** ANTARCTICA. 15476, still no LRA36 carrier, March 22 at 1315, 1330, 1408 


** BRAZIL. Probing the MUF, March 21 at 2123, nothing heard on 12m, so I don`t 
expect much on 10m. Tuning up from 28000 I do hear an extremely weak CW beacon 
at 2125 on 28245, sending VVV PT9AAA/B over and over, which I was able to copy 
after several repeats, the OSOB with no other beacons or SSB heard any further 
up. Per QRZ.com, this is:

``PT9AAA, ARMS Assoc. Radioam. de Mato Grosso do Sul, Rua Joaquim Dornelas, nº. 
1132 - CEP 79006-420, Campo Grande - Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Official 
station of the Radio Club A.R.M.S. Congratulations for the visit. 73. Beacon on 
the 10m: 28.245 (CW MODE) / power 12 watts / Vertical 5/8 monoband`` --- 12 
watts, not bad! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 15190, March 22 looking for other African signals, with NIGERIA 
[q.v.] inbooming on 15120 --- Nigeria is off at 0526, but a weak signal on 
15190, so R. Africa, Equatorial Guinea? No! Brazilian music, so it`s R. 
Inconfidência, fair at peaks (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA [and non]. 7325, March 22 at 1242 all I am hearing is Japanese, i.e. 
CRI direct, no CCI, so is RCI already gone? No, either break or losing out to 
daytime absorption at seasonend. 1335, now I can hear a SAH on 7325. 1357 
recheck just as CRI finishes but carrier still on, I can hear Chinese, i.e. 
RCI; 1403 switches to Russian, 1404 cuts off, and by the time I retune to day 
frequency 9610, it`s already on, continuing in Russian. 

A-11 schedules show RCI is DROPPING ALL BROADCASTS TO USA on SW, what would 
have been all day on 9515 like last summer. This correlates with earlier 
reports that `The Link` would no longer be on Sirius satellite, to which the 
oddly-timed H+05 broadcasts on SW were merely a supplement, in such critical 
USA languages as Arabic, Russian, Chinese. So RCI is about to become even less 
of a SW service.

Except for one DRM hour, English 21-22 on 9795-9805. So there will be nothing 
in the evening on 9755 or 6100, altho North Americans may still hear RCI 
Sackville in English to Africa at 20-21 on analog 13650, 15235, 17735. `Maple 
Leaf Mailbag` will continue on Sundays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake March 22: none found on 8400, 10300, 12240 at 1309 nor 
anywhere up to 18 MHz by 1318. Still no 8400 or 10300 at 1421 (Glenn Hauser, 

** COSTA RICA. 15170, REE via Cariari, missing yesterday morning, is back today 
March 22 at 1313 and later atop Romania (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 11760, on its second day, the newly-retimed RHC English broadcast 
starts promptly at 1900 March 21 after open carrier; only fair signal this 
early with daytime absorption.

OTOH, 11760 VG at 0505 March 22 in RHC English, second night in a row on this 
unscheduled frequency instead of missing 6010, opening English 60-minutes with 
program summary for ``March 21``. Some of the syllables are clipped in 
defective digital playback. As of 1640 UT March 22 cannot connect to RHC 
website to see if the schedule has been updated yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CYPRUS. 11765-11790, Intruders, OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, March 
22 at 0511, mainly bothering 11770 BBCWS English via SOUTH AFRICA (Glenn 

** FRANCE [non]. 17630, RFI Spanish at 2100-2130 via GUF, instead March 21 
opening with Portuguese announcement, then music fill, due to strike. 9955 
WRN/WRMI relay of RFI English, March 22 at 1417 was also in music (Glenn 

** GERMANY [non]. 6155, which used to be the prime frequency of ORF, March 22 
at 0517 with some news in English about Austria --- but it`s only DW now, 155 
degrees via PORTUGAL during this semihour only, and also about Mugabe backing 
fellow despot Q`Daffy; // 9755 a reverb apart via RWANDA. In A-11 from March 27 
these both change, to 6180 and 9480 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUAM. 15660, Tuesday March 22 at 1342 praising God in English, V. of Hope 
from Pune, India ID, Adventist World Radio, Post Box 17, 411001 Pune, 
Maharashtra, hymn ``Under His Wing``, 1346 preacher about effect of bad news on 
kids. Good signal but with some deep fades, from KSDA, 100 kW, 285 degrees, 
B-10 scheduled in English on Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, Assamese on Sunday and 
Wednesday, Hmong on Thursday and Friday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 
See also TURKEY [non]

