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Today's Topics:

   1. Log Report for Al Muick 25 DEC 2010 Part III (Albert Muick)
   2. Logs 20+21.12 (Zacharias Liangas )
   3. Glenn Hauser logs December 24-25, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
   4. South Florida -- Brasil -- Australia (Robert Wilkner)
   5. Dec 25 log in Germany (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   6. Glenn Hauser logs December 25, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2010 15:19:54 +0430
From: Albert Muick <>
Subject: [HCDX] Log Report for Al Muick 25 DEC 2010 Part III
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

QTH:    Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan
RX:     WinRadio G303e
ANT:    100m longwire

7584, 25 DEC, 0621 UTC, UNID CW station repeatedly sending 751 and
nothing else.  Not a platter or loop because the op made several
mistakes and sent a couple of BTs and "dits" to indicate an error.  Went
SK at 0623.  Nothing listed in Klingenfuss.

10300, 25 DEC, 0845 UTC, CHINA, Firedrake with the jug band in full
swing and going to town.  Poor signals without QRM (dunno what they're
trying to jam) and slight fading.

11530, 25 DEC, 0856 UTC, CLAN., Denge Mezopotamya, with Pop music and
announcements by female DJ in presumed Kurdish.  Very strong signals
with a slight fade.  No QRM.  This is another one whose QSL evades me
despite many reports and return postage.  Same problem with Airtime
Belgium, its enabler, who also promises a QSL for brokered programs.  Bah!

12613, 25 DEC, 1017 UTC, CHINA, XSQ Guangzhou Radio, CW Marker and SITOR
bursts.  Good signals, slight fade, no QRM


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2010 15:59:49 +0200
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs 20+21.12
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Logs for 20.12
17485 Hamada ??? 1428  talks in an African language  suppose Hausa and 
background music with words spelled letter by letter .Short talks by man 
then a dead carrier in a few seconds with sign off.  Signal S0

9990 RFA  1432  with talks in  Vietnamese  Just S0 .Again  heard on 1436 
on 23.12 with signal S4

Logs  for 21.12

11935 R Veritas?? 1220 woman with  talks in Hmong language After a flute 
play , man with short talks then singing among a group that followed him in 
acapella style . ID then s/off S3 over quite strong QRN

9720 R Thailand 1230 with news in English Fair signal

17680 L V Chrirstiana ?? YL talking about France , then advertisement 1455  
continuous talks by man, seems news reports , 'Compania Real' 150020 
'Noticias '  with news by woman Marginal signal 15332

7295 Traxx FM 1505 with YL with news in English 1510 with headlines then  
songs  S7 max bad audio seems 'companded'

5780 RFA Tibetan 1525 mixed with CNR jammer Signal S9

9310 RFA Tatar Bashkir  via Philippines on 1601 with talks in Tatar (a Turkic 
lang ). A sudden sign off . Rechecked on 1617 with S5 level

9940 unIDed station  with afro pop songs . Recheck on 1624 with very 
lengthy talks by man Signal just S0

13590 CVC Lusaka 1649+ with pop songs 1654 man mentioning their web 
page . About 'historia' (?) then a religious program  Marginal signal above 

9690 R Nigeria 1712 talks by woman in Hausa . drums then e Christmas 
song A discussion between man and woman  S7  s/off 1730* ??

6250 possibly Malabo EQ GUI on 1818  with man in afro VN with very 
lengthy  talks. Signal S5 . Strong QRM by Pyongyang on 6250.5

9345 V of People 1832 with talks by man , a song, YL with talks about ZWE 
mentioned many times, phone in . POB mentioned  on 1856 . s/off 1857 
Strong QRM by R Pakistan on 9340 after ca 1845 Signal S3  with reception 
before 1843 as 23322

9525 TWR SWZ 1904 'This is TWR Swaziland ' Interval signal  repeated 
till1905 Program in an African language , many mentions  of Ladino and 
Bambo A guitar play  S9

