** ARGENTINA. 11710.74, RAE, 0211-0230, March 12, tune-in to
English  programming with feature on local music. ID. English news 
at 0225. Fair.  (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** BRAZIL. 5939.93, Radio Voz Missionária, Florianópolis,  0515-0605,
March 13, Portuguese religious talk. Religious music.  Announcements.
Jingles. Echo announcements. Poor in noisy conditions. Weaker  on
// 11749.85. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** BRAZIL. 11765, Super Radio Deus é Amor, Curitiba PR, 0355-0410,
March  13, emotional Portuguese preacher. ID announcements at 0402. 
Local religious  music. Poor in noisy conditions. // 6060 - weak under 
Cuba. // 9565.22 -  poor with adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, 
** ETHIOPIA. 5980, Voice of Tigray Rev, *0256-0310, March 12, sign 
on  with IS. Vernacular talk at 0300. Horn of Africa music. Poor. Weak. 
// 5950  - weak but in the clear until Okeechobee came on the air at
0300. (Brian  Alexander, PA) 
** MADAGASCAR. 5010, Radio Madagasikara, *0247-0320, March 13,
sign on  with local music. Choral music. IS at 0257. Choral National 
Anthem at 0258.  Talk at 0300 in presumed Malagasy. Religious music
at 0302. Religious talk.  Weak but readable. Reduced carrier USB.
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
** MADAGASCAR [non]. via Pridnestrovye, 15660, Radio Mada  Int,
*1529:30-1600*, March 13, sign on with pop tune. Talk in  presumed
Malagasy at 1530. Speech by man at 1531. Crowd noise. Poor to  fair.
Sat, Sun only. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 6924.7 AM, MAC Radio, 1635-1737*,
March 13,  “Ultraman Show” with music by the Beatles, Stepenwolf,
and others. IDs. email  address: _macshortw...@yahoo.com_ 
(mailto:macshortw...@yahoo.com) .  Theme
music from “Get Smart” TV show. Sign off with National Anthem.  
Strong. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 6952.55 AM, WHYP, 1503-1518+,
March 13, punk  music. IDs. James Brownyard announcer. 
Acknowledged listeners’ reports. Fair  to good. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** SUDAN.  7200, SRTC, 0226-0315+, March 13, tune-in to  Qur`an.
Arabic talk at 0244. Vocal chants. Chirping birds. Local music.  Fair.
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
** SUDAN [non]. via Ascension, 17700, Southern Sudan Interactive
Radio  Instruction, *1600-1700*, March 13, opening SSIRS theme
music. Arabic talk.  Local music. SSIRS listed here but I am only
hearing IDs as Sudan Radio  Service and mention of sudanradio.org
website. Good. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom  IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 

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