** INDONESIA [and non]. Circa-sunrise 90m check March 22 at 1245: 3345 soft 
Indo talk from RRI Ternate; 3325 usual harder talk in phone-in show from 
Palangkaraya; 1248, 4750 Indo talk, into produced commercial, as usual with 
second weaker carrier, China, China, or Bangladesh. Also numerous weak 
carriers, some with a bit of audio on 60m frequencies matching India, China, 
Malaysia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI, March 22 VG at 1302, chat between mystery man in 
Banjarmasin and Jakarta host, since this is a Tuesday. It`s public service week 
in South Kalimantan! Still with IADs, and at 1305 phoneline from Banj goes to 
busy signal. 1305.5 joint news by Ida in Banjarmasin, other YL Misra? in Jak. 
1325-1329 a Commentary, 1329 `Exotic Indonesia` ID mentioning `9525` only, usw 

** IRAN. 15515: see KUWAIT

** JORDAN [and non]. 11960, March 22 at 0507 good signal with news in Arabic, 
presumed R. Jordan. I listened for a few minutes but never heard ``Urdaniyah`` 
or the like mentioned, so I guess not much is going on there compared to 
elsewhere in the ME. 11970, BBC Russian due north via Cyprus was almost as good 

** KAZAKHSTAN. 5835, considerable open carrier is promising, March 22 at 1253, 
only marred by continuous but slightly irregular CW beeps from 5832. At 1259, 
5835 acquires some weak tones and computer noises, 1300 YFR trumpet IS but it`s 
very undermodulated, a broken promise, into organ/choral music. Aoki shows this 
bihour in English via Almaty (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT [non]. 15515, March 22 at 1316 weak M&W talk, unseems Arabic, unlike 
yesterday when R. Kuwait was here, evidently by mistake. Scheduled is IRAN at 
1230-1330, 500 kW, 109 degrees from Kamalabad, HFCC registered as in ``Melau``, 
which WRTH translates as Indonesian – but does VIRI really mean the 
closely-related Malay?? Gone at 1330 check, while 21540 at 1334 had weak SAH 
indicating that Kuwait is back on the proper frequency mixing with Madrid; 1355 
REE was atop (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** LIBYA. 17725, something here March 22 at 1319, presumed VOAf from the GJ in 
Swahili, not yet bombed to smithereens. 1405 improved signal but still poor 
with hilife music, 1410 English ID, African Union 9.9.99 yawner. 21695 still 
gone (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** NIGERIA. 15120, March 22 at 0454, S9+12 with drumming, percussion, big hum, 
must be VON IS, the OSOB. 0455 into lofi NA by military band. 0456 YL sign-on 
VON in English for NAf/Eu on 15120, gives date 22/3/11, until 0600; further 
English to be at 1500-1557 and 1800-1857 on same. Program previews: for 0530 
mentioned both `General Interest Magazine` and `Moving On` = music. At 1845, 
`Talking Agriculture` on livestock farming. At 1815, `Educational 
Perspectives`. News in a moment, `Von-Scope` at 0500-0530, and later at 
1500-1600, `60 Minutes`, one-hour news magazine.

0500, timesignal for ``6 am``, ``Voice of Nigeria, Lagos`` ID, drumming, 
`Von-Scope`` which can also be heard at http://www.thevoiceofnigeria.org  Into 
news voiced by another YL, Gloria ---. Top story, which was also mentioned in 
previews, World Water Day! #2: Libyan leader not targeted by bombing? 

Altho big signal, the VON modulation remains pitiful, with hum, and the talk is 
constantly scratchy. Then I check for other signals on 19m, and find RA is JBA 
on 15160 and 15240, while often it is quite sufficient; something on 15190 – 
Equatorial Guinea? No, BRAZIL, q.v.! Meanwhile RA was quite good on 13630 and 
13690, plus NZ DRM 13730, the only signals on that band. VON remains the SSOB 
by far on 19m. Moved on, and not rechecked until 0526, when VON is gone! Not a 
trace on 15120. Must have dumped off the air, and still gone at 0536, 0549.  

I ask again, as no one has ever answered my previous question: Is this really 
the brand new transmitter and antenna for VON at Abuja? Sounds like the same 
old terribly messed up equipment they have always had (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** PORTUGAL [and non]. 11665, March 21 at 2040, Portuguese with sports 
coverage, mixing with something Slavic making slow SAH of 22 per minute = 0.37 
Hz. I.e. RDPI at 144 degrees vs WYFR in Polish at 44 degrees. Portuguese // 
stronger 11960 and much stronger 12040 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 15460, March 22 at 1348, RRI good signal with modern piano 
concerto, 1350 cut to ``Angie`` by the Stones (at first I thought it was going 
to be ``Hotel California``), 1353 rough cut to sign-off in cute German with 
schedule of three broadcasts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [non]. 12035, March 22 at 1414 not a trace of VOT English toward 
Europe and US, instead Chinese which is KSDA, GUAM, 100 kW, 300 degrees in 
Mandarin. We can only hope for better luck from Turkey in A-11 from March 27 
when this English will be at 1230-1325v on usual summer channels 15450 USward, 
15520 awayward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Once again following in the footsteps of WWCR, WWRB has started 
testing on 3195. WWCR has said they will keep testing it only for one more 
week, 2200-0100 UT. Dave Frantz tipped me early UT March 21 that WWRB was now 
on 3195 too.