15190 R Inconfidencia  1909  talks by OM and YL in Portuguese ON 1912  
with clear ID as Inconfidencia, mention of Brazil and a folk song  . Signal S5 
over S3 noise floor using preamplifier 232x2  some flutter by a co-channel 

Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 

Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________ (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE (all mypages !!)
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2010 09:30:37 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs December 24-25, 2010
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** ARGENTINA. 11711-, UT Sat Dec 25 at 0200, RAE 8-note IS, over and over, with 
occasional IDs in all its languages. Weak and fading in the distance, it sounds 
so forlorn, and about to be gone forever from SW in one week? I recorded a few 
minutes for the archives. English is supposed to start at 0200 UT Tue-Sat, but 
the IS kept on playing. 0215 switched to longer multilingual IDs mixed with 
other music, and 0217 finally sign-on English program, but by now signal is too 
weak to copy. It had been reading S9+18 which ought to be sufficient, but much 
less than its nearest comparison, 11780 Bras?lia at S9+22. Perhaps the delay 
was an Xmas-eve problem, and morale is probably quite low (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHINA [and non]. 5965, Dec 25 at 1511 two stations and motorboating sound 
(low rumble, like on Pet/Kam 6075); one in Chinese, which is RCI via JAPAN, and 
the only other scheduled is CRI in Russian via Beijing. Seems rather 
inconvenient that RCI`s relay partner CRI is on the frequency itself is trying 
to use for China. So is one of these transmitters defective? Or was the rumble 
from an external source (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** DJIBOUTI. 4780, R. Djibouti, Dec 25 at 0328 assertive speech, mostly over 

** EAST TURKISTAN. 4980, Dec 25 at 0055, just about the OSOB below 5 MHz, W&M 
talk, sounds Turkic, not Chinesic, bits of music. 0100 5+1 timesignal one 
second late. Only thing listed in PWBR `2009` is Xinjiang PBS, Ur?mqi. Also in 
B-10 HFCC, starting at 2330, 50 kW, 230 degrees, but in Chinese (Zho). 

WRTH 2011 (under CHINA) shows 4980 as same source, but Nov-Apr only and 
*inactive, so can`t look up which language service it is supposed to carry. 
Aoki, however has it in Uighur language and active on the B-10 schedule, so 
with the lack of anything else on frequency, and a good transpolar darkness 
path, I feel safe in presuming it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 6270, Dec 25 at 0235, R. Cairo English is just an open carrier with 
some whine, same at 0240 and 0324 chex, and also had noticed it about an hour 
before. Thus they do not have to worry about modulation quality. Another 
Xmas-eve who-cares SNAFU? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. Kept running across DW as I was aroundtuning Xmas eve:

11725, Dec 24 at 1857, Catholic Xmas sermon in German, later mass sounds. After 
1900 playing secular Xmas music in English but German YL announcements, then 
even Stille Nacht in English. This is 250 kW, 295 degrees via RWANDA. RNZI is 
also on 11725 at this time, but no sign of it.

11665, Dec 25 at 0140, string of Xmas tunes by Elvis (in English) but announced 
in German; 0147 more Xmas music in English, then mixture of ``God Rest Ye, 
Merry Gentlemen`` with ``Take 5``. `Tis the season for messing around with 
carols, but breaks the monotony and repetitiveness. Cut off abruptly at 
0159:30* without ID or any announcement. 

