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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. Fri Morn DX (
   2. Christmas special: HCJB Australie in German (Stephan Schaa)
   3. Re: Christmas special: HCJB Australie in German (Stephan Schaa)
   4. Fire puts RNW Madagascar relay station off the air (Andy Sennitt)
   5. Logs (Manuel M?ndez)
   6. Glenn Hauser logs December 25, 2009 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 11:08:57 -0000
From: <>
To: <>, "ALF" <>,
        <>, "Robert Wilkner" <>,    "Marie
        Lamb" <>, <>,
        <>,     "Gayle Van Horn"
        <>, <>,   "DSWCI"
        <>, <>,        "arnaldo slaen"
Subject: [HCDX] Fri Morn DX
Message-ID: <874241c0b9504984bc3aa32631b58...@virtualxp66406>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Bolivia, 4796.42, Radio Lipez Uyuni, 0926-1100,  At 0926 noted just a 
carrier here.
Noted a slight trace of audio by 1008 however with a male in SP comments. 
audio disappeared as quickly as it had appeared by 1013.  (Chuck Bolland,
December 25, 2009)

Austria, 6155, Radio Austria International, 0940-1000,  Noted a program of 
comments in German language from a male and a child with organ music in 
 Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, December 25, 2009)

Indonesia, 4749.94, RRI Makassar, 0948-1000,   Noted a male in comments 
musical selections.  Signal is just now beginning to fade in although the 
carrier has been
audible for a good half hour or more. On the hour a female comments in 
while presenting more music.  (Chuck Bolland, December 25, 2009)

Solomon Islands, 5020, SIBC, 1015-1030   Noted a female in comments from 
1015, although
I couldn't detiremine the language she was using?  It could have been 
English or Pidgin, not sure?
At 1018 it seem like canned promos were being presented.  Signal hasn't 
improved by 1030.
It's threshold. (Chuck Bolland, December 25, 2009)

Guam, 5765, AFRTS, 1035-1045,  Tune in to a call in show for a minute or 
two, then at 1036
CNN Radio News.  AT 1040 back to the call in show.  Signal was good.  (Chuck 
December 25, 2009)

Bolivia, 5952.37, Emisoras Pio XII, 1040-1100   Thought I had a catch here, 
but noted only
a carrier with no audio.  In the meantime, I hadn't heard Pio XII in the 
mornings if I recall
correctly?  Usually I'd have a good signal in the early evenings here in 
Florida but nothing
in the mornings. (Chuck Bolland, December 25, 2009)

Bolivia, 6134.72, Radio Santa Cruz, 1050-1100,  Noted a very weak signal 
here with
typical music.  Lots of splatter and QRM from a Brazilian nearby.  Happy to 
hear that
Santa Cruz is still broadcasting eventhough she's very weak.  (Chuck 
December 25, 2009)

Bolivia, 6155.17, Radio Fides, 1056-1105,  The same situation here with 
Fides just about
gone for the day, noted music being broadcast until the hour.  That's about 
all that is heard
from this threshold broadcast.  (Chuck Bolland, December 25, 2009)

Watkins Johnson HF1000
26.27N 081.05W

Just updated - at:


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 13:49:21 +0100
From: "Stephan Schaa" <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Christmas special: HCJB Australie in German
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Hello to all of you out there and merry christmas!

I just wanted to make a little announcement that today, 


there will be a special transmission from HCJB Australia, Kununurra in the
german language towards europe 

from 15.00 - 15.30 UTC.

The time-slot/frequency combination is not perfect, but anyway: There's a
special QSL Card your everybody that received the programme and writes to
the german departement of HCJB. 

73, Stephan 


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 13:51:14 +0100
From: "Stephan Schaa" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Christmas special: HCJB Australie in German
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Upps, I forgot the frequency:

It's 15340 khz on the 19m Band.

73, Stephan

> -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Stephan Schaa [] 
> Gesendet: Freitag, 25. Dezember 2009 13:49
> An: ''
> Betreff: Christmas special: HCJB Australie in German
> Hello to all of you out there and merry christmas!
> I just wanted to make a little announcement that today, 
> 25.12.2009
> there will be a special transmission from HCJB Australia, 
> Kununurra in the german language towards europe 
> from 15.00 - 15.30 UTC.
> The time-slot/frequency combination is not perfect, but 
> anyway: There's a special QSL Card your everybody that 
> received the programme and writes to the german departement of HCJB. 
> 73, Stephan 


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 14:22:50 +0100
From: "Andy Sennitt" <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Fire puts RNW Madagascar relay station off the air
Message-ID: <9930015e72994294afde693196fe7...@dc5100>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="US-ASCII"

Fire has broken out at Radio Netherlands Worldwide's relay station in
Madagascar. Firefighters from the Madagascan capital Antananarivo managed to
bring the blaze under control within hours. The cause is not yet known.

