.
> News program at  0603. Fair to good but occasional rtty QRM.
> (Brian Alexander, PA)
> ** ETHIOPIA. 5980, Voice of Tigray Rev, *0256-0305, Nov 15, sign
> on  with IS. Vernacular talk at 0301. Instrumental music. Horn of Africa
> music.  Weak. Stronger on // 5950 - but mixing with Okeechobee.
> (Brian Alexander, PA)
> ** EURO-PIRATE. 7599.98, FRS-Holland, 0822-0834, Nov 15, lite
> pop music.  ?FRS-Holland? IDs. Fair signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)
> ** EURO-PIRATE. 7610.05, Radio Amica, 0050-0105, Nov 15, Euro-
> pop  music. Italian announcements. ID at 0102. Fair. Good signal on
> peaks. (Brian  Alexander, PA)
> ** MALI. 7285.88, RTVM, *0752-0810, Nov 15, abrupt sign on with
> rustic  tribal music. Flute IS & French ID announcements at 0759.
> Vernacular talk  at 0801. Good signal strength but low modulation.
> // 9635 at 0800 sign on  with a fair signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)
> ** SIERRA LEONE [non]. via VTC Rampisham, UK, 11875, Cotton
> Tree News,  *0730-0800*, Nov 15, abrupt sign on with English news
> in progress. ?CTN? ID  at 0736. Talk in English & vernacular. Weak.
> Poor in noisy conditions.  Very difficult to understand English due to
> thick accents. Thanks to Glenn  Hauser tip. (Brian Alexander, PA)
> ** ZANZIBAR. 11735, Voice of Tanzania-Zanzibar, 1758-1810, Nov  15,
> tune-in to local drums. Time pips at 1759:30 and English news.  IDs.
> Swahili talk and local pop music at 1808. Good. (Brian Alexander, PA)
> Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA
> Equipment: Icom  IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires
> End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 83, Issue 16
> ********************************************


D.....-41.36 S
Nthn Buller,  N.Z.

Yaesu FRG 77OO,.... Kenwood R-1000, Uniden UBCT8. & various receivers.

100 ft long wire, ...20ft Whip,... 6 element Discone, & Several Commercial


Message: 7
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 23:09:15 +0100
From: "Giampiero Bernardini" <>
To: "HCDX" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Spain & Portugal Survey in BOC18
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Here the Spanish & Portuguese survey made in BOC18 (Bocca di Magra, La
Spezia, Italy) by Giampiero Bernardini and Dario Monferini.


see also the MW blog:


531   28+29/10    0625-0630, 0650-0700  RNE R.5 Pamplona,Navarra, Spain,
Regional Service + RNE R.5 Pontevedra, Galicia, Regional  News in
Gallego + RNE R.5 Cordoba, Regional Andalucia + RNE R.5 Oviedo,
Asturias, Regional, Id : "Radio Nacional Espana En Asturias".  


540   26-29/10     1115-1200           Onda Cero Barcelona, Catalunya,
Local Programs In Catalan, With Bad Modulation. Tx Problems + Weak
Signal From Hungary.  


558   28-29/10     0650-0700, 1210-1300  RNE R.5 Valencia,Pais
Valenciano, Regional Programs, In // 774 Khz 


567   28-29/10     0625-0630, 0650-0700 RNE R.5 Marbella,Andalucia, In
// 684 Khz. QRM RAI 1 Italy.


576   26-29/10     0650-0700, 1210-1300  RNE R.5 Barcelona, Catalunya,
Regional Service, In // 738 Khz


585   26-29/10     0625-0630, 0650-0700,1210-1300   RNE R.5 Madrid,
Comunidad De Madrid, Regional Nx, Best Reception At 0650 


603  28+29/10    0625-0630, 0650-0659  RNE R.5 Sevilla, Andalucia, In //
684 Khz, 


612  28+29/10    0625-0630, 0650-0700  RNE R.1 Lleida, Catalunya, In //
738 Khz. 