This is DW, 0100-0159, 282 degrees from Ascension to CIRAF 7S, 8S, 10, 11, 12N, 
which means: southern USA from New Mexico eastward; Mexico, Central America, 
Caribbean, NW South America. So once again we have a non-English [almost] 
broadcast officially targeted for part of the USA, despite deletion of us as a 
recognized coverage area years ago. If they overtly broadcast to NAm in English 
more people might notice and complain (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 7475, Dec 25 at 0613, two or three Orthodox cantors making quite a 
sound, never achieving true harmony. This is normally heard on UT Sundays 
around this time, but must have been celebrating Dec 25 as Xmas. John Babbis 
reported, ``From 01.00 Friday, December 24, until 09.00 Monday, December 27, 
Greece Time, (2300 UT Thursday, December 23 until 0700 UT Monday, December 27), 
ERA5, the Voice of Greece, will be connected with the Christmas program of the 
Greek Radio`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI, Dec 25 at 1333 with ``Silent Night`` in Indonesian, 
announced in English. I forced myself to listen for 60 seconds in order to 
count the number of IADs (intermittent audio dropouts), and there were 19, 
unevenly spaced, most ~3 seconds apart, occasionally with a respite up to 5 
seconds (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 11655, Dec 24 at 2035-2057* RNW via MADAGASCAR, ``The 
State We`re In``, very interesting interview with an antiquities smuggler who 
says he`s saving the pieces from destruxion in their country of origin, Egypt. 
VG reception, almost as if it were for US (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** NIGERIA. 7275, Dec 25 at 0611, very poor signal sounds like it may be in 
English, no doubt R. Nigeria, Abuja, in the clear this time since Tunisia 
[q.v.] is on the wrong frequency, 7225 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 5975, RRI with nice variety of Romanian Xmas music, none of it 
familiar, announced in French, Dec 25 at 0245-0257* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** SPAIN [non]. 9675, REE via COSTA RICA, Dec 25 at 0227 program about ``tiempo 
m?gico`` with strange music; at fades, a fast SAH appeared; would not expect 
Brasil to be that close to same frequency, but possible. Otherwise good, 
fortunately, since 6055 direct is squeezed by CUBA on both sides. Who thought 
that was a good idea? Arnie. 9675 far overshadowed RTI English via WYFR 9680 
despite being aimed right at us, 315 degrees, but so is REE at 340 degrees 

** SUDAN. 7200, Omdurman, Dec 25 at 0326, Arabic music, chanting and drumming, 
somewhat undermodulated. 0332 announcement included ``Idha`at . . . Sudan``. 
0334 fading (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TUNISIA. 7225, Arabic at 0611 Dec 25, where none should be, and // 7335, so 
once again RTT is on wrong frequency, the one it uses previous evenings, 
instead of 7275. 0621 kids` chorus, which I think is a Saturday-morning staple, 
0626:50* cut off abruptly just like it does when on 7275. Since R. Nigeria 
[q.v.], Abuja is back on 7275 now, we wonder if Tunisia`s shift is deliberate, 
but it then reverts to 7275 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 18530, Dec 25 at 1458, the Brother Scare organ was playing, weak but 
unmistakable. On Saturdays only we may enjoy the WINB second harmonic all day 
from 9265 as 13570 takes a break (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6768, Dec 25 at 0132, 5-digit Spanish spy numbers by YL (Glenn 



Message: 4
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2010 13:58:32 -0500
From: Robert Wilkner <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] South Florida -- Brasil -- Australia
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

-Merry Christmas - Feliz Natal - Feliz Navidad

---------- South Florida -------- Brasil ---------- Australia ------------

171 Morocco Medi 1 0403 yl comments, good signal 16 December [Wilkner]
183 Europe 1, Felsberg -Saarlouis- om in french strong signal 16 
December [Wilkner]
198 BBC 0410 news idtem 16 December [Wilkner]
207 Morocco 0410 high noise with some audio 16 December [Wilkner]
252 Eire mixing with second station 0412 16 December [Wilkner]

2310 Australia VL8A Alice Springs NT 1010 fair audio 22 December[Wilkner]

3279.953 Ecuador La Voz del Napo, Tena 2350 noted en espanol, good 
signal 14 December [Wilkner]

3290 Guyana, GBC 1015 mixing with PNG, high noise level 14 December 

3329.564 Peru Ondas del Huallaga, Hu?nuco 1105 on 16 December [Wilkner]

4319 u Diego Garcia. 4319 (U), AFRTS 2355 good signal news items 16 
December [Wilkner]

4409.739 Bolivia, Radio Eco, Reyes 2250 on 19 December [Wilkner]

4451.131 Bolivia, Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma noted at 2250 on 
19 December. Seems to sign of a few minuets before 0100 daily [Wilkner]

