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Today's Topics:

   1. RNZI B10 (Alokesh Gupta)
   2. DW B10 (Alokesh Gupta)
   3. RSI B10 (Alokesh Gupta)
   4. TWR INDIA B10 (Alokesh Gupta)
   5. Wed Morn Dx (Charles Bolland)
   6. Fw: [BDXC-UK] REE schedule B-10 effective 31 October 2010
      (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   7. V.O.GREECE B10 (Alokesh Gupta)
   8. Logs -Florida-Brasil - Australia (Robert Wilkner)
   9. RFA B10 (Alokesh Gupta)
  10. Glenn Hauser logs October 27, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:56:46 +0530
From: Alokesh Gupta <>
To: Alokesh-Hotmail <>
Subject: [HCDX] RNZI B10
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

31 Oct 2010 - 27 Mar 2011

Time(UTC) Freq(AM) Freq(DRM) Target
0459-0658 11725 AM 11675 DRM Pacific
0659-0758 9765  AM 11675 DRM Pacific
0759-1058 9765  AM 9870  DRM Pacific
1059-1158 13660 AM 9870  DRM NW Pacific,PNG,Timor
1159-1258 13660 AM           NW Pacific,PNG,Timor
1259-1550 5950  AM           Pacific
1551-1650 7440  AM 5950  DRM Cook Islands,Niue,Fiji,Samoa
1651-1750 9765  AM 9890  DRM Cook Islands,Niue,Fiji,Samoa
1751-1850 11725 AM 11675 DRM Cook Islands,Niue,Fiji,Samoa
1851-1950 11725 AM 15720 DRM Cook Islands,Niue,Fiji,Samoa
1951-2050 11725 AM 17675 DRM Samoa
2051-2150 11725 AM 17675 DRM Solomon Islands,Vanuatu
2151-0458 15720 AM 17675 DRM Pacific

(Source : RNZI Website)

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 12:09:59 +0530
From: Alokesh Gupta <>
To: Alokesh-Hotmail <>
Subject: [HCDX] DW B10
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Deutsche Welle B10 Winter Frequency Schedule SW/MW/FM

(Effective 31 Oct 2010 to 26 March 2010)

PDF version now available for download from their website :,,6300952,00.pdf

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 14:49:35 +0530
From: Alokesh Gupta <>
To: Alokesh-Hotmail <>
Subject: [HCDX] RSI B10
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Radio Slovakia International B10
31 October 2010 - 27 March 2011

Time UTC  Target Area               Freq  Azi


0100-0130 North America             6040  305
0100-0130 South and Central America 9440  245
0700-0730 South Asia and Australia  13715 75
0700-0730 South Asia and Oceania    15460 85
1730-1800 Western Europe            5915  275
1730-1800 Western Europe            6055  285
1930-2000 Western Europe            5915  275
1930-2000 Western Europe            7345  285


0130-0200 North America             6040  305
0130-0200 South and Central America 9440  245
0730-0800 South Asia and Australia  13715 75
0730-0800 South Asia and Oceania    15460 85
1630-1700 Western Europe            5915  275
1630-1700 Western Europe            6010  285
2000-2030 Western Europe            5915  275
2000-2030 Western Europe            7345  285


0200-0230 North America             6040  305
0200-0230 South and Central America 9440  245
1800-1830 Western Europe            5915  275
1800-1830 Western Europe            6055  285
2030-2100 Western Europe            5915  275
2030-2100 Western Europe            7345  285


0230-0300 South America             6080  265
0230-0300 South America             9440  245
1530-1600 Western Europe            9445  265
1530-1600 Western Europe            11600 245
2100-2130 Western Europe            9460  245
2100-2130 South America             11610 245


0800-0830 Western Europe            5915  275
0800-0830 Western Europe            6055  305
1430-1500 Western Europe            6055  305
1430-1500 Western Europe            7345  285
1700-1730 Western Europe            5915  275
1700-1730 Western Europe            6010  285
1900-1930 Western Europe            5915  275
1900-1930 Western Europe            7345  285


