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published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. Radio Verdad, presumed carrier (Manuel M?ndez)
   2. La Rosa de Tokyo para hoy sabado: La radio en Mozambique (Arnaldo)
   3. Para Agendarse: Participe en el concurso organizado por el
      Radio Club Uruguayo (Arnaldo)
   4. Radio Belarus comienza emisiones en espa?ol y frances (Arnaldo)
   5. Loggings Over the Past Month (Dave Valko)
   6. Glenn Hauser logs September 17-18, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
   7. Logs (Robert Wilkner)
   8. Sept 18 Logs (
   9. Euro-pirate 6375 (
  10. Re: [dxld] Re: Radio Verdad back on air 4052.5, low power
      (Brandon Jordan)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 09:18:58 +0200
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Verdad, presumed carrier
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Espa?a

Escucha realizadas en Lugo
Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G
Antena de cable, 8 metros.

GUATEMALA, 4052.7, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0550-0606*, 18-09, after
Dr. Edgar Madrid, manager of Radio Truth, Chiquimula, announced the
return of this Station with a provisional low power transmitter (50
watts),  I try to pick up the signal, and I noted a carrier signal on
4052.7 kHz, LSB,  between 0550 to 0606*, extremely week signal.

 Luego de que el Dr. Edgar Madrid anunciase la salida al aire de esta
estaci?n, con un transmisor provisional de muy baja potencia (50 watts),
intent? escucharla, notando, entre las 0550 y las 0606*  portadora en
4052.7 en LSB, cesando dicha se?al a las 0606. Debido que la se?al era
extremadamente d?bil, no pude notar ni voz ni m?sica. (M?ndez)


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 08:04:11 +0200
From: "Arnaldo" <>
To: <>
Cc: Radio Club QRM Belgrano <>,,        Programasdx 
<>,,  NoticiasDX
        <>,   Domesticas Y Tropicales
        <>, Luis Mar?a Barassi
        <>,, playdx2003
        <>,   DXLD <>,,
Subject: [HCDX] La Rosa de Tokyo para hoy sabado: La radio en
Message-ID: <9d6501a9ce8a4d6992c2ec7d48d01...@windowsv03oj4t>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

El programa de este s?bado 18 de Septiembre de 2010 (que en d?as sucesivos 
puede escucharse en

estar? dedicado a visitar radiof?nicamente MOZAMBIQUE. Conoceremos su historia 
y su presente radial, haciendo especial hincapi? en sus emisoras m?s 
representativas. Tambi?n, se ilustrar? el programa con material sonoro 


La Rosa de Tokyo es un programa dedicado a difundir el apasionante mundo de la 
radio y del diexismo que se  transmite semanalmente desde los estudios de LS11 
Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires.


Puede ser escuchada los d?as s?bados de 12: 00 UTC a 13:00 Tiempo Universal 
Coordinado (09:00 a 10-00 hora LU) por los 1270 Khz y en Internet por


Adem?s, una extensa red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada de toda la Rep?blica 
Argentina retransmite en forma semanal nuestro programa en diferentes d?as y 


La Rosa de Tokyo tambi?n sale por onda corta gracias a las facilidades 
brindadas por WRMI Radio Miami Internacional (


Tambi?n puede ser escuchada en cualquier momento entrando en la p?gina 
ProgramasDX y haciendo "click" en

Desde este v?nculo tambi?n podr?n acceder al archivo que recaba ediciones 
anteriores del programa.


La Rosa de Tokyo es producida y conducida por Omar Jos? Somma, Margarita Torres 
y Arnaldo Leonel Slaen y cuenta con la colaboraci?n habitual de Rub?n Guillermo 

73`s  & 55`s


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 08:04:13 +0200
From: "Arnaldo" <>
To: "Arnaldo" <>, <>
Cc: RWG <>, Radio Club QRM Belgrano
        <>,,,  playdx2003
Subject: [HCDX] Para Agendarse: Participe en el concurso organizado
        por el  Radio Club Uruguayo
Message-ID: <f3109155bfb849f4b68494b9316a5...@windowsv03oj4t>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

El pr?ximo S?bado 18 de Octubre  entre las 14 y las 16 hs, en las frecuencias 
entre 7100 y 7300 KHz,
tendr? lugar un concurso organizado por el Radio Club Uruguayo, que tiene una 
particularidad que lo
hace ?nico en nuestra regi?n: Es en AM, s?: Amplitud Modulada.