4974.824 Radio Pacifico Lima, Peru music at 1125 on 19 December [Wilkner]

4985 Brasil Radio Brasil Central, Goainia 2235 strong signal 19 December 

4986.481 Peru Radio Manantial, Huancayo with fair signal, noted 2335 on 
19 December., 1105 noted on 16 December [Wilkner]

5952.294 Bolivia, Pio XII, Siglo Veinte om at 2335 vary narrow filter 

5954.274 Costa Rica, Radio Republica om comments on Cuba, 2235 usb and 
narrow filter to defeat jamming 19 December [Wilkner]

6297.165 Clandestine - Saharan Arab Republic 2240 music, good signal 19 
December [Wilkner]

Robert Wilkner
Pompano Beach, Florida , US
Drake R8 - NRD535D - 746Pro
---------------------------------------- Brasil 
15476, Antarctica, RN San Gabriel. 12/14 at 1345, 12/15 at 1251 and 
12/17 at 1422, no signal from Antarctica. (lob-B).

9635, R. Mali, Bamako. December, 13 0808-0816 male in Vernacular talks. 
Deterioring, 23532 (lob-B).
15476, Antarctica, RN San Gabriel. 12/20 at 1450, no signal from 
Antarctica. (lob-B).

7260, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. December, 20 0803-0813 female in local 
language hosting listeners by phone, alternating Pop music; 23332. 
December, 22 0805-0813 female talks in uncertain language alternating 
music. //3945, poor 23332 (lob-B).

4330, China, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui. December, 22 0002-0011 Kazakh 
(listed) instrumental Chinese music, male on music segment. Poor, 25222 

4500, China, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui. December, 22 0011-0019 Mongolian 
(listed) female talks, Chinese music. Noise behind sounding like jamming 
23322, (lob-B).

4826, Peru, R. Sicuani, Sicuani. December, 22 0022-0031 Bolero style 
music, Romantic, ?Stand by me? music in Spanish. 23322, (lob-B).

5020, Solomon Islands BC, Honiara. December, 22 0755-0805 slow music in 
English, male and female in English talks, top of the hour 
announcements, Romantic in English. 22332, (lob-B).

5005, Equatorial Guinea, R. Nacional, Bata. December, 14 2233-2248 wide 
variety of musical styles with Spanish romantic, Spanish Pop, flamenco 
Spanish by female singer, instrumental orchestrated, Hilife. 34233, (lob-B).

7260, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. December, 16 0803-0815 female hosting 
listeners by phone in local language but with some words in English, 
alternating music. At peak 34433, (lob-B).

4796, Bolivia, R. L?pez, Uyuni. December, 16 2238-2248 Pop music style 
with Andean flute, male in Spanish talks on Happy Birthday music, Andean 
music. Unreadable, 23322 (lob-B).

7275, R. Nigeria, Abuja. December, 17 0555-0606 Pop music, male in 
English talks ?Nigeria, Abuja; R. Nigeria, listening the people?, news 
program by male and female. 34433, (lob-B).

L?cio Ot?vio Bobrowiec
Embu SP Brasil
SW40 Dipoles and Longwire


Message: 5
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2010 23:27:57 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "HCDX" <>, "DXLD"
Subject: [HCDX] Dec 25 log in Germany
Message-ID: <e5b4695201f24e0a9e0908bdb614c...@hnpc2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

ALBANIA   1457.573v  RT in Albanian scheduled at 1500-1630 UT, noted at 1520
UT, Dec 25. Weak signal in Germany at this hour, due of London SoAsian
emigrants program 427 Hertz higher.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 25)

RUSSIA   5905drm  VoRussia at 1515 UT Dec 25, S=9+15dB, ID E07003, but
couldn't decode the drm stream, no audio filtered due of QRM.

7325drm  Golos Rossii, Mezhdunarodnoe Russkoe Radio, 13-15 UT, noted at 1450
UT on S=9+20dB level, SNR 17.2 dB, ID FF0010 of Kaliningrad enclave
Bolshakovo tx, labeled as "Label Service 0".