621  26-28/10     0650-0700, 1210-1259  RNE R.1 Mallorca, Baleares,
Regional In Mallorquin Language. Better Reception Around Midday.   


639  28-29/10     0625-0630, 0650-0700    RNE R.1, Zaragoza, Regional
Aragon + At 0650-0700 Weak Signals From  RNE 1,  La Coruna, Galicia In
// 1503 Khz !


666  26-29/10     0550-0600, 0620-0630, 1230-1300, 1845-1855, 1925-1930
SER R. Barcelona, Catalunya, "Hoy Por Hoy Catalunya" At 0650, "Hora 25
Catalunya" At 1925, The signal from SER are not so good in confront of
783 khz signals, tx maybe at reduced power 


684  26-29/10     0625-0630,0650-0700    RNE R.1, Sevilla, Andalucia,
Spain, Regional Program. Not Heard At 1210-1300 Cause Too Much Statics &
Qrm  Radio Tunisia


711  26-29/10    1825-1900            COPE Murcia, Spain, Local Service
>From Monday Till Friday,"La Ventana De Murcia"  


720  26-28/10    0405.......0705      Rdp 1, Tx Porto/Elvas, Portugal,
News "Jornal Da Manha".   


729  27-29/10    0625-0630,0650-0700    RNE R.1, Oviedo, Asturias,
Regional Program + RNE R.1 Leon, Regional Castilla Leon.  


738  26-30/10    0625-0630,0650-0700,1210-1300   RNE R.1, Barcelona,
Catalunya, Regional Service In Catalan. 1210 "Migdia Informatiu Radio Um
I Radio Quatre". Noted Irregular On/Off 


747  26-29/10    0625-0630,0650-0700   RNE R.5 Cadiz, Andalucia,
Regional Program In // 684 Khz.  


756 27+28/10    0705-0730            Radio Euskadi, Bilbao, Euskadi, In
Spanish, Id, News 


774  26-29/10    0625-0630, 0650-0700, 1210-1300   RNE R.1, Valencia,
Comunidad Valenciana, Regional Program, In // 801 Khz Castellon.  Good.


783  26-29/10    1100....1959         COPE  Barcelona, Catalunya, After
1100 Hours,  Local COPE Barcelona Programs. The best signal from
Catalunya on AM.  


792  26-29/10    0550-0600, 0720-0730, 1805.....1855     SER  R.
Sevilla, Spain, "Hoy Por Hoy Andalucia" 0550-0600, "Hoy Por Hoy


801  26-29/10    1210-1300            RNE R1, Castellon, Comunidad
Valenciana,  in // 774 Khz + RNE R1, Girona, in  //738 Khz.   


810  26-29/10    0650-0700, 0720-0730    SER  R. Madrid, Spain,  "Hoy
Por Hoy Comunidad De Madrid"  At 0720  + Strong  QRM From Radio  Skopie.


819  28-30/10    0630-0710           Euskadi Irratia,  San Sebastian, In
Spanish In // 756 Khz  +  RAI 1 Partly Looped. 


837  26-29/10    1808-1900          COPE Sevilla, Spain, Local Program
"La Ventana De La COPE Sevilla"  "El Burro De Sevilla" Program With
Local  Humor  + Weak Signals From COPE Burgos  


855   27-29/10   1210-1300          RNE R.1 Murcia, Regional Comunidad
Murciana + Even At Midday Noise  DRM from Germany,  Deutschlandfunk, Tx
Berlin Britz.  


873  26-30/10    0620-0630,0720-0730,1925-1930, 2255-2259    SER R.
Zaragoza, Spain,  1925 "Hora 25 Aragon"  At 0620 "Hoy Por Hoy Zaragoza".


882  26-29/10    1000....2000       Com Radio, Barcelona, Catalunya, Nx
In Catalan & Also In Spanish      www.comradio.  Heard well  around
midday in Bocca Di Magra.


882     26/10       1845-1900          COPE Malaga, Spain, Local Program
+ Qrm Com Radio + Qrm CRNE Gore, Montenegro + Qrm Mdr 1 Wachenburg In
Germany... Quite hard to get this station.  