Un concurso consiste en una operaci?n radial en la cual cada estaci?n 
participante se comunica con
la mayor cantidad posible de otras estaciones similares. Este concurso ya va 
por la 4? edici?n y si
bien la primera vez fue solo para estaciones de Uruguay, a partir de la segunda 
edici?n pas? a ser

El hecho que sea en AM no es casual, sino que responde al auge que ha tomado 
este m?todo de
modulaci?n, con muchos experimentadores que arman sus equipos caseros, desde 
los tradicionales
amplificadores a v?lvulas, hasta los modernos amplificadores clase "E" a 
transistores, con
moduladores digitales por ancho de pulso, lo que los hace poderosos, muy 
baratos, eficientes y con
una calidad de audio que rivaliza el de estaciones de broadcasting.

Para quien desee m?s detalles, tanto de la parte organizativa del concurso con 
sus links, como de la
parte t?cnica y tambi?n hist?rica de algunos receptores o transmisores de AM, 
pueden hacer click en
los siguientes enlaces a las secciones "Actividades Programadas" o "Concursos" 
de los sitios web del
Radio Club QRM Belgrano, que est?n en: o bien o bien


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 08:15:27 +0200
From: "Arnaldo" <>
To: "NoticiasDX" <>
Cc: Domesticas Y Tropicales <>,, DXLD <>,
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Belarus comienza emisiones en espa?ol y frances
Message-ID: <bd013a33ce674fd39b0bb64dc6945...@windowsv03oj4t>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Desde el 1? de septiembre la estaci?n de radio "Belar?s" empez? su 
radiodifusi?n en lenguas francesa y espa?ola. Los proyectos pilotos en idiomas 
mencionados ya est?n preparados, comunicaron al corresponsal de BelTA en la 
direcci?n principal de la radio.

De este modo, el diapas?n lingual se aumenta hasta las siete lenguas. Hoy en 
d?a, los programas de la estaci?n de radio se realizan en cinco idiomas: ruso, 
belaruso, polaco, ingl?s y alem?n.

"Belar?s" realiza la radiodifusi?n en las ondas cortas y medias, en banda FM y 
en Internet, incluso 10 horas en l?nea en Internet en el idioma ingl?s. La 
estaci?n posee decenas de millones de oyentes en diferentes pa?ses del mundo. 
La captaci?n permanente se realiza en m?s de 20 estados de Europa. La estaci?n 
de radio "Belar?s" la escuchan los habitantes de pa?ses vecinos: Rusia, 
Ucrania, Letonia, Lituania, Polonia. En Internet la informaci?n sobre Belar?s 
pueden recibirla las personas del cualquier rinc?n del mundo.

Con la adici?n de la radiodifusi?n en lenguas francesa y espa?ola se 
incrementar? la cantidad de oyentes en varios pa?ses. El aumento de oyentes de 
la radio "Belar?s" tambi?n est? relacionado con los acuerdos con las radios de 
otros estados. En particular, desde el 1? de enero del a?o corriente la 
estaci?n realiz? la radiodifusi?n en Alemania a trav?s de "Radio-700", y desde 
el 1? de julio fue comenzada la radiodifusi?n en Bialystok para los belarusos 
residentes en Polonia. Adem?s, las noticias belarusas se env?an al portal 
europeo de la Uni?n Europea de Radiodifusi?n (UER).

En el futuro la estaci?n de radio planea establecer y consolidar las relaciones 
bilaterales con las organizaciones de radiodifusi?n de otros estados. Las 
conversaciones sobre la colaboraci?n est?n organizadas con la Radio 
Internacional de China.