1400-1430 Eastern Europe and Asia   9540  50
1400-1430 Eastern Europe and Asia   13625 65
1600-1630 Eastern Europe and Asia   6190  65
1600-1630 Eastern Europe and Asia   7240  50
1830-1900 Eastern Europe and Asia   5915  50
1830-1900 Eastern Europe and Asia   9485  65

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 15:19:06 +0530
From: Alokesh Gupta <>
To: Alokesh-Hotmail <>
Subject: [HCDX] TWR INDIA B10
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


IRK 11965 0030 0045 41   250 224 0 218  23456  BENGALI
IRK 11965 0030 0115 41   250 224 0 218 1       HINDI
IRK 11965 0045 0115 41   250 224 0 218  23456  BHOJPURI
IRK 11965 0045 0115 41   250 224 0 218       7 NEPALI
IRK 11965 0115 0130 41   250 224 0 218 123     DZONKA
IRK 5920  1245 1300 41   250 180 0 218 1       SANTHALI
IRK 5920  1245 1300 41   250 180 0 218       7 KUI
IRK 5920  1300 1315 41   250 180 0 218 1       KUMAONI
IRK 5920  1300 1315 41   250 180 0 218       7 HO
IRK 5920  1315 1330 41   250 180 0 218 123     MARWARI
IRK 5920  1315 1330 41   250 180 0 218     56  MEWARI
IRK 5920  1315 1330 41   250 180 0 218       7 BENGALI
IRK 5920  1315 1345 41   250 180 0 218    4    PUNJABI
IRK 5920  1330 1345 41   250 180 0 218 1       GARHWALI
IRK 5920  1330 1345 41   250 180 0 218  23     MAITHILI
IRK 5920  1330 1345 41   250 180 0 218     5   TIBETAN
IRK 5920  1330 1345 41   250 180 0 218      6  HINDI
IRK 5920  1330 1345 41   250 180 0 218       7 GARHWALI
IRK 5920  1345 1400 41   250 180 0 218 1       KURUKH
IRK 5920  1345 1400 41   250 180 0 218       7 BUNDELI
IRK 5920  1400 1415 41   250 180 0 218 1       KHARIYA
IRK 5920  1400 1415 41   250 180 0 218       7 ORIYA
IRK 5920  1345 1415 41   250 180 0 218  23456  MAITHILI
IRK 5920  1415 1430 41   250 180 0 218 12      MAGHAI
IRK 5920  1415 1430 41   250 180 0 218   34    MUNDARI
IRK 5920  1415 1430 41   250 180 0 218     567 KURUKH
IRK 5920  1430 1445 41   250 180 0 218 1     7 SADRI
IRK 5920  1445 1500 41   250 180 0 218 1     7 CHODHRI
IRK 5920  1430 1500 41   250 180 0 218  23456  SINDHI
IRK 5920  1500 1515 41   250 180 0 218 1     7 BHILI
IRK 5920  1500 1515 41   250 180 0 218  234    GAMIT
IRK 5920  1500 1515 41   250 180 0 218     56  VASAVI
IRK 5920  1515 1530 41   250 180 0 218  23     MOUCHI
IRK 5920  1515 1530 41   250 180 0 218    45   DHODIYA
NVS 7320  1315 1330 41   250 180 0 218 1     7 HINDI
NVS 7320  1315 1330 41   250 180 0 218  23456  DOGRI
NVS 7320  1330 1345 41   250 180 0 218 1234567 HINDI
NVS 7320  1345 1400 41   250 180 0 218 1     7 HINDI
NVS 7320  1345 1400 41   250 180 0 218    4    BRAJBHASHA
NVS 7320  1400 1415 41   250 180 0 218 1     7 HINDI
NVS 7320  1400 1415 41   250 180 0 218   3     AWADHI
NVS 7320  1400 1415 41   250 180 0 218    4    HARYANVI
NVS 7320  1415 1430 41   250 180 0 218  23456  GARHWALI
NVS 7320  1415 1430 41   250 180 0 218 1     7 HINDI
NVS 7320  1430 1445 41   250 180 0 218 1234567 HINDI
NVS 7320  1445 1515 41   250 180 0 218 1234567 PUNJABI
NVS 7320  1515 1530 41   250 180 0 218  234567 HINDI
NVS 7320  1515 1530 41   250 180 0 218 1       KASHMIRI
NVS 7320  1530 1545 41   250 180 0 218  23456  HINDI
SAM 6115  1500 1530 41NW 250 140 0 158 1234567 URDU
SAM 7295  1600 1615 40   250 140 0 158       7 PASHTO
SAM 7295  1600 1630 40   250 140 0 158  23456  PASHTO
SAM 7295  1615 1630 40   250 140 0 158       7 DARI

