5040 RHC 0506 with news  S9 Dead carrier for 5025 same time
9520 RVA Tamil 1407 with relig talks by OM S9 45434
11540 Xoriyo 1529 -35 start with a max S3 signal , Quran preaches on 1532
6225 R F Chosun 1525 , in one of their  worst freq . ON 6228  there is a 
very strong FSK  carrier from 6228 of S8+ that several QRMs them . Good 
reception only in LSB and paying with the filters of the R75  That time there 
was a presentation and a mention of Hanoi
9705 Xinjiang PBS?? 1553 with prg in Chinese! S7 35333
9960 Bar Kulan 1559 heard with a introductory song , clock , ID then IS clip 
for station then with news program , items separated by the BK music audio 
clip S9 45323
6080 Kuwait? 1612 with talks in Arabic , anthem ?, a reference to Spanish 
football, including some talks in Spanish . If it is Kuwait (did n't hear for 
ID ) the freq  is very bad due to very strong QRM from 6075 DW of S20
6240 V of Wilderness? 1618 man with talks over a funeral music (seemed 
as Christian) then a woman crying @1626 . A  sudden sign off at 1627
7505 unIDed 1633 man with talks in Chinese S? /FEBC Manila CC
11740 Damal? 1837 heard acapella songs 1841 talks by OM in arabic? with 
a very poor signal Possibly SABC S Arabia?
9510 R Canada Intl 1904 with news in French . S4
6305 NL Pirate 2220 with German songs that trime with 'Atletico' S5
7590 RF Sarawak with S9 dead carrier n 2227  . Passes  2230 but sis ot 
start . Tuning Back on 2234 there was a  program with supposedly phone in 
, in Bahasa Malaysia , a commentary by the interviewed mentioning the 
religion of a Minister (Islamic) 35323 with good modulation
4885 Para 2245 with  talks by YL/OM ,possibly adverts S2
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 

Please read my article on SINPO at http://tinyurl.com/yt7qjd
http://zlgr.multiply.com (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE 
http://www.delicious.com/gr_greek1/@zach (all mypages !!)
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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