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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. CRFX Toronto in 6070 kHz (Jorge Freitas (Yahoo))
   2. A-10 RUS Voice of Russia, Moscow, Russian service,        and  on MW
      & SW (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   3. Carlos Franqui & Radio Rebelde (Don Moore)
   4. Glenn Hauser logs April 18, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
   5. ANZAC Day Radio Memories (


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 07:51:00 -0000
From: "Jorge Freitas \(Yahoo\)" <>
To: <>, <>,
        <>, "Cumbre Lista" <>,
        "Hard Core DX" <>
Subject: [HCDX] CRFX Toronto in 6070 kHz
Message-ID: <00a401cadecb$e4cb0c40$>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

6070 18/Apr 0710 CANADA, CFRX Toronto, EE. OM and YL talks. An interview
with respondent outside the studio. Confirmation of listening via link . Weak signal. At 0720 UT start of
QRM from Super R?dio Deus ? Amor. Recorded (The best piece of recording I
forgot to give the play, because I was comparing it with audio from web
radio, sorry) (Jorge Freitas-B)



Jorge Freitas
Local time -3 UT
Feira de Santana Bahia
Degen 1103 
Dipole antenna, 19 meters - east/west - Balun 4:1
Skype: jorge.freitas.fsa
Escutas (listening, my blog):  <>



Message: 2
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 14:22:09 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "DXLD" <>, "HCDX" <>
Subject: [HCDX] A-10 RUS Voice of Russia, Moscow, Russian service,      and
        on MW & SW
Message-ID: <c759526b71184641b8a98de462ef7...@hnpc2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

RUSSIA   A-10 Voice of Russia Moscow, Russian Service schedule.

Russian service

International Russian Radio
(Vadim Alexeew-RUS via Michael Bethge-D, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 9)

Language UT kHz Tx location      kW  Target Addit info

Russian service
0000-0300  7285 Grigoriopol MDA  500 Ce.AM
0000-0300  7270 Yerevan ARM      500 Ce.AM
0100-0300 15735 Komsom.-n-A      250 Asia DRM
0100-0300 15585 Vladivistok      250 Asia [rather P.K. ?]
0100-0300  1503 Dushanbe TJK     500 CIS/MiddleAS
0100-0300  1503 Dushanbe TJK     500 NE&ME
0100-0300   972 Dushanbe TJK    1000 CIS/MiddleAS
0100-0300   972 Dushanbe TJK    1000 NE&ME
0100-0300   648 Dushanbe TJK    1000 CIS/MiddleAS
0100-0300   648 Dushanbe TJK    1000 NE&ME

0300-0400  1377 Yerevan ARM     1000 CIS/MiddleAS/NE
0300-0400   648 Dushanbe TJK    1000 CIS/MiddleAS
0300-0400   648 Dushanbe TJK    1000 NE&ME
0500-0600   972 Dushanbe TJK    1000 CIS/MiddleAS
0500-0700 17495 Dushanbe TJK    1000 AUS/NZL
0500-0700 17495 Dushanbe TJK    1000 Far East

0600-0700   972 Dushanbe TJK    1000 CIS/MiddleAS
0600-0800   648 Dushanbe TJK    1000 CIS/MiddleAS
0600-1200   999 Grigoriopol MDA  500 Europe
0600-1400   999 Grigoriopol MDA  500 Moldova, UKR
0800-1000  9850 Moscow Taldom    250 Europe DRM

0900-1200   972 Dushanbe TJK    1000 CIS/MiddleAS
1000-1200   648 Dushanbe TJK    1000 NE&ME
1000-1100 17495 Dushanbe TJK    1000 AUS/NZL
1000-1100 17495 Dushanbe TJK    1000 Far East
1100-1200   648 Dushanbe TJK    1000 CIS/MiddleAS
1100-1200   972 Dushanbe TJK    1000 NE&ME

