
 Last logs from Gondomar,Portugal

 BELARUS      1170 Golos Rossii px. noted at 1835,instead
               of Hungarian,listed in H.Boel's EMWG, via
               Sasnovy.QRM R.Capodistria,SVN.
               34432  2009/12/27

  NETHERLANDS  9300 FRS-Holland,noted in German,at 1630
               with OM ann.,and Id.at 1639.
               35332   2009/12/27

  PAKISTAN     7535 R.Pakistan,(p)Rewat,in Urdu, at 1720
               with live speech excerpts.Seems to have
               some modulation problems, together with
               strong hum.Improving with time.
               34432  2009/12/27

  PHILIPPINES  9920 FEBC, Bocaue,in (listed) Koho, at
               1245, with OM talking untill 1257 when
               mx.bridge,and,px.end talks, by OM at
               1258. 25432    2009/12/23  

  VIETNAM      7280 Voice of Vietnam,Hanoi, in English,
               noted at 1610 with news,followed by
               song px. untill tx.end, at 1628.
               35432    2009/12/27

 Receivers Kenwood R-2000 + Sony 7600GR
 Antenna    17 m TTFD
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