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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. Number station busted (Eike Bierwirth)
   2. Tue DX (Charles Bolland)
   3. Logs (Manuel M?ndez)
   4. Glenn Hauser logs June 28-29, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
   5. Log 29/Jun (Jorge Freitas (Yahoo))


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 11:16:43 +0200
From: "Eike Bierwirth" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Number station busted
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi all,

according to an interview this morning on Germany's Deutschlandfunk, the 
Russian spies that have been arrested in the U.S. also used shortwave 
transmissions for number broadcasts in morse code. Although the allegation 
documents which are downloadable at do not explicitly 
mention transmission activity, the use of SW number broadcasts from Moscow is 
described. The whole document is worth reading as a classic spy story, here is 
the SW-related part (in document #2):

[begin quote]
27. Radiograms are coded bursts of data sent by a
radiotransmitter that can be picked up by a radioreceiver that
has been set to the proper frequency. As transmitted, radiograms
generally sound like the transmission of Morse code. As is set
forth below, the Illegals have communicated with Moscow Center by
means of radiograms.

28. For example, as a result of the 2006 Boston
Search, technicians recovered the Boston Conspirators' Electronic
Messages. Approximately five of these messages describe the
sending or receipt of an "RG." Based on my training, experience,
and participation in this investigation, I believe that "RG"
connotes "radiogram."

29. In a similar vein, large numbers of the New Jersey
Conspirators' Electronic Messages mention the sending or receipt
of an "RG." For example, a January 2009 message from Moscow
Center for the New Jersey Conspirators reads, in relevant part:
"Pls, make sure your radioequipment [sic] for RG rcptn is in
order. We plan to send a couple of test Rgs [.]" Based on my training, 
experience, and participation in this investigation, I
believe that "RG" and "Rg" connote "radiogram."

30. Furthermore, during the 2006 Seattle Search, law-enforcement
agents entered the Seattle Apartment and observed
there a radio that can be used for receiving short-wave radio
transmissions. In addition, agents observed and photographed
spiral notebooks, some pages of which contain apparently random
columns of numbers. Based on my training, experience, and
participation in this investigation, I believe that the radio in
the Seattle Apartment was used by the Seattle Conspirators to
receive radiograms ? and that the spiral notebook contains codes
used to decipher radiograms as they came in.

31. Finally, throughout 2003, law-enforcement agents,
acting pursuant to judicial orders, intercepted aural
communications taking place inside the Yonkers House. On at
least five occasions in 2003, this aural surveillance revealed
their regular electronic clicking sounds associated with the
receipt of coded radio transmissions. Based on my training,
experience, and participation in this investigation, I believe
that the clicking electronic sounds heard in the Yonkers House
are the sounds of a radio transmission being received from Moscow
Center. In addition, the aural surveillance indicated that, on
or about May 6, 2003, J.L., the defendant, told V.P., the defendant, that he 
was "receiving" "radio" "from over there."
[end quote] [names shortened as the defendants' privacy is protected by the 
German press codex, which should be respected as they are "presumed innocent 
unless and until proven guilty" by the rule of law -- eb]

Enjoy reading!

GRATIS f?r alle GMX-Mitglieder: Die maxdome Movie-FLAT!
Jetzt freischalten unter


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 11:02:22 -0000
From: "Charles Bolland" <>
To: "ALF" <>, "Arnaldo slaen"
        <>,  "Bob Wilkner" <>,
        "brainman214" <>,Carlos
        GonA?alves<>,      "Cumbre" <>,
        "DSWCI" <>,   "Gayle Van Horn"
        <>,     "Glenn Hauser"
        <>,   "Hard-core-dx" <>,
        "Marie Lamb" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Tue DX
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Guyana, 3290, Voice of Guyana, 1040-1100,   Signal
still at a fair level when tune in with a 
female in English language comments.  Comments continue
while the signal remains
fair.  (Chuck Bolland, June 29, 2010)
Bolivia, 4787.50, Radio Emisora Ballivian, 1050-1100,
Noted a weak signal here with
music being presented.   At 1054, heard brief comments
by a male in Spanish, then
the music continues.  The copy isn't solid due to
lateness and noise that is overwhelming.
(Chuck Bolland, June 29, 2010)
WinRadio G305e/pd
26.37N 081.05W


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 19:48:48 +0200
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: destinatarios-no-revelados:;
Subject: [HCDX] Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Espa?a

Escuchas realizadas en Friol
Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G
Antena de cable, 10 metros, orientada WSW

