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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. MV Baltic Radio this Sunday (Tom Taylor)
   2. VOA Amharic Broadcasts Jammed in Ethiopia (Arnaldo)
   3. International Radio Serbia marking its 74th anniversary (Arnaldo)
   4. LA ROSA DE TOKYO PARA HOY: La emblem?tica conductora y
      locutora argentina Betty Elizalde (Arnaldo)
   5. The Shortwave Report 03/05/10 Listen Globally! by Dan Roberts
      (Zacharias Liangas )
   6. Logs 4-6 3 10 (Zacharias Liangas )
   7. Log R. BSKSA ARS (Theodor Averbeck)
   8. Indonesia, Myanmar (Dave Valko)
   9. logs (Robert Wilkner)
  10. Glenn Hauser logs March 5-6, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
  11. Glenn Hauser logs March 6-7, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
  12. Radio Heritage News #25 (


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 09:15:42 -0000
From: "Tom Taylor" <>
To: "Tom Taylor" <>
Subject: [HCDX] MV Baltic Radio this Sunday
Message-ID: <918682e5d8a3476ba8b8be79ed2ca...@dellcb21k2j>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

         MV Baltic Radio this Sunday 


MV Baltic Radio is on this Sunday the 7th of March 2010

At 10.00 to 1100 UTC on our normal channel of 6140 KHz.



M.V.Baltic. Information:

MV Baltic Radio relay service Schedule for winter 2010

1st    Sunday - MV Baltic Radio

3rd    Sunday - European Music Radio (April)

4th    Sunday - Radio Gloria International


We wish you good listening and good reception!   73s Tom




Message: 2
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 06:20:17 +0100
From: "Arnaldo" <>
To: <>
Cc:, NoticiasDX
        <>,, playdx2003
        <>,   DXLD <>,
Subject: [HCDX] VOA Amharic Broadcasts Jammed in Ethiopia
Message-ID: <002201cabcec$b5b4cff0$1da0c...@windowsv03oj4t>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

International shortwave radio monitors have confirmed that VOA broadcasts in 
the Amharic language are being jammed. Amharic is the main official language 
and the language of commerce in Ethiopia.

VOA representatives in Ethiopia have been received complaints from listeners 
about noise drowning out its Amharic Service broadcasts.  People trying to tune 
in can hear occasional snippets of the VOA broadcast covered by a loud crackle.

The static began February 22 on all five VOA shortwave frequencies aimed at 
East Africa in the 25 and 31-meter shortwave bands.

The other foreign broadcast heard in Ethiopia, the German government's Deutsche 
Welle Amharic language program, also reports experiencing some interference, in 
the past few days. 

Monitors say VOA transmissions in two other Ethiopian languages, Afan Oromo and 
Tigrinya, are being heard normally. They are broadcast on the same frequencies, 
before and after the hour-long Amharic program.

VOA and Deutsche Welle were jammed around the time of the last parliament 
election in 2005, and again before the 2008 nationwide local elections. The 
next crucial parliament vote is scheduled for May 23.

In 2008, the authoritative BBC monitoring service reported it was able to 
determine that the jamming signals originated from within Ethiopia. This time, 
however, no such determination has been made.

In a telephone interview, Ethiopian Communications Office spokesman Shimelis 
Kemal denied any government involvement in the jamming. "This is a baseless 
allegation. The government doesn't espouse a policy of restricting media 
outlets from disseminating their messages to Ethiopian audiences," he said.

Ethiopian officials have often described VOA's Amharic Service as the 'voice of 
the opposition', saying its broadcasts reveal an anti-government bias. 
Meleskachew Ameha, an Amharic Service reporter in Addis Ababa, was detained for 
two weeks, last year, in a case involving alleged possession of illegal 
broadcast equipment.  He was released without charge.

Audience research in 2008 suggested about 11 percent of adult Ethiopians 
regularly tune in to VOA language service broadcasts. 

Voice of America Director Danforth Austin issued a statement Wednesday saying, 
'VOA deplores jamming and any other form of censorship of the media'.

The Voice of America is a multi-media international broadcasting service funded 
by the U.S. Government. VOA broadcasts more than 1,500 hours of news and other 
programming every week in 49 languages to an audience of more than 125 million 
people.(VOA NEWS)


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 06:22:32 +0100
From: "Arnaldo" <>
To: <>
Cc:, playdx2003 <>,
        DXLD <>,
Subject: [HCDX] International Radio Serbia marking its 74th
Message-ID: <002c01cabced$060396d0$1da0c...@windowsv03oj4t>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

International Radio Serbia is marking its 74th anniversary. On that occasion, a 
ceremony was held today, attended by many eminent persons, embassy and media 
rerpesentatives, former and present employees of this radio, the only 
short-wave radio station in the country. Director Milorad Vujovic spoke about 
the significance of the radio and future plans. This radio was formed six years 
before the VOA. It started broadcasting programmes on March 8, 1936, in the 
Kingdom of Yugoslavia. It is broadcasting programmes in all parts of the world, 
in 12 languages: Serbian (for the diaspora), English, French, German, Russian, 
Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Greek, Albanian, Hungarian and Chinese. 


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 06:28:00 +0100
From: "Arnaldo" <>
To: <>
Cc:,,, NoticiasDX
        <>,   Domesticas Y Tropicales
        <>, Luis Mar?a Barassi
        <>,       playdx2003 <>,
        DXLD <>,
Subject: [HCDX] LA ROSA DE TOKYO PARA HOY: La emblem?tica conductora y
        locutora argentina Betty Elizalde
Message-ID: <004601cabced$c960b630$1da0c...@windowsv03oj4t>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

El programa del d?a 06 de Marzo estar? dedicado a evocar una de las voces m?s 
representativas de la radiofon?a contempor?nea de la Rep?blica Argentina: la de 
la Se?ora Betty Elizalde.