Submit reports at :
OR info at twr dot in

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 09:53:58 -0000
From: "Charles Bolland" <>
To: "ALF" <>, "Arnaldo slaen"
        <>,  "Bob Wilkner" <>,
        "brainman214" <>,Carlos
        GonA?alves<>,      "Cumbre" <>,
        "'DSWCI'" <>,       "Gayle Van Horn"
        <>,     "Glenn Hauser"
        <>,   "Hard-core-dx" <>,
        "Marie Lamb" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Wed Morn Dx
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Bolivia, 4799.926, Radio San Miguel, 0915-0930,   At
tune in, heard music until 0916 when a male
commences Spanish language comments.  Back to music by
0918,   Signal is muffled, but at a
fair level.   (Chuck Bolland, October 27, 2010)
Surname, 4989.99, Radio Apintie, (pres), 0925-0935,
Noted a very weak signal here with comments
and bridge music.   It's possible to recognize when
comments are being spoken or music being 
presented, but not able to pickup what's being said or
the language spoken, that's how 
poor or threshold the signal is.   (Chuck Bolland,
October 27. 2010)
Guyana, 3289.99, Voice of Guyana, 0945-0955,  Noted
music with brief English comments 
between each tune.   Signal was fair to poor with band
noise here and there.   (Chuck
Bolland, October 27, 2010)
Bolivia, 3309.95, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0947-0955,   At
tune in, noted a person in 
Spanish comments.   It sounded like a female, but
signal was not strong enough
to hear.   So considered the overall quality as
threshold.   (Chuck Bolland, 
October 27, 2010)
26N 081W


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 14:26:44 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "DXLD" <>, "HCDX"
        <>,        "BDXC-UK_NL"
Subject: [HCDX] Fw: [BDXC-UK] REE schedule B-10 effective 31 October
Message-ID: <7a977e70d4a7401eaa8041316cb93...@hnpc2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

New Portuguese segment to Europe and Afrika.
China relay to Philippines now BEI 500 kW unit, ex Xian.
Algunas regiones lenguas (Cataluna, Galacia, Pa?s Vasco...), v?ase "El 
Euskera" tambien.

Radio Exterior de Espana B-10 winter/hiver season

12035  60 0500-0900 Mo-Fr L a V   Sp Esp
 9780  50 0500-0900 Diaria        Sp Esp DRM
12035  60 0600-0900 Sa + Su S y D Sp Esp
13720 000 0800-1300 Mo-Fr L a V   Sp Esp
13720 000 0800-1400 Sa + Su S y D Sp Esp
15585  60 0900-1700 Diaria        Sp Esp exc.M-F 13-1330
13720 000 1300-1330 Mo-Fr L a V   Euskera CatGallVasco
15585  60 1300-1330 Mo-Fr L a V   Euskera CatGallVasco
11755  38 1700-1730 Mo-Fr L a V   Russian Ruso
 9665 000 1700-2200 Sa + Su S y D Sp Esp
 7275  50 1700-2300 Diaria        Sp Esp, excM-F 1830-19
 9665  50 1800-1900 Mo-Fr L a V   French Frances
 7275  50 1830-1900 Mo-Fr L a V   NEW Portuguese !
 9665  38 1900-2000 Mo-Fr L a V   English Ingles
 6125  38 2200-2300 Sa + Su S y D English Ingles
 5970  68 2300-2400 Sa + Su S y D French Frances

