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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs September 18-19, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
   2. log (Robert Wilkner)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 10:08:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 18-19, 2010
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. 9570, weak RA English at 1120 Sept 19, with discussion 
// 9560, 9580, 9590. After CRI/Cuba comes on 9570 at 1200, I never notice this, 
perhaps a leapfrog of 9590 over 9580 next to each other at Shepparton, if not 
receiver overload. By 1137, 9570 is blocked by a carrier with ``Far East 
flutter`` like many other frequencies 9-12 MHz this morning: probably KBS in 
one-hour break between Korean and Indonesian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** BRAZIL. 12175, Sept 18 at 2300 weak distorted music, presumably the spur 
from 11765 SRDA Curitiba, which at 2302 was also audible, poorly in Portuguese 
and not much better (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 9625-, Saturday Sept 18 at 2308, CBCNQ with Vinyl Tap, not too much 
CCI at this hour, but ACI: the het against 9620 Spain slightly lower-pitched 
than against something else weaker on 9630, evidence that 9625 is off-frequency 
to the low side, as becomes clear in the mornings when the 9625 het is almost 
audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 13820, DentroCuban Jamming Command, Sept 18 at 2258 with tone pulses 
against nothing, since R. Mart? finishes at 2200.

12000, RHC Spanish Sept 18 at 2304 // 12030 from which 12000 must be a spur, 
and at this hour also // another transmitter on 12020.

6150, RHC English, Sept 19 at 0508, S9+22 but just barely modulated; 6060 under 
Spain 6055 skirt seemed somewhat undermodulated, while // 6010 and 5970 were 
fully modulated. 6010 also with het, lower pitched than Per? vs China/Sackville 
6020, so 6010 het from Colombia or Mexico is less than 700 Hz.

9955, two-tone jamming vs nothing at 0510 Sept 19, WRMI inaudible but 
presumably on the air. Next check at 1143, WRMI is audible giving e-mail 
address in Spanish, but with some intermittent chirping jamming. See also U S 
A: WRMI; U S A: R. Mart?.

Altho ``Al?, Presidente`` is suspended at least until October 3, RHC turns on 
those frequencies another Sunday, Sept 19 at 1425 check: 13750, 12010, 
11690-distorted, 17750 in decreasing order of strength, but // normal RHC 
Spanish channels including 11760, 13780, no 13680 or 12030. 1625 recheck, 
17750, 13750, 12010 and 11690 still on with RHC, and now 13680 also weakly 

RHC is doing this to maintain its claim to the channels otherwise unused, since 
as an outlaw station, it does not register them with HFCC, and legitimate 
outlets could justifiably assume that the frequencies are open for them to glom 
onto. They might anyway, relying on incomplete registrations rather than 
reality (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ECUADOR. 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, Sept 19 at 1130 in Spanish opening show 
``Penseros con el Doctor ---`` alguien. At 1125 when I was comparing frequency 
to 4050 KWMO, HCJB had been in Quichua. Quite sufficient signal gradually faded 
to near nothing by 1200, and meanwhile, did not hear any het from off-frequency 
Malaysia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4055-, trying to hear reactivated R. Verdad on its second night, 
UT Sept 19: still too much storm and line noise for 50 watts to penetrate, but 
with BFO I could detect carrier, again slightly to the lo side compared to 
Spain 6055, around 0200 and occasional chex past 0400, always the same and not 
varying 2-3 kHz as someone alleged the night before. Tonight Brandon Jordan, 
TN, measured TGAV on 4054.98, i.e. 20 Hz low. I was monitoring again as early 
as 1120, but nothing there as Sunday sign-on is later, scheduled *1255 vs 
*1100-0605* on weekdays per website tho WRTH shows 1130-0500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** SOUTH AFRICA. 7285, R. Sonder Grense coming in quite well at S9+18 and no 
QRhaM, Sept 19 at 0506 with ads in Afrikaans, mentioning Bloemfontein, which 
from its name alone one might assume is an Afrikaner hotbed, but it is not 
mentioned once in the Wikipedia article Afrikaner (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. US government broadcasting continues to violate separation of church 
and state: Sept 19 at 1139 on 9805 I hear Catholic mass in Spanish. A new 
frequency for WEWN? No! Not // 7555, and 9805 with jamming under, // 5980 and 
6030 which are barely audible with jamming atop. 

Radio Mart? is still at it, giving preferential treatment to one particular 
religion, which operates openly in Cuba anyway! The program schedule showing 
for 1100-1200 UT Sunday Sept 26, at

``La Santa Misa, en la Iglesia cat?lica, en el acto lit?rgico dentro del cual 
se ofrece el sacrificio eucar?stico. La misa se instituy? en la ?ltima Cena de 
Jes?s con sus Doce Ap?stoles. En la misa se renueva el sacrificio del calvario 
al celebrar el sacramento de la eucarist?a.``

But ended early, so 1152 fill feature about pre-Columbian exploration of 
Am?rica, really ``discovered`` by a Chinese 70 years earlier?

Yes, Sept 26, as the sked which automatically displays specific dates has 
already moved beyond today Sept 19, to the following week. All other religions, 
especially the ones persecuted in Cuba, such as Testigos de Jehov?, should 
demand equal time, which could easily fill up 168 hours per week --- or better 
yet, in fairness, all sectarian religious services should be banned from Radio 
Mart? (and ALL US government-sponsored broadcasting)! I will try to bring this 
to the attention of the new BBG (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9955, WRMI, Sept 19 at 1145 promo by Jeff White in Spanish for La Voz 
del Foro Revolucionario Democr?tico for a full hour starting Nov. 1 (2009??) at 
4:30-5:30 pm Sundays. Only intermittent chirp jamming at the moment (Glenn 

** U S A [and non]. Checking for the Route 66 ham special events stations this 
week, on nominal frequencies ending in ?66: tried 7266-LSB, Sept 18 at 2311, 
and only heard CQs from W6R, Harry in Franklin Park IL, which is just south of 
O`Hare and too far north to have been right on the historic Route 66, but close 
enough? His signal was much weaker than all the stations he was working in the 
next few minutes. Also had ACI from the South Carolina QSO Party on the lo 
side; and a broadcast on the hi side, 7270, presumably VOR via ARMENIA. 

At 2315, W6R contact with KI4TYK, Dan; 2317 with KD4QMY, George; 2318 with 
KA0UNB in Omaha where W6R was 5x5. At 2321 I tried 14266 and only heard CQ from 
K7GJX in AZ, apparently unrelated to the Route 66 event. There were many other 
W6+ one letter stations along the Route 66 path participating, but not at the 

BTW, the RT? Ireland via South Africa sports special at 13-17 on 7265, Sept 19 
only, probably disrupted Route 66 by long path in western North America, but I 
did not think to check for it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 4050-, Sept 19 at 1125 talk show, weak with intermittent ute QRM, 
slightly on the lo side compared to HCJB 6050. Of course, I was checking for 
Guatemala on 4055. 4050 presumably as before 3 x 1350 from KWMO, The Mouth, 
Washington MO. Since it`s after 6 am local, probably day power 500 watts on 
fundamental instead of nite power 84 watts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 



Message: 2
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 19:47:04 -0400
From: Robert Wilkner <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] log
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

4055.03 Guatemala, Radio Verdad, 2325 to 2340, religious programing, 
music at 2340, deep fades and slightly drifting xmitter [Wilkner & other 
Florida DXers]

Robert Wilkner
Pompano Beach, Florida, US

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 93, Issue 20

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