** ANTARCTICA. More on anticipated reactivation of LRA36, 15476: Re: 
``broadcasting will be resumed on February 25, i.e. another Friday, which seems 
odd instead of a Monday, assuming they will resume being M-F only at 12-15``

The staff will be at Base Esperanza that week; they hope to resume
broadcasting as soon as possible, most probably on February 25
(Roberto Scaglione, http://www.bclnews.it http://www.siciliamedia.it DX 

** CANADA [non]. 13635, Feb 12 at 1438, North-American accented screaming 
gospel huxter in English, not noticed here before. Per Aoki, that`s because 
this semihour is Saturdays only, Bible Voice via Issoudun, FRANCE, 250 kW, 83 
degrees; also maybe on Sundays at 1345-1430; Aoki says 1345-1415 first Sunday, 
and 1415-1430 as of Nov 7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [non]. Unreliable relays: see CUBA; MALI

** CUBA [and non]. 6010, RHC English missing from this scheduled frequency, Feb 
12 at 0650, but still going on 6050, 6060 and 6150, which are plenty, leaving 
6010 to the Mexicans and Colombians. At 0700 check, 6050 and 6060 are already 
off, but 6150 has switched to Spanish for RHC ID and IS, starting some music 
but then cut off at 0701:20* leaving 49m blissfully free of CubaRM!! Except for 
the DentroCuban Jamming Command, of course, circa 5955, 5980, 6030. And those 
super-signal spy numbers below 5900.

13740, CRI English relay via Cuba is missing, Feb 12 at 1446. It was on a few 
minutes before as I tuned across. Next visit at 1519, is back on.

RHC`s new reduced schedule in Spanish continues to be only a rough guide to 
what the RadioCuba transmitter operators really do: 15120 scheduled until 1500 
is often off long before then, as Feb 12; 13680, scheduled until 1600, was gone 
at 1525 check Feb 12, allowing R. Farda music via Wertachtal to come thru 
clearly // weaker 15410 via Skelton, while Cuba continued on 13780 (Glenn 

** CYPRUS. 15840-15865, OTH radar pulsing, presumed from here, Feb 12 at 1532, 
safely outside the extended to 15825 SWBC band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** GUINEA. 7125, RTG reactivated a few days ago after a semiyear, gone again 
Feb 12 at 0653, 0702 chex (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI in Indonesian, Feb 12 at 1430, VG with hum, few IADs, 
``dari Suara Indonesia di Jakarta`` ID in passing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** JAPAN [and non]. The OETA OKLA .2 channel carries NHK Newsline M-F at 
1700-1730 UT. Feb 11, one hour after Mubarak`s resignation was announced 
everywhere else, NHK is running stale barely-comprehensible mangled English 
analysis by `experts` in studio of what happened yesterday, blissfully unaware 
of what happened 60 minutes before. 

I had always thought this was a live feed. OETA told me it is coming over from 
NHK at the time they air it (unlike BBC at 2230 UT, delayed one sesquihour, 
also painfully obvious during breaking news from Egypt lately). 

Then it turns out that NHK has only 10 minutes of news, the rest documentary 
filler, so it must be another holiday for them, with the `news` hole 
pre-recorded, at least today, before momentous events in Egypt. So much for 
NHK`s commitment to world news (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALI. 17630, Feb 12 at 1445, CRI relay, weak carrier, but I can tell it is 
not pumping or shifting like it was 24 hours earlier. By 1536 is strong enough 
to // 13740 via Cuba in English, and a couple words ahead of 13740 (Glenn 

** MOROCCO. 15341v, Feb 12 at 1533, RTM has still not shifted up to 15345, 
nominally happening at 1500. If only they would stay on 15341 all day, away 
from Argentina, which is incapable of anything beyond minor variations. Let`s 
hope their new transmitter will be frequency-agile and enjoy smart management 

** NIGERIA. 7275, after not hearing Guinea on 7125, tuned up to here at 0654 
Feb 12, and found S9+13 carrier, but just barely modulated with vocal music, 
presumably R. Nigeria, Abuja, as TUNISIA`s clock-timer turns off 7275 at 0626* 

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. Three Tulsa MW frequencies are still simulcasting ``La 
Qué Buena`` hyper-promoted mostly music format: original 1530 KXTD Wagoner, 
recently purchased 1270 KRVT Claremore, and bonus 1570 KZLI Catoosa, when 
checked Feb 11 at 2139 UT. Of course, 1530 is a daytimer, and 1570 daytimer + 
PSRA, so who cares about them?

