** ALBANIA. R. Tirana SW B-11 effective 30 Oct 2011 to 24 March 2012:
07390 0800 1000 18SE,27,28         SHI  100   0 1234567 ALBANIAN 
13640 1530 1600 7,8,9,27           SHI  100 310  234567 ENGLISH 
06000 1800 1830 27,28,37NE,38N,39N SHI  100   0  234567 ITALIAN 
07465 1830 1900 27,28              SHI  100 310  234567 FRENCH 
07465 2031 2100 27,28              SHI  100 310  234567 GERMAN 
07530 2100 2130 27,28              SHI  100 300  234567 ENGLISH
07425 0000 0100 7,8,9              SHI  100 310 1234567 ALBANIAN 
(As notified to HFCC 27 Oct by Drita Çiço, R. Tirana monitoring, DX LISTENING 

I have urged R. Tirana to put the now only English broadcast to North America 
in the evening instead of the morning, such as immediately before or after the 
Albanian hour at 00-01 on 7425 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BULGARIA. 15600, Oct 30 at 1436, some distorted Slavic talk, Bulgarian? vs 
dirty spur from 15610 WEWN, q.v. under USA. RB is scheduled here at 14-15 only, 
registered woodenly also on 15700, but nothing there nor on own schedule (Glenn 

** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 30, before 0030, i.e. 8:30 am in ChiComland:
16980, fair at 0026
16100, fair at 0026
15900, good at 0026 with heavy flutter at 0026
14700, fair at 0028; none 10-13 or 17-19 MHz

Circa 1330:
10300, good with heavy flutter at 1328
11500, equal to 10300 at 1328
13970, poor at 1334; none in the 12s
14700, very good at 1334

After 1430:
15770, very good with flutter at 1435

Non-FD jamming: 15375, Oct 30 at 1339, something in Chinese with noise jamming; 
IBB via Tajikistan now scheduled 12-14, 250 kW, 110 degrees from Dushanbe to 
CIRAF 42 and 43W, i.e. Tibet so VOA or RFA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 
DIGEST) See also ROMANIA: 15280

** CHINA [non]. CRI English via CANADA has made usual seasonal changes, Oct 30. 
No longer anything on 9650 during the 13-14 hour. At 1338 on 15230, way over 
resumed collision with RHC. At 1406, open carrier on 15230 maybe still 
Sackville, over maybe Cuba but also tone heard. CRI supposed to be on 13675 at 
14-15, and maybe it was, but at 1505-1508+ 13675 is still on with looping RCI 
IS & IDs in English and French. Remember when Austria used to be relayed there? 
Nothing scheduled now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CROATIA [non]. 7375, Oct 30 at 0535, VG signal with song in Spanish, what 
else but Croatian Radio via Wertachtal, GERMANY? Now running one hour later due 
to standard time in Europe, but NOT YET in target North America. Who cares 
about the clox and convenience of the listeners? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CUBA [and non]. It`s the first day of B-11, Oct 30, and both the DentroCuban 
Jamming Command and R. Martí/Greenville are confused, but astute listeners may 
temporarily hear RM without jamming!

5745, Oct 30 at 1323, there`s RM with fair signal on a B-11-only frequency, and 
NO jamming. This should not come as a surprise as HFCC was available a week in 
advance, and RM always uses this in the B seasons. Now scheduled 11-14; and 
WWRB at 22-04, but probably wooden; WYFR has wisely (?) skipped using it this 
season at any time, since once the DCJC discovers it, jamming will extend 
beyond the RM hours.

9805, Oct 30 at 1327, heavy jamming against nothing, as RM does not use this 
frequency at all in B-seasons.

11845, Oct 30 at 1330, jamming, but no Martí, another A-season-only frequency.

11930, Oct 30 at 1330, RM with talk about Pablo Neruda, ``Arte de Pájaros``, NO 
jamming. RM uses 11930 in both seasons, but in B-11 starts an hour earlier, 
13-22, instead of 14-24 in A-11. More below.

