** AUSTRALIA. 15400, unlike yesterday, HCJB propagating well Saturday Oct 9 at 
1325 with some downunderite reading boring loggings, so checked their other 
frequency, 15340: nice south Asian vocal music, and still no het from Morocco, 
neither audibly from ex-15341, nor subaudibly from presumed 15340, whence it is 
presumably not propagating instead. Back to 15400 at 1330 just as DX Partyline 
ends on time, no ID, immediately into Chinese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** BULGARIA. 15700, Oct 9 at 1333, R. Bulgaria with folk music on accordion, 
lo-fi announcement; 1350 now it`s accordion with piano in Saturday traditional 
music show (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 6070, Oct 9 at 0601, CFRX newscast by YL with improved modulation, 
and I was ready to give them an R5, but a few minutes later it declined to R4 
and continued to plummet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 9625, Oct 9 at 0553, tone test as happens so frequently, long after 
CBCNQ 0506 sign-off; why? Vs splatter from REE/CR 9630 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 9: none found 8-16 MHz before 1300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** CUBA. 11760, back on the air and VG with RHC English, Oct 9 at 0551, jazz 
piano music // 5970, 6060 and JBM 6150, but no 6010. Next check 0603, 6010 had 
replaced 11760. But unlike a previous night, 9525 in Spanish was not extended.

As I started to tune down the 21m band, Oct 9 at 1339, no signal on 13880, so 
figured one of the RHC channels would be off, unable to produce this leapfrog. 
Yes: 13780 VG as usual, but nothing on 13680. 

Despertar con Cuba was airing a report from Puerto Rico on a baseball 
championship, slanted to how the Cuban team was doing; 1342 Agenda 21 
environmental report about a weather radar in Pinar del Río established in 
1972; urging us to go green. By this time I was axually listening on 12030 

** GUATEMALA. 4055-, TGAV, Oct 9 at 0555 carrier and JBA music (Glenn Hauser, 

** INDIA. Can`t get enough of that Bengaluru hum! 9690, AIR GOS English channel 
at 1330-1500, already on air at 1318 Oct 9, otherwise open carrier, but off 
again at 1322 check, having confirmed that the transmitter will be ready to 

9425, Bengaluru at 1318 Oct 9, AIR IS, flutter, ACI de FEBC 9430; 1320 Vande 
Mataram, 1321+ sign-on in Hindi mentioning kHz. Could not hear this National 
Channel on // 9470 Aligarh with huge WTWW from 9479. 

9870, Bengaluru with VBS, Oct 9 at 1319 pop music, flutter, CCI from presumed 
China (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 3325, Oct 9 at 1231 tune-in to hear talk in Indonesian, but 
vanished at 1231:30*. This could explain why I was not hearing any signal the 
day before when I tuned in somewhat later, after having had nice daily peaks 
before 1300: RRI Palangkaraya turning off transmitter earlier, for some reason. 
What does Atsunori Ishida at http://rri.jpn.org/ say? Observations since Oct 7 
not yet entered
However, Ron Howard heard 3325 on the air from 1439 Oct 9 Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI, back to normal VG signal Oct 9 after weakish 
yesterday; 1249 rock in English during Japanese hour; 1314 in English Today in 
History about consequences of NK nuclear tests; 1315 Focus, on ``Indonesia 
becoming more attractive to international business``; usual IADs (Glenn Hauser, 

** JAPAN. R. Nikkei, Oct 9 at 0553 fair on both 9595 and 9760 in non // 
Japanese talk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALAYSIA. 6049.6, Oct 9 1306, weak music to talk, VP, 1308 mixing music and 
talk. Confirmed off-frequency compared to WEWN 12050. A semihour earlier I was 
only hearing the het with HCJB(?). Now with some audio there is still a het 
from algo on 6050.0. 