Message: 5
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 08:41:58 -0400
From: "Dave Valko" <>
To: "Cumbre DX" <>,   "Hardcore DX"
Subject: [HCDX] Loggings Over the Past Month
Message-ID: <105da05d955f4b07be383ec82d4ba...@davepc>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Have gotten into the habit of recording DX while off doing other things over 
the last couple weeks and have just now had the time to review them.  Sorry 
if some of these loggings are a bit dated.

GERMANY    15225   Baati Rewmi R. ("Voice of the Nation" by STGDP) via 
Germany  Carrier came on at 1813:55 and deadair.  1815 start of pgm 
w/drawn-out notes on wind instru. and opening anmnt by M in lcl lang.  Poss. 
ID and ment of Gambia but not 100% sure.  Nothing by tlk by M right to the 
end of the pgm.  Same M hrd in their Web audio stream.  Ended the pgm w/same 
wind instru. and off at 1830.  Tnx Brian Alexander logging.  Someone needs 
to go to The Gambia and set them up with a SW transmitter.  (21 August 2010)

BRAZIL??  4974.79   R. Mundial??  0918-0948  Pgm of soft contemporary mx. 
Only 2 anmnts noted, and they sounded like PT.  Fair strength but very weak 
modulation.  Just abt gone and no audio by 0948.  Someone else was on 
4974.91 at 1027 check.  (28 August)

BRAZIL   4885   Definitely 2 stns here at 0950.  R. Clube do Para had tlk by 
M, while E-Z mx was played on the other stn.  4885.02, tlk by M in PT at 
0956 w/ment of Grande.  CODAR getting too strong.  Different M at 1000. 
Fading then though.  (28 August)

BRAZIL   3375.39   R. Municipal  Incredible signal at 1005!!  Ad block, TCs 
w/time ticks, into ZY Pop song.  (28 August)

BRAZIL   2380.34  R Educadora (tent.)  Definite M anncr at times at 1009 but 
too noisy to tell lang.  Sounded like a phone caller over the air.  (28 

ECUADOR   3810   HD2IOA time signal stn  1030 repeated time anmnts w/one 
second between each.  Good.  (28 August)

UNID  4889   UNID.  Just a carrier here at 0930+.  Got stronger towards 
sunrise and didn't fade w/other LAs.  Sounded like some mx at 1058.  Maybe 
an Asian.  (28 August)

PERU   4826.55   R. Sicuani  OC noted at 0936, then campo mx at 0939.  So 
signed on sometime in those 3 minutes.  0942 rapid-fire tlk by M, so fast 
couldn't copy.  Did hear ment of town or province ending in "??bamba".  (29 

BOLIVIA   4795.92   R Lipez  Nice quick short canned ID by M at 0958:30 
during tlk by M and W anncrs.  Recognized the W anncr from last time I hrd 
this.  Another nice canned echo ID by W between songs at 1006, then pleasant 
campo mx.  (29 August)

PERU   5921.29   R. Bethel (pres.)  s/on anmnts at 1002??  Have noticed this 
one has a highly variable s/on.  Sometimes close to 0930 w/long period of 
deadair, and sometimes closer to 1030 in the middle of pgm.  Sometimes isn't 
on the air at all.  (29 August)

USA (ALASKA)   7355   KNLS  1230, End of EG rel. pgm, then W anncr w/ID, 
request to check out their Web site, and mailing addr.  Not very strong 
w/some adj. channel splatter, but there and readable.  (6 Sept.)

AUSTRALIA   2368.49  R. Symban  0921 already getting usual Greek mx here.  M 
anncr w/roomy audio at 0923 but just too weak.  0924 back to mx.  M again at 
0927, then more mx.  Mx definitely sounded Greek at 0938.  Hrd the mx 
throughout till the MD ended at 1055.  Was expecting it to get stronger and 
ID, but it never did.  (8 Sept.)