13820, Oct 30 at 1333 jamming and no RM audible. Now scheduled 14-22 instead of 
13-20. More below:

15330, Oct 30 at 1407, R. Martí reactivated on this B-season-only frequency, 
but it`s music fill, lost feed from Miami, played from Greenville? No 
announcements, no jamming. 1407 same music cuts on 13820 vs jamming, then back 
off. 1408 check, same music vs jamming on 11930. At 1428 on 15330, fill music 
cuts to R. Martí programming in progress, neat parody of Cuban broadcasting 
mentioning ``etecsa.biz``, ha ha, and a faux clip of R. Reloj complete with 
time tix, promoting `Interferencia` show on RM 1180 & OC, Sat & Sun 2 & 10 pm 
[EDT/EST], plus `Las Noticias Como Son` [another play on words], L-V 8 pm & 
midnite. Past 1500, 15330 still VG, no jamming, as the DCJC hasn`t caught on 
that it`s B-11 already and the RM schedule has made its entirely predictable 

BTW, tuning around Sunday morning, RHC is still on all its usual A-11 channels. 
Maybe in a week Arnie will have decided what changes to make there (Glenn 
Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CHINA [and non]

** FRANCE [and non]. 21690, Oct 30 at 1348, RFI in French with musical 
background. Usage of this frequency much expanded for B-11, via GUF at 
1000-1330 and 1700-2000; via Issoudun at 08-10, 1330-1600, per HFCC (Glenn 

** GERMANY. 15470, Oct 30 at 1437, religion in English, song. This will not be 
helpful to LRA36 whenever it appear on 15476. HFCC B-11 had double conflicting 
registrations on 15470: 13-15 daily, YFR in Bengali via Nauen, but Sundays only 
14-15 some other MBR client via Wertachtal, plus Saturdays only 1430-1500. So 
what was this, really? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. 9855, Oct 30 at 0522, rap music, soon to English discussion 
of refugees, interview with a London nightclub singer who is exploring her 
semi-Egyptian roots. Surely not BBC. No, it`s DW with a legacy English 
broadcast to Africa on new B-11 schedule, and then found // on 9810 and 9800!

HFCC shows all three are Kigali, RWANDA, 210, 295 and 0 degrees from lowest to 
highest. 9800 goes to Portuguese at 0530 but the other two continue in English 
until 0557 or 0600. However, at 0545 recheck, 9810 and 9855 both went to dead 
air, carriers continuing. Not surprisingly, the one at 295 degrees, 9810, is 
strongest here.

Furthermore, 9855 is bad news for V. of Russia`s other frequency for English to 
WNAm, from Vladivostok, again scheduled this B-season at 04-06, 250 kW, 50 
degrees; see also RUSSIA where // 9840 is colliding with another Russian.

21550, Oct 30 at 1347, Hausa mentioning Somalia, Nigeria, new frequency for DW 
via Rwanda at 13-14, ex-21780 in A-11, but why? There`s no reason to switch 
between these two except change for the sake of change (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** GREECE [and non]. 9420, I was listening to VOG music Oct 29 when at 2125 
some CCI started; is that when Iran came on the air? Anyhow, now in B-11 Iran 
is gone from 9420 per HFCC, and the only QRM to Greece should be CRI English 
via EAST TURKISTAN at 01-02 and CNR from LIN site at 1100-1805; Greece still 
registered 24 hours on 9420, but really curtailed to v16-04 only (Glenn Hauser, 

** INDIA. 9425, Oct 30 at 1416 open carrier with flutter, surely AIR National 
Channel via Bengaluru as always, but where`s the modulation? HFCC B-11 as of 
Oct 28 still lacks ANY registrations from India! Alokesh Gupta says AIR waits 
until the last minute to enter them. Consult Aoki A-11 final(?) edition dated 
Oct 29 at 0200 which is still useful in such cases:

** ISRAEL. 9235, Oct 30 at 0032, poor signal in rock music, no doubt Galei 
Zahal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ITALY [non]. 15190, Sunday Oct 30, not Equatorial Guinea! But IRRS on new 
frequency 13-14, ex-15610 (which is now occupied by WEWN on an hour earlier 
than in A-11). But it`s not Brother Scare --- instead Dan Roberts` so-called 
`Shortwave Report`, at 1336 giving times to listen in PDT, introducing clip of 
R. Japan. Still going at 1349 with clip of Ed Newman on RHC, `Editorial Desk`, 
stale item about Libya while Sirte was still in play; 1351 sounds like 
long/short path echo on 15190. 1353 Dan starts to outro RHC but modulation cut 
off, and stays open carrier until 1357:55 two brief tones, more OC, 1358 to RRI 
IS, 1400 opening RRI Chinese, somewhat distorted and cut off the air at 
1400:17*. That`s supposed to be on 11825 and 9660, oops!