Dave wrote at 0108 UT March 21: ``We are now testing 3195 running  station 
promos for airtime. MANY people are interested in using 3215, then 3195. We 
will let you know. How about a signal report on the 3195.``

I checked 3195 at 0238, roughly equivalent signal to WWRB 3185 (Scare), and 
WWCR 3215 (which starts at 0100, taking over from WWRB, and moving from 3195). 
Running promo barker on 3195 but modulation lower than 3185. WWRB also on 2390 
and 5050 (latter also with promo loop), so all four transmitters are active. I 
wonder if 3185 and 3195 can use the same rhombic antenna, or must be on 
separate antennas, at what azimuths? Dave did not answer about that, March 21 
at 1320 UT:

``Hi Glenn: We have a group of broadcasters that want to lease the  3215 and 
3195 combo. We are thinking about the lease. As you know, we no longer involve 
ourselves with ANY 'cause' --- it's just  business now: we 'wised up'. We are 
in no hurry. For now, we will use the 3215 & 3195 as an on air 'billboard' 
advertising the station: Plenty of new listeners & existing / potential 
broadcasters are being gained with this frequency combo. Many broadcasters / 
listeners never knew we existed but that is rapidly changing. Regards, Dave.``

3195 was off when I checked again after 0500. If only WWCR and WWRB would get 
together, it should not be necessary for both of them to use both 3215 and 
3195. Each could stay on one or the other for longer hours without having to 
switch. The only problem is, 3215 is a proven frequency and 3195 still might 
provoke objexions from utility users, and neither station wants to commit to it 
100% (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5755, WTWW missing March 22 at 0515, 0536 and later; also missing 
from 9479 at 1306 and later, audiblizing R. Australia on 9475. Maybe this means 
WTWW #2 is about to fire up, on 5080 and/or 9990? 9479 still off at 1642 (Glenn 

** U S A. 13570v, March 22 at 0524 a JBA carrier with characteristic wobble, so 
believed to be WINB as rescheduled from 9405, where there is no signal. Is Rod 
Hembree really paying for this? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WYFR is still mixing up Burmese with Arabic! Some weeks ago in 
another daypart, we found part of another Arabic hour really in Burmese, 
notified station, and they supposedly unscrambled the two --- but:

7520, March 22 at 0538, OM in Burmese talk, no doubt about The Rapture, 
impossible timing to reach Burma from Okeechobee, scheduled in Arabic during 
this hour. 0541 switch to YL in Arabic with Oakland address, into organ music, 
``Tidings of Comfort and Joy`` so leftover from Xmas? 0544 YFR IS, more Arabic 
talk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also PORTUGAL

UNIDENTIFIED. Intruder: 9450-9550, March 22 at 1321, strong pulsing chirps 
clocked at 312 per minute, QRMing 100 kHz of broadcast band including Indonesia 
9526. By 1341 the range had reduced to 9480-9520, still centered on 9500. At 
1420 the same range exhibited instead a buzz with some brief breaks, must be 
same transmitter, but what and why? Note that WTWW was still off 9479 at this 
time. Gilles Letourneau in Montréal was also hearing this around 1400, and 
reported to the DXLD yg: 

``Hi all, While tuning around this morning I noticed what looks like some kind 
of Over the horizon radar that is jamming from 9485 - 9515 kHz with quite 
strong signal here in Montreal at 1400 UT; been listening to it for the past 20 
minutes. Where does this come from?   Anyone know?

Hello again! really interesting to listen to what I presume is some kind of 
radar or digital signal, still on at 1515 UT, but changed pattern 4 times. Now 
I can pick it up from 9450 up to 9550, now is doing a slow pulse. Does have 
propagation characteristics, so it's not a local signal here. Wondering where 
this is coming from. First time I hear this around this frequency. Could it be 
some troubles in a transmitter.``

Noel R. Green, NW England replied: ``Gilles, there is a lot of broadcast 
activity in this range here in Europe, but no trace of the non-broadcast signal 
that you write about. So my guess is that it's from your side of the pond. 
Maybe Sackville is up to something. Digital type signals are often to be heard 
here on this band - particularly in our local mornings when the band is less 
crowded - but they don't operate to a regular schedule or frequency.`` 

Larry Cunningham replied at 1554: ``I've scanned the 9450-9550 kHz range 
several times here in Central Ohio, listening in AM, USB, and LSB, and haven't 
heard any sort of QRM, at least not of the sort being reported`` (Glenn Hauser, 


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