New logs  based on last 3BCDX ‘s and  some scanning,


12035 WYFR in sinhala (t) 1535   with talks by OM  signal S9 . QRM from 12040  
possibly VOR in English

17800 YFR Kannada 1540  relig prg mentioning Maria etc ,lang seems Tamil .Most 
sentences en with “…voodoo”

10000 uniDed station in 1545   with Turkish or Kurdish songs At 1551  with ID 
??? (very poor signal mixed with Chinese time station)Seems  1559*

There is a recording

or the included

9965   R Australia 1601 with news  in Eng about the (latest?)tsunami in Japan 
and other international  news. ID on 1605  S7. Also on 11.4 on 1541  with 
prg and S8

15255.1 AM though AM-N better : Eire? 1610 OM with talks , under a very poor 
signal < S1 over relatively strong local noise

7185.2 VoBME ?? 1619 with discussion between OM and YL , a lang that seems  
Amharic  or Trigre . ON 1626 strong white noise across the freq

6240 TWR? ??? 1622 with prg in Korean talks  abt Maria and  religious 
underground music .S9

8500U ! Libya 1631 heard on 1oth in USB only  , YL talking a poem or something 
similar, in Arabic . with strong actorship in her voice and many mentions of 
Libya’ . Strong  internal audio buzz S5-6 . On 11th mode was AM on 15+ as tuned 

9350 R Pakistan 1720 with old Hindi songs (reminds me Lata Mangeshkar ) S9

15155 station IDed as R Arkotiv on 1732 mentioning Oromo , there was an ID that 
could not catch , then a HoA song . At 1750 with talks , many sentences ending 
with –tif

15190 R Pilipinas 1748 with discussion in Pilipino . S5 slight co ch QRM

15200 YFR spur  from 15255 (?) heard here as marginal signal on 1758 . Heard 
‘to god with the glory’ IS music Off

11818.75!!!  V of Russia with a  unstable freq moving down and up during the 
listening , with program about churches S9

7290 IRRS 1814 with Russian popo songs . ID and a IS series of IRRS then with 
prg from ‘Victoria University  Price’ and Amplify S20 45545

9625 VoVietnam 1845 with prg in French , including ID , then talks abt Hanoi , 
martial arts and geo info S9

9745 VoHan /Kuanghua  1850 a discussion between several ppl . a tango style 
music 1855 with a Chinese pop song , 1900 YL “Wen Xao Ti Chi’  Signal S9 34434 
under modulated On 1901 QRM from unknown station in Arabic , possibly CRI

9835  with Wai/RTM being the only  at 19+  . 11665  was off

5965 Shiokaze 2002 with ID over background music. Start of the program on 2003


For 11.4

9610 Sawt Islamic 0357+ ID,  with phone in report sS7

13720 SRS 040010 with sudden sign on with ID as SRS  then YL in Arabic and 
numbers  still in AR S4

9340 R? 0409 with intl news in English , ID in Arabic . A song that seems 
. Person ‘kabaye Saat ‘ with talks in Arabic I supposed as R Prague due to the 
song .


For 12.4

9340 is off

9370 WTJC 0400 asking for reception reports S3

9330 WBCQ 0403 with religious program S3

4985 RBC with song S3 //11815 (working today )

12240 Firedrake? 0420 S2 
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