** CANADA. 6305-, Oct 10 at 0507 rock music, soon to live DJ thanking us for 
reports; says he is having fun, mostly playing vinyl tonight, timecheck for 
0507 UTC and this time clear ID as ``Free Radio, Radio True North``. S9+5 with 
occasional lite SSB QRM; 0508 ``Thank God, I`m a Country Boy`` by Denver; 0511 
``The Keeper of the Stars``. 0515 outro Keeper as by Tracy Byrd; says song 
reminds him of his girlfriend. 

Meanwhile I had compared frequency to Cairo 9305 and found RTN slightly on the 
low side; but Cairo is a filthy blob. Also on low side compared to WWV 5000 BFO 
zeroing on YB-400. RTN carrier is also slightly unstable. 0516 TC as 0514 
approx. At one point I heard a brief echo of his voice a few sex later; messing 
with tape recording, brought up playback head? 

``If you live in Canada, it`s our Thanksgiving Day``, two hours or one and a 
half until Monday now. (RTN has been reported many times before as Canadian, 
and seems definitely near west coast, but this could be a deception; 
nevertheless, I am filing it under CANADA instead of non-committal North 

0517 Mamas & Papas, ``Monday2``, a favorite of DXers; record skips briefly 
lending credence to the vinyl claim. 0520 ``Against the Wind``, by Bob Seger. 
0524 ID again and approx. TC at 0523, thanks for reports, having lots of fun 
tonight, spinning a lot of vinyl which he loves to share. Then Peter 
Schilling`s ``Major Tom``. 0530 fading down if not out. Please QSL? To Glenn 
Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA or wghauser @ yahoo.com  Never heard 
RTN`s e-mail address.

Tnx also to Bryan Clark, NZ, who confirms my Oct 7 log as RTN when it was on 
6924.65 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 6190, Oct 10 at 0542, the usually very good signal from CRI English 
via Sackville now has a squeal around the edges. Another transmitter on the 
verge (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 10, big holiday in China, before 1300 a dozen:

17815, poor at 1252, first one heard today, unexpectedly right smack dab in the 
middle of the 16m band // 16980, vs what? All Aoki has on 17815, besides 
long-gone R. Cultura, Brasil, is CNR1 jamming at 11-12 only
16980, good at 1252
16700, very good at 1253, with flutter, like most of them
16100, very poor at 1254
14970, good at 1255
14700, very good at 1255
13920, very good at 1256
13130, very poor at 1256
12230, very good at 1257
11500, good at 1258
10300, very good at 1258
 7970, very good at 1259, FD cuts to M&W announcements in Chinese about 
1259:30, cut off at 1300* after 3 pips of timesignal

After 1330, eleven: [but see also TIBET [and non] 15443]
17170, good at 1330; none in the 16s
15900, good at 1330
15525, good at 1330, vs 15528 VOT het
15285, good at 1330, vs 15288 VOT het
14970, very good at 1330
14700, very good at 1331
13960, fair at 1332
13920, very good at 1332; none in the 12s
11500, fair at 1333
10300, good at 1333
 7970, good at 1333

** CYPRUS. 21840-21865, Oct 10 at 1249, OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, 
not far enough away from QRMed 21840 DW German via Portugal. 

Further confirming propagation on mostly vacant 23-25-MHz band: 
24585-24610, and 23775-23810, Oct 10 at 1348, more matching OTH radar pulses. 

** ETHIOPIA [non]. 15370, Oct 9 circa 1900, no signal detectable, so assume 
ESAT clandestine did not have an extra 1830-1930 broadcast this Sunday; cf 
previous report. Anyway daily at 1700-1800 via ??

15370 checked again Oct 10 at 1702, very poor signal with talk but can`t copy 
anything; much better tho only fair signal from 15300 RFI, which is certainly 
Issoudun, with Aoki and HFCC more or less agreeing it`s 500 kW at 155 plus 
another 500 kW at 190 or 195 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA. 4055, Oct 10 at 1155, R. Verdad hasn`t faded out yet, in 
non-Spanish language; intonation sounds rather like Korean, but maybe the local 
vernacular. Could even be Korean as has been multi-lingual including Japanese 

