GERMANY   XVRB Radio via Wertachtal 6045 kHz 0900 UT, Sept 18.

It's The Music Museum, see <>
(daher wohl auch die Abkuerzung MSM im M&B schedule) um 0900 UT auf 6045 kHz
mit Oldies und IDs. SINPO 55555.
E-mail: <xvrbradio @>  <>
(Patrick Robic-AUT, A-DX Sept 18)

6045  Broadcast on 3rd Sunday only is XVRB Radio, started with 6 tone
interval signals from 0900-0901 UT Sept 18. Then followed by Rock'n'Roll
and Oldies concert. S=9+15 to +20dBm in Germany and Netherlands. TX switch on from 0857 UT.

Puzzlement amongst DXers europeanwide, next to real XVRB ID,
-- came out XGRB, XCRB, XBRB, IDs ...
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 18)

0900-1000 on 6045 WER 100 kW / non-dir to WeEUR 3rd Sun only. Good reception
in Bulgaria SINPO 45544.
(Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 18)

Internal name - MSM in English, please check Sept 18, 09-10 UT:
0900-1000  6045kHz WER 100 kW non-dir to WeEUR 3rd Sun, new from Aug 21.
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 12)

----- Original Message ----- From: "wilsdruff" Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011
Subject: [dxld] Wertachtal 6045 (Re: DX Mix News Sept 12)

Internal name - MSM in English, please check on Sep. 18:
0900-1000 on  6045 WER 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu 3rd Sun,
new from Aug.21

[X] Done:
It was just a row of oldies with few announcements in English thrown in.
These announcements basically left the operation anonymous, referred to "our
little playground" and did, for the part I listened to (because that's not
my scene), not reveal more than the announced webpage

So it still remains a mystery who is this "MSM", but it appears to be a pure
hobby operation from enthusiasts.

By the way, it was funny how in the 0900-1000 hour the 49 mB was close to an
exclusive Media Broadcast affair here. There were three strong signals,
Nauen running its accordingly equipped ALLISS unit in 2/2 configuration with
RNW on 5955 as well as Wertachtal, running its two ex-Jülich transmitters on
HQ antennas on the 6045 in question and also with the scheduled EMR on 6140.
The rest was weaker Rampisham on 6075 and Berlin-Britz on 6190 and even
weaker, no longer sufficient for regular listening, Santa Maria di Galeria
on 5965 and Krekel on 6005.

And meanwhile one can go through the 49 mB again without having to mind the
blasting roar that used to appear on certain frequencies. I'm not joking, it
is really annoying to come accross a DRM signal while, in old fashion,
turning the dial.
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