1200-1500 13870 St. P.           200 NE&ME
1200-1300 12030 Irkutsk          250 Asia
1200-1300  9850 Moscow Taldom    250 Europe DRM
1200-1300  9445 Irkutsk           15 Asia   DRM
1200-1700  1503 Dushanbe TJK     500 CIS/MiddleAS
1200-1700  1503 Dushanbe TJK     500 NE&ME
1200-1600  1503 Dushanbe TJK     500 Asia
1200-1500  1431 Dresden GER      250 Europe
1200-1500  1323 Wachenbrunn GER 1000 Europe
1200-1700  1143 Kaliningrad      150 Baltic/BLR
1200-1400  1143 Dushanbe TJK     150 CIS/MiddleAS
1200-1400  1143 Dushanbe TJK     150 NE&ME
1200-1500   693 Oranienburg GER  250 Europe
1200-1500   630 Braunschweig GER 100 Europe
1200-1500   612 Vilnius-Virsuliskes 50 Baltic/BLR
1200-1400 12030 Irkutsk          250 AUS/NZL
1300-1400  9750 Moscow Taldom    250 Europe DRM
1300-1500  1377 Yerevan ARM     1000 CIS/MiddleAS/NE
1300-1400  1251 Dushanbe TJK     500 CIS/MiddleAS
1300-1400  1251 Dushanbe TJK     500 NE&ME
1300-1400  1251 Dushanbe TJK     500 Asia
1400-1500 11985 Moscow           500 Moldova, UKR
1400-1500 11985 Moscow           500 NE&ME
1400-1500  9460 Novosibirsk      250 NE&ME/CIS
1400-1500   999 Grigoriopol MDA  500 Europe
1400-1500   999 Grigoriopol MDA  500 Moldova, UKR
1400-1500   648 Dushanbe TJK    1000 CIS/MiddleAS
1400-1500   648 Dushanbe TJK    1000 NE&ME
1400-1500  1314 Yerevan ARM     1000 NE&ME

1500-1900  1494 St. P.           600 Europe/Baltic
1500-1600  1251 Dushanbe TJK     500 CIS/MiddleAS
1500-1600  1251 Dushanbe TJK     500 NE&ME
1500-1600  1251 Dushanbe TJK     500 Asia
1500-2000  1089 Krasnodar       1200 NE/CIS Cauc
1500-1800   999 Grigoriopol MDA  500 Europe
1500-1800   999 Grigoriopol MDA  500 Moldova, UKR
1500-1700   801 Dushanbe TJK     500 NE&ME
1500-1700   801 Dushanbe TJK     500 CIS/MiddleAS
1600-1800 15340 Moscow           200 Moldova, UKR
1600-1700  7310 Moscow           250 Europe
1600-1800  1170 Krasnodar       1200 NE/CIS Cauc
1600-1800  1026 Novosibirsk      500 CeAS/CIS
1600-2100  1503 Dushanbe TJK     500 NE&ME, CIS
1600-2100  1503 Dushanbe TJK     500 Asia
1700-1800  9460 Novosibirsk      250 CeAS/CIS
1700-2000   648 Dushanbe TJK    1000 CIS/MiddleAS
1700-2000   648 Dushanbe TJK    1000 NE&ME
1700-1800  1431 Dresden GER      250 Europe
1700-1800   693 Oranienburg GER  250 Europe
1700-1800   630 Braunschweig GER 100 Europe

1800-2000  7310 Moscow           250 Europe
1800-2000  1413 Grigoriopol MDA  500 Moldova, UKR
1800-2000  1413 Grigoriopol MDA  500 Europe
1800-1900  1323 Dushanbe TJK     500 CIS/MiddleAS
1800-1900  1323 Dushanbe TJK     500 NE&ME
1800-1900  1170 Krasnodar       1200 CIS Caucasus
1800-1900  1170 Krasnodar       1200 NE&ME
1800-2200  1143 Dushanbe TJK     150 CIS/MiddleAS
1800-2200  1143 Dushanbe TJK     150 NE&ME
1800-2100  1143 Kaliningrad      150 Baltic/BLR
1900-2200  1431 Dresden GER      250 Europe
1900-2200   693 Oranienburg GER  250 Europe
1900-2200   630 Braunschweig GER 100 Europe
1900-2000   612 Moscow            20 Moscow oblast
2000-2200  1314 Yerevan ARM     1000 NE&ME
2000-2200  1314 Yerevan ARM     1000 CIS Caucasus
2000-2200  1170 Krasnodar       1200 CIS Caucasus
2000-2200  1170 Krasnodar       1200 NE&ME
2000-2300   999 Grigoriopol MDA  500 Moldova, UKR
2000-2300   999 Grigoriopol MDA  500 Europe