PERU   5921.29   R. Bethel  signed on at 0934 this morning.  Nonstop mx to 
0955 except for usual W anncr briefly at 1049, then canned anmnts at 0955. 
But alas, no ID.  (10 Sept.)

CANADA  9624.91   CBC Radio One  "Randy Bachman Vinyl Tap" oldies pgm. 
Caught CBC ID at 0330.  //CBC 91.5 Internet stream.  SW audio was 2 seconds 
ahead.  QRM splatter from 9620.  This signal distorted, weak, and off freq. 
(11 Sept.)

CANADA   6390   NHK/R. Japan via Canada  Mixing product w/6175 and 5960. 
Traditional Japanese mx 0340-0355.  Fair w/QRM.  Of course //5960.  Tnx 
Glenn Hauser for figuring this odd freq out.  (11 Sept.)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA (ADMIRALTY ISLAND)   3315   R. Manus (pres.)  1106 EG rpt 
by M during nx at t/in.  Nx in PD read by W to 1115.  Pop mx including Boys 
to Men or somesuch Rom. ballad.  M anncr at 1122, then more Pop mx.  Think I 
could have IDed at 1100.  Nice to hear this one back on again.  Other 90 mb 
PNGs noted this morning include 3385, 3364.98, 3290 (carrier only), and 
3275.  (17 Sept.)

GUINEA   4899.97   Familia FM  2352-0001*, nothing but current-sounding 
African Dance Pop mx, no anmnts.  The song was either turned down or ended 
(with fade) at 0001, deadair for a minute or two, then off.  Decent strength 
and plainly audible, but like everywhere else in 60 meters these days, CODAR 
was a big QRM problem.  Have sent a "quickie" FR report w/MP3 of song 
snippets to Laurent Koulemou (Directeur Technique) and Moriba Tavagueze 
Kolie (Technicien Freelance), and Marcel Loua (SW Website Administrator). 
Hopefully a response will come from at least one of them.  (17 Sept.)

73              Dave 


Message: 6
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 09:21:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 17-18, 2010
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

** ANTARCTICA. Last Saturday there was a presumed report of LRA36 on the 15476 
air despite its normal M-F-only schedule, so I dug for it this Saturday, Sept 
18 at 1336 --- no signal detectable, tho Rampisham 15480 was there (Glenn 

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 18: 
8400, 9380 and 10500 all checked but nothing at 1256.
After 1305, full scan 8-19 MHz also produced nothing 

** GABON. 9580, just as I intune Sept 18 at 0532, ``Vous ?coutez Africa Num?ro 
Un, votre radio``, and more news in French. Fair signal, somewhat 
undermodulated. We still miss the much better signals they used to provide from 
the other transmitter on 17630/15475 in the daytime/evening, and it`s 
supposedly going to come back --- but if the sunspots ever improve, we may 
again have a chance at 2 x 9580 = 19160 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. YOUR REPORTS PLEASE --- Greetings to all friends of Radio Truth 
(Radio Verdad). May I inform you that we started to broadcast on short wave 
today at 1:30 p. m. (Guatemalan time) [1930 UT]. These are temporary 
transmissions, with only 50 watts power. We are using a very small transmitter. 
We?ll appreciate your reports of how you receive our signal. Send your report 
to: radioverdad5 @ or to Apartado 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala. 

Referring to our large transmitter, it is already on function, but we are 
waiting for Eng. Ralph Borthwick to come from Canada, for completing its 
repair, by the middle of October, and be able to come on the air with our full 
power again. God bless you. PLEASE SPREAD OUT THIS INFORMATION (Dr. ?dgar 
Am?lcar Madrid, Manager and Director, Radio Verdad, 2211 UT Sept 17, DX 

See previous reports in

4052.5 kHz. Nominal program schedule shows: Mon-Sat 1100-0605; Sunday 1255-0605 
UT, so best chance should be at sign-on or in the few hours before sign-off.