891     27/10       2220-2229          Radio Sim-Renascenca, Villamoura,
Portugal. Music program in Portuguese.   


900     26/10       1805-1900          COPE Granada, Local Program &
News,  "La Ventana De Granada" + COPE Caceres,  Local Program,  Qrm RAI


909  26-29/10     0620-0630,0650-0700,1210-1300     RNE R.5, Mallorca,
Baleares, Regional Program In Mallorquin,  In // 621 Khz


954  28-30/10     0620-0645           Onda Cero Radio, Madrid, Spain,


963     27/10        0610-0705           Radio Sim-Renascenca, Seixal,
Portugal, Id, Music Funky Pop,  In //  981 Khz  +  QRM Euskadi, tx
Vitoria, In Spanish


963     28/10        0700-0730           Radio Euskadi, Vitoria,
Euskadi, In Spanish, In // 765 Khz & 819 Khz. 


981     27/10        0630-0645           Radio Sim-Renascenca, Coimbra,
Portugal, In // 963 Khz  


990 28+29/10    0550-0600,0650-0700,0720-0730,1830-1855, 1920-1930  SER
R. Cadiz, Andalucia, Spain,  0650 "Hoy Por Hoy Andalucia" In // 


1026 Khz . Id "Cadena SER Andalucia", At 0720- "Hoy Por Hoy Cadiz",
1920-1930 "Hora 25 Cadiz"  + Weak Signals From  SER R.Bilbao  


1008     28/10      2259-2300            Radio Las Palmas Punto Radio,
Islas Canarias. Local Id 2259, Connection With Madrid Studios Of Punto
Radio.   +  SER Network  


1008  27-29/10   0720-0730,1830-1855    SER  R. Girona, Catalunya, 0720-
"Hoy por Hoy Girona"


1008  27-29/10   0720-0730,1830-1850    SER R. Badajoz, Extremadura,
Local Program 0720 "Hoy Por Hoy Extremadura", Id " SER Extremadura",
Advertising "Bar Karaoke En Arroyo De San SERvan De Badajoz" ! Better
signals it the morning 


1026  26-29/10
0550-0600,0620-0630,0650-0700,0720-0730,1830-1855,2255-2259     SER R.
Reus, Catalunya, In Catalan, 0720- "Hoy Por Hoy Reus"   +  other SER txs


1026  26-29/10   0550-0600,0620-0630,1823-1829   SER R.Jaen, 0550- "Hoy
Por Hoy Andalucia",  0620 "Hoy Por Hoy Jaen", "Las Noticias De Radio
Jaen"  + other  SER stations


1026    26/03       0720-0730            SER R. Jerez, 0720-  "Hoy Por
Hoy Jerez"  Up/Down SER R. Jaen  


1035  25-29/10   0620-0635,2005-2210    Radio Clube, Lisbon, Portugal,
Id & Music.   


1044 28+29/10  0550-0600, 0720-0730     SER R. Valladolid, 0620- "Hoy
Por Hoy Castilla Y Leon", 0720- "Hoy Por Hoy Valladolid"  


1044     29/10      0720-0730            SER R. San Sebastian, Euskadi,
"Hoy Por Hoy San Sebastian" Id Hrd in chaos signals mix up


1053     29/10     1210-1300             COPE Castellon, Local Program.


1080  26-29/10   0550-0600,0620-0630,1823.....1855,1925-1930    SER R.
Mallorca, Baleares, Spain, Local  News, 0550 "Hoy Por Hoy Baleares",
separable with loop from SER R. Huesca


1080  26-29/10   0550-0600,0620-0630,1823.....1855,1925-1930    SER R.
Huesca, Aragon, 0550- "Hoy Por Hoy Aragon", 0720- "Hoy Por Hoy Huesca",
1925- "Hora 25 Huesca"


1080  26+28/10  0550-0600,1823-1829,1925-1929  SER R. Granada,
Andalucia, 1925- "Hora 25 Granada". Usual up/down with the other SER


1098   26-28/10  0650-0700           RNE R.5 Huelva/Almeria, Andalucia,
in // 684 Khz. Regional 


1116    26/10       0720-0730            SER  R.   Albacede, Spain, "Hoy
Por Hoy Albacede" + Qrm RAI 1 Regionals.    


