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Today's Topics:

   1. Fri Morn (Charles)
   2. Glenn Hauser logs April 8, 2011 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA (Stewart MacKenzie)
   4. Australia Radio Heritage 2MO Gunnedah (Radio Heritage Mail)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2011 09:54:10 -0000
From: "Charles" <>
        <>,       "Anne Fanelli" <>,        
"Charles B"
        <>, "DD" <>,  "Eike
        Bierwirth" <>,      <>,
        "'Harry'" <>,  <>,
        <>,   <>, "Ron
        Howard" <>,       "'skeds'" <>,
        "wghauser" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Fri Morn
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Bolivia, 6134.803, Radio Santa Cruz, 0920-0930   At tune in heard a program

steady ballad type music .   At 0921 noted a canned ID as, "Santa Cruz,

Cruz  ... en Radio ...".  Then music continued.  Signal was good and strong.

(Chuck Bolland, April 8, 2011)


Peru, 6019.176, Radio Victoria, 0926-0935,  With the usual format, noted 

a male in Religious Spanish language comments (David Miranda).  

Signal was at a fair level this morning while listening in LSB mode. 

However, at 0929 Australia's Interval signal is heard from 6020KHz blocking

Radio Victoria somewhat.  (Chuck Bolland, April 8, 2011)




26N 081W








Message: 2
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2011 10:38:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 8, 2011
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, LRA36 still missing April 8, after sudden appearance 
April 6, and absence April 7. Roberto Scaglione says they were working on 
fixing antenna and transmitter problems. On April 8 I checked repeatedly at 
1255, 1330, 1409, 1417, 1447 and never heard even a carrier, tho propagation 
was poor. Harold Frodge, reporting to DXLD, also looked for it recently at 
later hours, and indeed they might have the transmitter on beyond previous 
regular schedule while they are testing and repairing:

``15476, 2156, 5-Apr; Weak het only centering about 15476. Not there at 2315. 
No het detected at 1700 or 2129, 6-Apr or 1824, 7-Apr (Frodge-MI)`` By ``het`` 
he means carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 13830, April 8 at 1318, CNR1 jamming // 11990; 13830 is to block R. 
Free Asia, Tibetan via Tajikistan at 11-14.

15670, April 8 at 1332, Firedrake atop something, // 15900, and no other FD 
found 8-17 MHz by 1340. 15670 is also RFA Tibetan via TAJIKISTAN at 11-14, and 
15900 presumably Sound of Hope.

17705, April 8 at 1308, Chinese vs Chinese, i.e. ChiCom jamming against All 
India Radio`s Chinese service until 1315, burying Saudi Arabia, q.v. (Glenn 

** GREECE. 15630, VOG with non-classical music, fair April 8 at 1456, but 
presumably filling with even more music than usual of some sort, during strike 
thru Monday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4055, April 8 at 0556, R. Truth with multilingual announcements, 
English at tune-in offering QSL, with postal address Box 5, Chiquimula. Then YL 
in German; Italian; Swedish? Japanese; native language including Spanish words, 
all with Hammond organ music background, but audio quality varies greatly from 
language to language, some hard to copy or even identify. Overall modulation is 
somewhat distorted, and some T-storm crashes, but good steady signal at S9+20. 
Then brief sign-offs in Spanish and English, 0602 starting NA (Glenn Hauser, 

** GUINEA. 7125, April 8 at 0605, RTG again with Qur`an, in Arabic of course. 
Did not catch any French translation like before in brief monitoring this time 

** KUWAIT [and non]. 21540, April 8 at 1454, Arabic pop music rather than 
Qur`an on this Friday, atop co-channel Spain, the SSOB now after Hamada Radio 
International is finished. Altho Kuwait may be at fault for this stupid 
collision, Spain could solve it by reactivating vacant 21570 which it was using 
in B-10, instead of 21540. But that would be too easy and require diligence 

** LIBYA. 17725, I can tell VOAf from the GJ is there, April 8 at 1453, fair 
signal with undermodulated music during presumed English bihour (Glenn Hauser, 

** NIGERIA [non]. 21480, Hamada Radio International, via RMI, April 8 at 1415 
is the SSOB --- strongest station on the band of 13m! Frequent mentions in 
Hausa of Kaduna. This is currently scheduled M-F 1400-1430, due south from 
Wertachtal, GERMANY with a semi-transmitter at 125 kW. Close second in strength 
is Kuwait on 21540. 

At this hour I am pleased to note 10 audible signals on the 13 m band, 
unimaginable just a year ago during prolonged solar min: 21470 BBC English via 
Cyprus, 21480 HRI, 21505 BSKSA, 21540 RK AND REE, 21560 NHK via France, 21610 
REE, 21630 BBC Hausa via Portugal, 21655 RDPI Portugal, 21840 DW Amharic via 
Portugal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Re previous report of KWTV-DT 39 adding continuous news on 9.2: 
Searching their site on ``News 9 Now`` (abbr`d as News9 N on PSIP ID), does get 


OKLAHOMA CITY -- News 9 is proud to introduce News 9 Now, formerly known as 
News Now 53. Beginning April 1, 2011, viewers can find News 9 Now on KWTV's 
digital sub-channel, 9.2. The news will continue to be broadcast on Cox Cable 
Channel 53.

