** CHINA. Firedrake June 5:
 8400, fair-good at 1243
10420, fair at 1246
12960, good at 1250 // 10420; very good at 1310
12970, G-VG at 1338 // 13320; ex-12960
12980, G-VG at 1344 shifted from 12970; VG at 1410
13300, good at 1253 // 12960; very good at 1309
13320, G-VG at 1338, ex-13300; VG at 1410
None found higher up to 19 MHz before 1300.

13620, Firedrake-like music, at 1343 June 5, but not // the others. 1344 
announcement in Korean, so not a jammer; instead, CRI as scheduled during this 
hour, 500 kW, 73 degrees via Xi`an (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LAOS [non]. 11785, Hmong World Christian Radio via WHRI, June 5 at 1320 with 
lo-fi preaching, later presumed hmyn in traditional style with shades of 
Beatles riffs, atop but heavy CCI from ChiCom jamming and VOA Chinese via 
Tinang, Philippines, 250 kW at 332 degrees. WHRI is 100 kW due NW from Furman, 
intended primarily for all the Hmong in Hminnesota. 

Altho conditions from E Asia vary a lot, on a good morning those signals are in 
heavy competition with WHRI even in CNAm. I wonder why HWCR, Saturdays 
1300-1330, puts up good money for this terrible frequency which could easily be 
changed to a clear one. It used to be 500 kW, which helped, but too expensive. 
Stayed on past 1330 with a preacher in English. BTW, Aoki still hasn`t caught 
up with the A-10 scheduling for HWCR, still showing B-09`s timing of 1500-1530 

** LIBERIA. 4025, Star Radio, same story as before with very weak carrier 
detectable some 15 Hz on the lo side, but far too much T-storm QRN, June 5 at 
0545. I had hoped for an improvement in the S/N ratio as the nearest storms 
were in northern Missouri, 300-400 miles away. 

I`ve always wondered why these low SW frequencies are preferred for the tropix, 
where there should be even worse T-storm noise, at least during the rainy 
season; or is there? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. June 4 was a dry day for TVDX, but weak southward signals in Spanish 
from Mexico showing sporadically the morning of June 5 1430-1620+ UT, mainly on 
channel 2, sometimes higher, so there is hope (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** OKLAHOMA. 99.9, GCN pirate in Enid still missing June 5 at 0530, 1330, 1600 
UT chex. They had picked a good frequency to minimize the risk of interference 
complaints, as it`s used by no real OK station. Altho locally on one of my 
radios, DX-398, the RDS says I am getting an image on 99.9 from local KOFM 
103.1. GCN might have moved and I have not searched the entire band for it 
elsewhere. That`s the nice thing about piracy; no paperwork to change 
frequencies. Or if busted, it`ll be a while before the FCC publicizes a NAL, 
but if FCC-watchers see one concerning Enid, let us know (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** PORTUGAL. Re my previous report of RDPI on 11630 instead of 12020 at 2300 
June 4: As Dan Ferguson points out, 11630 was already in use for this 
transmission, so would not be a replacement for 12020. Possibly 12020 was just 
missing, or late coming on, but should have been detectable under Cuba if on. 
We`ll have to wait till Monday to try again. RDPI has four alternate 
frequencies for exactly the same M-F 23-02 Tue-Sat transmission to Venezuela: 
11880, 11940, 13660 and 15295, so one of those may well be the replacement. Or 
should be, as long as Cuba is on 12020 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. Since tweets were fluttering about the Israelis about to board 
the Rachel Corrie, I wanted to get some real breaking news about the situation 
from the BBC at 0600 UT June 5. Tuned in 9410 a couple minutes early for 
sufficient signal, but it went off at 0559*! Yes, RMP is sked to end at 0600. 
What else? 7310, where I have heard BBC before around this time: almost 
sufficient there with CCI but 0600 opens Network Africa and it`s not on their 
radar. Then that signal drops way off by 0601. Meyerton at 328 degrees must 
have run over a minute, overlapping Ascension at 65 degrees opening at 0600. 
The BBC conspires against my hearing them. R. Australia was good on 13 and 15 
MHz, but they are obsessed with stupid ballgames on Saturday afternoons (Glenn 

** U S A. 9955, WRMI, June 5 at 1347 with YL preacher in English, then singing, 
no jamming, but weaker than Taiwan transmitters on both adjacents. So scratch 
the WORLD OF RADIO airing previously on Saturdays at 1330. Next chance: WWCR 
12160 Saturday at 1630 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VIETNAM [and non]. 9550, open carriers just before 1300 June 5, then two 
stations start modulating at once, roughly equal levels, one in Vietnamese and 
the other in Chinese. They are about 3 Hz apart. In Vietnamese it`s CRI as 
scheduled in Aoki, 500 kW, 193 degrees from Beijing site. In Chinese, it`s VOV, 
100 kW, 27 degrees from Hanoi-Sontay site. So the two Commie stations basically 
cancel each other out as they have been doing on 9550 for years, a trans-border 
shouting war (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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