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Today's Topics:

   1. QSL Report from Al Muick, week ending 24 September (Albert Muick)
   2. Sept 28 Logs (
   3. Glenn Hauser logs September 28, 2011 (Glenn Hauser)
   4. Radio Nacional de Colombia rinde un merecido tributo al
      radioteatro y la radionovela (Arnaldo)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 07:18:45 -0400
From: Albert Muick <>
To: DXLD <>, HCDX <>,
        Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] QSL Report from Al Muick, week ending 24 September
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

AUSTRIA, Radio Austria International, 9820, f/d City of Salzburg QSL
letter in 21 days for report in German and US $2.00.  I also had Cousin
Ilse drop by the station to inquire if they had received the report (she
had nothing better to do anyway!).

USA, KJES, Vado New Mexico, 11714.8, f/d "Sunset at KJES" letter in 24
days for US $1.00 and English report via 1st Class Mail.

Always nice to see some mail from Austria, and the wintry scene in that
picture on their letter took me back to some funny misadventures in
Salzburg in recent years.  One of the better beers in the world, Stiegl,
comes from Salzburg.  I remember the old days, when Radio Austria used
to actually have a QSL card.  What one gets now is a letter with a
"card" printed on the back, showing dashed lines and a scissors where
one is supposed to cut it off.  Budget cutbacks have forced this and
much worse cuts worldwide.

The KJES letter would have made a beautiful card!  The picture on the
letter is really almost a prize-winner.  I hope they someday manage to
get this on an actual card, as the paper printing does not do justice to
the beauty of it.

I have sent follow-ups to over 50 (!) stations via registered airmail in
the past two months, for reports as old as 15 months from my times in
Afghanistan.  This morning, I received an email from Abu Tabib Md. Zia
Hasan, the Senior Engineer for Bangladesh Betar (, saying
that they would be sending the QSL very soon, but that they never
received the original report.  Of course, this does not explain two
previous reports to this email address which went unanswered.  He says
to please note their correct mailing address (slight variation of WRTH
2011):  Senior Engineer, Research and Receiving Centre, Bangladesh
Betar, Shahbag, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

In tracing back all my missing QSLs, each and every one of them that
never got a reply, was sent via the US Army Post Office on Kandahar
Airfield.  This is not very encouraging.....  I'm not (yet) pointing
fingers, but after some more empirical data, I may lay a smoldering
letter in the inbox of the APO Inspector General.

The amazing thing for me is that the registered airmail letter to
Bangladesh was sent on the 20th of September, and the email was on the
28th of September.  Given handling and transport times, the letter took
about 7 days to reach its destination, which for me, at the price of
around $14.48, is a better deal than any courier service.  Hats off to
the USPS for this one!

Al Muick
Whitehall PA  USA


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 10:16:09 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [HCDX] Sept 28 Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"

** BRAZIL. 9564.87, Super R?dio Deus ? Amor, 0055-0110, usual
Portuguese  preacher. IDs at 0102. Some religious music. Weak with
adjacent channel  splatter. Very weak on // 9586.67. Fair on // 11765.02.
Sept 28. (Brian  Alexander, PA) 
** BRAZIL. 9645.38, Radio Bandeirantes, 0045-0100, Portuguese  talk.
Sound effects. Fair. Weak on // 11925.20. Sept 28. (Brian Alexander,  PA) 
** MADAGASCAR. 4910, Radio Madagasikara, 0216-0255, carrier +  USB.
tune-in to Afro-pop music. Malagasy talk. IS at 0226:40. Choral National  
Anthem at 0227. Malagasy talk at 0229. Lite instrumental music. Afro-pop  
music. Weak at tune-in. Improved to a fair level by 0238. Sept 28.
(Brian  Alexander, PA) 
** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 6925 USB, Red Mecury Labs, 0125-0150,
rock  music. IDs. Mentions of Captain Ron. DJ chatter. Email address as
_redmecurylabs@yahoo.com_ ( . Poor in  
thunderstorm static. Sept 28.
(Brian Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom  IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 08:41:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 28, 2011
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 28:
 7970, very poor at 1241
10300, fair at 1255, none in the 11s; poor with flutter at 1349
12600, poor at 1256
13920, poor-fair at 1256, none higher; at 1352 maybe still there under heavy 

** COSTA RICA. 5970, Sept 28 at 1240, poor and fading signal in strange 
language, which might mislead some to suspect an exotic Asian, but it`s just 
REE relay with M-F 1230-1300 Basque segment, // much stronger 11880 (Glenn 

** CUBA [and non]. 11730, Sept 28 at 1306, open carrier from RHC, SAH from 
something else underneath, only IRAN listed, in Pashto. 1322 next check RHC 
audio but undermodulated, much less than 11690, 11760 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** MEXICO. Sunrise DX Sept 28, UT; as the terminator moves relentlessly 
eastward as of 1200 UT, I am getting more Coahuilans than in previous weeks:

550, Sept 28 at 1214 UT, timecheck for 6:14 and mentions Sinaloa, which is on 
MDT; trouble is, no stations in that state on 550. The others in UT -6 are 
Nayarit and Chihuahua, so probably usual XEPL in Cuauht?moc, Chihuahua, altho 
there is also XETNC in Nayarit which is further but maybe more likely to 
mention Sinaloa, up the coast

