** ANTARCTICA. 15476, still no signal detectable from LRA36, supposed to 
reactivate this week, checked March 1 at 1439, 1522, 1536. At least nothing on 
15475 to impede it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. 15340, HCJB longpath making big het against Morocco 
15341, March 1 at 1438; it`s atop Morocco at 1455 in slow English, then at 1455 
RTM dominates in Arabic until off at 1500:20*. We`re in luck, Morocco QSYing at 
its nominal time instead of an hour late! Its 15345+ carrier was already on a 
minute later. 

Meanwhile HCJB in the clear on 15340: suspected it was `Spotlight` show, 
stealth evangelism thru English learning, and so it was, running a bit late, 
with outro contact info at 1501, plugging http://www.radio.english.net and 1502 
offering weekly texts by e-mail. Then Oz-accent, presumed local break from 
Melbourne as I break for breakfast of raisin bread and unprocessed red grapes, 
from Chile? [Who needs Twitter?] 1520 recheck, signal a lot weaker (Glenn 

** CANADA. Propagation conditions were quite disturbed morning of March 1, with 
13m almost dead, many signals fluttery, even trans-equatorial ones like 
Australia on 9590. Quite a contrast between two Sackville frequencies at 1424: 
9610, RCI strong and steady, aimed thisaway; 9625, CBCNQ weak and fluttery plus 
Doppler causing frequency to wobble as it bounces off the auroral zone, aimed 
thataway (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake March 1:
 8400, fair with flutter at 1422; not audible at 1526
10300, fair with flutter at 1427; just barely audible at 1526
14700, good with flutter at 1434
In next hour did complete bandscan 8-22 MHz and only found this too:
13970, poor at 1532. Was not heard an hour earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHINA [and non]. 13725, March 1 at 1533, huge collision of Chinese vs 
Chinese, with flutter: CNR1 jamming vs R. Free Asia, 1500-1700, 250 kW, 295 
degrees via TINIAN, per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUAM. 5765-USB, AFN is back, March 1 at 1412 during phone conversation with 
YL in studio about taxes, public employees, health costs, probably Dr Joy 
Browne show as usual at this hour when AFN has not switched to country music 
format. Better signal than usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA [and non]. VOAf from the GJ, still normal canned programming about 
Africa, March 1 --- when will the rebels ever capture the Sabrata transmitter 
site and/or the Tripoli studios? Like many external SW services, it may go 
unnoticed in its own country, skip-zone, with domestic MW takeovers 
understandably a much higher priority. 

17725, March 1 at 1446 poor and undermodulated, about Bamako; 1448 nothing 
making it on 21695 during disturbed propagation, and just a trace of Spain on 
21570, 21540. 1451, ``end of this program, thank you for listening, and 
goodbye``. 1453 on to geographical stuff about Sénégal. 

By 1525, 21695 has a JBA carrier, while the SSOB is Camping/Ascension 21840, 
then Spain 21570. 1541, 17725 with ID, African music, and 21695 still JBA 
carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA [and non]. 15209.3v, YFR via Ekala, March 1 at 1436 is making more 
of a het than usual against WYFR via Okeechobee 15210.0, and along with it some 
audio, but can`t split it off with my receivers lacking really tight bandwidth. 
Besides, who wants to listen to Family Radio content? Yet I tried the ICF SW-07 
with sync detexion, but not enough signal from the loop in a south window to 
lock it in on LSB. 

WYFR was in Portuguese about what else? May 21 rapture. It`s incredible how 
many language broadcasters Brother Camping has persuaded of this nonsense. What 
will they all do May 21 when nothing happens? Or is their delusion so pervasive 
that they will imagine something happens?

Trans-polar signal was enhanced by propagation disturbance, but also 
Dopplering, and further at 1436 made one of its characteristic shifts of about 
0.1 kHz as the defective SL transmitter jumped frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [and non]. Allan Weiner notified me Feb 28 that the 1900-1930 weekday 
slot on WBCQ 7415 has been sold, so he is moving WORLD OF RADIO to Wednesdays 
at 2215, instead of Tue/Wed/Thu at 2000.

Being two hours closer to sunset should improve reception initially, altho 
sunset moves inexorably later. CRI English via Kashgar to Europe is on 7415 at 
2100-2200, which means that after DST starts here March 13, WOR will be 
colliding with that at 2100 Wednesdays, so enjoy the clear frequency for two 
weeks at least. This also means we must hustle to get WOR done by early UT 
Wednesdays instead of Thursdays, lest the only WBCQ airing remaining be a week 
old by the time it appears.

`Frecuencia al Día`, which has been running Mondays at 2000 must also be moved 
or dropped. These changes have not yet been made on

** U S A. A new month is underway, so on March 1 I check online program 
schedules for updates: WRMI still dated Feb 1. 

WWCR homepage has this surprising note: ``WWCR will broadcast on 3.195 MHz from 
2300-0200 UTC, 5PM-8PM Central on Monday, February 28th 2011 until further 

But WHICH of the four WWCRs? That change is still not entered on the full 
and there was no previous 23-02 block on any of them, so 3195 must replace more 
than one frequency. The pdf program guide is still dated 1 Feb (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. 9479, WTWW, Feb 28 at 2150 has pre-empted Pastor Pete Peters; instead 
I am hearing Ted Randall interviewing some gospel huxter about an evangelical 
TV network to Africa and the Mideast, all atop crowd-noise background. Could be 
live, from the National Religious Broadcasters convention, always in Nashville, 
yearly at this time. 

Never identified him by name, even at conclusion, but brief word from his 
companion Dennis called the first guy Rex. No ID at TOH, and 2202 into gospel 
music. Checking the WTWW website, it says ``We are live from NAB`` and 
autolaunch of audio --- beware going to http://wtww.us if you are already 
listening to something else! It`s NRB, not NAB! 

Later that evening and next morning, WTWW was back to PPP. NRB 2011 dates are 
Feb 26-Mar 1, so it`s almost over. Ted Randall`s own site 
http://www.tedrandall.com also autolaunches audio now with QSO show.

However, at next check 1734 March 1, 9479 has BOTH PPP and Ted Randall at the 
con, at about equal levels; is anyone paying attention? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [non]. 15485, Harold Camping infests yet another frequency, March 1 at 
1522, poor signal from unknown YFR relay in English as I was checking for LRA36 
on 15476. Nothing listed yet on 15485. Guess maybe GERMANY which I think has 
used this frequency previously (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 11775, talk in Persian, March 1 at 1530, unseems R. Farda, no 
music, fair but clear in absence of ANGUILLA. Yes, it`s VOA Persian service per 
Aoki, 1530-1630, 100 kW, 105 degrees via Biblis, GERMANY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 15500-USB, looking for WJHR on new frequency March 1 at several chex 
including 1536, but no trace of it here or on original 15550-USB. However, 
there was a very weak carrier on 15500 at 1440, which would not be pure-SSB 
WJHR, but nothing else is supposed to be there. 

Another check at 1733 March 1: WJHR is BACK on 15550-USB, good signal with 
usual gospel huxter, so was 15500 a mistake? A test? Or will WJHR just be there 
before 1630 until Iran clears 15550?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 13715, nasty noise blob centered here, March 1 at 1432, still at 
1533. Sounds rather like low-rate DRM, and it pulses slowly, but no DRM is 
listed any closer than NZ 13730, and not at this hour. May be just an utility 
intruder, or a malfunxioning SWBC transmitter tho none scheduled (Glenn Hauser, 


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