** CANADA. Sporadic E analog video on channel 2 begins to show before 1530 UT 
July 27; antenna south and I wait for Spanish to develop, but at 1537 it`s 
clearly English with WorldVision infomercial, sponsor-a-child, so rotate to 
north, and signal is much stronger. Soon obviously Canadian-orientated per 
mentions, website worldvision.ca and phone 1-800-307-8183. Checking zap2it 
program listings, not Regina, but fits for CKND in Manitoba, a full hour of 
World Vision at 10-11 am CDT. By 1547, also weaker signals up to channel 5; the 
rest to be in my next report (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake July 27: Sixteen! at once in axion before 1300; is 
something extra-sensitive in the news currently?

 7470, poor with flutter at 1242. Rarely heard here: I previously logged last 
October 8 and Feb 28 around same time. Target must still be RFA Tibetan via 
Mongolia per Aoki. Never in HFCC are RFA transmissions via that confidential 
country! Might upset neighbors. Being a `free` country already, Mongolian 
language itself would be off-topic on RFA.

11500, poor at 1249 // 7470; none in between

11990, fair at 1254, mixing with CNR1 jamming, // 11500. 11990 is vs VOA 
Chinese via Saipan, which is also on 12040 via Tinang, but only CNR1 jamming 
audible there, plus RHC, Commies vs Commies!

12270, poor at 1255
13130, very good at 1257
13830, fair at 1257
13920, very good at 1257
14700, very good at 1257
14950, poor at 1257
15545, poor at 1258
15970, very good at 1258
16100, very good at 1258
16980, very good at 1258
17170, JBA at 1259
18180, JBA at 1259

After 1300:
 7470, very poor at 1308; see above; suspect stayed on thru hourtop
11990, see above; now CNR1 echo-jamming only; VOA now via Novosibirsk
12025, poor at 1310 mixing with some talk; Tibetan via Kuwait?
13830, fair at 1312
15445, good at 1315, ruining much weaker neighbor Turkey 15450
15565, fair at 1315

Before 1400 (may have missed some weaker ones due to TVI on now):
15900, fair at 1352; none higher
15525, poor at 1352
14700, fair at 1354
13920, very good at 1354
13830, poor at 1354
13130, very good at 1354
11500, poor at 1357

** INDONESIA. 9526-, July 27 at 1245, VOI with improved signal to S9+18, such 
that intermittent audio dropouts (IADs) during music could still be observed, 
then Special Japanese announcement. By 1304 in English had faded considerably, 
reading S9+15 but tough copy due to undermodulation, fading, noise level, 
accent. Unseemed news but a discourse on the Dutch colonial era, too long 
either to have been `Today in History` segment normally appearing after the 
news (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO [and non]. 15345v, July 26 at 2059-2101* Arabic singing from IMM, 
modulation cut at 2100 sharp, and carrier off at 2101*. Had het on lo side from 
Argentina, then left in the clear with very weak signal. 

As it precesses earlier and earlier by the Western calendar, Ramadan is nigh. 
This will lead to schedule changes on some SW services. Morocco`s SW 
broadcasts, being relays of domestic service, shift one hour as DST comes and 
goes. This summer, 15345 has been closing around 2100 instead of 2200 UT, but 
we may soon find it lasting again until 2200: 

``Morocco will probably end DST before the start of Ramadan in 2011. Ramadan 
begins on August 1, 2011. Morocco’s daylight saving schedule ended before the 
start of Ramadan in 2009 and 2010. timeanddate.com will provide updates on DST 
in Morocco when information becomes available.``
Also listing July 31 as the last day of UT+1 there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** SERBIA [non]. 9685, UT Wed July 27 at 0059, IRS IS variations, VG signal, 
1000 Serbian announcement mentioning three kHz-frequencies (must be merging 
different times, as really only one at a time), and unlike last week`s extended 
broadcast, continues modulating instead of dead air, rechecked at 0112, 0123 

** U S A. 12100, July 27 at 1256 tuneby in Firedrake search, WTWW was on in 
Arabic Bible, somewhat distorted, but at next pass 1310 it was off, clearing 
frequency for CODAR pulses. Still or again off at 1356 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 15825, July 27 at 1314, WWCR-1 is VG with Es-enhancement, splattering 
above and below, and weak modulation on 15810, 15840 spurs also audible, but no 
distorted spur field further down or up the band. Let`s hope those have been 
permanently fixed, as they interfered with many other stations (Glenn Hauser, 

** VENEZUELA [non!]. Re my previous report, RNV via CUBA missing: we have 
checked most of the scheduled broadcasts and they are all missing:

``Summer Schedule 2011
Spanish/English Days Area kHz
1000-1100 daily Am  6180hab – not on July 27 at 1043
1100-1200 daily Am  6060hab - not on July 27 at 1147
1200-1300 daily Am 11705hab - not on July 27 at 1250
1500-1600 daily Am 11680hab - not on July 26 at 1504, July 27 at 1524
1900-2000 daily Am 15290hab - not checked yet
2000-2100 daily Am 17705hab - not on July 26 at 2054, tho RHC was on 
                              17560, Arabic with squeal
2200-2300 daily Am 11670hab - not on July 26 at 2259
2300-2400 daily Am 13680hab, 15250hab`` -- not on July 26 at 2330, tho 
                              RHC itself was on 13670, et al.

We can only speculate on the reason: agreement/contract expired? El Hugazo 
applied cost instead to medical bills in Cuba? RHC transmitter(s) down and this 
lowest-priority service is suspended? (Even tho RHC runs half-a-dozen 
simultaneously for itself.) Installing new transmitters/antennas so some old 
ones have to be turned off? Program produxion in Caracas suspended for some 
reason? Just summer vacations? Saving up for expenses of own new site under 
construxion in Calabozo?

Will Arnie Coro explain what`s happening on DXers Unlimited? Of course not! He 
finally posted a new script on his blog for July 19, having missed every 
twice-a-week since November 28, except May 8, pleading ``require valuable time 
required for many other duties to be used for updating it...`` --- 

Since he keeps writing (or recycling) scripts for all the broadcasts, merely 
posting them should not be that time-consuming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

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