Well, that resolves any remaining doubt that IRRS is using transmitter in 
Romania. It seems they have an extra, normally as standby? WRTH 2011 says 3 x 
300 kW at Tiganeshti, 2 x 300 at Galbeni, but RRI`s own broadcasts are never 
scheduled on more than 4 frequencies at once. And then there is the 100 kW at 
Saftica, never on RRI`s own schedules any more, and nowhere in HFCC B-11. Maybe 
that`s the one IRRS is using at a discount, as its signals never measure up to 
RRI`s own strength.

As for the `Shortwave Report` being heard on SW itself, I assume that is 
another foulup between IRRS and Romania, intended to continue with Brother 
Scare. The clips on that show are so clear and steady that we don`t believe 
they are really recorded off SW instead of webcasts, and thus the very name of 
the program is a sham. His intro does now say ``as heard on shortwave and the 
internet in northern California``. To be sure, need to listen the show on web 
itself, and note absence of selective fading distortion, or any QRM on any of 
the clips as I skipped thru the 10/28 mp3 file. That`s fine for broadcast 
quality, but it`s *not* shortwave! He has also been stuck in a rut of using the 
same four or five stations every week for years. And may we safely assume this 
Dan Roberts is not the same one busted in San Francisco by FCC this month for 
``operating`` Pirate Cat Radio, on FM?

Meanwhile, I was also monitoring RRI itself; see ROMANIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** JAPAN [non]. 9770, Oct 30 at 0527, R. Japan mailbag in English, via FRANCE, 
ex-11970; 0529 NHK sign-off giving frequencies only for next English broadcast 
at 1000, on 9605, 9840, 9625, despite totally different targets for that and 
not likely to be of much use to Africans listening now on 9770 (Glenn Hauser, 

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11530, Oct 30 at 1412, Kurdish music, fair with flutter, as 
V. of Mesopotamia from the PKK ``terrorists`` is still scheduled and audible 
via UKRAINE, at 05-15 per HFCC, the only one ever on 11530; let`s hope the 
unlisted Chinese radio war does not erupt here too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** KUWAIT. 21540, Oct 30 at 1346, hello, it`s B-11 but R. Kuwait is still here 
in Arabic atop Spain in Spanish, also 1431 with Qur`anish singing. B-11 HFCC as 
of Oct 28 no longer has Kuwait on 21540, but not on previously tentatively 
planned 25725 either, shux. I bet it would have propagated at times and would 
have been a good experiment. 

(The only 11m listings in HFCC now are for low-power groundwave DRMs in Europe. 
Rwanda 25740 DRM is not listed either as someone recently DXed it, but was 
missing from A-11 too.) 

It looks like 21520 is the listed replacement for Kuwait at the same 11m hours, 
0105-1500, but unheard yet. That is in fact the only 13m channel for MOI now, 
so we may hope 21540 will move there when they get around to it. 

As for English at 1800, on Oct 29, 15540 reception was too poor to tell, but at 
2055 could JBA make out a reassuring rock beat (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** NEW ZEALAND. 5950, Oct 30 at 1321, RNZI back here for B-11 ex-6170 in A-11, 
fair with news about Australia, Fiji. Now scheduled 1300-1550 in AM, while the 
DRM transmitter takes a break (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1600, Oct 29 around 2050, seems like Cushing`s KUSH is open 
carrier, only, but at least a carrier instead of nothing (Glenn Hauser, Enid, 

** OKLAHOMA. RF 51, KSBI OKC, Oct 30 at 0400 UT, ID slide I happened to see 
prior to Count Gregor`s horror movie, also showed two translators below the 
`52` logo --- one of which was K45EJ Enid. This translator has been off the air 
for years! Analog was gone long before it might have transitioned to digital as 
planned on same channel, and hope it stays off, since we have full-power DTV 
from Wichita and Tulsa on 45 which sometimes make it thru. Could it be in OKC 
they don`t even know K45EJ is dead? Hardly needed in Enid, as if we can get any 
of the OKC UHFs OTA, we can also get KSBI direct (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX 

** ROMANIA [and non]. 7210, Oct 30 at 0531, collision between a station with 
soft vocal music and one in Russian. HFCC shows a three-way among VOR via 
Moscow site, language? Also RRI in Russian, and CRI in Arabic via Albania. 