"We made this move to make these channels more accessible to our viewers," said 
Griffin Communications President and CEO David Griffin. "We're happy to 
continue our successful 15 year partnership with Cox and look forward to 
serving even more Oklahomans by offering News 9 Now and News On 6 Now over the 

The new channel will also allow News 9 to carry special programming without 
pre-empting regular scheduled programming. Viewers may need to rescan their 
channel lineups in order for the change to take effect. For more information, 
including a list of cable companies who will carry News 9 Now, check out [website]`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA [and non]. 17705, BSKSA in Arabic was blasted away by the 
Indo-Chinese radio war April 8 at 1308, see CHINA; that should have ended at 
1315, and at 1411 check, BSKSA is alone again on channel in Arabic (Glenn 

** SRI LANKA [and non]. 15640, April 8 at 1448, noise jamming, bleeding to 
adjacent frequencies, perhaps Ethiopia using a Chinese-provided DRM transmitter 
to jam DW Amharic? NO! Looking it up in HFCC, this really is DRM, the joint 
BBC/DW service via Trincomalee, 90 kW aimed 5 degrees across India at 
1400-1800. It`s so hard to tell DRM from jamming. 

And this was in fact jamming an analog signal, Russian-style tune-up tone going 
on and off! Per HFCC, a Moscow analog site is also on 15640 at 13-18, 500 kW, 
190 degrees. But Aoki shows 15640 really in use only at 15-16, for VOR in 
Russian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 17745, Sudan Radio Service, Friday April 8 *1459:20 carrier on 
via Sines, PORTUGAL, a few sex after VOA Kurdish via Wertachtal finishes 17750 
at 1459*. Only fair signal, starts with drumming and other percussion, 1500 
echoey YL with sign-on mentioning station name as in English, but otherwise in 
colloquial Arabic(?). 

I made a point of monitoring SRS, since Ivo Ivanov reports to DXLD that this 
and all other transmissions via Portugal are being deleted from April 9, as 
well as various vernaculars via UAE at 17-18 on 9590, retaining only these:

``0400-0500 on 13720 DHA 250 kW / 245 deg to EaAf Arabic
  0500-0600 on 13720 DHA 250 kW / 240 deg to EaAf Arabic/English Sat/Sun, ex 

Which are unlikely to be heard well here in NAm, contrary to Sines. But there 
should be one more SRS broadcast on 17745 via Portugal on April 8 at 15-17, 
when the first semihour on Saturday is normally in English. Does SRS consider 
its mission almost accomplished, or another funding cut? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** TURKEY. 15450, VOT English, poor April 8 at 1323 concluding with a few 
headlines, then YL still thinks she is on two 25m frequencies as in B-10 at 
1330+, and into IS. I listen to all the repeats, and they are indeed identical, 
on some keyboard. We so miss the subtle variations in the old version on a real 
piano. There was time to play it 15 times, plus 21 of the 26 notes for a 
sixteenth before cut off the air later than usual at 1328* (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A [non]. 17545, VOA news in English, fair with deep fades April 8 at 
1452. Listed 100 kW, 350 degrees from BOTSWANA during this hour only (Glenn 

** U S A [and non]. 7555, April 8 at 0133, VG open carrier, no modulation 
detectable, but usual ute hash from France on the hi side. Must be KJES, in 
another pointless transmission, now scheduled 0100-0230 on this frequency. 
Supposed to rotate from 335 to 20 degrees at 0200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 13845, WWCR VG signal April 8 at 1306, much better than 15825 as we 
again have enhanced propagation below 15 MHz. At 1448, however, 15825 is also 
VG, indicating HF sporadic E has hit --- so good that I could hear the squeal 
and detect the #1 transmitter`s spurs on 15840.6 and 15810.4. Now if Es will 
only build up into VHF beyond 54 MHz for what`s left of analog TVDX. It would 
also be nice if the Es enhancement last thru 2100 for WORLD OF RADIO on 15825 

** U S A [and non]. 9955, WRMI, April 8 at 1405 has no jamming during RFI 
English relay but with considerable CCI, and lo het, which per Aoki is KTWR in 
Cantonese (HFCC says ``Yue``), during this semihour only M-F. TWR itself calls 
it Cantonese with `Thru the Bible`:

Aoki`s WRMI listings are one hour late, showing RFI at 1500, still not shifted 
for DST! WORLD OF RADIO lucks out at 1430 Friday on WRMI as that`s in a break 
between KTWR and *1500 YFR Russian via Taiwan. Checked toward the end at 1457, 
poor with fair peaks, perhaps some sporadic-E help, no broadcast QRM but some 
irregular noise bursts, not jamming?