9675drm  Voice of Russia Moscow Taldom outlet. 1505 UT Dec 25, S=9+5dB, fair
up to SNR 12.5 dB. ID E07002. English sce nx. Text header given as "Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year to all listeners !  ... ".
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 24)


Message: 6
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2010 18:32:13 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs December 25, 2010
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** ALBANIA. 7530, R. Tirana, Dec 25 at 2122, S9+15 but just barely modulated; 
however // 9895 is just barely audible. By 2126 I can tell that the music is 
``White Christmas``, modulation improving somewhat, 2128 outro English as 
having been a ``reportage on Christmas celebrations in Albania`` (Glenn Hauser, 

** CANADA. 9625, just as I tuned in CBC NQ with a story about river icing, cut 
off the air Dec 25 at 2139, resumed two minutes later. After 2200 news, had a 
CBC Xmas special featuring tenors. Fair signal and QRMless at this time (Glenn 

** CHINA [and non]. 7105, Chinese with good signal amid 40m hamband, Dec 25 at 
2238. Soon found // 7440 echoing and mixing with other signals, but on 7105 at 
2246 only a fast SAH, no other modulation audible. It is of course, CNR1 
jamming Sound of Hope which uses 7105 only at 22-23.

On 7440, the jamming is vs VOA Chinese via Thailand, but also blasts CRI 
Japanese via Beijing, per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 9550, DentroCuban Jamming Command, Dec 25 at 2138 pulsing 
against nothing, probably spur from 9565 against Mart? via Sackville. 

6020, DCJC, Dec 25 at 2312, pulse jamming against something, Romania in 
English, probably spur from 6020 Mart? via Greenville.

5735, DCJC, Dec 25 at 2314, pulse jamming against nothing, not on 5745 where it 
is `needed` elsewhen against Mart?.

12060, DCJC, Dec 25 at 2317, pulse jamming against nothing, 2 x 6030 vs Mart?; 
poor here while RHC 12010 and 12040 VG. 

5990, CRI English relay, Dec 25 at 2313 is not only lo-fi but the squealing 

15230, RHC in Portuguese, Dec 25 at 2318, while 15370 was stronger but 
extremely distorted in Creole at 2319. For once, both these match the schedule 

** EGYPT. 6270, R. Cairo, which was open carrier all last evening, is 
still/again! dead air, Dec 25 at 2207 during the 2115-2245 English to Europe. 
But by 2235 had managed some lofi, lomod music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** INDIA. AIR GOS, 9445 fluttery but better than // 7550, Dec 25 at 2130 about 
Xmas celebrations in India, saying all religions celebrate it as a holiday, 
then rather amateurish dramatization of a family`s activities (Glenn Hauser, 

** JAPAN. 11665, NHK direct, UT Saturday Dec 25 at 2325 with classical organ 
music, Bach; // 17605 via Bonaire not making it this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** MEXICO. 6185, Dec 25 at 2303, XEPPM is again on an hour early with music, 
fast SAH from something but not Brasil. EiBi has already adopted the 2300 
opening we reported previously (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEWFOUNDLAND. 6160, CKZN, Dec 25 at 2304 weather forecast for Maritime 
cities, all in negative temps; why not switch to Kelvin? Poor with fast SAH, 
2305 into music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 7255, Dec 25 still on at 2302, S9+25 with tone test and hum, after 
Hausa service which had heard in previous hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** SARAWAK [non]. 7590, Dec 25 at 2243, poor signal in conversation, cadence 
sounds IndoMalay, presumably R. Free Sarawak via TAJIKISTAN which has been 
going for a sesquimonth now at 2230-2330, also in local language Iban. S9+10 
peaks but still too poor to make much of it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** SOUTH AFRICA. 11755, Dec 25 just before 2100 as I tune in, VTC fill music 
loop and off. This had been AWR via Meyerton in Yoruba, preceded by French at 
2000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 7270 and 7275, REE strangely on both adjacent frequencies in Spanish, 
but separate programming, Dec 25 at 2248. 7275 was // 11940, so I concentrated 
on 7270. This show in Castilian was about visiting T?bet, and gave phone number 
several times, 91-496-2823, unGooglable.