1125 26+29/10  1210-1300            RNE R.5 Castellon, Pais Valenciano,
Regional Service In // 774 Khz.    Poor/Suff.    Boc18    


1143    29/10      1810-1859            COPE Reus , Catalunya,  Local
program Monday till friday  +  QRM RAI 


1179  26-29/10  0720-0730,1210-1300      SER R. Valencia, Spain, Local
Program  Comunidad Valenciana.    


1215    30/10      0655-0700            COPE Santander, Spain, Regional


1224 26-29/10   0655-0700,1208-1300,1808....1959    COPE R. Mallorca,
Palma, Baleares, 1208 Local Program, In Mallorquin language,  Monday to


1224    26/10     0655-0658             "COPE Almeria, Los Titulares De
Hoy " Jingle Id Yl News  +  other COPE QRM 


1224    29/10     0000-0010             Popular Irratia, San Sebastian,
Euzkadi, Local Night Program In Spanish, Phone Calls, In // 900 Khz.
+   Spain COPE Network   


1260  26-29/10 0620-0630,0650-0700, 1810....1856,1925-1930    SER R.
Murcia, Spain, Local 1810  "La Ventana De La Region De Murcia", 1925
"Hora 25 Region De Murcia"     


1260  26-29/10 0650-0700, 1810.....1856    SER R. Algeciras, 0650- "Hoy
Por Hoy Andalucia"  1826- "Como Ahorrar Aguas En La Region De Algeciras


1269 26+29/10 1209-1300,1808-1900   COPE Comarques  Girones,  Figueres,
Catalunya, Advert. &  Regional Programs  


1287 26+28+29/10   0550-0600, 0620-0630,1820....1855,1925-1930    SER R.
Lleida, Catalunya. 0550 "Hoy Por Hoy Lleida"  1925  "75 Anys SER Lleida
Pasi Quel Que Pasi


1287 26+28+29/10   0650-0700, 0620-0730,1825.....1855    SER R. Burgos,
Castilla, Local  1825- & Regional 0650- , "La Ventana De Castilla Leon
El Espacio Matinal De Opinion De Radio Castilla De Burgos" 0720 +  Qrm
Strong From SER Lleida.     


1296  26-30/10 1209-1300, 1808-1900   COPE  Valencia, Spain, "COPE
Valencia 1296 Kcs Onda Media"  


1305    29/10     0650-0700            RNE R.5 Leon, Regional Castilla
Leon, Spain. + RNE R.5 Regional Castilla La Mancha, Tx Ciudad Real. +
Qrm Belgium, Pure FM. (Closed  1st November !)   


1314  26-30/10 0625-0630, 0650-0700, 1310-1400    RNE R.5 Tarragona,
Regional Catalunya, In // 576 & 1413 Khz  


1386 25-29/10  1900.....0745        Euskadi Irratia, San Sebastian,
Euskadi, In // 1476 Khz.   www.eitb.Com/Irratia/Euskadi-Irratia 


1413 26-29/10 0625-0630,0650-0700,1210-1300   RNE R.5, Girona,
Catalunya, Regional Service, Catalan News, Monday To Friday, In // 

1314 & 576 Khz.  At 1210-  Every Day


1476 26-29/10 1900.....0745        Euskadi Irratia, Bilbao, Euskadi, In
Euskera Language, In // 1386 Khz.  Austrian Radio is off the air 


1485 26-29/10 0720-0800, 1555.....1805    Onda Rambla Cadena Punto
Radio, Tx Vilanova I La Geltru, Catalunya, Id, The Studios Are Located
In Tarragona !!!!. "Onda Rambla 1485 Ona Midgia".  