Started trying for it at 0057 UT Sept 18: nothing on 4052.5, but very weak 
instrumental music in noise level, sounds religious, on 4055; and an even 
weaker seemingly broadcast signal on 4050: 3 x 1350 KWMU Washington MO as 
usual? Or Kyrgyzstan. 

At 0100 the 4055 signal increases a bit and at 0101 an announcement, made out a 
word or two of Spanish, including ``nosotros``. So suspect R. Verdad`s 
low-power 50-watt substitute transmitter is really on 4055; is that right, Dr. 
Madrid? Reception should improve later in evening. It`s just as well to be on 
4055, further from the 4050 QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Thank you, Glen[n], for your excellent report. It is very useful and 
encouraging to us. Yes, you are right, we're transmitting on 4.055 MHz, instead 
of 4.0525. The new technician argued that that was the right frequency on which 
we should get on the air. Our authorized frequency is from 4.0475 to 4.0575, 
and, to my best knowledge, the middle is at 4.0525, and that is the frequency 
imprinted inside of our big transmitter; however, I could not convince the new 
technician. Anyhow, I am glad about his temporary help, because now we are on 
the air. Our low power is 50 watts, but I may increase it up to 100 watts, if 
the fount [power supply?] supports it. I forgot to include our new frequency in 
my e-mails (Dr Madrid, 0502 UT Sept 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Despite my spreading the word about this immediately to the major DX lists, few 
other reports have resulted. Manuel M?ndez in Spain tried for it, and got an 
extremely weak carrier only on 4052.7-LSB until 0606* Sept 18, but apparently 
that could not have been R. Verdad.

My further monitoring UT Sept 18: at 0449 reception had not improved, still too 
much storm noise, but now I compare the very weak signal on 4055 to 6055 REE, 
and with BFO find that 4055 is very very slightly to the low side. (Since Star 
Radio buried itself inside the 75m band instead of 4025-, have not been able to 
perform such comparisons.) R. Verdad no better at 0524, as I give up for 
tonight. Things should be quieter if one be awake to monitor at *1100, except 
on Sundays it`s too late at *1255 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI, VG signal Sept 18 at 1259 concluding Japanese hour 
with ID, address partly pronounced in English; 1300 sharp, transition to 
English without any IS or pause, YL opening with ID, program summary, 1301 
news. But STILL suffering from OADs, including some lasting several seconds in 
the 1302 minute during first boring item about candidates for the position of 
national police chief (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH AFRICA. 14235-USB, Sept 18 at 1330, ZS1DDK, David working numerous 
eastern US hams, and QSOs constantly interrupted by others trying to get his 
attention; also QRM from digital mode on the low side, SSTV? with occasional 
fast CW IDs. A few minutes earlier was getting another Azanian from Cape Town 
on 14238 --- or maybe the same guy before QSY; sounded about the same, but hard 
to copy his own call. IDs this OM as: ZS1DDK, David P. De Kock, 6 
Klipspringer Drive, Loevenstein, Cape Town, South Africa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1530 confirmed on first WWCR airing, Friday Sept 17 at 
2030, 15825 just barely audible on portable radio, as is the normal case with 
this frequency in the skip zone lacking any sporadic-E enhancement, but hope it 
is much better further east and west. Also confirmed at 1600 Saturday Sept 18 
on 12160 with VG signal, shortly after *1559. Next WWCR airings are UT Sun 0230 
on 4840, 0630 on 3215.

Also tried to confirm DXing With Cumbre on 21630 ex-17520, Saturday at 1600 --- 
21630 just barely audible, no comparison to inbooming Portugal 21655, Spain 
21610, 21570 --- but it`s not Marie! Some OM talking. Then check webcast for 
WHRI Angel 1, and sure enough, it`s some preacher, so DWC is gone again from 
what had been its only confirmed WHRI SW airtime. Searching ``Marie Lamb`` on 
the WHRI website under Specific Program Criteria, indeed Sat 1600 has been 
removed and all the others look fishy, previously confirmed as not really on SW 
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###



Message: 7
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 12:35:41 -0400
From: Robert Wilkner <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

September logs so far....

