Last weekend I put up the Wellbrook ALA1530 antenna in a backyard tree tying it 
off in 3 branches to hold it in place at 40 degrees about 10 feet off the 
ground. Not as high as I wanted, but it was nearly impossible to get it higher. 
Since the weather was nice, I figured I'd put it up semi-permanently and test 
it against the T2FD through the Winter DX season (mainly for EuroPirate's 
hoping it would bring in enough signal with quieter reception). During this 
first week, it was quite respectable but signal levels just a little below that 
with the T2FD. Noise levels didn't seem to be improved at all. So I was a bit 
disappointed. This morning conditions appeared rather poor around 1100; not a 
PNG to be found and 120mb Aussies barely coming in. But by 1210 recheck, the 
60mb was jumping with Chinese and Indians. I tried the Wellbrook and found 
signals stunning and better than with the T2FD!! I quickly set up the Perseus 
and recorded 4700-5100 from 1220-1235. Fortunately I got ther!
 e just before signals started fading. It was reminiscent of the 70's when the 
Chinese stations filled the area between 6500-7000. The T2FD is actually 'cut' 
for 60 meters and is in the same general orientation, so I'm at a loss as to 
why signals were better with the Wellbrook. Maybe it had something to do with 
the arrival angle. I'll have to continue comparing reception of the antenna's 
on Asian reception. Anyway I'm glad I didn't miss it. (24 Nov.)

BANGLADESH 4750 Bangladesh Betar 1219 Beautiful sub-cont. flute mx at recording 
start. 1222-1227 M anncr w/W making comments in background. 1227 brief 
sub-cont. mx bridge, more comments by M, then W at 1228. Some seemingly 
deadair, then canned anmnt w/2 men followed by studio M anncr. Fading and 
couldn't copy any ID at BoH. (24 Nov.)

INDIA 4880 AIR Lucknow 1219 tlk by M in low level, then haunting sub-cont. 
flute mx w/M vcl and chorus started at 1220. M anncr again at 1227, the back to 
mx at 1228. Good signal for them, and clear. (24 Nov.)

INDIA 4970 AIR Shillong Signal popped on at 1224:14 and sub-cont. mx already in 
progress. Went off the air, but returned for good at 1224:30 w/continued mx. M 
anmnts at 1229. Sounded like W anncr after BoH, but just not strong enough to 
tell if it was the EG nx relay. Unfortunately was fading pretty quickly by 
1230. (24 Nov.)

Unbelievable Chinese and Indian reception on 60 meters again in the 1200-1230 
time period. Even better than Thursday!! Couldn't believe how strong Bangladesh 
was at 1210 on 4750. And 4975 Tajikistan was clear as a bell. (26 Nov.)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3315 R. Manus 1135 fair strength but audio seemed weak. Mx pgm 
w/W anncr. Hrd rapid-paced M anncr join in later after 1212. Sounded like soft 
Island mx around 1236. Peaked at that time. Still going at 1300. Nice to see 
this back on. Only other in 90mb noted were 3260 and 3205. (4 Dec.)

INDIA?? 4760 AIR Leh?? Been hearing a signal here peaking at the time of the 
other Indians. Really not strong enough to get an idea what it is though. Is 
Port Blair off and is this Leh?? (4 Dec.)

The Wellbrook continues to outperform the T2FD (slightly) on 60 meters. Decent 
conditions again this morning to China and the sub-continent. Shillong 4970 was 
about the best I've heard it. Caught AIR Lucknow with the IS around 1215. Is 
Makassar off the air?? Haven't seen a hint of a carrier there. (4 Dec.)

73 Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR and NRD-535D
Wellbrook ALA1530 and T2FD
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