La Rosa de Tokyo, el programa semanal de DX y medios de comunicaci?n irradiado 
a trav?s de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires (AM1270 
Khz; y una importante red de emisoras de frecuencia 
modulada, amplitud modulada y onda corta de la Argentina y el resto del  mundo) 


La Rosa de Tokyo se irradia los s?bados  desde las 0900 hasta las 1000 hora de 
la Argentina (1200 a 1300 horas UTC).-  En caso de querer escuchar el programa 
en cualquier momento pueden visitar la excelente p?gina programas DX en


Recuerden que los d?as subsiguientes podr?n volver a escuchar este programa 
haciendo click en


Omar Somma y Arnaldo Slaen


Message: 5
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2010 16:38:05 +0200
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] The Shortwave Report 03/05/10 Listen Globally! by Dan
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

The Shortwave Report 03/05/10 Listen Globally!
by Dan Roberts ( outfarpress(at) )
Thursday Mar 4th, 2010 5:15 PM

    A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a 
shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- 
broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, 
Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (March 5) is up at the website in both broadcast 
quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version 
posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio 
Netherlands, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.
>From CHINA- China currently has 11 commercial nuclear power plants 
running, with plans for 57 more underway- where all the uranium will come 
from? Brazil has rebuffed a US appeal for new sanctions against Iran, and 
Iran blames the US for creating fear that their nuclear development is for 
>From NETHERLANDS- Radio Netherlands has eliminated shortwave 
broadcasts to North America. The decision is based on their surveys that 
find very few listeners in N America. If you ever listen to RN on shortwave, 
please let them know- by email to letters [at] or send them a letter to 
Radio Netherlands Worldwide, PO Box 222, 1200JG, Hilversum, The 
The European Union has released a ten year plan to beat recession and 
stay competitive with Brazil, India, and China in technology. The Italian 
government TV network has pulled political talk shows off the air in the run 
up to regional elections.
>From CUBA- Large demonstrations have been occurring in Rome in 
opposition to Prime Minister Berlusconi. There are accusations that the US 
State Department tried to block probes into Blackwater's massacres. 
Afghanistan has banned the news media from covering Taliban attacks. 
Russia is angry over the increase in heroin production in Afghanistan. The 
Washington Post reports that the current surge in Afghanistan is a prelude 
to larger military campaigns. The United Nations General Assembly has 
passed a resolution calling for honest investigations into possible war 
crimes during the siege of Gaza by Israel at the start of 2009.
>From RUSSIA- Israel will stay in the West Bank even if a peace treaty is 
signed, according to the Prime Minister. A commentary on the global 
expansion of NATO and the role of Russia. A commentary on the 
relationship between the US and Georgia.
There is an article about the Shortwave Report by Cassandra Roos on line 

I was interviewed for an informative weekly radio show Mediageek, 
available at

All that plus times and frequencies for listening at home. It's free to 
rebroadcast, please notify me if you're airing it and haven't notified me in 
the last month, please mention the website if you only air a portion. If you 
just want to listen and have a slow connection, try the streaming version- 
lower sound quality but good enough and way easier if you don't have a 
high-speed internet connection. If streaming is a problem because of your 
slow connection, download the smaller file- it takes 20 minutes or less, and 
will play swell in any mp3 player application (RealPlayer, Winamp, 
Quicktime, iTunes, etc) you have on your computer.
This program will be aired on Friday afternoon at 4:30pm (PDST) on 
KZYX/Z Philo CA, you might be able to stream via < >
There are several other streams that work better- < >Freak Radio Santa Cruz now streams this 
program on Friday at 9:00am.(PDST)
The Shortwave Report may be downloaded as a podcast from < 
utFarpress+presents > or iTunes (search for "shortwave" in podcasts)
Check out the amazing streams at < >
And Radio For Peace International at < >

I hope you'll listen and air this if you're connected with a radio station. I 
still wondering how to get financially compensated for the 25 hours I put 
into this program weekly- any ideas are appreciated. Any stations 
rebroadcasting this (or listeners) are welcome to donate for production 
costs. You can do so through the website. Many thanks to those that have 
donated! No Guilt! (maybe a little)
link for broadcast edition-
< >(13.3MB)
link for smaller file and streaming-
< > 
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 

Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________ (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE (replacement of geocities)  (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)     some videos (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos    pictures upload  (social 
news )  (my social 'bookmarks' )
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 6
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2010 16:11:48 +0200
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs 4-6 3 10
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

here :

Logs 4-3-10 

Miraya FM 15670  1418 with talks in AR , ID at 1421 then talks continue in 
AR 1443 with sx HoAfrican style 

9950 Furusato? 1447 with talks in JJ , 1447 with classical music  S6

7185 Myanmar 1530* with  talks by YL in BM and EG(?)  Sinal quite poor  
to ID if EG was also lang S2-3 . Also on 5th with signal <S3 and on 7185.8 
on 1446 

15165 LV Djibouti ?  1549 with talks in VN and AR S30!!! S off 1630 

9960 Bar Kulan 1650 with st'n jungle . talks by OM  in VN , a song on 
Sudan and again a single . Sudden s off 165950 

15750 Bar Kulan Quran prayer on 0503 , ID by OM , jingle  S4-6 

15190 R Africa 1555 OM with talks refs to Nigeria , S4 max 

13800 R Dabanga   with S10 /43523 being in // with 13740 (S20, 45533 ) 
with debate type discussions. At 1610 with full ID and tel numbers @1615 

Sudan 7200 R Omdurman  with a very clear QRM+N background,1940 talk 
by OM , 1944 hilife song  and signal S9 and level 35444 

KOREA 7100 Pyongyang 2010 -2020  with prg in Korean, talks by man in 
emphatic style , but sometimes going into strong peaks (as like 'adhering to' 
what is saying) 

VIETNAM 9730 VoV 2102  with prg in French S5 max 34443 slightly 


7380?? IRIB  1330  talks by YL in Japanese  after a hymn, 1332  talks over 
music then Muslim prayer!!  . S3 23332 

Spaceman 6310 pn 2025 & 2034 with old pop songs and good signal at S9 
45343 . Operator  said hello many times and ID ed  in EG . There was a  
strong splatter  from Cairo  
Also 2117 on 6326.08  with a German folk song that had the style of 
American country though little crazy   , airing  a message from  Tony from 
Serbia then message from Spain . S9 45544  

Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 

Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________ (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE (replacement of geocities)  (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)     some videos (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos    pictures upload  (social 
news )  (my social 'bookmarks' )
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 7
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 16:10:28 +0100
From: Theodor Averbeck <>
Subject: [HCDX] Log R. BSKSA ARS
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Log data
frequency kHz 17895
date 2010-03-06
time UTC 1430
transmitter at Duba ARS
t-coordinates 27?26'48.25"N  35?35'29.11"E
program rel. Holy Quran
language Arabic
SIO 433

73 theo  rx ar7030  loc jo42dr


Message: 8
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 11:04:03 -0500
From: "Dave Valko" <>
To: "Cumbre DX" <>,   "Hardcore DX"
Subject: [HCDX] Indonesia, Myanmar
Message-ID: <112f91d5b9e54ba59ca3c642fa81a...@davepc>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

INDONESIA   4749.96  RRI Makassar  1158 instru. Indo Pop-style mx, then M in IN 
w/ID anmnt.  1200 Rayuan Pulau Kelapa once, W briefly, then fanfare w/brief 
canned voice-over ID/nx intro, then W w/Jakarta nx including a number of sound 
bites past 1215.  Not too bad of a signal.  (6 March)

INDONESIA   3344.97  RRI Ternate  1159 W anncr tlk in IN sounding the like W on 
the Jakarta nx.  Instru. mx at 1200-1202.  Later, 1210-1220, it sounded like it 
was // 4749.96 RRI Makassar w/Jakarta nx by W.  Listening on both the NRD and 
Perseus at the same time but not quite 100% sure though.  (6 March)

MYANMAR   7185.78  Myanma R. (pres.)  Although the signal was sufficiently 
strong prior to 1228, I couldn't hear any audio.  Did note a W anncr w/mx pgm 
after 1228.  Unfortunately there were Hams on top and around it everywhere for 
a CQ contest.  (6 March)

73       Dave


Message: 9
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2010 13:27:37 -0500
From: Robert Wilkner <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Robert Wilkner
Pompano Beach Florida
Drake R8   ~  Icom 746proDL
60 meter band dipole, 90/120 meter band dipole
- - -

555  ZIZ Radio Basseterre Saint Kitts 2335 om with accented/correct :) 
English 28 Feb. [Wilkner]

895 Voice of Nevis 2338 -2350 instrumental music, 28 Feb.  [Wilkner]

2310  Australia   VL8A Alice Springs NT some audio 1100, 4 March [Wilkner]

2325  Australia   VL8T Tennant Creek  NT, Best signal of the three NTs 
1100, 4 March  [Wilkner]

2379.9t. UNID 1000,  seems signal here/ in the past, Brasil Radio 
Educadora, Limeira, SP [Wilkner]

2485  Australia,  VL8K Katherine NT  weak but still readable audio 1100, 
4 March [Wilkner]

3249.6v Honduras Radio Luz y Vida numerous day 1000 with transmitter 
problems [Wilkner]

3250  Honduras Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis back on frequency as of 2,3,4 
March 1100 en espanol good signal [Wilkner]

3290  Distorted hash  1100  4 March [Wilkner]

3290 Papua New Guinea Radio  Central, Boroko 1155 to 1200 audio still 
in, 4 March [Wilkner]

3329.53 Peru  Ondas del Huallaga,  Hu?nuco  1030 on March 4th [Wilkner]

3375.34  Brasil Radio Municipal S?o Gabriel da Cachoeira   return to 
frequency 3 March, 4 March  1000 to 1030, 0930  mx om Portuguese [Wilkner]

4760   Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Port Blair 1200 to 1218 fade, 
subcontinental music, om  and yl,fair to good before fade 1 March [Wilkner]

4774.9 Peru Radio Tarma. Tarma  1041 om vocal with instrumental 
background, good 4 March  [Wilkner]

4796.37 Bolivia Radio Lipez, Uyuni  1030 to 1045 return to frequency, 
after three weeks absent  [Wilkner]

4814.95 Ecuador Radio El Buen Pastor,Saraguro Loma Loja noted with good 
signal 1035  on March 4.  [Wilkner]

5019.9  Solomon Islands, SIBC 1000 to 1045, troubled by local Radio 
Rebelde ,Cuba  1 March, 4 March  [Wilkner]

5039.22 Peru, Radio  Libertad Junin noted at 1100 to 1110 with much 
weaker signal than in the past 4 March  [Wilkner]

5120.45  Peru,  Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba  seem regular at 1100 
daily  [Wilkner]

5580.19 Bolivia  Radio San Jos?, San Jos? de Chiquitos 2340 to 2355 
music, irregular schedule 28 Feb.  [Wilkner]

6173.9 Peru,   Radio Tawantinsuyo,  Cusco en espanol  1115 on 4 March  

7185.7  Burma, Myanmar Radio presumed at 1100 to 1120, some weak 
audio,Per Valko and Sharp  Logs  4 March  [Wilkner]




Message: 10
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 12:00:28 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 5-6, 2010
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** ALBANIA. 13640, R. Tirana, English to NAm, Saturday March 6 at 1540 with 
Klara talking about the Albanian Alps, altitudes, flora and fauna inhabiting 
them, with classical music background. Occasionally there would be noise bursts 
of, I think, four at a time, which seemed to be on the program feed rather than 
interference (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA [non]. 9890, R. Australia with Saturday night country music, March 
6 at 1429 but this is presented in Chinese, soon with ID and e-mail chinese @ before cutoff in mid-word at 1430:22*. Sufficient and 
clear signal. Per Aoki this is the new relay via PALAU, 100 kW, 318 degrees 
from Koror, replacing Darwin, at 1300-1430. Evidently Chinese continues on 
other frequencies. 