Oriente Medio
11895  80 0500-0700 daily diaria  Spanish Esp
21610 110 0900-1700 Diaria        Sp Esp exc.M-F 13-1330
21610 110 1300-1330 Mo-Fr L a V   Euskera CatGallVasco
15385  92 1425-1445 Monday Lunes  Sefardi
11765 110 1700-1900 Diaria        Arabic Arabe
12035 110 1900-2000 Sunday Dom    Frances
12030 110 1900-2100 Mo-Fr L a V   Arabic Arabe
 9605 110 2000-2100 Mo-Fr L a V   French Frances

Africa Ecuatorial
21540 161 0900-1500 Diaria        Sp Esp exc.M-F 13-1330
21540 161 1300-1330 Mo-Fr L a V   Euskera CatGallVasco
15385 161 1500-1700 Mo-Sa L a Sab Sp Esp
17755 161 1500-2200 Sunday Dom    Sp Esp
17755 161 1700-1900 Mo-Fr L a V   Sp Esp, excM-F 1830-19
17755 161 1700-2200 Saturday Sab  Sp Esp
17755 161 1830-1900 Mo-Fr L a V   NEW Portuguese !
 9590 168 1900-2000 Saturday Sab  French Frances
 9605 168 1900-2000 Mo-Fr L a V   English In
 9605 168 1900-2000 Mo-Fr L a V   English In
 7265 170 1900-2100 Mo-Fr L a V   Arabic Ar[QRM PRW Hebrew]
 7270 170 2000-2200 Sa/Su Sab/Dom Arabic Arabe
 9570 168 2000-2100 Mo-Fr L a V   French Frances
 7265 170 2200-2300 Diaria        Sp Esp
11625 161 2200-2300 Sa/Su Sab/Dom Sp Esp

17770 260 0700-0900 Diaria        Sp Esp

11910 165 1200-1400 Diaria        Sp Esp exc.M-F 13-1330
11910 165 1300-1330 Mo-Fr L a V   Euskera CatGallVasco
[Desde Beijing 500kW, exXian relay CHN]

 9765 110 0000-0400 Diaria        Sp Esp(*)
11780 248 0115-0145 TuesdayMartes Sefardi
 5965 150 0400-0800 Diaria        Sp Esp(*)
11815 110 1200-1500 Mo-Fr L a V   Sp Esp exc.M-F 13-1330(*)
15125 110 1200-2300 Sunday Dom    Sp Esp(*)
11815 110 1300-1330 Mo-Fr L a V   Euskera CatGallVasco(*)
21570 230 1300-1330 Mo-Fr L a V   Euskera CatGallVasco
21570 230 1300-1700 Diaria        Sp Esp exc.M-F 13-1330
17595 248 1300-1900 Sa/Su Sab/Dom Sp Esp
17595 248 1500-1900 Mo-Fr L a V   Sp Esp, excM-F 1830-19
15125 110 1600-2300 Saturday Sab  Sp Esp(*)
17715 230 1700-1900 Diaria        Sp Esp, excM-F 1830-19
15125 110 1800-2000 Mo-Fr L a V   Sp Esp, excM-F 1830-19(*)
15125 110 1830-1900 Mo-Fr L a V   Portuguese(*)
17595 248 1830-1900 Mo-Fr L a V   Portuguese
17715 230 1830-1900 Mo-Fr L a V   Portuguese
11940 242 1900-2300 Sa/Su Sab/Dom Sp Esp
11680 230 2100-2130 Mo-Fr L a V   Portuguese
11680 230 2300-0200 Diaria        Sp Esp excM-F 2340-2355
 6125 242 2300-0500 Diaria        Sp Esp excM-F 2340-2355
 9620 230 2300-0500 Diaria        Sp Esp excM-F 2340-2355
 6125 242 2340-2355 Mo-Fr L a V   CatGallVasco Euskera
 9620 230 2340-2355 Mo-Fr L a V   CatGallVasco Euskera
11680 230 2340-2355 Mo-Fr L a V   CatGallVasco Euskera

