--------- F l o r i d a -----------------

2485 Australia, VL8K Katherine NT 0950 rock and roll, 13 February. All three NTs in most days 1000 to 1100. [Wilkner]

2879.936 Colombia Radio Vida Nueva, Barranquilla, 1100 to "Radio Nueva Vida..Colombia y el Mundo" by om 17 February [Wilkner]

3290 Guyana, Voice of Guyana 1000 to 1020 soft jazz, 17 February [Wilkner]

3329.544 Peru Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco 1045 to 1105 fade, usual yl & om with announcement, "Buenos Dias ...Peru...en cuatro dias ..." 17 February [Wilkner] *** note 18 February Charles Bolland log as well. rlcw

4045u Cuba 1210 to 1215, sailing vessel "off north coast of Cuba" om, 14 February. [Wilkner]

4755.39 Micronesia, Pohnpei Maicronesia, The Cross 0955 with some audio, 1010 off a re check, poor-fair reception on The Cross normal here, 17 February [Wilkner]

4986.833 Peru, Radio Manantial, Huancayo 1110 noted after four days silent 17 February [Wilkner]

5039.223 Peru, Radio Libertad Junin, 1050 noted 16 February;
1030 to 1100 "en todos los dias 8 y cuatro..." 17 February, [Wilkner]

5059.9 [tentative] Peru La Voz de las Huarinjas, Huancabamba 1140- 1150 on 14 February [Wilkner]

5120.389 Peru, Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba 1030 to 1035, om en espanol, better than usual signal 17 February [Wilkner]

5921.26 Peru Radio Bethel noted at 1100 on 15 February [Wilkner]

6047,2 Peru Radio Santa Rosa, Lima 1100 to 1125, ments de Peru, San Antonio "en familia...palabras de..."16 February, also noted 15 and 14th [Wilkner + XM-Cedar Key]

6173.8 Peru, Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco 1020 to 1029 on 17 February, buried in cochannel [Wilkner]

Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, US
Icom 746Pro Modified by Dallas Lankford,
NRD 535D [Gilfer] Drake R8

-----------B r a s i l ---------

4828, Voice of Zimbabwe, Gweru. February, 08 2154-2217 African music ( xylophone-like and voice), male in an uncertain language, back same kind of music, female in English talks segment, N. A., at 2217 audio off. Progressive enhacement, 23322 (lob-B).

7260, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. February, 09 0830-0839 studio female and male in English discussion with male outside; // 3945, 23332. February, 12 0839-0853 female in an uncertain language talks, local music. // 3945, 34333 (lob-B).

4796, Bolivia, R. Lípez, Uyuni. February, 09 0843-0852 local Pop, Bolero style music selections, many canned ID by female on music “stay escuchando R. Lípez”. Strong, 34333 (lob-B).

5020, Solomon Islands BC, Honiara. February, 10 0838-0848 non stop female in an uncertain language (English or Tok Pisin?) talks. 23422, (lob-B).

9710, R. Australia, Shepparton. February, 10 0859-0910 Tok Pisin (listed) instrumental music sounding like an I.S., male and female talks, “R. Australia”, old English Pop music of 90’s. 34433, (lob-B).

15476, Antarctica, RN San Gabriel. 2/11 at 1420 and 1903, no signal from Antarctica, (lob-B).

3945, Japan, R. Nikkei 2, Chiba-Nagara. February, 12 0828-0839 English Pop music selections. Sometimes in a battle agaisnt Vanuatu, 22332 (lob-B).

7125, Guinea, R.Conakry. February, 09 0853-0855 two male in French discussion. At 0855 abrupt s/off, 24322 (lob-B).
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