2100-2200  1323 Wachenbrunn GER  150 Europe
2100-2200   612 Moscow            20 Moscow oblast
2200-2300  6145 Krasnodar        100 NE&ME
2300-2400  7285 Grigoriopol MDA  500 Ce.AM
2300-2400  7270 Yerevan ARM      500 Ce.AM
2300-0300  7285 Grigoriopol MDA  500 Europe

RMR - International Russian Radio, RGRK Radio Rossii
0000-0200  1026 Novosibirsk      500 CeAS/CIS
0100-0900   801 Dushanbe TJK     500 NE/ME
0100-0900   801 Dushanbe TJK     500 CIS/MiddleAS
0300-1200  1314 Yerevan ARM     1000 NE&ME
0300-1200  1314 Yerevan ARM     1000 CIS Caucasus
0300-0500  1170 Krasnodar       1200 CIS Caucasus
0300-0500  1170 Krasnodar       1200 NE&ME
0400-0500  1431 Dresden GER      250 Europe
0400-0500   693 Oranienburg GER  250 Europe
0400-0500   630 Braunschweig GER 100 Europe
0600-0900  1431 Dresden GER      250 Europe
0600-0900   693 Oranienburg GER  250 Europe
0600-0900   630 Braunschweig GER 100 Europe
1000-1200  1323 Dushanbe TJK     500 CIS/MiddleAS
1000-1200  1323 Dushanbe TJK     500 NE&ME
1100-1200   801 Dushanbe TJK     500 NE/ME
1100-1200   801 Dushanbe TJK     500 CIS/MiddleAS
2300-2400  1026 Novosibirsk      500 CeAS/CIS

Some entries occur TWICE to different targets, so maybe two tx units are in
use in parallel co-channel at given time ... ? But not stated clear.

A-10; April 9, via Michael Bethge-D  wwdxc BC-DX TopNews;
location updated and compressed by wb.
Vadim Alexeew-RUS via Michael Bethge-D, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 9)


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 08:02:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Don Moore <>
Subject: [HCDX] Carlos Franqui & Radio Rebelde
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

The New York Times today reports the death of Carlos Franqui, an exiled Cuban 
writer and opponent of Fidel Castro.

The brief report does not mention his original connection with Castro. Carlos 
Franqui was the director of Radio Rebelde in its earliest days as a clandestine 
radio station in mountains of the Sierra Madre in eastern Cuba. An article I 
wrote on the history of Radio Rebelde can be found here.

Franqui's book "Diary of the Cuban Revolution" (New York: Viking Penguin. 1980) 
gives a lot of background on the early history of the station. 

Don Moore   ---       

   Thinking outside the box isn't always enough. Sometimes you have to turn 
around and moon it.
Radio & Latin American website:



Message: 4
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 10:28:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 18, 2010
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** BRAZIL [and non]. 11780, April 18 at 0453 big open carrier with some hum; 
must be RNA, which runs all-night on UT Sundays only, but normally also 
modulated. Then checked // 6185 and found same unprogrammed sound, but here of 
course mixing badly with XEPPM jazz music, SAH of roughly 10 Hz, and probably 
Vatican in the mix too. 6185 less monitorable after *0559.5 CRI via Sackville 
splattering from adjacent 6190 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. Add yet another date when KBSWR Korean relay to NAm on 9650 via 
Sackville, fails to come thru: April 18 at 1431, just the usual fallback RCI IS 
and French/English ID loop. Probably buck-passing ``it`s not my problem``, with 
the people who could and would fix it out of the loop (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHINA. Firedrake April 18 on different frequencies: at 1342 good on 12950 
instead of 12970 yesterday; at 1406 fair on 14920 instead of 14970 previously; 
as SOH presumably tried unsuccessfully to escape ChiCom music-only jamming, 
itself inaudible here or on previous channels. 