** GUIANA FRENCH. 9735, Oct 10 at 0537, hum and unstable carrier at S+5. 
Strongly suspect Montsinéry has left the exciter on after finishing Voz de 
Rusia until 0500 with usual extremely strong signal, but not so spurry this 
time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 21670, Oct 10 at 1248, very poor signal, first time heard here, but // 
17560, i.e. VIRI Malay service (``Melau`` in HFCC), 500 kW, 115 degrees from 
Sirjan on 21670 at 1230-1327. Tnx to Terry Krueger, FL tip (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** KIRITIMATI. 28485-USB, Oct 9 at 2112, T32C contest working N`s, a ZP5, etc., 
saying ``up five``. At first final fonetik sounded like Johnny instead of 
Charlie. I was just random tuning, not chasing what turned out to be a 
DXpedition to a rare country, per QRZ.com:

Kiritimati DXpedition C/o Neville Cheadle G3NUG
Lower Withers Barns
Middleton on the Hill, LEOMINSTER, HR6 0HY

Lookups: 113045
Email: (Ham members only) QSL: G3NUG

The FSDXA DXpedition to Kiritimati (Christmas Island) will take place in 
September-October 2011. There is a huge amount of detail on our web site 
http://www.t32c.com  This has been developed FOR YOU.
- When to work us
- How to work us
- How to QSL.
So please visit our website. Thanks`` Continues until 26 October.

BTW, most of the 10m hamband continues to be unoccupied even when propagation 
obviously opens it. Virtually nothing ever to be heard 28.5 to 29.7 MHz; yes, I 
know, there are some HF repeaters at the upper end, but haven`t even heard them 
lately. Perhaps the hams risk losing 1.2 MHz to another service which would 
axually use the spectrum? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT [and non]. 17840, Oct 10 at 1243, YL vocal pop music with heavy beat, 
1245 another YL with Arabic akhbar headlines punxuated by one-or-two-note 
stingers every few sex, 1246 already back to music; good S9+10 signal not often 
audible, but the bands from the ME are really hopping today. It`s R. Sawa, 250 
kW, 285 degrees from Kuwait at 11-13. R. Kuwait itself was also the SSOB on 
21540, second being Sa`udi on 21505. Meanwhile USIB continues to entertain 
Arabs rather than inform, having abolished VOA`s formerly respected Arabic 
service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALAYSIA. 6050, Oct 10 at 1153, no audible het with HCJB Spanish, instead a 
fast SAH, so RTM must be back on 6050+ instead of 6049.5v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** MEXICO. Trying some MW DX other than pre-sunrise, Oct 10 at 0550-0602 UT, I 
am tuning around for Mexican National Anthems, but none lead to IDs:
760, at 0558 UT Oct 10, choral NA
810, at 0602 UT Oct 10, choral NA
920, at 0550 UT Oct 10, orchestral NA, but too much CCI; ends at 0553 with ID = 
sign off? by super-hype voice actor, but can`t copy it

Pre/sunrise DX Oct 10, UT:

680, Oct 10 at 1216 UT, PSAs, mentions Guasave, noticiero, ``en punto 6:17``, 
YL with news of Huracán Jova. Cantú shows:
680 XEORO La Mera Jefa + FM 93.7 Guasave, Sin. 1,000 500
Later in the hour, KNBR was dominant with sports unlike Sundays 

770, Oct 10 at 1233 UT, gobierno federal PSA crediting the unnamed president 
for progress, ``40 Principales`` promo, Los Mochis ID for XH--- 104.3, 6:35 
770 XEREV Los 40 Principales + FM 104.3 Los Mochis, Sin. 5,000 100

900, Oct 10 at 1225 UT, ad for Vancouver Travel by YL speaking *German* in 
strange accent, presumably Low, for the Mennonites, back to Spanish for Radio 
Vida promo, PSA for Cámara de Senadores, 1226 un programa de la Suprema Corte 
de Justicia. 