5940, Voz Missionaria, Cambori?, 0630-0645, 29-06, locutor, portugu?s, 
comentario religioso. 23322. (M?ndez)

9665, Voz Missionaria, Cambori?, 2107-2115, 28-06, locutor, portugu?s, 
comentario religioso, identificaci?n: ?Voz Missionaria?, ?Santa 
Catalina?, canciones religiosas. 33333. (M?ndez)

11765, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba, 2050-2105, 28-06, locutor, 
portugu?s, religioso: ?Sede Mundial, missionario David Miranda, grande 
campa?a?. 34433. (M?ndez)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 1025-1037, 29-06, locutor, 
portugu?s, noticias, ?En Goiania, 7 horas 29 minutos?, comentario sobre 
la victoria de Brasil sobre Chile por 3 a 0 en el Mundial de F?tbol. 
34333. (M?ndez)

11830, Radio Daqu?, Goiania, 2042-2055, 28-06, canciones, locutor, 
portugu?s, comentarios, identificaci?n: ?Esta e a sua radio, a Radio 
Daqu??. 34433. (M?ndez)

COLOMBIA, 5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 0537-0555, 29-06, canciones 
latinoamericanas, llaneras, identificaci?n: ?Marfil Estereo?. 33333. 

GUINEA, 7125, Radio Guinea, Conakry, 0557-0612, 29-06, canciones 
africanas, a las 0600 comentarios en franc?s, locutor. 34333. (M?ndez)

GUINEA ECUATORIAL, 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 2103-2115, 28-06, 
canciones africanas, locutor, espa?ol, comentarios. 24322. (M?ndez)

HONDURAS, 3340, Radio Misiones Internacionales, Comayaguela, 0450-0530, 
29-06, m?sica y canciones en espa?ol, locutor, comentario religioso, a 
las 0512 identificaci?n por locutora: ?Est?n escuchando Radio Misiones 
Internacionales?. 14321. (M?ndez)

6104.8, XEQM, RASA, M?rida, 0545-0557, 29-06, canciones 
latinoamericanas, locutor, comentarios. Muy d?bil, audible en LSB. 
14221. (M?ndez)

6185, XEPPM, Radio Educaci?n, M?xico D. F., 0559-0630, 29-06, locutor, 
anuncio de programas: ?La vanguardia de la filmograf?a mundial?, ?Muy 
buenos d?as, faltan 30 segundos para que sea la una de la ma?ana aqu? en 
M?xico Distrito Federal?, ?Naturalmente en Radio Educaci?n?. 34333. (M?ndez)

4790.1, Radio Visi?n, Chiclayo, 0547-0610, 29-06, locutor, espa?ol, 
comentario religioso, canciones. 14321. (M?ndez)

4974.8, Radio del Pac?fico, Lima, 0542-0555, 29-06, locutor, espa?ol, 
comentario religioso, muy d?bil, audible en LSB. 14321. (M?ndez)

6019.3, Radio Victorial, Lima, 0604-0625, 29-06, locutor, espa?ol, 
comentario religioso: ?Hoy en el d?a de nuestra Iglesia?, ?la Iglesia 
Pentescotal Dios es Amor?. 24322. (M?ndez)


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 11:08:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 28-29, 2010
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

** ALBANIA. 13755, R. Tirana open carrier from Shijak is already on at tune-in 
1418 June 29; some ACI from DPRK in French on 13760, splash from CRI/Cuba 
13740. 1428:40 the RT IS starts, 1430 sign-on with A-10 schedule including 0230 
on 7425, but weakening now. Another check at 1450, was ending mailbag (Tuesday) 
with a report from USA for 7425, 1451 into music fill (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, LRA36, finally showing a bit of audio, music only heard 
at frequent chex June 29 from 1330: 1337 as I am torn between this and 
Banjarmasin; 1345-1405 when sounded like drums and flutes, becoming JBA, 1406 
slightly better but brief local 2-way FM image QRM. 1454 carrier still 
detectable along with a slightly stronger one on 15480 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** AUSTRALIA. 15525, at 2309 June 28, fair signal fluxuating to S9+10 with 
Christian hymn in Mandarin; can only be HCJB Kununurra a.k.a. ``KNX``. This and 
all their 15525 broadcasts, even Japanese, are registered 340 degrees, i.e. 
aimed at Hong Kong, across central China and Mongolia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CANADA. WWCR had been inbooming on 15825, so a sporadic-E opening into VHF 
was possible, but did not turn on TV until 1502 UT June 29. Tho antenna aimed 
south, was getting analog English on channel 5, so quickly rotated northward. 
It`s CBC with World Cup Paraguay vs Japan from the NNW, and also // channels 2, 
3, and 4 fading in and out. Obviously from Saskatchewan area with possible 
intrusions from neighboring prairie provinces. Catching definite local IDs 
difficult, but the usual suspects I have reported before. DX Sherlock shows 6m 
activity mostly east-west across northern tier of states, so I am at 
right/acute angle to the major paths.