Broadcasts from Madagascar will be suspended for at least two days and
possibly up to a week. This means that large parts of Africa and Southeast
Asia will be unable to receive RNW shortwave broadcasts for the time being.
Satellite and internet broadcasts are not affected.

I have no more details at the moment. I will of course publish updates in
the Media Network blog when I have more information. So far I have not
received any details of substitute transmissions, and I imagine that because
of the Christmas holiday it's quite difficult to arrange things at short



Message: 5
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 18:36:41 +0100
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Espa?a

Escuchas realizadas en Friol
Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW7600G
Antena de cable, 10 metros, orienta WSW

AUSTRALIA,15340, HCJB, Kununurra, *1500-1515, programa especial de Navidad, en 
alem?n para los DX-istas de HCJB, locutor, identificaci?n: "Quito, Ecuador", 
frecuencia, direcci?n: "Quito, Ecuador, South America". Comentarios. 33333. 

BRASIL. Muchas emisoras brasile?as ofrecieron programas especiales con motivo 
de la Navidad.
4885, Radio Clube do Par?, Bel?m, 0721-0845, 25-12, "Programa especial Nadal 
Clube", locutor, canciones brasile?as. 34433. (M?ndez)

4935, Radio Capixaba, Vitoria, 0550-0640, 25-12, locutor, portugu?s, comentario 
religioso, predicaciones. 24322. (M?ndez)

4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0706-0820, 25-12, "Programa especial Nadal 
Na Beira da Mata, com Carlos Veloso" "Na Beira da Mata, feliz Nadal", "Na Beira 
da Mata, ?ltimo programa do ano 2009", comentarios y canciones brasile?as. 
35433. (M?ndez)

5940, Voz Missionaria, Cambori?, 0612-0815, 25-12, portugu?s, locutor, 
comentario: "A palabra do Se?or", "Esta madrugada",  canciones religiosas. A 
las 0759 identificaci?n: "Transmite Voz Missionaria", "Missionaria", 
"Missionaria". 24322. (M?ndez)

6010, Radio Inconfidencia, Bello Horizonte, 0704-0715, 25-12, locutor, 
portugu?s, comentarios: "Nadal", "Brasileiro". Muy d?bil. 13221. (M?ndez)

6185, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, *0700-0820, "Bon d?a Amazonia, Bon 
d?a Brasil", "Programa especial Nadal", canciones brasile?as. A las 0800: 
"Radio Nacional da Amazonia, programa especial". A partir 0820 se deteriora la 
se?al y predomina Radio Educaci?n. 24322. (M?ndez)

9565, Radio Tupi, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba". 0841-0855, 25-12, 
locutor, portugu?s, predicaciones: "Pentecostal Deus e Amor" 34433. (M?ndez)

9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1021-1110, 25-12, portugu?s, canciones religiosas 
navide?as. 24322. (M?ndez)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, *0830-0945, 25-12, "Programa Na Beira da 
Mata especial Nadal". "A festa Brasileira", "Radio Brasil Central, comunicando 
para o mundo" 35433. (M?ndez)

11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 1015-1025, 25-12, locutor, portugu?s, 
comentarios. 24322. (M?ndez)

COLOMBIA, 5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 0557-0620, 25-12, canciones 
latinoamericanas, identificaci?n, comentario sobre premiso de loter?a. 34433. 

CUBA, 5025, Radio Rebelde, 1005-1020, 25-10, noticias de Cuba, programa 
"Haciendo Radio", locutor, corresponsales, identificaci?n: "En Radio Rebelde 
seguimos haciendo radio". 45444. (M?ndez)

ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, La Voz de los Andes, Pichincha, *0828-1002, 25-12, 0828 
himno, locutora, probable en quechua y frases en espa?ol, identificaci?n: 
"HCJB, Quito, 690 AM, onda corta 6050 kHz". 0830 Se?ales horarias, comentarios 
y m?sica del Ecuador, mencionan "Voz de los Andes", "Nochebuena", "HCJB, Hoy 
Cristo Jesus Bendice". 34433. (M?ndez)

GUINEA ECUATORIAL, 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 2140-2215, 24-12, locutora, 
anuncios, canciones africanas. A las 2200 noticias por locutor. 35433. (M?ndez)