7220, Oct 30 at 0536, RRI also here, in Romanian with ID for RRI and 
Actualitatsi, which is HS program 1, scheduled 05-06, 300 kW, 285 degrees from 
Galbeni, also colliding with listed but unheard CRI English via Albania, 150 
kW, 140 degrees.

While getting IRRS on new 15190, see ITALY [non], found RRI`s own 
transmissions: Oct 30 at 1343 15460 // stronger 17530 in strangely-accented 
German reminiscing about WWII, as DW is incapable of doing, having deleted all 
its German SW broadcasts; at 1345, 17820 RRI in Romanian with equal signal to 
17530, // weaker 15170; still at 1410, 1431, very good on 17820.

15280, Oct 30 at 1502, in Arabic plugging WRN, as RRI frequently does for 
webcasts, ondemand audio. This has strange QRM of noise/whine on both sides, 
which can be pinpointed with BFO on 15275, 15285. Nothing else is scheduled on 
any of these now in HFCC. Possibly something to do with V. of Tibet via 
Tajikistan, which Aoki A-11 had on 15277, 15283 shortly after 1300. Possibly 
defective Egyptian and Saudi transmitters are also on 15285 at more divergent 
times (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 9840, it must be B-11, since R. Rossii is again colliding with VOR 
English to NAm, as in several previous B-seasons, Oct 30 at 0521. I am hearing 
Russian, English and mix with classical music from one of them. Current HFCC 
shows total collision daily at 04-07:
9840 0400 0700 27,28,37 MSK  250 260 301011 240312 D RUS RRS GFC  5050 
9840 0400 0700 1,2,6    P.K  250 70  301011 240312 D RUS VOR GFC  5051 
Yeah, right, one is for Europe and the other for WNAm, so no problem, right? 
Not if you are in C or E NAm. Russkies vs Russkies! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 
LISTENING DIGEST) see also GERMANY [non] on 9855

** SERBIA [non]. 9685, UT Sunday Oct 30 at 0030, VG signal in Serbian, as IRS 
via BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA is still running on A-11 schedule. Then it moves the NAm 
broadcasts to 6190 on this schedule:

0100-0130 SERBIAN (Except Sunday)       7e,8 27     ECNAm/WEu 6190 250
0130-0200 ENGLISH (Except Sun and Mon)  7e,8 27     ECNAm/WEu 6190 250
0100-0200 SERBIAN (spec.) (Sunday only) 7e,8 27     ECNAm/WEu 6190 250
0130-0230 SERBIAN (spec.) (Monday only) 7e,8 27     ECNAm/WEu 6190 250
0200-0230 SERBIAN (spec.) (Tue-Sat)     7e,8 27     ECNAm/WEu 6190 250

via Peter Hansen, Bethpage NY, Oct 26, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1588. You 
won`t find it in HFCC, where IRS still refuses to participate. Look for English 
to appear also at 0200 sometimes, as it did unscheduled at 0100 in A-11 (Glenn 

** SPAIN [and non]. 15585, Sunday Oct 30 at 1340, `Amigos de la Onda Corta`, 
REE`s media if not DX program is in progress giving mailing address on poor 
signal; a bit later on much better // 17595, and also 21610 with monthly 
propagation forecast. So the show has again shifted one UT hour later for 
B-season to 1332 Sundays, despite conflict with RHC`s Spanish DX program, `En 
Contacto` which has stayed at 1335 (really starting at 1337 this week) on 15120 
and several other RHC frequencies. I also heard AdlOC UT Saturday around 0520 
on REE frequencies, but that was in A-11 before time and frequency changes, and 
it may not necessarily be at 0605 henceforth unless confirmed (Glenn Hauser, 

** TURKEY [and non]. 9700, Oct 30 at 0524, this is the new TRT frequency 
ex-11980 for good Turkish music, now scheduled 05-07; while Bulgaria is making 
much less use of 9700, now registered only 1600/1900 from Plovdiv; unless they 
revive Kostinbrod DRM which is tentatively registered all the way from 1900 to 
0500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 11700, Sunday Oct 30 at 1329, jazz // better 7575 but not 
synchronized, i.e. `Jazz America` from VOA as scheduled Sat & Sun 13-14. 11700 
is now THAILAND, 250 kW at 30 degrees USward, 13-14 weekends only in addition 
to same 12-13 daily; 7575 is Tinang, PHILIPPINES at 13-14 also Sat & Sun only, 
250 kW, 332 degrees. Rest of IBB 7575 schedule in B-11 is: 12-13 daily via Sri 
Lanka, 49 degrees, 14-15 M-F & 15-16 daily via Thailand, 280 degrees (Glenn 