1506 on 2, fashion show in English, with CCI

1509 on 6, ad in English, CTV logo, during ``Fashion Television`` show which 
has a logo of a large T on screen and on interview mixe. This is on the CTV net 
at 9-10 am CDT as in MB, but this scheduling fits for CST from Sask an hour 
later, i.e. CKCK Regina. Still at 1540.

1515 on 4, The View with Whoopy et al., the CDT zone scheduling for MB CTV 
stations, but also simul at 11 am EDT from Ontario. CCI from another station in 
English, not CTV or CBC.

1555 on 3, FIFA in French, no doubt CBWFT Winnipeg.

1557 on 4, CTV promo Skywatch weather radar on your PC.

1559 on 3, Moose Jaw entertainment ad. Main MJ station is of course on ch 4, so 
I suppose CFQC-1, as the other ch 3 in southern Sask are CBC.

1600 on 6, briefly see 6x9 on screen; could that refer to a station whose main 
channels are those?

1605 on 3, The View, so CTV from CST Sask, mixing with CBC WC.

1610 on 4, Regis & Kelly, mixing with CBC vuvuzelas. This is scheduled on CFTO 
and CKCO in Ontario at 9-10 am EDT = 3 hours earlier. In the US it`s syndicated 
to individual stations rather than on a single network altho it`s produced at 
ABC New York; how about Canada? Did not find any listings for it from zap2it in 
Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay. 

Show`s own website ignores Canada, with drop-down ``local listings`` only for 
states, not provinces:
Or could it be something even rarer, a US LPTV station still in analog?

The only one in the area per dxinfocentre map is KGJC in Montana. Googling on 
calls gets little except a cache of W9WI as of May 16 showing: ``Great Falls , 
MT [4] KGJC-LD 0.300 0.00 47-27-52.40N 111-21-17.80W LD-CP ||||| Great Falls``

But the current W9WI has removed it completely! No do those calls show on any 
other Montana channel. It was only a CP on 4, anyway. FCC TV Query also unlists 
that call for anywhere, and no channel 4 for Great Falls. Regis site doesn`t 
include it either. 

Then I check Calgary listings at --- Regis is on CFCN ch 4 at 10 am 
MDT, check! Please tell Regis in New York about this.

1615 on 4, infomercial? About Canadians adopting Afrokids, mentioned 
Worldvision. That`s sked on Global at 11 am CDT but no Global on 4 in Manitoba. 
CHFD Thunder Bay Ontario? No, not sked at all on that station. Chex at 10 am 
CST for CFSK from Saskatoon, Global.

1615-1700, mix of stations, nothing dominating for long, ch 2-4.

1700 on 2, WC finally over, ``CBC News Network`` audio ID starting with 
imminent EIIR Royal Tour of Canada. 

1738 on 2, I now find 2 peaking from the NE with CBC Queen coverage, from a 
naval ship? Soldiers lined up in formation. Signals are weakening, not much 
left above 2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake June 29: started scanning 18 MHz downward at 1315.
15560, fair at 1319. Aoki shows V. of Tibet via Tajikistan at 1230-1330 on 
15547, but also several other frequencies in area including 15562 at 1200-1230 
only; but no doubt shifts day to day if not minute to minute. Did not pin this 
down to 15560 instead of 15562. See 15530:
15530, fair at 1336 // 14970, and now 15560 is off. Aoki shows V. of Tibet via 
Tashkent on 15530 only at 1330-1400
15140, fair at 1323, // 15560; 1324 into ``ramshorn`` passage; still FD at 1408 
// 14970, with 15530/15560 now off. Tough luck, Sultanate of Oman; but FD gone 
at 1452 check
14970, fair at 1325, 1408; gone at 1452
13970, JBA at 1325 with het, unusual
no others heard by 1330 down to 8 MHz
11500, fair at 1457, not heard earlier, so quickly rescanned 8-18 MHz before 
1500 and found no others (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI, good signal June 29, and since it`s Tuesday, the 
``Exotic Indonesia`` hookup with RRI Banjarmasin is in progress at 1331, dialog 
with Mahendra there, discussing the million-rupiah fines [?!] imposed in 
Jakarta for not buckling seatbelts, unlike Banj where he only got a suggestion 
from cop; sharing stories at food stalls instead of restaurants; 1335 YL with 
scripted cultural show about the art of Banjari story-telling. 1338 the remote 
audio was crackling up for a while; said performances typically last all night 
until 5 am. I kept interrupting this interesting story to check on LRA36 which 
could only provide a bit of music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. Anomaly stations check circa 1900 UT June 28:
1120, KEOR still absent as it has been for weeks; a pity with its shiny new 
antenna towers in the woods going to waste