1485 28+30/10 0720-0730          SER R. Santander, 0720- "Hoy Por Hoy


1503 26-29/10 0650-0700           RNE R.5 Campo De Gibraltar, Andalucia,
Regional Service  In // 684 Khz  +  RNE R.5 Galicia, Tx Monforte De
Lemos. Regional Galician In Gallego Language.    


1521 26-29/10 0555-0600,0620-0630,0650-0700,0720-0730    SER R.
Castellon, Spain, 0620- "Hoy Por Hoy Castellon" 


1539 23+26/10  0620-0630,0650-0700,0720-0730     SER R. Manresa,
Catalunya, 0720- "Hoy Por Hoy Manresa"   


1602 26+29/10  1820....1855, 1925-1930   SER Radio Ontenyent, Pais
Valenciano, Local News "Radio Ontinent En Los 1602 Kcs !! La Radio
D'aqui !! "  +  SER R. Cartagena, At  1925- "Hora 25 Cartagena"  


1602 26-29/10   1500.....2300    Radio Vitoria, Euskadi, In Spanish,
Local News, Id "Radio Vitoria La Primera En Alava"     


Giampiero Bernardini




Message: 8
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 01:00:14 +0100
From: "Eike Bierwirth" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Prague 7355
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


just heard an UNID English broadcast on 7355 kHz. Identified by Radio Prague IS 
at 23.54 UTC (27 Nov 2009), close-down after one fanfare. Should have been on 
7345! SINPO 35322. Mistake or permanent change? 7345 is free, at least here in 
the middle of the target area.

Boulder, CO, USA

GRATIS f?r alle GMX-Mitglieder: Die maxdome Movie-FLAT!
Jetzt freischalten unter


Message: 9
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 15:36:39 -0500
From: David Goren <>
To: HCDX List Mailing <>,  Shortwave
        discussion programming <>
Subject: [HCDX] OT: Help for struggling shortwave stations
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes

Dear shortwave friends:

Pardon the interruption of the usual discussions on this list. I am  
trying to gauge the interest level in an idea I have had for a few  
years. As a shortwave listener/dx'er I am particularly fond of the  
small domestic broadcasters heard in the tropical bands, and on other  
parts of the shortwave spectrum. These stations have gone off the air  
in recent years at an alarming rate. The world of communications is  
going through great change, and it's understandable that shortwave is  
being supplanted by other modes.

However, I hear from time to time, that certain domestic shortwave  
broadcasters have gone off prematurely or involuntarily due to  
technical difficulty, or lack of funds for electricity or other  
station related necessities.  I would like to develop a portfolio of  
stations that have a strong desire to continue broadcasting on  
shortwave, but are lacking for a certain part, or technical knowhow.  
If you would like to be part of this effort, please contact me. I am  
looking for those who have knowledge of stations that are going  
through difficulties, but would like to be on the air serving their  
local community. I would also like to hear from those who could  
support the effort in various ways, through contributions, technical,  
monetary or otherwise.

I am partly inspired the great monetary and organizational efforts  
expended by amateur radio operators to transmit from a rarely heard  
territory. In this case, my primary interest would be to empower  
domestic shortwave stations to serve their local audience with a  
secondary benefit being continued audibility for shortwave listeners  
and dxers.

Thanks for hearing me out, and 73,

David Goren


Message: 10
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 15:11:54 -0500
From: John Schneider <>
To: "" <>,,
Cc:, NoticiasDX
        <>,   Domesticas Y Tropicales
        <>,        playdx2003
        <>,   DXLD <>,
Message-ID: <599b51e46929465b96f105a6e5f8c...@popspc>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

Listening here in New York. Alternating between AOR AR5000A+3 and Icom 
746PRO, both into an Alpha-Delta DX-LB+.   Siganl strength very low, but I 
can identify the current song (2008 hours UTC).