183  Europe 1, Felsberg -Saarlouis- 0300;   0500 noted in French om, yl 
quick exchange  14 September - Using Russell Scotka built Long wave pre 
amp [Wilkner]

2368.5 Australia,  Radio Symban 1012 -20 some audio on 15 September. 

2850  North Korea,  1000 to 1015 Chorale music, better than normal 
signal, 10 September [Wilkner]

3250  Honduras, Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis 2330 noted often  with 
reduced signal strength for the last few weeks, also 1100 [Wilkner]

3290  Guyana,  GBC,   0530 religious program with good signal, 0900 pop 
music with dedications over the music, thunderstorm over the Bahamas 
causing noise, "Molly and Phil and their numerous friends...happy 63rd 
birthday...and her husband.." Good till fade at 0945  17 September [Wilkner]

3309.98 Bolivia, Radio  Mosoj Chaski,  Cochabamba   0830 carrier on, no 
audio, 1000 traditional CP music. 15 September  [Wilkner]

3315 Papua New Guinea Radio  Manus, Lorengau 0940 to 1015, yl news same 
day as ++Dave Valko log; not as good reception as Dave Valko. 17 
September. [Wilkner]

3320 tentative- North Korea  some audio, unusual here, 8 September [Wilkner]

3329.642 Peru,  Ondas del Huallaga,  Hu?nuco   0950 to 1000 with OA 
music, CHU notched, "en Peru ahora y semana proxima ..." [Wilkner]

3335 Papua New Guinea,  Radio East Sepik, Wewak 1100 "..preparation for 
their guests in the tradition of ....", music to 1130.  8 September 

3341.91 Unid 1000 on 17 September  [ZD-Palm Beach]

3375.33  Brasil  Radio Municipal S?o Gabriel da Cachoeira,  0940 - 1000  
noted with music and good signal after seeming silent for two days. 17 
September [Wilkner]

4055 Guatemala, Radio Verdad 0230  still there, bothered by ute , 
drifting 18 September[XM-Cedar Key] 2350 

4053 Guatemala, Radio Verdad  at 2330 on 17 Sept. [ZD-Palm Beach]

4319 u Diego  Garcia,  2308 National Public Radio, ute cochannel noise 
15 September  [Wilkner]

4409.8 Bolivia, Radio  Eco, Reyes 0000, regular reception after local MW 
harmonic cuts power [Wilkner]

4451.2 Bolivia, Radio Santa  Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma  2330 to 2350, 
slight transmitter drift, fair signal 11 September [Wilkner]

4746.94 Peru, Radio  Huanta 2000 Huanta Ayacucho 0950 tune in with full 
ID by om, ( ++ Steve Reinstein discovered this station, had earlier  log 
than reported in NU. Still there after all these years.  SHR original 
tape sounded like Radio In-fan-ta ) Long long time ago.  17 September  

4754.9. Radio Imaculada Concei??o, Campo Grande, MS    0955 - 1007 Port 
om, no ID on hour, seems irregular 17 September; Program "en a palabra" 
on 11 September  [Wilkner]

4774.9 Peru, Radio Tarma. Tarma   1030 to 1110 todos los dias [Wilkner]

4795.87 Bolivia, Radio Lipez, Uyuni   0950 and 0000 noted with  strength 
both times on 17 September. Good signal, seems regular along with 4700  
Bolivia,  Radio San Miguel, Riberalta and 4716.19 Bolivia   Radio Yura, 
Yura. Both noted at 0000 and 1000 every day  [Wilkner]

4805 Brasil, Radio Difusora do Amazonas,Manaus  0950 - 1000 back on 
frequency after reports of 4807v.  17 September [Wilkner]