On Saturday, WOR is at 1400, so should also luck out on a KTWR day-off. Other 
upcoming WRMI times for WORLD OF RADIO are: Sat 0800, 1730; Sunday 0800, 1530, 
1730. On WWCR: Friday 2030 on 15825; Saturday 1600 on 12160; Sunday 0630 on 
3215. On IPAR/IRRS/NEXUS-IBA: Saturday 1800 on 7290, 1566, 1368. How is 
reception around Europe now on WWCR, IPAR? 

WOR also confirmed on ACB Radio Mainstream webcast after 1500 Friday, to repeat 
every odd-UT Friday hour thru 2330 via

** U S A [non]. Rechecking 15670, which was ChiCom-jammed earlier vs V. of 
Tibet, April 8 at 1310, the Firedrake is gone and instead some weak unjammed 
talk. HFCC shows it`s YFR in Hindi via Nauen at 1400-1600. 

Strangely, from 2 to 25 July the same service is to switch to Issoudun, France 
site, then back to Nauen, GERMANY. Something to do with higher transmission 
priorities, RNW and the Tour de France? Very likely, as this year`s Tour runs 
July 2-24, tho RNW has other holiday deviations in Dutch (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2011 15:00:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: Stewart MacKenzie <>
To: Anker Peterson <>, Arnie Coro
        <>, BCL NEWS <>, Duane Fischer
        <>,    Hard Core DX <>,
        Marie Lamb <>, Maryann Kehoe <>,
        Prime Time Shortwave <>,      SWL QTH
Cc: Adrian Peterson <>, Allen Graham
Subject: [HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

AUSTRALIA?? Radio Australia-Shepparton?? 21725? 0312 GMT? English? 433? April 
Two YLs on deaths in Libya.? OM with comments on bombs being dropped in 
Libya.??? MacKenzie-CA..

CANADA?? CHU - Ottawa?? 3300? 0430 GMT? French/English? 333? April 5? OM in 
French plus an OM in English with the time clock.?? MacKenzie-CA..

COSTA RICA?? Radio Exterior Espana Relay-REE?? 3350? 0425 GMT? Spanish? 333? 
April 5? YL and OM with comments in the Diaria program.? OM with REE ID 0428 
GMT.??? Mackenzie-CA..

SOUTH AFRICA?? Trans World Radio-TWR?? 4775? 0407 GMT? German? 333? April 5? OM 
with comments then an OM singing a hymn.????? MacKenzie-CA..

SOUTH AFRICA?? Radio Sonder Grense?? 3320? 0432 GMT? Afrikaans?? 333? April 5? 
YL and OM with comments.??? MacKenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES, Tennessee?? WWCR-1?? 3215? 0435 GMT? English? 333? April 5? OM 
God making Wars and the Rapture of the Church.??? Mackenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES, Tennessee?? WWRB?? 3185? 0445 GMT? English? 333? April 5? OM 
comments via the Bible on living the Last Days on Earth.??? MacKenzie-CA..

Unknown Country,?? Unknown Station????? 4055? 0420 GMT? Spanish? 333? April 5? 
OM with religous comments.??? Mackenzie-CA..
.Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2011 16:00:08 +1200
From: "Radio Heritage Mail" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Australia Radio Heritage 2MO Gunnedah
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Media Release
Radio Heritage Foundation

Australian Heritage AM Radio
2MO Gunnedah
Fine Station in Rich District

The most popular feature heard on 2MO was the Hillbilly request
program on Saturday evenings, with requests from as far distant as
Rockhampton and Invercargill [NZ] according to the latest in the
popular series of Long Lost Australian Radio Stars hosted by the
Radio Heritage Foundation at

The station covered Gunnedah, Curlewis, Carroll, Mullaley, Kelvin,
Boggabri, Wee Waa, Somerton and Manilla and the station manager
Ernest S Tibbett originally came from the engineering staff at 2TM in

Other local personalities heard on 2MO in the 1940's included Neville
Pellitt, Doreen Lambert, Ron Gibson, Margery Breen and John Cameron.

This new release brings to over thirty the number of such features
currently included in the Long Lost Australian Radio Stars series at where an increasing amount of Australian radio
heritage can now be found.

If you have your own memories, memorabilia and more you'd like to
share about 2MO Gunnedah or any of the other stations featured in the
series, the Radio Heritage Foundation wants to hear from you.

It may be some old photos, booklets, newspaper or magazine articles
or even some recordings. Memories or reminiscences of local events
and how 2MO has served the community for several generations of
listeners are also important. 

The Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit organization
connecting popular culture nostalgia and radio heritage across the
Pacific and its website is where full contact
details can be found. Email: 

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 100, Issue 9

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