 3350 n-d 0200-0600 Diaria        Sp Esp(*) quadrant antenna
 9765 n-d 1200-1500 Mo-Fr L a V   Sp Esp(*) quadrant antenna
 9765 n-d 1200-2300 Sunday Dom    Sp Esp(*) quadrant antenna
 9765 n-d 1300-1330 Mo-Fr L a V   CatGallVasco Euskera(*) qa
17595 248 1300-1900 Sa/Su Sab/Dom Sp Esp
17595 248 1500-1830 Mo-Fr L a V   Sp Esp
 9765 n-d 1600-2300 Saturday Sab  Sp Esp(*) quadrant antenna
 9765 n-d 1800-2000 Mo-Fr L a V   Sp Esp(*) quadrant antenna
 9765 n-d 1830-1900 Mo-Fr L a V   Portug(*) quadrant antenna
17595 248 1830-1900 Mo-Fr L a V   Portuguese
11940 248 1900-2300 Sa/Su Sab/Dom Sp Esp(*)
 6125 242 2300-0500 Diaria        Sp Esp excM-F 2340-2355
 9535 272 2300-0500 Diaria        Sp Esp excM-F 2340-2355
 6125 242 2340-2355 Mo-Fr L a V   CatGallVasco Euskera
 9535 272 2340-2355 Mo-Fr L a V   CatGallVasco Euskera

 5970 302 0000-0100 Daily         English In
 9630 340 0000-0200 Daily         English In(* DRM mode)
 6055 290 0100-0600 Diaria        Sp Esp
 9675 340 0200-0600 Tu-Sa Mart-SabSp Esp(*)
 9690 290 0415-0445 Tuesday MartesSefardi
15170 340 1200-1500 Mo-Fr L a V   Sp Esp exc.M-F 13-1330(*)
15170 340 1200-1500 Sunday Dom    Sp Esp(*)
17595 302 1300-1500 Mo-Fr L a V   Sp Esp exc.M-F 13-1330
15170 340 1300-1330 Mo-Fr L a V   CatGallVasco Euskera(*)
17595 302 1300-1330 Mo-Fr L a V   CatGallVasco Euskera
17850 340 1500-2300 Sunday Dom    Sp Esp(*)
17850 340 1600-2300 Saturday Sab  Sp Esp(*)
17850 340 1800-2000 Mo-Fr L a V   Sp Esp, excM-F 1830-19(*)
17850 340 1830-1900 Mo-Fr L a V   Portuguese(*)
15110 290 1900-2300 Diaria        Sp Esp
 6055 302 2300-2400 Diaria        French Frances
 9535 272 2300-0500 Diaria        Sp Esp

* Desde el centro Emisor de Cariari, Costa Rica
(REE, Oct 26)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Harry Niebuhr" <niebuhr.harry @>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Subject: [BDXC-UK] REE schedule B-10 effective 31 October 2010

Hi folks,
using the link you can find the
complete SW schedule of the RTVE external service "Radio Exterior de Espa?a"
(REE) effective 31 October 2010. Although being published in Spanish only,
the schedule is very easy to use even by people without knowledge of the
language of Cervantes.

Good listening.
Harry Niebuhr


Message: 7
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 18:35:10 +0530
From: Alokesh Gupta <>
To: Alokesh-Hotmail <>
Subject: [HCDX] V.O.GREECE B10
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Effective from 31/10/10 to 27/03/11 (00:00)UTC


0000-0300 9420 7475       Gr
0300-0400 9420 7475 7450  Gr
0400-0500 9420 7475 7450* Gr
0500-0700 9420 7475*      Gr
0700-1000 9420 15630      Gr,Eng
1100-1200 9420            Gr
1200-1300 9420            Gr
1300-1400 9420            Gr,Eng
1400-1500 9420            Gr
1500-1600 9420            Gr
1600-1800 9420 15630      Gr
1800-1900 9420 15630      Gr
1900-2000 9420 15630*     Gr
2000-2100 9420 7475       Gr
2100-2200 9420 7475       Gr
2200-2300 9420 7475       Gr
2300-2400 9420 7475       Gr