1580, KOKB Blackwell, (over)modulating again instead of open carrier for past 
few days. So much for my Spanish mystery until KOKB fails again. Meanwhile, 
Bill Hale researched possibilities, tnx! ---

``Glenn, According to, the only 1580 with SS Sports is WTTN in 
Columbus, WI: ESPN Deportes 1580 
1580s with 'Spanish' anywhere in their Format are: 
KBLA Santa Monica, CA 
WDAB Travelers Rest, SC 
WLIM Patchogue, NY: Radio Adonai
WNTF Bithlo, FL: Latina 1580 
WVZN Columbia, PA``

1670, Winkeljohn`s talking houses still rumbling away in mutual-QRM

99.9, GCN pirate, Enid, back on the air after missing over weekend (Glenn 

** SPAIN. Antonio Buitrago of REE conveyed assurances that following 
``transmitter problems`` for months, the weekly Sephardic show to S America 
scheduled UT Tuesdays at 0115-0145 on 11795 would surely be back on the air as 
of June 22 --- but I missed checking for it then. 

So I set the alarm and made sure to seek it June 29 from 0113: NOTHING on 11795 
thru 0120, altho REE direct in Spanish to SAm sufficient on 11680. Also 
listened on formerly listed and announced frequency 11780 for this, but as 
usual RNA was in continuous loud music, and could not detect even the REE IS or 
fanfare underneath it, tho signal wavered a bit possibly caused by a much 
weaker signal underneath subaudibly heterodyning it; or not.

REE was the 13m OSOB, June 29 at 1411, poor on 21570 but better than // 21610 
and traces of 21540 mixed with Kuwait (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15867.0, as tuned by June 29 at 1413 heard 2-way contact, 
stronger being assertive American military YL with flight instruxions, 
mentioning Air Station Mobile. Could something be brewing in The Gulf? Turned 
on DX-398 with USB to confirm which sideband, but nothing more heard until 1430 
except for occasional digital data bursts such as ``running water``. 

Same frequency during 1300 hour I previously reported in DXLD 9-073 mentioning 
Air Station Sacramento, and 10-17 on April 29 with similar frustration. 
Terminology denotes US Coast Guard. Numerous previous logs in UDXF forum search 
of various USCG locales, but also US Customs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 



Message: 5
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 01:12:53 -0000
From: "Jorge Freitas \(Yahoo\)" <>
To: <>, <>,
        <>, "Cumbre Lista" <>,
        "Hard Core DX" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Log 29/Jun
Message-ID: <002a01cb17f1$5f584a50$>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"


7220 29/Jun 2045 VIETNAM, Voice of Vietnam, in English. A conversation with
guests in the Studio. At 2048 UT Newsletter in voice female with playback of
recorded interviews and translated. At 2053 UT pop Vietnamese music. At 2058
UT ID. 34433 (Jorge Freitas-B)


7245 29/Jun 2110 UNITED KINGDOM, Polskie Radio, via relay from Woofferton,
in Polish. Newsletter in voice female and male. At 2115 UT the reproduction
of a speech. At 2117 UT ID. Moderate signal e moderate QRM from PBS Xizang
in 7240 kHz. (Jorge Freitas-B)


12070 29/Jun 1809 UNITED KINGDOM, IBRA Radio, Relay broadcast via
Woofferton, in Arabic. Male talks. At 1811 UT short Arabic music and more
male talks. At 1815 UT ID. Then orchestrated music. At 1818 UT, the
announcer speaks. At 1825 UT traditional Arabic music on a stringed
instrument in male voice . Moderate signal, without QRM. (Jorge Freitas-B)




Read the DX News bulletin in Portuguese:

 <> _NEWS_02.pdf.html 

Jorge Freitas
Local time -3 UT
Feira de Santana Bahia  12?14?S 38?58?W
Degen 1103 
Dipole antenna, 19 meters - east/west - Balun 4:1
Skype: jorge.freitas.fsa
Escutas (listening, my blog):  <>


End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 90, Issue 30

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