** ALASKA. 2750, presumed HAARP: Walt Salmaniw in Victoria, BC: ``Glenn, thanks 
for the 2750 tip. I'm listening to it right now at 0416 UT [Nov 10]. Very 
unusual for sure. About every 6 seconds there is a signal that emanates from 
the carrier and extends out 10 kHz on each side with a rising pitch. On the 
Perseus waterfall, it looks like an arrowhead. The signal then repeats itself. 
The carrier never changes, bang on 2750 kHz``. 

That`s exactly one of several formats I was hearing the night before around 
0700. So I make another quick check on the portable at 0429 Nov 10, and there 
is a carrier, then off. No time to follow up until 0645, when it was not to be 
heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANTARCTICA [and non]. 15476, LRA36 carrier detected Nov 10 at 1342, aside 
much stronger Turkey 15480 // 15350 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BOTSWANA [and non]. 19m is usually dead now in the nightmiddle, but I keep 
checking it: 15580, Nov 10 at 0654 poor signal from VOA in English, scheduled 
03-07, 100 kW, 350 degrees from Botswana. Only other possible signal from 
Africa, 15120 poor at 0655, presumably Nigeria (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** BRAZIL. 11780, RNA is on the air as early as 0651 Nov 10, good signal; is it 
also on 6185? No, XEPPM has no // interference, but something else: see MEXICO 

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 10: none heard in incomplete bandscan 8-14 MHz 
1300-1345, especially checking the last ones found a few mornings ago, 8400, 
10500, 11100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [non]. 9905, Nov 10 at 1454 good steady open carrier; 1459 music, 
opening R. Free Asia in Chinese. Aoki shows PALAU site and surely jammed, but 
none heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC continues on 6050, blasting HCJB into oblivion, Nov 10 at 0034 
check in English, just finishing a frequency announcement for their entire new 
English schedule, only hearing 6150 mentioned after 0500.

UT Wed, it was almost time for DXers Unlimited, repeated hourly, and caught 
Arnie`s mid-program music break at 0639 on 6010, 6050, both much stronger than 
6060 and 6150, the last undermodulated as usual. Nothing on 6000 or 6140, and 
Spanish on 6120, 5040. 

6095, new RHC frequency in the 11-13 period confirmed Nov 10 at 1253 check // 
6140, 6150 and 6000. Still missing: 15390 around 1430, while 15360 was on 

** FRANCE [and non]. 17620, RFI at 1350 Nov 10 humans imitating animal sounds, 
quite a culture clash, as flanked on 17615 and 17625 by the Word of God from 
Sa`udi Arabia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI, Wednesday Nov 10 at 1332 check, Indonesian lesson, a 
conversation in a cemetery, but spoken far too fast, annoying music background, 
and intermittent audio dropouts (IADs) made it a loss. Various Indonesian words 
were translated to English. They need a few lessons on how to teach language 
effectively (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH [and non]. 6600, Nov 10 at 0657 music mixing with noise blob, 
presumably V. of the People, clandestine from South to North plus jamming; 0701 
sounded like Korean. However, the mate on 6518 was not to be heard. Both start 
at 0500 per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. 6185, XEPPM, Nov 10 at 0652 with classical music; no RNA 
Brasil QRM, as that transmitter has been ailing, despite already on 11780 at 
this hour. But 6185 has a tone test QRM and fast SAH. 0703 recheck, now in the 
clear, XEEP AM 1060 promo for ``Historias y Memorias``, dramatizations, 
miércoles a las 23 horas [= UT Thursdays 0500], another ID as 1060 AM, Radio 

Where could the TT and SAH before 0700 be coming from? Maybe Brasília, but they 
are not known for doing that. HFCC and Aoki show nothing besides XE on 6185 
after Vatican finishes at 0620: possibly testing later. But EiBi also has China 
Huayi at 0400-0800 Thursday to Tuesday, but this was Wednesday, and 0700 UT = 
15 local in China, a bit early but possibly propagable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** MOROCCO [and non]. 15341v, Nov 10 at 1348 Arabic talk putting big het on 
15340, HCJB Australia in S Asian language; meanwhile HCJB Chinese on 15400 in 
the clear. Any seeming improvement such as Morocco using 15345 sometimes 
instead turns out to be nothing but random variation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U K. 5790, Nov 10 at 0637, fair signal in Russian, BBCWS, 500 kW, 47 degrees 
from Rampisham at 05-07 but M-F only as in HFCC. Much weaker than BBCWS English 
inbooming on 5875. Other usage of 5790, all daily in AM, not DRM: 03-05 and 
17-21 BBC Arabic via Skelton, 2230-2330 IBB Khmere via Sri Lanka (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. 4435, the noisy blob continues to be heard constantly at night, and 
Nov 10 at 0641 I find the modulation on it matches WYFR Polish on 7730 which is 
S9+18 but not overpowering. I still suspect the blob is of local origin, but 
how is modulation from various SW transmitters getting onto it? 

BTW, don`t you believe languages in HFCC listings for WYFR, e.g. showing this 
in French. See http://www.w4uvh.net/dxld1044.txt for Wolfgang Büschel`s 
comprehensive YFR schedule including relays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 1250, Nov 10 at 1305 UT, ``La Súper Equis, una emisora de Ramírez 
Spanish Radio``. Here`s an article about it, confirming that identity for KYYS 
Kansas City KS; where do they get the X? No X in the callsign: 
It`s the successor to the late lamented WREN 1250 Topeka. Of course it`s not 
unusual here, sometimes JBA in the daytime (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

UNIDENTIFIED. TP MW carrier search Nov 10, DX-398 in USB mode from 1310 UT: 
747, 828, 945, 972, 1035, 1053, 1134, and at 1316, 1566. The last seems almost 
strong enough for some audio from FEBC S Korea, but not (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 11532, VG open carrier Nov 10 at 0656 putting big het on WYFR 
English 11530, as noted a number of times before, when protracted monitoring 
revealed occasional data bursts on the carrier, probably Cuba`s spy service 
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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