The BBC has confirmed plans to close five of its 32 World Service language 

Staff have been informed that up to 650 jobs will be lost from a workforce of 
2,400 over the next three years. 

The Macedonian, Albanian and Serbian services will be axed, as will English for 
the Caribbean and Portuguese for Africa, in a bid to save £46m a year.

Audiences are estimated to fall by more than 30 million, from 180 million to 
150 million a week.

Director general Mark Thompson said it was "a painful day" for the BBC. 

Writing in the Telegraph, he said the cuts would "inevitably have a significant 
impact on the audiences who use and rely upon the relevant services".

Yet he said they were "consistent with our long-range international goals and 
strategy" and that "supporters of the international role of the BBC should not 

The service, which started broadcasting in 1932, currently costs £272m a year 
and has an audience of 241 million worldwide across radio, television and 

Last October the government announced the BBC would take over the cost of the 
World Service from the Foreign Office from 2014.
According to Mr Thompson, the cuts were necessary due to last autumn's Spending 

Radio programming in seven languages - Azeri (the official language of 
Azerbaijan), Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Spanish for Cuba, Turkish, Vietnamese 
and Ukrainian - will end as part of the plans.

Instead there will be more focus on online, mobile and TV content distribution 
in these languages.

The World Service will also cease short-wave transmission of six more services 
in March 2011 - Hindi, Indonesian, Kyrgyz, Nepali, Swahili and the Great Lakes 
service (for Rwanda and Burundi).

The BBC said two-thirds of jobs would go in the first 12 months.

Unions have called the moves "ferocious" and have condemned the "drastic cuts".

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Jeremy Dear, general secretary of 
the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), said that the World Service was 
"vital" and "should be protected".

The NUJ said it would hold a demonstration outside the World Service 
headquarters in central London on Wednesday.

It has also written to the chairman of the House of Commons foreign affairs 
committee, Richard Ottaway, and the chairman of the Culture, Media and Sport 
Committee, John Whittingdale, calling on them to review the plans.

According to the NUJ, the "drastic cuts" would "severely damage the national 
interest of the UK".

"These ferocious cuts to a valued national service are ultimately the 
responsibility of the coalition government, whose policies are destroying 
quality public services in the UK," Mr Dear said. 

Broadcasting union Bectu has also expressed dismay, saying the cuts "must be 

It said the union "expects calls for industrial action" and that "at this stage 
we cannot rule anything in or out".

BBC global news director Peter Horrocks said the closures were "not a 
reflection on the performance of individual services or programmes". 

"They are all extremely important to their audiences and to the BBC," he said.

"It is simply that there is a need to make savings due to the scale of the cuts 
to the BBC World Service's grant-in-aid funding from the UK's Foreign and 
Commonwealth Office.

"We need to focus our efforts in the languages where there is the greatest need 
and where we have the strongest impact."

Former World Service managing director Sir John Tusa described the cuts as 
"bad, bad, bad". (from BBC web page)

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