No Firedrake found elsewhere 8-18 MHz, but CNR1 echo jamming severe on 15285 vs 
BBCWS Mandarin via Singapore at 1300-1530 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CHINA [and non]. 10000, April 18 at 1329, Morse ID for BPM mixing with WWVH 
voice ID as both are perpetually scheduled to do in H+29 and 59 minutes, why? 
Hardly anything audible from WWV (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. RHC anomalies April 18: at 0504, found 5970 in Spanish along 
with 5040, but at next check 0510, 5970 had switched to English. At 0504, 6010 
and 6060 were already in English, while 6150 was in open carrier instead of 
Spanish. At 0516, 6150 was undermodulating in Spanish, while // 6120 was quite 

Altho RHC was loud on 13680 during En Contacto with DX report from Spain, 
Sunday April 18 at 1340, also 13780 and thus leapfrogging to 13880 as well, 
13680 was absent at next check 1406, allowing R. Svoboda thru clearly with ID. 
It`s on 13680 this hour only via Rampisham, UK.

RHC`s own online schedule shows 13680 at 13-15 daily and also from 1400 Sunday 
for Al?, Presidente, which is impossible. 

But we who axually listen to SW know that A,P never starts anywhere near that 
early on any frequency, and often is completely absent. April 18 at 1657, not 
on 13680 or any other listed channel, so another no-show by El Hugazo. But RHC 
apparently turns off the ``Chicago`` beam on 13680 by 1400 at least on Sundays, 
whether or not A,P is to happen. Seems to me it has also been gone after 14 
otherdays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 4845, ORTM Nouakchott, in the clear April 18 at 0508 with more 
than one voice chanting, accompanied by plucked instrument. WWCR was missing 
from 4840, but not for long, back at 0514 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. WWCR transmitters are missing unpredictably; wonder what the problem 
is? April 18 at 0508, 4840 is off clearing 4845 for Mauritania, q.v.. Then I 
find 5890 also absent, but PMS still there on 5935; and at 0512, 3215 is also 
off, i.e. only one frequency active at the moment. But at 0514 I find that 4840 
is back on, and 5890, but still not 3215. Was it back by 0630 WORLD OF RADIO? 

At 1330 and 1338, 9980 is missing, while at 1338, 7490 is blasting in as usual; 
at 1342, 13845 and 15825 audible but much weaker. As I retuned to 9980 at 1408 
it was just cutting on joining a mortgage commercial in progress, but could 
have been on and off in the meantime (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 11715, April 18 at 1340 open carrier, presumed KJES failing to 
modulate, which had just reactivated the previous morning. By 1433, 11715 had 
some JBA music, seems choral, with splash from P`yongyang 11710 (Glenn Hauser, 

UNIDENTIFIED. 5930, April 18 at 0510, open carrier stronger than weakened WWCR 
5935. Nothing scheduled at this hour on 5930, tho Prague is upcoming at 0600, 
and numerous other stations during the 24 hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 



Message: 5
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:02:47 +1200
Subject: [HCDX] ANZAC Day Radio Memories
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Media Release
Radio Heritage Foundation

ANZAC Day 2010
Radio Memories

The Radio Heritage Foundation extends warm greetings to all veterans,
friends and families as we remember on April 25 2010.

Our good friends at Australian Old Time Radio have generously made
available a wonderful series of mini-radio documentaries that tell
the stories of Australian heroes over the years.

Some of you may be familiar with the series 'Citation' and now is a
chance to listen to it again:

"On you will find our latest
project to Commemorate ANZAC Day.  The shows are only available on
the site until the end of April."

We invite everyone to download and listen to these programs.

We also remind you that our Armed Forces Radio Service [AFRS]
Memories features at are always available for
free community access.

Although these concentrate on the American WWII stations in the
Pacific, some veterans may remember them. In New Zealand, 1ZM in
Auckland was handed over to AFRS in 1944 and became part of the
Mosquito Network centered in New Caledonia.

We also have a special feature on the AAAS stations that broadcast
for Australian personnel in the SW Pacific region and later in the
occupation forces with Japan.

There was also a New Zealand station at Kure which some people may
recollect. As always, if anyone has memories of listening to or being
involved with any of the stations - including the later stations in
Korea, Malaya and Vietnam - we're always pleased to hear from you.

Again, our warm greetings as we pause to remember, and an invitation
to enjoy the stories and memories of these AFRS and AAAS stations,
their music, personalities and events, and also the 'Citation' series
of radio documentaries.

Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit connecting
popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage across the Pacific. Our
global website offers free community access to
all content although donations are welcome to support our various
services and annual supporter packages start from US$10 with full
details at

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 88, Issue 19

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