7270 sign-off at 2255 said it was for Europe, to resume in the morning on 9780 
DRM and 12035, but then mentioned ``esta emisi?n`` being to NW Africa on 7275, 
the frequency I was not listening to. HFCC shows 7270 is 170 degrees to NW Af 
and 7275 50 degrees to Europe. To confuse matters further, WRTH 2011 does not 
list 7270 at all, but has a frequency I did not notice, 7265 Spanish to Af at 
22-23 following Arabic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9479, Sat Dec 25 at 2012, WTWW has finally broken away from Pastor 
Pete Peters. There had been rumors that he was considering allowing some other 
programming despite his 24/7 purchase of WTWW-1 airtime. What else but QSO with 
Ted Randall, who has also been involved with this station from the start, did 
the test broadcasts and produced the IDs. 

As I tuned in, W4RWL was conveying his Xmas greetings, and then KE5ALK. At 2014 
Ted did one of his ubiquitous antenna ads; 2016 song ``How`d you like to spend 
Christmas on Christmas Island?`` [which one? Ask any illegal immigrant to 
Australia]. 2019 two more hams with greetings and both said Happy New Year, 
2009! Ooops, this is a two-year-old show. 

Later we consult to see what`s up:

ON 9480 kc at 1:00 PM Central
The Qso Show For Saturday's Show
the correct link is

To listen Open Windows Media Player... press the alt key
Go to file
Then Open URL
Copy and paste in the link below.

For .mp3 stream for Android Phones

On 7.415 WBCQ Saturday Nights @ 7:00PM Central``

Frequency is really 9479-, but Ted thinx 9480 is close enough. QSO had been 
running Sat 19-20 UT on WBCQ 7415, as well as UT Sundays 01-05++, so I check 
7415 at 2015: no, not //, something else, an OL talking about Xmas --- unless 
it was a different QSO interviewing her. 

Since I heard it after 2000, but at 2100 Scriptures for America was back on 
9479, QSO must be two hours at 19-21 Sats (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 17520, Saturday Dec 25 at 1950, assertive talk in unknown language, 
long-path echo too, punxuated by occasional screams, but lo fi audio. 1958 cut 
to some southern gospel music, WHRI sign-off, to QSY to 15665 and off. In past 
WHRI has carried some Amharic shows around this time, but nothing to be found 
on their online schedules to account for this. In the frequency schedules, we 
find many duplications between Angel 1 and 5, such as 17520 on both of them at 
19-20, but apparently that depends on day of week, when you delve into the 
program schedules.

Angel 1: 1900 - 2000 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Sa Bishop S.C. Johnson Program Bishop 
S.C. Johnson & Elder Conrad Campbell 17.520 Mhz

Angel 5: 1900 - 2000 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Sa Bishop S.C. Johnson Program Bishop 
S.C. Johnson & Elder Conrad Campbell 15.665 Mhz

WHRI`s linx to some programs do not include this one, so we Google:
``-------In Memory Of--------
Bishop S.C. Johnson
Departed This World, February 22, 1961``

But it seems his followers have kept him going a long time, more than three 
sesquidecades! I wonder if that was really him and his accent so heavy I could 
not recognize it as English? Same page mentions on WINB, but not WHRI. I did 
not check whether he was // on 15665 before 2000. 

Googling Elder Conrad Campbell gets only four hits, all of them leading back to 
WHR. There are audio files of many of S.C.`s sermons on above site (Glenn 

** U S A. 9350, WWCR with IRN/USA `News` at 2203 Dec 25, caster pronounces the 
island off Yemen ``Socorta`` --- bet he had never heard of it before, but 
that`s no disqualification for being an agenda-based network newscaster on 
national and international radio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 3320, Dec 25 at 2309 continuous tone test, exactly same pitch as 
the pips on CHU; apparently R. Sonder Grense, SOUTH AFRICA which is supposed to 
program all-night; tho P`yongyang could have propagated, too (Glenn Hauser, OK, 


End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 96, Issue 25

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