Hmm, why don`t the ChiCom jam Radio Australia Chinese like they do VOA, BBC, 
etc., etc.? What to the Australians know that we don`t? They don`t have any 
relay exchange deals with China, either. Makes one wonder if RA treats news 
about China with kid gloves. Jamming is really a journalistic badge of honor 
for the victim (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BULGARIA. While fishing for frogs from Habana, see CUBA, found more weak 
Spanish on 6200, March 6 at 0708, but YL`s accent is totally unCuban; yes, soon 
mentioned ``b?lgaro`` and is R. Bulgaria, // 7300 as scheduled in Spanish 
during this semihour for Iberian upwakers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CHINA [and non]. 13855, March 6 at 1344-1357* hyper-assertive Chinese 
speaker in the CNR1-style, mixed with some music. Looked for //s in the 7-14 
MHz range, but only found 13650 in synch, and 9540 an echo apart. Not // 12040 
and numerous other frequencies subject to jamming. 

So per Aoki this is really the CRI Chinese service: 13855 via Kashgar, EAST 
TURKISTAN; 13650 is via Urumqi, ibid.; and 9540 via Kunming in China proper.

15230, CRI via Sackville, Saturday March 6 at 1440 giving website for listener comments. That forwards to i.e. the 91.5 station in Beijing. Comment: how 
about giving us back good old CRINTERNATIONAL, not CRINTERNAL, in the footsteps 
of RCI.

9785, March 6 at 1459, VOA outro with CNR1 jamming, both off in time for 1500 
timesignal and opening CRI English, poor signal. Per Aoki, VOA Chinese via 
Tinang, PHILIPPINES, is jammed until 1500, then CRI via Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN 

** CUBA. Whoopee, more leapfrogs from Habana! 6180, March 6 at 0706 I am 
hearing RHC Spanish with echo. That`s because 6120 is leaping over 6150, and 
those two are not synchronized --- so does this mean they are from the same 
site, but not with same feed? Apparently.

Things change minute by minute: at 0706, 6010 English frequency is off, but 
6060 is still English, and so is just barely modulated 6140. 

At 0709, I find another RHC leapfrog on 6240, weak in Spanish but no echo. This 
must be 6060 leaping over 6150 another 90 kHz higher --- but wait, 6060 was 
just heard in English. But now when I check it, has indeed switched to Spanish 
so the leapfrog fits.

At 0710 I check 6140 again, and now it too has switched to Spanish, with 
improved modulation over English a few minutes earlier. That leaves zero 
frequencies in English now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS. Over-the-horizon radar pulses, presumed from here, March 6 at 1432 
on 19020-19045, and at 1433 also on 18965-18990. Next check at 1517, same on 
the upper, gone on the lower range. Handy MUF indicator, while the 21 MHz SWBC 
band was barely open (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [and non]. With plenty of open channels on 16m in the same vicinity, 
RFI and REE insist on colliding on 17850: March 6 at 1622 REE has the classical 
music show while RFI is speaking in French, making a SAH of about 3.2 Hz, close 
to equal levels. REE is 340 degrees via COSTA RICA USward, while RFI is 170 
degrees from Issoudun (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 15050, often barely audible to weak, so surprised to get a nice 
strong S9+10 signal at 1437 March 6, a bit of hum but not very distorted, in a 
language mentioning ``Marathi`` and ``Panaji``. Aoki totally misses anything on 
15050, but EiBi shows Sinhala from AIR Khampur site:
15050 1115-1215 IND All India Radio TAM CLN k
15050 1245-1500 IND All India Radio SI  CLN k
Both are 174 degrees so could be long or short path to here (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** MADAGASCAR [non]. Having missed both its broadcasts last weekend, Sat & Sun 
1530-1600 on new and clear 15660 via PRIDNESTROVYE, Radio Mada International 
was back Saturday March 6. In fact, just to be absolutely sure, the 
Pridnestrovyans had the transmitter already on at 1512 tune-in, running open 
carrier, no tones, burning up 300 kW of precious power for at least 18 minutes 
before hesitantly turning up the audio on the feed at 1530. Meanwhile there was 
a brief carrier drop at 1529.

It took them about 5 minutes to get modulation up to decent level comparable to 
Miraya via SLOVAKIA on 15670 next door. Signal considerably weakened by when it 
went off at 1600. I guess it was in Malagasy, as did not recognize any French, 
nor get an ID, but we know this is it. 

After brief studio intro, had an outdoor speech to a crowd, presumably by 
deposed President Ravalomanana, darling patron of World Christian 
Broadcasting`s Madagascar World Voice, still not on the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** MEXICO. 6185, XEPPM, Saturday March 6 at 0600 announcement in Spanish 
closing the separate SW service, about to rejoin MW 1060; at 0601 same 
announcement in English, a rare but reliable opportunity to hear this station 
in English. Too bad they don`t do at least a little axual programming in 
English, such as a daily summary of the news about Mexico! 

Normally the national anthem plays at local midnight, but instead tonight we 
had two sesquiminutes of dead air from here, audiblizing Vaticana Scandinavian 
co-channel with usual SAH of 6-7 Hz, until 0605 XEPPM joined classical vocal 
music in progress from the MW XEEP service. 0721 final check tonight, Radio 
Educaci?n still alone with long-form ballet music as Bras?lia had still not cut 
on 6185, but no doubt would during the next semihour. UT Sundays, however RNA 
runs 6185 and 11780 all-night without a break (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** PERU. 6019.3, unlike previous nites recently, R. Victoria is on the air and 
detectable on its unique frequency, March 6 at 0702, VP signal with talk and 
music; better at 0713 after RHC had vacated 6010, but bothered by 6030 
DentroCuban Jamming Command spurpulsing; and now it`s definitely wacky wailer 
David Miranda, the cash cow of this and so many other Latin American SW 

Does this reactivation mean we shall once again be able to hear the third 
harmonic once the sun shine on the Lima-Enid path? Yes! Later March 6 at 1432, 
weak talk in and out on 18057.9, which has to be this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** PHILIPPINES [and non]. 7480, March 6 at 1359, ``Jesus Saves`` IS, i.e. FEBC 
until 1359:30*. Per Aoki it`s the Bru language on Saturdays at 1345.

