** ARGENTINA. 11710.78, RAE, 0015-0110+, Jan 30, tune-in to 
Portuguese  programming with talk and Argentine music. IS/ID 
sequence at 0056. Spanish  ID announcements at 0100 and local 
music. Japanese talk at 0108. Fair to  good. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** COLOMBIA. 6034.98, LV del Guaviare, San José Guaviare,
0053-0301*,  Jan 29, local pop music. IDs. Spanish announcements.
Local folk music. Sign  off with National Anthem at 0259. Poor with
adjacent channel splatter. (Brian  Alexander, PA) 
** GUINEA. 7125, Radio Guineé, 2352-0001*, Jan 29-30, local Afro-
pop  music. French talk. Abrupt sign off. Fair to good. (Brian 
Alexander, PA) 
** MEXICO. 6104.76, XEQM, Candela FM, Merida, 0635-0710,
Jan 29, Spanish  talk. Local ballads. Local pop music. Fair signal.
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 6925 USB, Outhouse Radio, 0043-
0053, Jan  29, country music. Pop music by Madonna. IDs. Poor to
fair. (Brian Alexander,  PA) 
** SUDAN [non]. via Slovakia, 9825, Miraya 101 FM, 1500-1600,
Jan 29,  IDs at 1500 & English news. Gave mirayafm.org website. 
Sports news at  1507. IDs as “Miraya 101”, “Miraya FM” and “101 
Miraya FM”. Canned IDs.  Extended English programming to 1545 
with occasional short vernacular talks.  Into Arabic at 1545 with talk 
and local music. Usually goes into Arabic  around 1513. Fair signal. 
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
** SYRIA. 9330, Radio Damascus, 2132-2201*, Jan 29, tune-in to
English  news about Haiti earthquake and Middle-East peace efforts.
IDs. Local pop  music. Talk about plans to preserve Old Damascus.
More news at 2150. Anthem  at 2200 and off the air. Back at 2202
sign on with Spanish programming. Good,  strong audio but slight
hum. 12085 not heard. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom  IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 

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