INDIA, 5010, AIR Thiruvananthapuram, 1733-1746, 24-12, noticias en ingl?s, 
luego comentarios en vernaculo, locutor, locutora. 34433. (M?ndez)

4800, XERTA, Radio Transcontinental de Am?rica, M?xico D. F., 0846-0910, 25-12, 
locutor, comentario religioso en Espa?ol. Se?al muy d?bil. 15321. (M?ndez)

6010, Radio Mil, M?xico D. F., 0809-1017, 25-12, locutor: "Radio Mil te desea 
una feliz Navidad", canciones latinoamericanas y espa?olas, "Radio Mil", "En 
Radio Mil, programa especial el 31 de Diciembre a las 10 de la ma?ana", "Radio 
Mil, en donde vive M?xico". A partir 0950 se fue deteriorando la se?al. 24322. 

6185, Radio Educaci?n, M?xico D. F., 0915-1025, 25-12, m?sica cl?sica. A partir 
1010 se deteriora la se?al. 34433. (M?ndez)

4895, Mongolian Radio, Murun, 2228-2240, 24-12, m?sica mongol, locutor, 
comentarios, mongol. 24322. (M?ndez)

12095, Voice of Mongolia, Ulan Bator, 1030-1040, 25-12, programa en ingl?s: 
"This is the Voice of Mongolia in English", "Welcome to the Voice of Mongolia", 
locutora, comentarios. 34433. (M?ndez)

4746.9, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2337-2348, 24-12, locutor, locutora, 
comentarios, anuncios. 14321. (M?ndez)

4790.1, Radio Visi?n, Chiclayo, 0613-0850, 25-12, locutor, comentario 
religioso, canciones. "En el nombre de Jes?s, Gloria a Dios", "La Voz de la 
Salvaci?n", "El pastor C?rdoba". 24322. (M?ndez)

5120.2, Radio Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, 2246-2257, 24-12, canciones 
peruanas. Muy d?bil. 14321. (M?ndez)

6019.4, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0728-0810, 25-12, locutor, entrevista con 
oyentes. Predicaciones. 34433. (M?ndez)


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 10:13:13 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs December 25, 2009
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** CHINA. Firedrake Dec 25 at 1453: just barely audible on 8400, inaudible on 
9000, 10210, 11300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC Dec 25 at 0557: 6140 very lowly modulated with music // 6060 and 
6010, ergo English service this time; whilst Spanish was on 6150 and 6120 

** INDONESIA. VOI, now only a smidgin below 9526.0, Dec 25 at 1453 from music 
into English promo announcement as ``being the first, being different, being 
the best`` --- but is it really, when the next thing they do is play Xmas songs 
by Chipmunx? 1455 another English ID, then Jingle Bells --- it`s hard to 
imagine a one-horse-open-sleigh in Jakarta! But never mind. 

After CRI Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN het came up at 1457, VOI still on top with 
Merry Xmas song. I had concluded that VOI was again running the English hour 60 
minutes late instead of Malay at 14-15, but at 1459 ID in Indonesian 
(mentioning Bahasa Indonesia, not Malaya), ending with English slogan ``sound 
of dignity``. And at 1500 transition announcement from Malay to English, so now 
we/they are really confused. But audio cut off before English could start, just 
open carrier with unimpeded hum until 1503:50* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** IRAN. 9575, GIRI, Dec 25 at 1456, good modulation for a change and also good 
signal during a Qur`an qlip, Russian comment; JBA on // 9730. No ecumenism 
here, not a jingle bell to be heard; it is just another Friday, after all 

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5910, Shiokaze = Sea Breeze has moved again, from 5985 
back to 5910, Dec 25 at 1419, another English Friday, M announcer talking about 
Kim Jung-Il and other North Korean matters, his accent not so heavy that I 
could not understand almost every word. So this was a `news` program rather 
than an abductee-listing program. No QRM, fair signal and 1426 into wrapup by 
YL mentioning they are originating in Tokyo, Japan. No doubt Ron Howard will be 
pleased JSR is again away from Myanmar 5985, tho it makes no difference here 