4814.95 Ecuador, Radio El Buen Pastor, Saraguro Loma Loja  1005  weak 
signal for last few weeks, 17 September [Wilkner]

4869.98 Unid 1140  12 September  [ZD-Palm Beach]

4900  Guinea,  Familia  2250 - 2300 being received well most day 
[XM-Cedar Key] 2328 on 11 September  [ZD-Palm Beach]

4985 Brasil  Radio  Brasil Central, Goainia provide a very strong signal 
2330 to 0000. [Wilkner]

4986.833 Peru,  Radio Manantial, Huancayo 2336 with Peru mx, om fair to 
good signal 11 September; 2350 on  15 September  [Wilkner]

5039.21 Peru, Radio  Libertad Junin 1100 with OA music, after RHC shuts 
down  10 September, 15 September same [Wilkner]

5459.98 Peru, Radio Bolivar Cd. Bolivar 0000 wild frequency drift  to 
5460.33 by 0015 on 17 September [Wilkner]

5460.357 Peru Radio Bolivar Cd. Bolivar September 16th  0110 to 0130 
lively program of music and yl and om, lost signal;sign off. On the 13th 
September at 0000 to 0010, much weaker signal[Wilkner]

6173.8 Peru,   Radio Tawantinsuyo,  Cusco  1036 -1045 weak signal en 
espanol, "Informaci?n completa"  10 September, 1100 to 1120 on 15 
September [Wilkner]

Robert Wilkner
Pompano Beach, Florida


Message: 8
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 20:19:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [HCDX] Sept 18 Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

** BRAZIL. 5990, Radio Senado, Brasilia DF, *0857-0930, Sept 18,
sign on  with local pop music. Portuguese announcements. ID 
announcement at 0900.  Local pop ballads. Portuguese talk.
Very good. Strong. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** COSTA RICA. 2859.82 H, Radio San Carlos, 0150-0202*, Sept 18,
2nd  harmonic. 2 x 1430v. Presumed with Spanish talk. Spanish pops-
ballads. Very  weak/threshold levels but occasional peaks up to weak
but readable levels.  (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** EURO-PIRATE?? 6375, 2330-0005+, Sept 18-19, unidentified 
possible  Euro-pirate with continuous country music. Some oldies
US pop music. Poor to  fair. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** SRI LANKA. 11905, SLBC, 0030-0120, Sept 18, Hindi  announcements.
Local Hindi vocals. Poor to fair. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom  IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 


Message: 9
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 20:35:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [HCDX] Euro-pirate 6375
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

** EURO-PIRATE.  6375, Black Bandit Radio, 2330-0030+, Sept 18-19,  
continuous country music. Some oldies US pop music. Many IDs at  0023,
0029, 0030. Poor to fair. This is my previous unidentified station.  (Brian 
Alexander, PA) 
Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom IC-7600,  two 100 foot longwires 


Message: 10
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 19:53:38 -0500
From: Brandon Jordan <>
Cc: NASWA <>, BDXC-news yg
        <>,    ODXA yg <>, ABDX
        <>,,, ?dgar Madrid <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [dxld] Re: Radio Verdad back on air 4052.5, low
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

It is great to hear that Radio Verdad has been able to return to the 
shortwave bands. Looking for this signal at 0050 on Sep 19, I am only 
hearing a weak carrier on 4054.980.

Brandon Jordan
Memphis, TN USA

On 9/17/2010 8:10 PM, Glenn Hauser wrote:

> Started trying for it at 0057 UT Sept 18: nothing on 4052.5, but very
> weak instrumental music in noise level, sound religious, on 4055; and an
> even weaker seemingly broadcast signal on 4050: 3 x 1350 KWMU Washington
> MO as usual? Or Kyrgyzstan.
> At 0100 the 4055 signal increases a bit and at 0101 an announcement,
> made out a word or two of Spanish, including ``nosotros``. So suspect R.
> Verdad`s low-power 50-watt substitute transmitter is really on 4055; is
> that right, Dr. Madrid? Reception should improve later in evening. It`s
> just as well to be on 4055, further from the 4050 QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK,

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 93, Issue 19

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