A few sex later by 1400 a weaker signal came on 7480, which is R. Aap ki 
Dunyaa, VOA Urdu via Thailand (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9385, Overcomer Ministry via WWRB, Sabbath March 6 at 
1503 playing instrumental (if that old Hammond(?) organ qualify) version of 
``Old Black Joe`` by Stephen Foster, then ``praise the lord``, crowd assenting 
sounds, and Brother Scare talking about this not being a religious broadcast, 
not a church service (?? Perhaps I missed something). 

Whether it be or not, OBJ is totally politically incorrect, let us hope even 
elsewhere in South Carolina, tho some no doubt pine for the good ole days of 
slavery; the true colors of R. G. shining thru? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** SUDAN [non]. The two EDC target services were competing with good native 
music Saturday March 6: 17700, which DX Mix News says is SSIRI via ASCENSION, 
at 1601 mentioned Darfur several times but shortly was mostly music. At 1625 
sounded like an oud, very nice; 1630 spelling website or e-mail address and 
into Arabic dialect talk segment.

17745, Sudan Radio Service via PORTUGAL, March 6 had quite different music, at 
first hilifish, then at 1635 kids singing with barnyard sounds (Glenn Hauser, 

** SWEDEN [non]. 15480, vacant March 6 at 1442 and 1517 chex. This had been a 
new transmission of IBRA Radio via Rampisham UK at 1430-1545 in Pashto, Dari 
and Hazaragi, which Aoki shows as daily starting March 1, and adds (FEBA) after 
IBRA Radio, so should we say SEYCHELLES [non]? I heard it March 3, but may have 
been missing also March 4 and 5; so maybe was only testing? (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** TAIWAN [non]. 15225 something in Russian, March 6 at 1439, mentions Kitaya, 
and bits of Chinese music, so CRI? No, it`s RTI via FRANCE, scheduled 14-15 
from Issoudun, 500 kW at 60 degrees. Lots of QRM from CRI 15230 splash via 
Sackville (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TIBET [non]. 15145, March 6 at 1558 folk music including flute, reminding me 
of Romanian, but off at 1559:35. Ten seconds later a stronger signal came on, 
with Radio Free Asia, Washington DC, ID, and introed a language, but I could 
not copy it; anyhow, off the air again at 1600:25, so I guess that was a 
mistake. Aoki shows RFA via UAE in Tibetan at 1500-1600, so of course also 
ChiCom jammed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WRMI, 9955 observations March 6: at 0653 in Spanish giving an address 
in Argentina so presumably La Rosa de Tokio quasi-DX program as scheduled 
Saturdays at 0600, then fill music for rest of hour, love song in English, so 
not sure if originated with LRT or WRMI. Signal was good and no jamming; might 
be on NW antenna again? Doubtful; propagation was hypernormal from SFL for the 
nightmiddle, WYFR also VG on 9985 and four other 31m channels.

At 1428 and still at 1454, nothing but heavy noise jamming audible, during 
scheduled WORLD OF RADIO broadcast at 1430. Thanks a lot, dear friend in 
Habana!! However, at 1500 the jamming was gone, audiblizing R. Prague relay but 
WRMI is now so weak that it has heavy SAH and CCI from Taiwan (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A [and non]. WTWW observations March 6, after pretty much non-stop 
Pastor Pete Peters the last several days: at 0712 off the air, tho I heard him 
in a tuneby a few minutes earlier (was it before or after 07? Did not log it), 
and at that time also noticed better signal than // 5890 WWCR. So is WTWW 
having transmitter trouble, or program tests finished and starting to 

At 1348, nothing on 9480. Next check at 1424, 9480 was cutting on and off with 
hoary Alex Scourby Bible pontifications, but interrupted by a non-PPP preacher 
every few seconds to interject his own opinions. I could still hear a lite 
squeal on the transmission. 

This was still the Scriptures for America feed, as // 9980 WWCR. While WTWW was 
off, could hear R. Australia 9475 with country music, this being Saturday 
night. At 1430, WTWW 9480 was still cutting on and off; next check 1455 it was 
off. 1806 it was on with PPP (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Contrary to WWCR`s posted schedule for transmitter 2, that now daily 
at 13-16 it`s Joyce Riley on 13845 instead of Pastor Melissa Scott, it was in 
fact PMS // 11775 ANGUILLA, when checked Saturday March 6 at 1343. The Riley 
show is available live, M-F only.

Something went wrong with the WORLD OF RADIO airing at 1730 Saturday March 6 on 
12160: when checked at 1754, my voice was looping over and over with a bit 
about Radio Bar-Kulan, 15750. This axually occurred at 20:30 into the program, 
so may have been doing so for at least five minutes. Rechecking my mp3 file, 
found nothing wrong with it, so urged WWCR to download it again and check it to 
prevent a recurrence on the remaining repeats UT Sunday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 9265, WINB at 1426 March 6, non-Brother Scare preacher, strong signal 
but with some warbling under, which almost sounds like RTTY --- QRM or 
self-imposed? Harmonic 18530 not making it at this time. No more Brother Scare? 

WINB website schedule, still dated January 10, shows:
08:00A / Sat-1300...Apostolic Asssembly [sic]
06:00P / Sat-2300...Kroze Bros. Outreach
i.e., nothing between these two, meaning A.A. runs for 10 hours straight, 
meanwhile switching at some unknown time to 13570v? Or not, as end-times are 
never shown, in this sense (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11785, WHRI had English preacher before 1400 Saturday March 6 unlike 
weekdays when it`s silent. But off again after 1400 and no reactivation of 
Hmong Lao Radio. Next check at 1455, back on with open carrier, 1458 ad/promo 
for Voice of the Martyrs (don`t get excited; this is obviously only another 
Christian evangelical show; but searching, unfound anywhere on the WHR 
schedule), WHRI ID. Next check at 1513 in Hmong, so still running Hmong World 
Christian Radio at 1500-1530 Saturdays only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A [non]. 7470, as early as 1350 March 6 with open carrier, some hum; 
1358 begin ``This is the Voice of America, Washington DC, signing on,`` with 
YDD. 1400 ``from Washington, you are listening to the latest news from the 
Voice of America``, and into some other language. 