1120, KEOR Sperry-Tulsa-Catoosa still off the air Feb 11 at 2141 UT, but a weak 
talk signal from presumed KMOX beginning to show.

1110, the frequency hijacked from the original KEOR in Atoka, SE OK near TX, so 
that The Metroplex could squeeze in yet another unneeded AM station, now KVTT, 
but is it really on the air with 50 kW? Feb 11 at 2139 I hear nothing but KFAB 
Omaha groundwave with that lunatic Glenn Beck as per schedule on delay. 

FCC shows KVTT 5-tower array does have a deep null at about 355 degrees almost 
toward us, but a minor lobe at 320, a bit of which might be audible

780, KSPI Stillwater still has its perpetual plus and minus 4 kHz parasitic 
spurs obvious from hets on caradio stepping 770-780-790. Feb 11 at 2140 UT and 

640, WWLS, Moore-Norman-OKC, whose IBOC comes and goes, had gone Feb 11 at 2142 
UT, but that allowed excessive analog splatter instead at least plus/minus 10 

** PHILIPPINES. 9570, RVA Radio Blagovest still missing Feb 12 at 1516, while 
VOA 9760 was VG (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. Interesting to note how different frequencies from same site 
provide markedly different reception:

17705, BSKSA Arabic at 1448 Feb 12 is good with no flutter, while 17660 in 
French is fair with heavy flutter. 17895 Arabic is poor with flutter. Per HFCC, 
all are 500 kW from Riyadh; azimuths:
17660 270
17705 310
17895 295
310 is closest to USward, so naturally is best here. One might think 17660 was 
aimed more northerly to get disrupted by the auroral zone, but something else 
is causing this, aimed westward, apparently bothered by equatorial ionospheric 

15435, later at 1520 is still buzzless, VG with lite flutter, Qur`an sung and 
spoken, // 17615 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 13810, via GERMANY, Feb 12 at 1441, Brother Scare is 
talking about some of his frequencies and remarx that ``next week, will be on 
3185 all night long``. See U S A, WWRB for more (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** SRI LANKA. 15209.3v, still hearing het on WYFR 15210, Feb 12 around 1450 
when WYFR is in Portuguese, 1503 in English. This has finally been identified 
as YFR testing via the Ekala transmitter, so it`s Camping vs Camping!

Wolfgang Büschel forwards another inquiry about this from Nils Schiffhauer, 
DK8OK on the A-DX list, who was getting 15209.36 in Hindi at 1525 Feb 12. Now 
the answer is in Aoki, unlike my previous chex:

15210 FAMILY RADIO 1330-1430 1234567 Marathi 300 350 Colombo-Ekala CLN 
15210 FAMILY RADIO 1430-1530 1234567 Hindi   300 350 Colombo-Ekala CLN 
15210 FAMILY RADIO 1530-1630 1234567 English 300 350 Colombo-Ekala CLN 07954E 
0706N WYFR b10 Jan. 30 

