BRAZIL - 4865.02, tentatively R Alvorada, Londrina:  my previous unid from 
July, heard much better today, is definitely a Brazilian (was hoping Logos!) . 
. . .  Noted poor to fair signal again this morning, 9/13,  from 0946-0957with 
very under-modulated signal and usual pgm of OM narrating or preaching in 
lengthy monologue, punctuated by bursts of orchestral or hymn-like music.  At 
this point, still unreadable insofar as useful pgm detail, even land (SS or 
PP?)   But with 60 meters staying alive later now, with the impending Fall, was 
able to recheck at 1020.  Still there and with a  signal had peaked 
substantially.  Much more readable, tho still low modulation.  100 pct clearly 
PP and t/cks matching Brazil, also.  At this time, a studio news magazine 
program was in progress, with phone-ins from listeners and live reports from 
remote correspondents.   Still good at 1035 but still no clear ID.  Anticipate 
most likely will be the familiar R
 Alvorada, Londrina, although must be aware that there were also reports 
(confirmed?) in June out of Europe of a R Verdes Florestas, Cruz do Sul, on 
this same fqy.  (Perry - Illinois)

ANDES BANDSCAN -  Hurray, finally a relatively decent opening into the Andes on 
60 meters this morning, 9/13, hopefully signalling the start to a nice LA DX 
season for us in the USA.  5039.18 R. Libertad de Junin, Peru, with fair to 
good QSA at 1036, deejay talking over mellow musical background.  4814.98 R El 
Buen Pastor with a nice signal at 1049 tune-bay, fetching sanjuanito in 
progress.  4789++ presumed R Vision, Chiclayo, decent signal but het and QRM 
underneath ute at 1051.  Didn't notice other usual suspects like R Tarma or R 
Huanta 2000, which were my 'markers' for decent Andes openings last winter . . 
. Already making plans for tomorrow morning and lining up better OA/HC/CP 
targets!  (Perry - Illinois)


Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B;  Japan Radio NRD-545;  Eton E1;  Hallicrafters SX100;  Knightkit 
Star Roamer
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408
Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop;  Single-Turn Coax 
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