** CHINA. Firedrake June 1: conditions improved somewhat over last few days, 
and a few audible again:

 8400, poor at 1329; lots of atmosferix = T-storm noise, from as close as 
south-central Kansas, making lower frequencies useless.
10420, fair at 1335; at 1356 not // 12800
12800, fair at 1342 – the odd one out, not // others
13300, fair at 1345, not // 12800
None others found up to 18 MHz. Only the strongest/nearest signals were making 
it above 11 MHz, hardly anything on 15 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** COSTA RICA. 15170, REE Cariari still malfunxioning, with continuous crackle 
mixed with program modulation, June 1 at 1352, and the crackle audible out to 
plus and minus 40 kHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Another day, another anomaly at RHC: June 1 at 0603 I find 6010 in 
Spanish instead of English, also Spanish on 6120, 6150. Other music on 5970 // 
5040 // 6060: at 0605 re-opening ``second hour`` of English (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** LIBERIA. 4025.0, Star Radio, presumed, very weak signal but totally clear 
frequency, no QRM, June 1 at 0613, talking seems undermodulated with meter 
peaking at S9+10, as I try to read it between staticrashes. 0615 to music 
slightly better modulated; 0618 some yelling but not loud enough to hear here 
or determine language. By 0640 I thought it was gone, but BFO revealed carrier 
still there, tho no mod audible.

As weak as it was, much stronger than KWMO 4050, with only a trace of a carrier 
now; and infinitely stronger than the still-absent Radio Verdad, Guatemala, 

I am not aware of any other reports of Star Radio yet from North America or 
Europe, tho there have been from Brasil in the evening by Jorge Freitas and 
Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, who also found it undermodulated. 

The question is, what hours is 4025 on the air? This was close to morning 
fade-out time, so the earlier they sign on, the better. People should sit on 
4025 waiting for it from 0500 or earlier. Today`s sunrise at Monrovia was 0627 
UT, and at only 6+ degrees north, it varies little, only 11 minutes later on 
December 1: http://www.gaisma.com/en/location/monrovia.html

The answer from their own website http://www.starradio.org.lr/ ---

``STAR radio is broadcasting on 104 FM & 4.025 MHz (mega-hertz) Short Wave in 
the 75-meter Band. For now test transmission on the Short Wave runs from 5 to 9 
in the morning and 6-9 in the evening. Call us on 077577142, 077018797 or 
06857000. FM frequency 104 in Monrovia and affiliated community radio stations 
throughout Liberia.``

Liberia = UT, so that`s 0500-0900 and 1800-2100 on 4025.

Jamie Labadia told us his transmitter is 2.5 kW, but adjustable anywhere below 
that level; ``the antenna is a "Bow-Tie" dipole, fed with Open-Wire Line, and a 
Link-Coupled Antenna Tuning Unit. Antenna height is approximately 50 feet. It 
was to be oriented broadside East / West.``

On WORLD OF RADIO 1514 I remarked that this is the first time Star Radio has SW 
broadcast direct from Liberia after having used Ascension/UK relays. Mauno 
Ritola and Kai Ludwig point out that this is not correct:

Mauno Ritola: ``Actually they were on 3400 and 5880 kHz from Liberia from 1997 
until 2000 when Charles Taylor ordered them to stop broadcasting.``

Kai Ludwig: ``I think they already operated an own shortwave transmitter in the 
past, in the pre-2000 years if memory serves right. Then Charles Taylor banned 
them, and they returned in 2005 with FM plus the Ascension relay.`` (Glenn 

** MAURITANIA [and non]. After hearing Liberia on 4025, checked 4845 at 0616 to 
see how other W Africans were doing; ORTM about as well as could be expected, 
chanting marred by WWCR 4840. Also, French on 4960, i.e. VOA São Tomé, 100 kW 
at 30 degrees, which is not unusual and don`t bother to log (Glenn Hauser, OK, 


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