** U S A. 9370-, UT Sun Oct 30 at 0031, WTJC is in Chinese, always causing a 
bit of a double-take, as it`s still missing from their own program schedule at 
Has remained in whack lately without the distorted spurs, but modulation not up 
to par (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1588 monitoring: on WTWW 5755, confirmed UT Sunday Oct 
30 0400 via webcast. We expect this to change from 0400 to 0500 UT in two 
weeks. Another airing this weekend: WBCQ Area 51 5110v-CUSB, UT Monday 0300v, 
to change in one week to 0400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15610, Oct 30 at 1340, WEWN English is now on here in B-11 from 1200, 
two hours earlier than in A-11, replacing IRRS via ROMANIA; see ITALY [non]. 
WEWN brings along with it the dirty, squishy spurs plus/minus 9 kHz, beating 
against open carrier on 15600, presumably kilowasting kilowatts BULGARIA, now 
registered in Bulgarian at 14-15 on both 15600 and 15700, but nothing on 15700 

** U S A. 15825, Oct 30 at 1435 past 1500, WWCR with screaming preacher, and 
music at same time, extremely distorted and splattering. If the programming is 
coming in like this, it should be rejected as not of broadcast quality. If it`s 
going out like this, just another ho-hum day at WWCR engineering. Probably both 

** U S A. 21600, Oct 30 at 1409, fair signal with gospel huxter in English, new 
frequency for WHRI registered 14-15 daily but maybe not; other 13m listed is 
21630 daily 16-20, daily except Sundays 15-16, but probably not to full extent. 
By 1431, 21600 had swelled to enough signal to splatter upon Spain 21610 (Glenn 

** U S A [non]. 7525, Oct 30 at 1425, very good signal in Chinese, in fact the 
second strongest station on band after nearby 7490 WWCR. Also has weak CCI 
under 7525. HFCC shows it`s now IBB, 250 kW, 21 degrees USward via Tinang, 
PHILIPPINES, i.e. VOA or RFA,  so it must be jammed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** VATICAN [and non]. 9645, Oct 30 at 0525, goodbye to Scandinavian languages 
here from VR via SMG; instead, Arabic, 0526 ID ``Huna idha`at al-Vatikan``, and 
natch, ``Laudetur Jesus Christus``, 0527 IS, which was found to be // and 
synchronized with weaker 9660. Meanwhile 9645 had persistent het from always 
off-frequency R. Bandeirantes, Brasil. 9645 is now registered for VR in Arabic 
all the way from 05 to 06 daily at 114 degrees; while 9660 is transitioning 
from English to Portuguese for Africa, 175 degrees.

7250, VR gone from here at 0537 Oct 30, no longer abutting BBC Ascension 7255 
nor Mauritania 7245, the latter not yet on anyway. However, the BBC was taking 
up Catholic hotpoints, discussing how hard it is to get contraceptives in 
Africa, while Coca Cola is everywhere [maybe if you overdose on it, will 
discourage conception?]. 

In A-11 on 7250, VR had English at 0500, Latin Mass at 0530, but in B-11 
scheduled to start at *0540 French, guess what, via the 10 kW transmitter in 
Vatican Garden itself, 0600 English, at 340 degrees favoring NAm; switching at 
0630 to 250 kW Santa Maria di Galeria in Latin aimed 4 degrees. I might have 
detected the 10 kW had I listened a bit longer; also scheduled on 7250 at 
1730-2030, nowhere and nowhen else. However, on Oct 30 at 1740, Kai Ludwig in 
Germany found the 10 kW still on 4005, not 7250 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

UNIDENTIFIED. Re: ``6942, approx. center of strange tones"
I have heard these many times in St. Paul, MN. Usually it sounds like the old 
"pong" video game system. According to Andrew Yoder, it is some sort of 
military exercise. It certainly is weird. 73, (Jim Morse, primetimeshortwave yg 
via DXLD)

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