** ANTARCTICA. 15476, nothing yet from LRA36, Feb 21 at 1315, as we count down 
to the expected reactivation on Feb 25 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. 2325, VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, Feb 23 at 1323, YL talking and 
intonation sounds Strine; much weaker signal on 2310 and can`t be sure it`s //, 
and no signal on 2485. I checked 2325 conveniently right after 3325 Indonesia, 
and found their frequencies matched, 1.000 MHz apart (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHINA. Firedrake Feb 23:
8400, poor with flutter at 1247
9355, poor at 1330. R. Free Asia, Saipan, is here at 17-22 but at this hour the 
target must be Xi Wang Zhi Sheng = Sound of Hope, listed in Aoki on 9360 at 
1300-1330 via Tajikistan, but jumping anywhere from 9300 to 9380 (Glenn Hauser, 

** INDONESIA. 3325, RRI Palangkaraya, Feb 21 at 1320, W&M conversing in 
Indonesian, poor but peaking about now; and also something on 4750 buried 
deeper in noise level (Glenn Hauer, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI missing for the second day: Feb 23 at 1250, 1331 chex; 
while 9680 RRI was in normally (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. 21695, V. of Africa, quite poor reception today Feb 23, 1451-1508+ 
but sounded like the usual canned stuff in English, music; meanwhile one of my 
cable DTV boxes decided to land some bubble jamming on 17725 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** SPAIN [non]. 9765, as I tuned by REE via COSTA RICA in Basque, Feb 23 at 
1333, multiple gunshots rang out, and then talk re Rey Juan Carlos; I assume 
the gunshots may have been unrelated, from Libya? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [and non]. 9405, WINB further declined to a just-barely-audible 
carrier, Feb 23 at 0620, whilst BBCWS on 9410 was in well (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [non]. 9325, Feb 23 at 1328 Yankee Doodle Dandy and VOA sign-on 
announcement, 1330 ``Welcome to the Voice of America in --- Khmai`` which is 
how VOA pronounces Khmer; I suppose they are right and we are just too 
influenced by colonial French, but let`s compromise on Cambodian, as Aoki does 
showing this as due west from Tinang, PHILIPPINES (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [non]. 9310, Feb 23 at 1328, Family Radio in English talking about 
translators (FM relays in USA), and 800 number, none of which is likely to be 
too helpful or pertinent to the audience in SE Asia for this frequency via 
Almaty/Nikolayevka, KAZAKHSTAN. But neither is any of the rest of their BS, and 
I don`t mean Brother Scare (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Tnx to a tip from nearby Richard Allen, near Perry OK, that he 
was getting 774 Japan audio for the first time this year on Feb 21 at 1306-1311 
UT, I resumed performing a 9 kHz trans-Pacific carrier bandscan Feb 23 at 
1305-1307 in USB, 1307-1310 in LSB. This is with the DX-398 on 9-kHz steps, 
using only its internal antenna indoors; its BFO happens to be misaligned about 
0.4 kHz low so if there is a carrier I hear a tone around that pitch. Seldom 
are any strong enough to provide audio with this setup.

On USB I found carriers here: 693, 738, 774, 828, 972, 1116, 1125, 1134, 1242, 
1278, 1323, 1404, 1413, 1422, 1566. Altho it was a bit later and signals may 
have faded somewhat, hardly any of these were heard on the way back down in LSB 
mode. I usually have better results with USB than LSB for some reason, altho 
certain frequencies ought to do better on LSB depending on which side of 10 kHz 
channels they are on. Today`s sunrise was 1310 UT, and it`s moving about one 
minute earlier every day. These signals indicate we are pulling out of the 
`mid-winter anomaly` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15161.5-USB, Feb 23 at 1515-1520, INTRUDERS, 2-way in Spanish, 
``cambio``. Heard several previous times around here; at least there is no 
broadcaster on 15160 at the moment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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