Foreign  Language Transmissions

0500-0600 11645           Al
0600-0700 11645           Eng
0700-0800 11645           F
0800-0900 11645           E
0900-0930 11645           D
0930-1000 11645           Rus


1100-1300 9420            Gr


1100-1200 15650           Gr
1200-1300 15650           Gr
1300-1400 15650           Gr
1400-1500 15650           Gr
1500-1600 15650*          Gr


0000-0100 9420 7475       Gr
0100-0300 9420 7475       Gr
0300-0500 9420 7450*      Gr
1600-2000 9420 15630*     Gr
2000-2300 9420 7475       Gr
2300-2400 9420 7475       Gr


1600-2000 15630*          Gr
2000-2300 7475            Gr
2300-0300 12105*          Gr
0300-0500 7450*           Gr

Gr=Greek, Eng= English, Al= Albanian, Ar=Arabian, Bg= Bulgarian, F=French,
E= Spanish, I=Italian Pl=Polish, P=Portuguese, R=Romanian, Rus= Russian, S=
Swedish, Sc= Servocroatian, Tr=Turkish, D=German

( * ) Transmission end 10 min earlier

Reports via e-mail: era5 at ert dot gr

EUROPE 1100-1650 9935        Gr
EUROPE 1700-2250 7450        Gr

?R? 5 'THE VOICE OF GREECE' ?essogion 432,15342, Ag.Paraskevi Attikis
Tel +301 6066308,6066297,Fax +301 6066309

Macedonia Radio Station:Angelaki Str 2, 54621 Tel:+3031244979,Fax:+3031
Genaral Direction of E.RA (Engineering Div.): Messogeion 432,
15342,Ag.Paraskevi Attikis
?el 301 606 6257 Fax +301 606 6243

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi


Message: 8
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 08:51:09 -0400
From: Robert Wilkner <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] Logs -Florida-Brasil - Australia
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Logs -Florida-Brasil - Australia

3290  Guyana,  GBC  0935  Minister talking on "Christian Beliefs"
  14 Oct. [Wilkner]

3329.53 Peru,  Ondas del Huallaga,  Hu?nuco   1035 om " Buenas Dias...' 
long talk by om, under t-storm  25 October  [Wilkner]

4055 Guatemala, Radio Verdad 2335 choir music and hymns 19 October  

4319u Diego  Garcia. 4319 travel impressions of Haiti 2330  on 19 
October  [Wilkner]

4409.8 Bolivia, Radio  Eco, Reyes   2300 to 0000 24 October  [Wilkner]

4451.2 Bolivia, Radio Santa  Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma sign off at 0003 
on 22 October  [Wilkner]

4771,491 UNID 1000 to 1020 on 14 October  [Wilkner]

4774.9 Peru Radio Tarma. Tarma  0950 "musica en Radio Tarma" followed by 
time check 1010 on 14 October, Rustic Peruvian Music 1025 om 15 October  

4920  China Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet  1120 to 1130,  // 5240 and 
4905[with rtty on top]  18 October  [Wilkner]

5459.8 A cappella  music into rustic Peruvian music 2340 to 0000, 19 
October  [Wilkner]

Pompano Beach, Florida

======Forwarded with Permission======
4990, Suriname, R. Apintie, Paramaribo. October, 23 0445-0454 male in 
Dutch talks, Pop music, English romantic. Poor, 25222 (lob-B).

