QTH:    Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan
RX:     WinRadio G303e
ANT:    100m longwire

4830,  25 DEC, 0058 UTC, MONGOLIA, Mongolian R., in Mongol, and kickin'
it with an instrumental version of "I Just Want to Say I Love You."
Great signals with a slight fade.  Time pips and beautiful full ID on
the hour.

4844,  25 DEC, 0106 UTC, INDIA, AIR Mumbai (tent.) in Hindi with
subcontinental music and long talks by male announcer.  Off of nominal
4840?  Is this a planned move or has there been some detuning or a
crystal that has gone for a walk?  Strong signals but moderate QRM from
a carrier on 4845.

4880, 25 DEC, 0112 UTC, INDIA, AIR Lucknow in Hindi with subcontinental
music.  Local level signals, but horrible, tinny modulation without any
real depth to it.

4885, 25 DEC, 0115 UTC, BRAZIL, Radio Clube do Para in Portuguese with
romantic songs and some R&B.  Beautiful, echo and full ID at 0128.
Strong signals, no QRM, but fluttery. Incredible!  This is quite the
Xmas present. 7686 miles away!  Supposedly only 2kW?

4895, 25 DEC, 0146 UTC, MONGOLIA, Mongolian Radio 2nd Channel, rockin'
out for Xmas.  Very haunting melody and music, and such good quality
that it was actually a pleasure to listen to.  Great signals with a
slight fade.

Well, a very merry Christmas to all!  This is the first breather I have
had in two months and I closed the office today, so I could do some
DXing.  I'm glad I did.  It hasn't all been a joyous Holiday season tho
as my mom is currently in hospital for a rather serious infection in her
artificial knee.  I hope all of you out there are doing much better than

The knob-ends in the compound across our alley here have somehow
converted a spark-gap transmitter into a power generator and they are
blissfully destroying mediumwave and low-band DX for me.  All appeals
have fallen on deaf ears, so I guess they need some sugar in the fuel

Last night an international group of military officers got it into their
small heads that somehow it might be a cool idea to go around base
caroling.  As Project Manager, I am also responsible for the compound
and its security and their horrible screeching and jodeling combined to
form a new doric scale, frightening my staff.  I went out on my doorstep
and held up a finger and they mistook that for a request for one more
carol.  The must have misidentified which finger I held up.

Christmas meal is being served at the UK Cambridge Lines today and I am
looking forward to the pomp and circumstance.  Civilians are allowed
between 1130-1230 (which, really, is kind of rushed for a Christmas
meal).  Hopefully I can find some outlaw alcohol somewhere on the base
later, but I think mostly I'll be drinking coffee and diet coke and DXing.

I'll check in more during the day as the DX rolls in.  Just wanted to
post these off and say hello!

73s from Al Muick in the dust of Kandahar Airfield.
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