Here is what is supposed to be happening on 7470 per Aoki: until 1400 it`s RFA 
in Tibetan via Mongolia; if that was on, the OC covered it. From 1400 it`s VOA 
in Tibetan via Tinang, PHILIPPINES. HFCC agrees about the latter but suppresses 
any info about the former, as if the ChiCom do not know anyway. Perhaps 
deniability is paramount for the Mongolians, wary of retaliation from their 
massive neighbor, and thus also for the Radio Free Asians (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [non]. 13615, March 6 at 1539, WYFR in Spanish about equal level with 
something in Farsi and slow SAH between them. Per Aoki, WYFR quits 13615 from 
Okeechobee at 1545, while R. Farda via Lampertheim, GERMANY runs 1400-1600, 
then changes to Skelton UK (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VANUATU. Looking for RV which supposedly starts 5055 by 0700: March 6 at 
0714 I can only detect a trace of a carrier, which is around their local 
sunset. Wish they would keep leaving it on a couple hours past 1200v, when I 
previously pulled modulation on the frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

UNIDENTIFIED. Checked 13645 again March 5 and 6 at 1600 just in case the 
previous mystery signal reappeared: nothing. Nor at 1638 March 6. I`ve now 
received a 2+ minute clip of its closing before 1700 from Fabricio in Brasil, 
and it sounds like India to me. Please listen to it at 
and let us know (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###



Message: 11
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 21:18:46 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 6-7, 2010
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

** ALBANIA. R. Tirana, in Albanian on 6130 and // 7425 with equally good 
signals, March 7 at 0123, Albanian songs but modulation somewhat distorted and 
lacks any higher frequencies of which SW is capable. Sounded like 7425 had a 
`bonker` ute QRMing deep underneath. But not heard when it went off at 0129, as 
6130 stayed on to open English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ARGENTINA. During ham contest, March 7 at 0017, on 21365-USB heard ``LP2F 
Contest``, presumably meant to imply that his own call was LP2F and he wanted 
extremely brief contest contacts only. lookup shows: ``Ezequiel 
Reinaldi, Las Rosas - Santa Fe, Argentina, LU1FDU Contest Callsing [sic]``. I 
wasn`t aware LP- prefixes were now in use (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** ARGENTINA. 15345.2, R. Nacional, Saturday March 6 into UT Sunday March 7 at 
0000 with automatic timesignal one second late compared to WWV, amid sports 
commentary, S9+18 signal, 0002 ``?gooooooooooaaaaalllllll!``, a form of 
insanity that anyone scoring a goal should merit such exuberance. It`s only a 
(SB) game (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. Some ham contest is underway this weekend, meaning lots more SSB QRM 
on 41 and 75 meters than usual, but also much more activity on 15 and even 10 
meters. March 6 at 2320 there was not a single SWBC signal on 13 meters, but 
``15`` meters was hopping from South America, primarily Brasil, PY2s and ZXs, 
also ARGENTINA, ECUADOR [qq.vv.]. Went up to 10 meters and also heard one PY2, 
but only logged a couple of Ticos (See COSTA RICA). 

At 0014 March 7 back on 15m, logged one Brazilian for the record, ZX5J, who was 
giving reports of 59-kilo on 21244.5, inconvenient split frequency for kHz-step 
tuning. lookup says ZX5J is a team contest station at Morro da Boa 
Vista, Rancho Queimado - Santa Catarina (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHILE. Unfortunately, the quake did not shake some sense into the CVC 11920 
transmitter relaying HCJB, for it still outputs big nasty slushy spurs on each 
side, March 6 at 2342 in Portuguese, centered as closely as I could tell at 
11901.5 and 11938.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake, UT March 6 at 2330: fair on 17970 and weaker // 
15140. Searching straight thru from 12000 to 20000, did not find any others. At 
0005, 17970 still going, and there was a much stronger Chinese-language 
broadcast on 17645, i.e. CNR1 jamming or VOA Tinang, PHILIPPINES. 

BTW, if you hear CRI programming on 17970 during the 23 hour in English, 00 in 
Spanish, that would be 3 x 5990 via Habana, which could certainly happen as 
18090 was audible; see CUBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** COSTA RICA. Ten meters probably had more LA DX had I tuned in earlier, but 
an hour before sunset March 6 was getting a couple of Ticos on USB: At 2324 UT 
on 28439, TI8II, running 100 watts; and at 2325, TI5N on 28455, weaker than 
TI8II, but did not catch a power. lookup shows:
TI8II, Carlos S. Bedoya, Puntarenas, who insists on two valid IRCs for QSL; 

** CUBA. 17705, March 7 at 0003 what passes for news on RHC, about Ch?vez and 
Zelaya, in Quechua, but frequently defaulting to Spanish, e.g. for numbers, 
concepts such as ``presidente leg?timo``. 0010 into Q? music. S9+18 signal on 
the only broadcast in this language as per WRTH 2010, altho spelt ``Quecha``, 
which I thought was some DXers` typo but now it has been immortalised and 
people copy it. Remember when R. Moscow, or was it Peace & Progress, broadcast 
in Quechua, and did Peking too? 

Now the ADDX schedule by language does not even bother with Quechua. Of course, 
many Andean domestic and regional SW stations use it, including HCJB, but no 
external broadcasters except RHC, as confirmed by EiBi`s Q-code for that 

18090, DCJC jamming pulses at 0021 March 7, i.e. 3 x 6030 against Radio Mart?, 
same time as was hearing third harmonic from PER?, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** ECUADOR. Another ham contester on 15m, HC1HC, March 7 at 0019 on 21292-USB, 
exchanging a 59K signal report. does not give his exact location, just 
Pichincha, but name is ALFREDO CAVIEDES and his QSL shows the Equatorial 
Monument (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** HONDURAS. 3250.0, March 7 at 0050 hymny music in Spanish, fair and 
undistorted signal no doubt from HRPC, Radio Luz y Vida, back on its nominal 
after noisy jumps to 3287/3290. OLASOB = only Latin American station on band, 
90 metres (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [non]. 5810, weak S Asian music at 2318 March 6. Not listed in Aoki or 
EiBi, but it`s R. Farda via Sri Lanka due northwest, at 2230-2400 (Glenn 

** MAURITANIA. 4845, ORTM, March 7 at 0117 still on with speech in Arabic, 
usual hum, whine or het on big undermodulated signal plus a bit of SSB QRM on 
the side. WWCR still on 5070 at this hour; latest sked from them, see USA, 
shows 4840 has been cut back to 03-06 UT only, so Nouakchott should again be in 
the clear for its rousing wakeup show (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6875, slightly on hi side, March 6 at 2315 weak rock music, 
presumably pirate and not WYFR. Still going March 7 at 0052 with Paul Robeson`s 
rousing rendition of The Internationale, which is enough to convince just about 
anyone to become a traditional communist, then clip from Dragnet, a 
non-sequitur? And robotic YL voice ``You are listening to The Crystal Ship, 
pirate radio``, off immediately at 0052.5*.