 3960, 4025, Liberia, Star Radio. October, 23 0440, 0503 was silent, 

L?cio Ot?vio Bobrowiec - Embu SP Brasil - Sony SW40 - Dipole 18m, 32m, 
Longwire 22m.  
======Forwarded with Permission======


3310.05    R. Mosoj Chaski, 1110, weak but readable with talk by a man, 
flute music bridges, ments of "Cochabamba." 15 October.  (David Sharp, 
NSW Australia. FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, MW-550P, 
Timewave 599zx, etc)


3250          Radio Luz y Vida, 1055, noted as het against Pyongyang 
B.S. (on 3250.05. Partial copy of Spanish man in LSB. Pretty rare to get 
any copy on this at my QTH. 15 October.  (David Sharp, NSW Australia. 
FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, MW-550P, Timewave 599zx, etc)


2349.72    KCBS Sariwon, 1247, very weak carrier and almost no 
modulation, but strong enough to parallel with very strong Pyongyang 
(2850.022). Also noted at this time: 3350.05- Pyongsong, 3959.728- 
Kanggye, 3970.55- Wonsan, and 5700.044- weak 2nd harmonic of 2850.022. 
15 October.  (David Sharp, NSW Australia. FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, 
ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, MW-550P, Timewave 599zx, etc)


5985.858  MRTV, 1128, noted as het against UnID on low side and presume 
Nay Pyi Taw site, due to unstable, warbly transmitter. Fair with local 
vocals and scant comments by announcer. Best in USB. 15 October.  (David 
Sharp, NSW Australia. FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, ICF-SW7600GR, 
MW-550P, Timewave 599zx, etc)

**  PERU

3329.51    Ondas del Huallaga, 1047, huaynos, then mensajes by a man. 
First noted as strong het against CHU, but readable in LSB. 15 October.  
(David Sharp, NSW Australia. FT-950, NRD-535D, R8, ICF-2010, 
ICF-SW7600GR, MW-550P, Timewave 599zx, etc)

4774.959  Radio Tarma, 1027, superb reception with huaynos and upbeat 
man and woman talking over the top of the songs. Peaking at S9+30dB. 15 
October. (David Sharp, NSW Australia.)

5120.48    Ondas del Suroriente, 1035, comments by a man, local time 
check, into huaynos. Best in LSB to escape UTE, high side. 15 October. 
(David Sharp, NSW Australia.)

5486.54    Reina de la Selva, 1042, presumed with huaynos, talk by a 
man. KO'ed by Over-the-Horizon radar at 1045. 15 October. (David Sharp, 
NSW Australia)


Message: 9
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 19:56:50 +0530
From: Alokesh Gupta <>
To: Alokesh-Hotmail <>
Cc: Paul Ormundy <>,  Adrian Peterson
        <>,  ODXA <>, 5 BCLNEWS
        <>,, Marie Lamb
        <>,  WWDXC - Michael Bethge <>, DANIEL
        SIMPSON <>, MT - Rachel <>,
        WWDXC - Walter Eibi <>, ARDXC Mailing List
        <>,     IWATA GAKU <>, WRTH NEW
        <>,   rosedwlc <>,,     HCDX <>,,     Toshi Ohtake - JSWC
Subject: [HCDX] RFA B10
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Radio Free Asia B10

As of October 31, 2010
All times in UTC

Burmese (4 hours daily)
0030-0130 12115, 13710, 15700
1230-1400 7515, 11795, 12105
1400-1430 11795, 12105
1630-1730 7570
Cantonese (2 hours daily)
1400-1500 5810, 7470
2200-2300 9780, 11740, 11775

Khmer (2 hours daily)
1230-1330 13810, 15160
2230-2330 5790, 11850
Korean (5 hours daily)
1500-1700 648, 5860, 7210, 9385
1700-1900 648 5860 9385
2100-2200 648 1350 5825 7460 9385

Lao (2 hours daily)
0000-0100 9815, 15690
1100-1200 9325, 15120
Mandarin (12 hours daily)
0300-0700 11980, 13710, 15150, 15665, 17615, 17880, 21540
1500-1600 5810, 7445, 9790, 9905, 11945, 13725
1600-1700 5810, 7415, 7445, 9455, 9905, 11945, 13725
1700-1800 5810, 7415, 7445, 9355, 9455, 9905, 11945, 13670
1800-1900 5810, 7385, 7415, 7445, 9355, 9455, 9905, 11790, 11945, 13670
1900-2000 1098, 5810, 5860, 6095, 7385, 9355, 9455, 9875, 9905, 11790, 11945
2000-2100 1098, 5810, 5860, 6095, 7355, 7495, 9355, 9455, 9875, 11900, 11945
2100-2200 1098, 5810, 6095, 7355, 7495, 9355, 9455, 9875, 11900 11945
2300-2400 7540, 9825, 11775, 11975, 13745, 15550