Yes there is a travel agency by that name in Cuauhtémoc! But search sites are 
loathe to link to its own website, if any. IIRC there are also Mennonites in 
BC, so maybe this is a very specialized agency; I guess flying machines are 
Once again, the R. Vida slogan is heard, not La Reina as in Cantú:
900 XEDT La Reina Cd. Cuauhtémoc, Chih. 5,000 1,500

1100, Oct 10 at 1159 UT, self-promotion by ``Radio Cañón, líder en 
publicidad``, phone starting with 95-, singing ID and music. Cantú:
1100 XETGO Radio Cañón Tlaltenango, Zac. 5,000 400
Nice to get something deeper and easter than the usual NW ones now, a Zacatecan 
(Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 15120, Oct 10 at 0452, VON is the OSOB at S9+10 with drumming, etc. 
IS (or prélude); hum not too bad today, but higher-pitched whine. 0500 recheck 
has already faded to S6-S9 and now very undermodulated; can barely hear YL ID, 
0500 timecheck, introducing news. By 0541 recheck, carrier is JBA, but 
Australia and Botswana are now BA on 19m (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** OKLAHOMA. 780, Oct 10 at 0557 UT, KSPI Stillwater carrier is still on 
all-night, evidenced by groundwave DF and the fast SAH it makes with WBBM. Many 
others could log the 250-watt ``daytimer`` by this method. I should try to 
count the Hz offset (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. 17850, Sunday Oct 9 at 2055-2055, REE`s `Mundofonías` featured 
fados, especially appreciated since even when Portugal had SW it turned off the 
transmitters during their fado show. Via COSTA RICA.

BTW, tnx to my complaint and Carlos Gonçalves` forwarding, RDPI has finally 
corrected the program schedule time conversion on website with less than a 
month left of DST (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TIBET [and non]. 15443, Chinese talk, poor at 1325, vs het on 15445. I 
suspect the latter is Firedrake or CNR1 jamming with the split frequency being 
V. of Tibet. Closest in today`s Aoki is 15442 (maybe that was it, did not 
measure), VOT in Chinese via TAJIKISTAN but at 1300-1312. 15443 cut off in 
mid-word at 1327:30* while 15445 carrier continued (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** TURKEY. Got a nice bright white cap with bill in the mail from TRT; in the 
left front quadrant (from the wearer`s POV), TRT logo in red diamond with blue 
border on left, green border on right (as seen from an outside POV). Adjustable 
strap on back says www.trt-world.com. 

No other enclosure, but must have been my prize for answering a Question of the 
Month correctly and being drawn. Envelope bore no postage but penned 5.85 as 
the amount which should have been paid. Partially illegible rubber 
stamp/postmark for 26.09 or 28.09. Perhaps as a government agency, TRT does not 
have to bother with postage stamps. I am wearing it as I type this; not a 
summer item as I don`t want to sweat-stain it. Thank you very much! (Glenn 

** U S A. 770, Oct 10 at 1220 UT, KKOB ID in passing during news, making SAH 
with Spanish music, maybe one logged later from MEXICO, q.v. When I hear KKOB 
before its sunrise switch to non-direxional from Albuquerque, I suspect it`s 
really the 230-watt night-only non-direxional co-channel repeater in Santa Fe, 
but hard to be certain as some signal may still leak out from 50 kW in the 
North Valley despite null toward WABC and close to us. FCC still qualifies SF 
as ``experimental synchronous operation``. October SR/SS times are 1315 and 
0030 UT between which only the 50 kW ABQ should be on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [and non]. 15190, Oct 9 at 2225 check, WYFR Portuguese talking about 
tribulação; lite het presumably from off-frequency R. Inconfidência, BRAZIL. 
Just in case anyone forgot, WYFR is still here at +2200-0045* in Portuguese, 
sometimes with English elements. We keep seeing occasional reports of R. 
Africa, Equatorial Guinea on 15190 without any definite ID, which was last 
certainly heard in April or May (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7555, Oct 10 at 0459, WEWN is on again with Regina Cœeli IS; believe 
I forgot to log that it was missing again 23+ hours earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

UNIDENTIFIED. 530+, Oct 10 at 0605 UT, R. Enciclopedia, Cuba, music is marred 
by tooting sounds every few sex irregularly on the upper side, different notes 
from one time to the next; briefly suspected it was a defect on Cuban 
transmitter, but still hearing it at 1158 after Cuba is gone. Very strange 

UNIDENTIFIED. 1210, Oct 10 at 1230, KGYN OK has a low/het rumble from something 
in Spanish, first time noted that. Don`t necessarily blame a Mexican, with 
super-lax standards unenforced by the FCC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

UNIDENTIFIED. 25330-25480, and weaker 25580-25650 CODAR pulses, Oct 10 at 1350, 
along with OTH Radar below 25 MHz, see CYPRUS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

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