Later I checked e-mail and found that John Poet had notified of this broadcast: 
``On air as of now on 6875 kHz AM (2205 UTC), testing Valiant #2 which has had 
some modulation issues. Should be on there for awhile.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** PERU. Since I had just heard hams from Brasil, Argentina and Ecuador on 15m 
around sunset here, 0020 UT March 7, would R. Victoria, Lima, third harmonic 
also make it? Yes, 18057.9 had a weak carrier with a trace of audio. An hour 
later at 0118, check of 6019.3 found the fundamental totally blown away by CRI 
6020.0 via Albania, but sufficient to be audible as a het of about 700 Hz, the 
usual situation all evening (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. I`ve had little luck with the mid-5-MHz WOOB Peruvians since the good 
old days of R. Iluc?n on the consecutively-integered 5678. So I was pleased as 
a Peruvian hear any signal at all, March 7 at 0024 on 5485.7. On the main #1 
longwire antenna, east-west, into the FRG-7 was getting S9+5 signal but most of 
that was noise. At 0031 tried the #2 longwire, which is longer and NW/SE and 
that registered only S3, occasional peaks to S4 but the local S/N was better so 
stayed with that, also for subsequent logs this evening. 

But it was still so weak that despite considerable strain to hear something 
identifiable especially around hourtop 0100, could not tell anything except it 
was in Spanish, very lively DJ and music; 0045 mostly music. 0058.5 to an 
announcement which may well have mentioned Radio Frecuencia Popular, Olmos as 
IDed by Rafael Rodr?guez, Colombia, replacing previous occupant of exactly same 
frequency, Reina de la Selva, Chachapoyas. Was enjoying at least the fact that 
this was a nice clear frequency, until 0132 when 2-way Spanish contact started 
up on 5482.5-USB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. The 1330 broadcast of VOT in English is a total loss on both 
frequencies, 12035 and 15300, as we have outpointed repeatedly to no avail, so 
later I play the one-day file of that March 6 broadcast. News is mainly about 
outrage over USC resolution about the Armenian genocide being genocide by 
Turkey. Skipping ahead to recipe feature, ``Food for the court``, delicacies 
for the Ottomon palace cuisine, ended at 19:30 into the hour, the rest filled 
with excellent music, so I kept listening, but you`d think there would be more 
talk features before their concluding Question. They also said the food show 
would continue next week, so it`s not an alternator. This was an off-week for 
DX Corner, which is (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Mentioned on Ask WWCR #310 starting 27 Feb for two weeks: 
New program on 13845, starting 25 Feb, at 13 to 16, The Power Hour, now 
simulcast with 7490. (As we have already noticed, but M-F only.)

Brady and Jerry also discussed: Big movement, frequency-wise. Have been testing 
on 4775, 03-12, starting with 4-hour reair of Alex Jones show. Going to adjust 
it, altho have had good response, preceding A-10 to test another frequency FCC 
approved for us, 4840. Hope less interference than 4775 which only had a little 
bit. Wants reports to 4840 @ and one can report specifically on any 
WWCR frequency in that format (not including, I assume, spurs, tho have not 
tried to see if those would bounce).

4775 improved reception in Europe over 5070, which they had thought was good 
already; apparently not. This is all testing, so no guarantees where they will 
stay, or wind up in A-10 scheduling.

However, the online transmitter schedule, tho still dated effective March 1, 
has been modified again as checked March 6: instead of nine hours on 4840 as 
initially, 03-12, now it shows 4840 for only three hours at 03-06, then back to 
4775 at 06-12:

Transmitter #3 - 100 KW - 40 Degrees
12:00 AM-06:00 AM 0600-1200 4.775 MHz
06:00 AM-11:00 AM 1200-1700 7.490 MHz
11:00 AM-05:00 PM 1700-2300 12.160 MHz
05:00 PM-09:00 PM 2300-0300 5.070 MHz
09:00 PM-12:00 AM 0300-0600 4.840 MHz

However, the home page still shows 03-12 for 4840 - ? So now we can presumably 
hear Mauritania [see also] again with its riveting wake-up show on 4845.

The defective WORLD OF RADIO file got played again at 0330 UT Sunday on 4840, 
about 0350 going into looping so the rest of the show was missed. Since we 
heard this also happening at 1755 Saturday, it probably will have applied also 
to the other two WWCR airings, Friday 2130 on 7465 which we did not check, and 
Sunday 0730 on 3215. 

I hope WWCR listeners will be able to hear WOR 1502 somewhere else, such as 
several remaining repeats on WRMI 9955, or WBCQ Tuesday 2000 on 7415, probably 
Wednesday too. Full schedule on all stations is at
Or listen via 

** U S A. Checking Lavwadlamerik, March 6 at 2310, Greenville 7590 had 
distorted modulation and splatter audible out to plus and minus 20 kHz, even 
bothering the big signal from Cairo on 7580 --- could hear VOA scratching in 
its background, more so tnx to Cairo`s weak modulation in English.

UT March 7 at 0120, LVA good on both 5835 and 5960, giving websites for US 
Embassy; but 5835 is always so much stronger than 5960 during this hour that I 
would not be surprised if 5835 has two transmitters on it at once (Glenn 

** U S A. No show for Area 51 on 5110 WBCQ, Saturday evening March 6, checked 
several times between 2348 and 0130 March 7. At the first time, however, there 
was some very weak SSB 2-way on 5105, perhaps Spanish. 