Tibetan (10 hours daily)
0100-0300 7470, 9670, 11695, 15220, 17730
0600-0700 17515, 17715, 21490, 21695
1000-1100 9690, 15140, 17750
1100-1200 7470, 11540, 11590, 15375
1200-1400 7470, 11540, 11590, 13625, 15375
1500-1600 5780, 7470, 11585, 11880
2200-2300 5820, 7470, 9835
2300-2400 6010, 7470, 7550, 9875
Uyghur (2 hours daily)
0100-0200 7480, 9480, 9645, 9690, 12010
1600-1700 5780, 7470, 9725, 12080

Vietnamese (2.5 hours daily)
0000-0030 5850, 11605, 11965, 15135
1400-1430 1503, 5855, 7515, 9990, 11605, 12130, 13580
1430-1500 5855, 7515, 9990, 11605, 12130, 13580
2300-2330 1359
2330-2400 1359, 5850, 11605, 11965, 15135

Reports to : qsl at rfa dot org

Radio Free Asia
2025 M Street, NW
Washington DC 20036
+1 (202)530-4900

(Via AJ Janitschek)

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi


Message: 10
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 15:32:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 27, 2010
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 6250.0, RNGE on earlier than usual, 0536 Oct 27, S9+18 
mentioning some numbers in Spanish, dios, so maybe citing Bible verses. This 
time I take referential frequency measurements by two methods. On the YB-400, 
zeroed to WWV, with BFO and then stepping up and down 6249-6251, it sounds 
right on. On FRG-7, compared to whatever is on 1250, it again seems a tad on 
the low side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4052.4, R. Verdad back close to its original frequency, a bit off 
nominal 4052.5, Oct 27 at 0518 fair with hymn, S9+12 and one can certainly tell 
the difference between this 500 watts, and the temporary 50 watts which had 
been on 4055. However, it`s still too weak for easy listening here, but should 
be good in the region, and maybe further with better conditions. 0529 sounded 
like Johnny Cash with hymn to the tune of ``We Shall Not Be Moved``, with 
guitar; modulation a bit muffled. Also audible around 1155. We had just 
received the good news from Dr. Madrid (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

GREAT, Radio Truth is on the air again on short wave, with 500 watts of power, 
at 4052.5 kHz, after over two years being off the air, due to the awful harm 
done by a lightning strike on the 21st of September 2008, thanks to Engineer 
Ralph Borthwick, from Canada.

We?ll appreciate it if you report our signal during these days, on which we?ll 
be making all necessary adjustments. Please distribute this information (Dr. 
?dgar Am?lcar Madrid, Director and Manager, 0409 UT October 27, DX LISTENING 

** MEXICO. 620, Oct 27 at 1206, after Mex NA, XEBU sign-on with calls twice, 
``La Norte?ita`` slogan, Chihuahua.

660, Oct 27 at 1214, 6:14 TC, ``en La Tremenda``, atenci?n Agua Nueva, obits 
after barbacoa ad. Slogan belongs to XEACB, Ciudad Delicias, Chih (Glenn 

** U S A. 1010, Oct 27 at 1357, from NW/SE, farm report, ad for corn maze (get 
it?) S of Atwood on hiway 63, business report. Figured it was KSIR Brush-Fort 
Morgan CO, and the maze location fits nearby (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

UNIDENTIFIED. 930, Oct 27 at 1203, CBS News (in English) in WKY null. Best bet 
is KWOC Poplar Bluff MO, listed by NRC as CBS and close to right angle from OKC 
(Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. TP MW carrier search Oct 27 at 1221: JBA on 747, 774, no doubt 
the usual NHKs. Today by force of will, I turned off the radio and got another 
sesquihour of much-needed sleep (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 94, Issue 28

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