QTH:    Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan
RX:     WinRadio G303e
ANT:    100m longwire

LATVIA, Radio Casablanca World Service via Ulbroka, 9290 f/d QSL sheet
in 761 days (!) for eMail report on broadcast in 2008.  Has to be some
kind of record without a follow-up.  Specifies "ueber Krebs TV Lettland"
which literally means "over cancer TV Latvia," unless they have some
station called Krebs TV there.  Also sent a sticker and a cool music CD
and list of regional artists.  So!  I finally have Latvia QSL'ed.  My
day is made much better by this.

PALAU, World Harvest Radio TG8W, 9930, f/d 20 years anniversary QSL in
171 days for airmail report and US $1.00 return postage.  V/s: "LWV"

Couple of nice ones this time around, including radio Casablanca, which
I had written off.  Both of these stations were heard in Kabul.

Hope everyone is well and enjoying the DX season!


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