** KUWAIT. 15110, one of the better extracontinental signals on 19m, Dec 25 at 
1511 with Arabic music, announcement; 1600 heavy beat Arabic rock, 
announcements; altho did not catch ID, it is surely R. Kuwait as scheduled. 
WRTH 2010 says to S Asia at 1115-1800. I wish WRTH would include azimuths, but 
they never do --- after all, adding so many three-digit numbers might require 
another signature (or maybe not: there is still a lot of white space in tabular 
listings). Aoki shows this as 500 kW, 230 degrees as of A09, which would not be 
to S Asia; registered as 100 degrees to CIRAF 41, which is indeed S Asia, but 
this is certainly not in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 6185, XEPPM, Dec 25 at 0559 with Mexican national anthem, 
as required at local midnite; atop Vatican co-channel rippling SAH which would 
not be so fast if XEPPM would get on frequency. Then live ID only for MW 1060 
with 100,000 vatios (However, WRTH 2010 shows night power cuts to only 20 kW! 
No wonder it is seldom heard here on 1060, and always subject to lots of QRM.) 
No mention of SW, which compared to MW must be inconsequential for the DJ, if 
he is even aware it exist. 0600 is when separate SW programming ends and MW 
simulcast begins. 

It so happens that 6185 is useless until 0557 when CRI via Sackville closes 
powerful 6190. That has been expanded to last three hours from 0300. Radio 
Educaci?n also has co-channel from Bras?lia until 0300 per Aoki, but does it 
really stay on that late during DST? And also VOR in Spanish via St. Pete. No 
longer on the HFCC roster, XEPPM is treated by international broadcasters as if 
it does not exist. But then 250 kW Radio Nacional da Amaz?nia is also a phantom 
to them, accounting for VOR`s self-defeating frequency choice (Glenn Hauser, 

** NETHERLANDS [non]. The Media Network newsletter this week pointed out that 
RNW in English is now relayed in NAm by WRMI since it is carrying WRN at 
0500-0600 on 9955 (it`s UT M-F, not Tue-Sat, tho), as previously reported in 
DXLD. So I checked for it UT Fri Dec 25 at 0547, but nothing was audible other 
than weak DentroCuban pulse jamming. 

The MUF at midnight fluxuates a lot, and sometimes WRMI is just not 
propagating, if it is not off the air, aimed SSE anyway rather than NW. In 
reality, RNW reception is much more reliable when in English to W Africa via 
Bonaire, even Madagascar, when that is not off the air for up to a week due to 
a fire, as currently the case.

One of the other Florida SW stations, WYFR is always handy for propagation 
comparisons, and it was not to be heard on its five 31m channels, while often 
they are inbooming. Hardly any signals were audible between 9.7 and 10 MHz, 
making me think the band was about dead, but then encountered a strong REE 
Costa Rica on 9675, VOA Greenville French on 9480, WTJC 9370, weaker but 
sufficient ANO Gabon on 9580, Zambia on 9430, Greece on 9420 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** PALAU. 9965, unusually something between WRMI and WWCR, Dec 25 at 1517, 
strong signal with American preacher, ``there is a mighty God``. I consulted 
the B-09 Broadcasts in English booklet from the British DX Club I keep next to 
the radio instead of defunct PWBR, and hunting thru the 1500 UT listings, soon 
found T8WH in vernacular/English. At 1535 recheck it had changed to Korean.

Once the computer was on, today`s Aoki agrees it is T8WH, daily in English 
until 1530, then daily in Korean from 1530 with Nippon no Kaze clandestine; the 
azimuth switches from 318 to 345 degrees but I did not notice much difference 

Merchant marine Larry Fields is visiting Palau and tried to find T8WH. The 
locals had never heard of it, and he did not find it, despite driving toward 
where it was supposed to be, racking up $75 in taxi fare. Google Earth mapping 
researched by Wolfgang B?schel shows it on the opposite side of the island from 
Koror, and Kai Ludwig suggests the antennas may be obscured by trees until you 
are right upon them. Larry is still on the island for another week and is going 
to try again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. 6055, Dec 25 at 0609 with hilife music, then continuous 
discussion in French mentioning Sekou Tour?, no doubt prompted by the current 
violence in Guinea. At first I imagined it would be RWANDA, which had been 
heard a few hours earlier on extended Xmas eve broadcast, and after all it is 
scheduled from 0300; but this was no doubt the semi-hour in French from BBCWS 
via Ascension, another competitor for Radio Nikkei (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. A wonderful Xmas gift from WINB in the form of convicted and 
sentenced to 175 years child-sex predator Tony Al?mo (he is still entitled to 
have his pseudonym accented as he wishes), Dec 25 at 1602 on 13570 as he was 
trashing the United Nations. I can think of another SW station I hesitate to 
identify which is also still broadcasting this monster, according to its 
schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 84, Issue 26

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