Senate Committee on Appropriations says VOA radio and TV to China must continue

Posted on September 28th, 2011
by ted in All News, Blogosphere News, Breaking News, California News, China 
Congressional News, Country News, Government News, State News, US Government 
US News, Vermont News
Read 292 times.

The media freedom website BBG Watch reported that the Senate Committee on 
Appropriations has rejected the Broadcasting Board of Governors´ (BBG) proposal 
to end 
Voice of America (VOA) radio and TV broadcasts to China and criticized the BBG 
for the lack 
of transparency. The committee recommended $740,039,000 for U.S. international 
broadcasting operations, for the operating and engineering costs of VOA, Office 
of Cuba 
Broadcasting (OCB), which includes Radio and TV Marti, Radio Free Europe Radio 
(RFE/RL), Radio Free Asia (RFA), Middle East Broadcasting Networks (MBN), which 
includes Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa, and the BBG in FY2012. The Obama 
has asked for $754,261,000. The BBG´s FY2011 budget was $740,017,000. The BBG. 
manages these U.S. government-funded entities and broadcasting operations

In a highly critical language included in a report recommending the passage of 
the bill (S. 
1601) making FY2012 appropriations for the Department of State, the BBG and 
other foreign 
operations, the Senate Committee on Appropriations expressed concern with "the 
lack of 
transparency" regarding the BBG proposal.

The committee noted that in addition to ending VOA radio and TV to China, the 
BBG also 
wanted to reduce shortwave and medium wave transmissions to Russia, Iran, North 
Vietnam, and Iraq. The committee directed the BBG to notify the committee when 
broadcast hours are reduced or increased and when transmission platforms are 
The committee approved funding for the continuation of these broadcasts and 
including VOA radio and TV programs to China. The report was submitted by 
Senator Patrick 
Leahy (D-VT), chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign 

In an earlier action, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs also voted by 
consent to approve an amendment proposed by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) that 
prevent the BBG from ending VOA broadcasts to China. The vote represented an 
unprecendented full bipartisan rebuke to the BBG.

In describing his strategy of confronting Congress, the BBG chairman Walter 
Isaacson said 
in a recent interview with Congressional Quarterly that "these are battles I´m 
not afraid to 
have." That strategy, advocated by the BBG permanent executive staffers who 
advise the 
part-time Board, backfired. Having managed to terminate VOA radio and TV 
broadcasts to 
Russia despite strong opposition from Senator Leahy and other members of 
Congress, these 
executive staffers were confident they could do it again in the case of VOA 
broadcasts to 

This time they encountered a far stronger and better organized opposition from 
media freedom and human rights groups. In the interview, Isaacson also 
the position of his Congressional and other critics by implying that they are 
so focused on 
preserving shortwave radio broadcasts that they fail to understand the 
importance of social 
media. Most of the critics are supporters of new media technologies but 
advocate a multi-
media approach to program delivery, including satellite TV transmissions to 
China, which the 
BBG also wanted to eliminate. In a move that may signal a an attempt at damage 
control, the 
BBG has abolished the positions of some of its executives who were behind the 
decision to 
end VOA programs to China and reduce radio and TV transmissions to other 
without free media.

Before these Congressional actions, the BBG plan had been criticized by Chinese 
rights activists, Human Rights Watch, American civil rights activists, 
journalists, and Chinese 
American organizations.

Laogai Research Foundation, Chinese Coalition for Citizens´ Rights, Women´s 
Without Frontiers, Women´s Rights in China, Free Church for China, China Aid, 
Tibet House, 
Free Burma Alliance, The Chinese Chamber of Commerce in New York, Visual 
Artists Guild, 
Pasadena NAACP, National Committee Democratic Party of China, Alliance for Hong 
Chinese in the US, Human Rights for Workers, and Ethan Gutmann, Recipient 
Spirit Award, signed a petition to Congress to save VOA Chinese broadcasts.

Free Media Online, a media freedom nonprofit, worked with current and former 
employees and human rights activists to help launch BBG Watch website, which 
for restoring media freedom focus and good management in U.S. international 

Claims by BBG members and executives that almost no one in China listens to VOA 
radio on 
shortwave were denied by Chinese pro-democracy activists and derided by both 
and Republicans in Congress.

    The Committee does not include the funds requested for program 
However, the BBG may propose reallocations to fund these increases in the 
fiscal year 2012 
spend plan. While the Committee recognizes that VOA English language and 
programs are reaching audiences, particularly youth, via the Internet in the 
PRC, the 
Committee is concerned with the lack of clarity about the impact of the China 
restructuring proposal on all VOA radio and television programs broadcast to 
the PRC and 
Taiwan, and the lack of transparency of the ``optimize BBG transmission´´ 
proposal. The 
Committee does not support either proposal and includes funding for the 
continuation of 
these broadcasts and transmissions.Standard rig : ICOM R75 / 2x16 V / m@h40 
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Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
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Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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