John Schneider,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "" <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>; "NoticiasDX" 
<>; "Domesticas Y Tropicales" 
<>; "playdx2003" 
<>; "DXLD" <>; 
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 3:03 PM

> El  d?a de hoy, s?bado 14 de Noviembre, tendremos una
> oportunidad imperdible de escuchar a Radio Santa Helena.

RSH is on air now... very very little signal here in south Italy
---[Start Commercial]---------------------

Order your WRTH 2009:
---[End Commercial]-----------------------
Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at 


Message: 11
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 04:22:03 -0800 (PST)
From: Robert Gulley <>
Subject: [HCDX] St Helena
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hi Just to further add to the list of those not able to hear the station this 
year - two of us heard nothing at our stations in N. KY while a third with a 60 
foot beam heard just enough to know something was there, with recognition of a 
song or two around 5:30 local time.
Well, there is always next year!

Robert AK3Q


Message: 12
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 03:17:48 +0100
From: "Giampiero58" <>
To: <>, "HCDX" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Tips from Milan
Message-ID: <9b776eed9b3b49a6a2736f509039f...@bernardini>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Few tips

4910 28/11 0147 AIR, Japur, India, songs, fair

5035 28/11 0140 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, talks, slow songs, weak

6190 28/11 0130 Int. Radio Serbia, EE, reports, QRM PBS China,  poor/fair

7190 28/11 0115 Sri Lanka BC ? long talks, poor, deep fading.

7295 28/11 0104 Traxx FM, Malaysia, news, nice american oldies, poor

7811 28/11 0000 AFRTS, Key West, USA, EE news, in USB, weak

9625 28/11 0055 WINB, Red Lion, USA, EE, religious, fair, fading

9720 28/11 0035 Radio Victoria, Per?, usual sermon, weak

9745 28/11 0040 CVC Voz Cristiana, Chile, SS, talks, weak

9810 28/11 0044 Radio Republica, Clandestine to Cuba, SS, politics,  fair

9675 28/11 0031 Cancao Nova, Brazil, slow songs, talks, fair

11815 28/11 0025 Brasil Central, Brazil, sport, poor

RX: DRake R8 & SDR-IQ
QTH: Milano, Italia

Giampiero Bernardini 


Message: 13
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 18:35:30 -0800
From: (Patrick Martin)
Subject: [HCDX] New QSL
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII

162     Radio France    France, Allouis, received a beautiful full
coulour QSL card in 7 months for CD report with $2 US. No V/S, but in
messge on back of card thanked me for the report. Mentioned 1,000 KW
from France International. Really a nice surprise. Address:  TDF 10 rue
d'Oradour sur Glane, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France. France #2 QSL'd.



Patrick Martin
KGED QSL Manager


Message: 14
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 03:01:21 -0000
From: <>
To: <>, "ALF" <>,
        <>, "Robert Wilkner" <>,    "Marie
        Lamb" <>, <>,
        <>,     "Gayle Van Horn"
        <>, <>,   "DSWCI"
        <>, <>,        "arnaldo slaen"
Subject: [HCDX] Magna updated with both EIBI and AOKI
Message-ID: <58742114c1d74964b556ebf6fe092...@virtualxp66406>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Hi folks,

Just uploaded a updated with both EIBI and AOKI
latest updates.  

Go to



Message: 15
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 17:25:36 +1300
From: "Paul" <>
To: "Hard-Core-DX" <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 83, Issue 16 St Helena
Message-ID: <d08cd243a75c48ac944cf02a02277...@windowspaul001>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Best reception seems to be in Europe, I had them at a loggable level during 
their first broadcast to India & SEAs  using a global tuner in the south of 
England. As I live 12,000 miles from the receiving site, I didn't bother 
logging them.

New Zealand

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dallas McKenzie" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 83, Issue 16

> St Helena
> Good Luck to all who did heare it .......... Here on the Wesrt Coast of 
> NZs
> Sout Island,  except for an  Odd USB signal of very faint Un Id Music at
> 2120 z  Nothing but a carrier signal at  22.00 and 22.22 Z was heard
> ......Not  like last years reception.

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 83, Issue 28

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