800, Sept 28 at 1207 UT, again hearing extremely distorted talk audio, language 
unknown, in null of KQCV OKC; at the same time I am getting weak non-distorted 
Spanish, presumably XEROK, so must be something else, probably further east. In 
view of all the Coahuilans I am getting at this time, prime suspect is, per 
800 XEZR La Traviesa Zaragoza, Coah. 2,000 2,000
Would those closer to it please check its modulation. (I shall be astounded by 
any replies, as no one has replied to any of my other queries about Mexicans, 

830, Sept 28 at 1205 UT, mentions colonias (neighborhoods) de Torre?n, ``el 
noticiero de Radio Z?calo``, ``estado de Coahuila``. The only Coahuilan on 830 
is per Cant?:
830 XEIK La Norte?ita Piedras Negras, Coah. 5,000 D
quite a distance from Torre?n, up on la frontera; would it be relaying a 
Torre?n station? Searching Cant? site on Zocalo gets zero hits! But Google 
search on Radio Z?calo goes right to a group in Piedras Negras y Ciudad Acu?a, 
including this Norte?ita. R. Z?calo is the newscast at 06-14 and 18 hours local 
on it and five other stations.
No doubt dealing with events in the whole state if not beyond.

880, Sept 28 at 1203 UT, amid QRM, mentions ``ayuntamiento de G?mez Palacio``, 
therefore from adjacent city:
880 XETC 880 AM Torre?n, Coah. 10,000 1,000

900, Sept 28 at 1221 UT, ``Radio Vida`` ID, gobierno del estado [?cu?l?] PSA, 
adstring mentioning colonias, various addresses on carreteras away from town, 
but which? Only Mexican likely to propagate at this hour is the often heard:
900 XEDT La Reina Cd. Cuauhtemoc, Chih. 5,000 1,500
Once again I am not hearing the WRTH- and Cant?-listed name La Reina.

940, Sept 28 at 1200 UT, government PSA for CNDH = Comisi?n Nacional de 
Derechos Humanos, then mentions Saltillo, Estado de Coahuila; 1202 ID as XEYJ, 
Est?reo, ``la nueva era``, full ID by OM, and a YL interjects the English word 
``Stereo``. (This Y is pronounced ``ye``, one of three ambiguous letters in 
Spanish, V-W-Y). So:
940 XEYJ La YJ Mexicana M?lchor M?zquiz, Coah. 15,000 ? [night power unknown to 
(I always have an audible het on 940 around sunrise and later. XEQ in the DF is 
well-known to be off-frequency, but too late for it. A US station, spur, 
another Mexican, a birdie, or from local appliance?)

1010, Sept 28 at 1159 UT, talking about Partido Verde en Chiapas, full ID but 
only bits caught, such as ``La Poderosa``, ``5 mil watts``. There is no Chiapan 
on 1010, and Cant? shows the only one with that slogan is:
1010 XEVK La Poderosa Torre?n, Coah. 5,000 1,000

1040, Sept 28 at 1230 UT, full ID including Radio Vista, Guaymas, Once, FM 
station too. Yet another slogan for this one heard before?
1040 XEGYS La Primera + FM 90.1 Guaymas, Son. 5,000 250
I think it was ``Vista`` instead of Vida or Viva or Villa, but not positive.

Regarding my Sept 23 log on 600 of an unlisted ``XELN``, I now notice that 
Cant? has this call on 830, FWIW:
830 XELN La Caliente + FM 95.3 Linares, N.L. 3,000 250

** NIGERIA. 28 Sept, another check for VON on 19m: at 0518, JBA signal on 15120 
may or may not be it; nothing on 15200. SSOBs were RA on 15160 and 15240, and 
15580 VOA Botswana was fair, so if on, VON ought to have been audible too 

** U S A. 880, Sept 28 at 1219, English with URL for 
religious info, then amateur YL singing hymn in Navajo about Jesus Christ, 
banjo accompaniment. So KHAC AZ/NM. Website leads to ``Walk in the Word``, and 
in the extensive affiliate list is KHAC 880, supposedly at 8 am M-F. 

I am so sad to hear native Americans being plied with the white man`s religion, 
and even buying into it. Unfortunately, secular KTNN 660 must have a very 
effective null toward New York before sunrise, unheard. Its official sunrise in 
Sept is 1300 UT, which even now is about 40 minutes after SR here, but end of 
month offers best chance at propagation; in Oct it won`t be until 1315 UT. 
Sunrise niceties don`t prevent KHAC from being heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1460, Sept 28 at 0536, YL with long list of contest rules on ``1460 
KXNO`` mentioned several times, Clear Channel. Sounds like a parody, really. Is 
5 kW from Des Moines IA, listed as a Fox Sports affiliate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 05:52:40 +0200
From: "Arnaldo" <>
To: "playdx2003" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Nacional de Colombia rinde un merecido tributo
        al      radioteatro y la radionovela
Message-ID: <3F60189BBBA24356BA695AFC29112810@windowsv03oj4t>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

A partir del 12 de octubre los colombianos podr?n acudir a una interesante 
exposici?n que con im?genes y sonido busca dar cuenta de la historia del 
radioteatro, de su vigencia y de los cambios que este g?nero ha tenido a medida 
que la radio ha ido evolucionando. Contin?e leyendo esta nota en

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 105, Issue 29

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