I defer to Ron Howard who reported thus Oct 4: ``pop music show at
1301 in vernacular with many "Radio Malaysia Asyik FM" IDs; fair;
slight drift.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 7350, Oct 9 at 0559, JBA carrier from presumed R. Nigeria, Abuja; 
wonder if this will ever rise to audibility over here. Shame to have such a 
nice clear frequency, with pitiful peanut power. Is anyone in Europe hearing it 
in the evenings? But then it would collide with Russia, Moldova, Iran, China, 
East Turkistan. Maybe there are some gaps when it could be detected (Glenn 

** OKLAHOMA. 1610, NWS Enid relay again audible, Oct 8 at 2200 UT, JBA on 
caradio in Enid, so the Great Salt Plains TIS (Jet/Cherokee OK), WQCL720, is 
back in biz after radiating loud noise blob for a few weeks.

1580, checked KOKB Blackwell Saturday Oct 9 at 1347, and it`s nominal with 
local sports talk during the hour when, tnx to KOKB open carrier, we used to 
hear the mystery Spanish sports show which turned out to be KHGG Fort Smith AR. 
With KOKB applying modulation, no chance of hearing that any more, tsk. We got 
that while the getting was good, i.e. all summer. 

Compared to sister station KOKP 1020 Perry OK, and found 1580 about one second 
behind, instead of a much longer delay, so suspect they are now using satellite 
rather than internet feed from Stillwater studio, and modulation quality has 
also improved to normal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PORTUGAL. 15560, Oct 9 at 1334 song in English but instrumental 
accompaniment too loud to make out the words; 1335 segué to rock song in 
Portuguese, words also drowned by non-acoustic instruments. This RDPI frequency 
to NAm is on the air at this hour only on weekends, VG signal (Glenn Hauser, 

** PORTUGAL [and non?]. 7325, Oct 9 at 0605 DW news in English, ID, into 
Newslink; heavy flutter and a quick echo. Another anomaly from them. This is 
listed as Sines site, in use by DW only at 0600-0630, nowhen else on this 
frequency from any other site, so inadvertent overlap unseems explication. 250 
kW, 180 degrees. 

The echo quick enough to be short/long path, but unlikely now as would have to 
cross the dayside. Also, no other 40m signals had such a flutter, which could 
have instead been a subaudible heterodyne by two DW transmitters (both at 
Sines, or one somewhere else) nevertheless carrying the same feed by different 
routing on slightly different frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** SAINT HELENA [non]. 9770, the RMRC special in German substituting for a real 
R. Saint Helena Day, on 9770 at 1530-1630 Oct 9 only: inaudible here at 1610 
check, but not suprisingly. 

English for NAm will be at 2230-2330 on 6130, both via LITHUANIA. The latter 
time looks to be a clear frequency, so we have only propagation to contend 
with. Should be less of a challenge than 11092.5 would have been (Glenn Hauser, 

** TUNISIA. 7335, RTT open carrier started musical modulation at 0557:25 Oct 9, 
// 7275 for the semi-hour overlap (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 15450, VOT, Oct 9 at 1301, YL reading reception reports, yawn, so 
this is confirmed as an on-week for the fortnightly so-called DX Corner. 
Axually should have listened earlier and closer, as Tibor Szilagyi, EDXC 
Chairman, said an interview with him would be on today, following the EDXC 
Conference in Ankara last weekend; anyhow should repeat thru the 0300+ UT 
Sunday broadcast, and if we are lucky, ondemand for a day or so. Look for the 
09.10.2010 broadcast linked at the lower left corner of 

Yes, the EDXC report starts 12 minutes in, on an expanded DX Corner, to contain 
interviews with him from before the conference, and another with a DXer from 
Finland; more interviews to come in subsequent fortnights.

News from the meeting: VOT plans to launch Japanese. Radio Saint Helena Day 
schedule as if it were happening today! The YL reporter whose name I can never 
catch, has not heard about the cancellation.