Area 51 was supposed to be still running on SW 5110 Saturdays and Sundays, and says:

``Greetings from Kulpsville! We will be doing live broadcasting from the 23rd 
annual SWL Winterfest today and tomorrow via WBCQ 5.110 MHz. Our schedule is as 

?Friday, March 5: 6 pm ? 11 pm eastern US time (2300-0400 UT)
?Saturday, March 6: 5 pm ? 1 am (2200-0600 UT)
We will be available on the internet on our regular Area 51 webcast at  Comments (0)  March 5, 2010``

I did not bring up that webcast until 0300 and it was running, but with 
pre-produced pseudo-dramatic programming. I also checked 7415 at 2348 in case 
WBCQ turned that back on just one Saturday evening for this special occasion, 
but no. 

Were there any Fest SW broadcasts Friday evening on 5110, 7415 or 9330, when I 
was out in OK? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. SINPO 55555 reception of C-SPAN via Suddenlink Cable, Enid on channel 
20, Saturday March 6 at 2338 UT with DX program ``The Communicators`` in 
progress until slightly past 2400. This week`s guest was Martin Cooper, `` 
inventor of the cell phone``, discussing spectral efficiency. (Apparently the 
inventor of the walkie-talkie is overlooked/superseded.) 

Interesting to hear Marty`s POV on ever-increasing spectrum demands for 
telecommunications, expected to grow by 40! times in the next dekayear. At one 
point he said that spectrum is an infinite resource, and at another that it`s 
not much use above 3.5 GHz. Besides reallocating as much as possible to 
telecomms, e.g. from broadcast TV, this can only be accommodated by 
ever-increasing efficiency with new technology. 

The program normally repeats on CSPAN-2 Mondays at 1300 and UT Tuesdays 0100. 
And audio, video here: 

UNIDENTIFIED. 5010, checked frequently Saturday evening March 6 between 2255 
and 0130 UT March 7 in case there would be a repeat showing of last Saturday`s 
station reported by several others, which could have been Dominican Republic, 
Honduras or even Madagascar --- nothing there this time. There was some brief 
ute noise at 2348 around 5008 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6855.0 at 0054 March 7, tuning around after TCS quit 6875, found 
at first very distorted SSB, then cleared up and recognizable as country music, 
but with questionable lyrix. Presumed pirate, but needed to get quickly back to 
PERU 5485.7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED [non]. 13645, re previous report with link to a clip from Brasil 
of station, got this response:

``Hello Glenn, The station heard is AIR itself, probably in Gujarati. As you 
say 13645 is scheduled at 1515-1600 via Bangalore. I must say that the 
recording quality is excellent. Yours sincerely, Jose Jacob, Hyderabad, India``

So apparently the service was extended, or one hour late on those occasions, or 
possibly the Universal time was confused due to the change from summer to 
standard time in Brasil a few days earlier? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 



Message: 12
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 18:30:06 +1300
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Heritage News #25
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Hello Radio Fans

Isn't it amazing to see how fast 2010 is rushing past....our second
competition for the year is already online at it's to win a copy of 'Changing
Stations', a great story about commercial radio in Australia.

Read all about it on the home page today, and make sure you get your
entries into us by March 28 2010...entries welcome from anywhere.

You can read all about this book at, and if you're really keen you can
buy your own copy directly from our Amazon link on that page. It's a
worthwhile addition to any radio book collection.

Whilst on the subject of Australian radio...our latest radio heritage
documentary on Radio NZ International is broadcast tomorrow and it's
got some great interviews with early radio people, wonderful old
radio serials and some great music...check it out at
from can listen online easily by clicking on 'audio'
and 'Mailbox'......

Whilst you're at have a listen to the earlier 'Mailbox'
documentary from February 22...this features rare audio from FM
stations in Vila [Vanuatu] and Honiara [Solomon Islands] and a great
overview of the radio history of these two Pacific islands.

The University of Queensland in Brisbane is hosting World Press
Freedom Day May 1-3 and the Radio Heritage Foundation is pleased to
support this can get more information here at freedom means a lot for broadcasters in the
Asia and Pacific region.

Have you seen our new Borderless Radio reports yet? Erika Engle at
the Honolulu Star Bulletin newspaper writes about them in 'The Buzz'
business column of February 24 at and you can go
directly to download these free reports at ....they really are a fresh way
of looking at radio across the Pacific today....

If you're interested in Los Angeles radio news, we highly recommend
Don Barrett's LA Radio site which has now opened up
all its content for free access...there's an interesting story there
now about 94.7 KTWV The Wave and it's moves away from soft jazz to a
new kind of 'easy listening' format....since CBS pulled the plug on
online streaming for listeners outside the USA because of copyright
issues I'm not sure what the format is really........

Some things never change...a 1939 Australian radio business book
reports of a big battle between commercial radio and record companies
demanding's the same battle that broke early
commercial radio attempts in New Zealand in the 1930's and continues
to drive radio stations to the wall in 2010........

More and more people are now appearing at our Roll of honor of supporters...and
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We've got a grant application in to allow us add even more great
articles and news in the coming months....unfortunately updating the
site does cost us NZ$25 an hour so we have to hold over lots of new
content until funding arrives....

In the meantime, keep the articles, stories, images and audio flowing
in to us here at or via mail to our new
address: Radio Heritage Foundation, PO Box 20024, Newtown, Wellington
6242, New Zealand. We'll be adding all this new content just as soon
as we can.

Thanks to all our supporters who've joined the Roll of Honor so far,
and we hope you'll enjoy the chance to win 'Changing Stations' in our
new competition ending March 28 2010.

Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit connecting
popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage across the Pacific. Our
online Amazon bookstore has many good radio books at very good prices
so do your shopping now at .....our global
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PS...Keith Richardson tells us his printer found two more boxes of
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Zealand + a collectors CD of early Top 20 and other
we'll continue to offer this book as a thank you for donations....see
all the full details at and
request your copy today....



End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 87, Issue 7

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