Altho this really started long before Jan 30. See DXLD 11-03:

```UNIDENTIFIED. 15210-, Jan 17 at 1430, het on the lo side of WYFR 
Portuguese. Previously reported by Eike Bierwirth, DXLD 11-02:

``9 Jan 2011, weak station, with some Asian language, religious? on 
approx. 15209.35 kHz, apparently fading out, first heard at 1455 UT, 
the sermon or whatever it is was not interrupted for the top of the 
hour. Doesn't sound like WYFR Portuguese/Spanish to me, that might be 
the carrier on 15210.0. 73, (Eike Bierwirth, Leipzig, Germany)``

A long shot, but I wonder if it could be this as in DXLD 11-01, on a 
scrambled frequency? ``Victor Goonetilleke says Family Radio is 
testing in English on 15120 via 35 kW Ekala, SRI LANKA at 1330-1630``. 
Since FR on 15120 has yet to be heard by me, or anyone? on 15120, just 
Saudi and Cuba before 15, Nigeria after (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

Since then I have kept hearing the het caused by 15209.3v vs 15210. So my `long 
shot` almost a month ago turns out to be correct.

Wolfgang suggests maybe it really is on 15120, with 15209.33 being a spur from 
that; but I have yet to see any reports of YFR on 15120, and have never heard 
anything but Nigeria there after 1500. I`m sure South Asians could easily 
confirm whether anything from Sri Lanka is on 15120 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 3843-LSB, Feb 12 until 0639* UT a net is wrapping up with NCS K5TRM, 
until next Friday night. Mentions a website quickly but I can`t copy it. K5TRM 
is Tandy R. Martin, per QRZ.com.

Apparently something to do with Mississippi? NO, Searching on him led to: Old 
Man International Sideband Society

I guess YLs are not welcome here? Tell the EEOC. Details:

Band        Freq       Day               UT    Net Coordinator
160M       1.865 MHz   Sat & Sun ** *   0400   KA8MMI , Neil #4538
 80M       3.942 MHz   Daily            0200   KR2C , Kurt #5916
 80M Late  3.942 MHz   Sat & Sun ** *   0500   KR2C , Kurt #5916
 40M       7.185 MHz   Daily            0100   N4JTE , Bob #1440
 40M Late  7.185 MHz   Sat & Sun *      0300   N4JTE , Bob #1440
 20M      14.290 MHz   Daily            1830   KT7E , Joe, #6282
 17M      18.165 MHz   Sat & Sun *      1900   KA8III , Jim #5952
 15M      21.360 MHz   Sat & Sun *      1700   N7FUD , Ron #1914
 10M      28.665 MHz   Sat & Sun *      1800   ND8F , Homer # 774

* And Monday if it is a Legal Holiday, plus New Years Day, 4th of July, 
Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

** The Winter schedule will begin the last week-end in October and complete the 
1st week-end in April.

Days and times are in UTC. Nets that are Friday night local are displayed as 
Sat UTC.

Net Control Stations Needed! Please contact K5TRM if you can help out once in a 
while or regularly.``

So they had shifted one kHz from nominal 3942 when I heard them. 

K5TRM`s photo is apparently in the lower right corner of this:

John Norfolk`s final Nets to You of four years ago had lots of OMISS entries 
but some on different frequencies then, and identified it as:

OMISS: OM International Sideband Society. A Worked All States awards
group. http://www.omiss.net/ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1551 monitoring: Sat Feb 12 from 1501 confirmed on 
WRMI 9955, weak with SAH from Taiwan and squeezed by adjacents such as 9960 VOA 
Uzbek via Tinian, but no jamming; however, at 1515 check, lite pulse jamming 
had attacked, but plenty considering weakness of WRMI. If WRMI ever gets its NW 
antenna back in service, that should be enough to overcome less than 
wall-of-noise jamming. Next WRMI airings are: Sat 1830, Sun 0900, 1630, 1830; 
Mon 1230, 2230; Tue 1630, Wed 0200, 1630.

WOR 1551 also confirmed on 12160 WWCR, Sat Feb 12 at 1706. Final airing is 
Sunday 0730 on 3215.

Will Martin heard WWRB announce just before the 0430 UT Friday airing of WORLD 
OF RADIO on 3185 that ``effective 14 Feb 2011, all WWRB programming on 3185 
will be moved to 5050 kHz.`` So that nice-and-clear airing of WoR on Thursday 
nights (UT Friday) will henceforth be on 5050 instead (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. Saturday mornings bring a double-dose of Martha Garvin`s Musical 
Memories, mostly hymns with her own piano accompaniment: Feb 12 after 1400 on 
7490 with its heavily distorted audio processing; and after 1530 on 15825 with 
much better audio but weaker signal here, lacking any sporadic-E enhancement. 
At least OTH radar pulsing did not start until 15840, up to 15865. Current 
program schedule shows five more times for her (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. Looking at my previous report that the website of KRVA-1600, The 
Metroplex was blank, I click on it again Feb 12 at 0505 UT: now it`s not blank, 
shows Mortensen Broadcasting, and antique logo for ``KRVA / AM 1600 / La Radio 
Viva`` plus ``Uploading content... Thank You.`` which I take to be a hollow 
promise, but will still check it again sometime. No linx on the homepage to 
anything else about KRVA, not a letter of Vietnamese. Kirk Allen says while in 
Houston he heard KRVA only in Vietnamese, except some English late at night 
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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