Many other items mentioned, but already in written reports on the conference 
appearing in two versions in DX Listening Digest 10-40, under TURKEY, and 

Music break at :24 to :28 into the hour, and still no interviews, as she starts 
reading reception reports. One listener complained that she speaks too fast, so 
said she would be ``more attentive`` from now on. Ends program at :36, but it 
turns out the interviews are outside DX Corner in the rest of the hour normally 
filled with music. Tibor is at :37-:46 minutes, the Finn whose name I couldn`t 
catch either, follows, and as I dispatch this report have not yet had time to 
finish listening to them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. VOA jazz hour, Saturday Oct 9 at 1323 on 9760, 9510, 7575, 
in decreasing order of quality, from Tinang 250, Tinang 50, and Tinian 250 

VOA has a great heritage of jazz programming, and it`s great to be maintained, 
but how about classical. Is there ANY classical music (yes, American), in the 
VOA Music Mix? Let alone relayed on SW? Just try to find any mention of 
classical here:

``VOA Music Mix is the Voice of America’s 24/7 English language music network. 
We combine the best songs from pop, rock, country, Hip-Hop, rap, jazz to give 
you the World’s Best Variety.``

Is there a 24/7 program schedule of MM so we can look for any token classical 
hour? Not that we can find. Since this is primarily a satellite/internet 
stream, excuses that the fine art of classical would be ruined by lousy SW 
fading and interference will not be accepted. 

VOA ignoring it, or even Broadway musicals, another great American music genre, 
is absolutely scandalous. The VOA music director, if any, must be extremely 
narrow-minded, perhaps without even realizing it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 5050, WWRB is normally long gone from this frequency before 0600, but 
Saturday Oct 9 at 0607, talk in Biblese, seems like a Pauline epistle in KJV 
English. Had vanished a few minutes later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A [and non]. 15420-CUSB, WBCQ, Oct 9 at 1355-1400 with IS and ID --- the 
best and only time worth listening to this frequency, since all the rest is one 
gospel huxter or another. Text voiced by non-Allan announcer is: ``You are 
listening to WBCQ, Monticello, Maine, the United States of America, The 
Planet``, and IS a big-band fanfare of about 20 notes (hard to count, 
overlapping), lo fi, maybe from the Marion Webster Collexion. 

This repeated over and over, until just before 1400, standard canned ID by 
Allan Weiner with jingle, but cut off last word ``Planet`` to join primitive 
organ music introducing Brother Scare Sabbath service. Compared USB to LSB on 
the DX-398: definitely favors USB, but some modulation also audible on LSB. 

By next check 1610, 15420 dominated by BBCWS with report from Commonwealth 
Games, even when tuned to USB. BBC via SEYCHELLES is scheduled on 15420 from 
1300 to 1700, alternating English, Somali, Swahili, English finally at 280 
degrees. For reasons unknown, this collision has never been considered by 
respective frequency managers as worth resolving; presumably because 
theoretically, Seychelles should be no problem for WBCQ on the way to its 
Mexican target area. In the B-season, BBC switching from Seychelles to 
southward from Cyprus at 1400 might be less of a problem, but then there`s via 
South Africa in our afternoons (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1533 confirmed on WWCR-2, 12160, Saturday 
Oct 9 at 1610, excellent signal. Next airings should be 0230 UT Sunday on 4840, 
and 0630 Sunday --- back on 3215, or still on 3255 test? They were on 3255 UT 
Oct 9 around 0600.

Also via IRRS, SLOVAKIA, 7290, Saturday at 1800.

Upcoming WRMI 9955 airings are: Sat 1730, Sun 0800, 1530, 1730; Tue 1530, 2230, 
Wed 0030, maybe 1530 unless new one is ready. WBCQ 7415 Tue 1900, maybe Wed 
1900 too unless new one is ready (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. 6297.1, looking for SASASAM Oct 9 at 0600, and found 
open carrier with soft noise bursts, which we think are coming from own 
transmitter rather than ute QRM, but not sure; 0602 ending NA into chanting. 
The previous evening, Brian Alexander caught them again instead on 6248.33 
until 0033* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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