BAHAMAS, ZNS Broadcasting Corp. of the Bahamas, 1540, date/freq. letter in 65 days for English airmail report and US $2.00, v/s. Deon Morris, Programming Manager, d(dot)morris(at)znsbahamas(dot)com . Station heard shortly after local midnight on October 4, battling it out between WDCD and smaller powered stations co-channel, but was able to null WDCD out somewhat with Palstar LA30 Loopstick, enough to get positive IDs and programming details. (It seems early morning call-in shows suck no matter where in the world they come from!) Station listed at 8kW!

CHINA (TIBET), Tibet People's Broadcasting Station (Holy Tibet), 6130, full data Mountain City card in 549 days for initial report in English via eMail and follow-up with English Report and machine-translated Chinese cover letter with three IRCs via registered airmail. QSL received in 78 days after follow-up. Station was heard at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan on June 6 2010. Very nice QSL card. V/s. illegible, but with station seal. No comment was given regarding the machine-translated simplified Chinese letter, so I can only imagine it must have been singularly atrocious.

NIGER, ORTH La Voix du Sahel, 9705, f/d logo/africa outline card in 80 days for 3 IRCs and French report via airmail. V/s. Brah Amadou, Chef du Service Technique de la Radio, who also sent along a nice personal note. He may be contacted at brahamadu(at)yahoo(dot)fr . I was thanked for the interested I showed in their transmission. This is quite a fast and friendly response from a station that I have been struggling to hear for years!

This was a good week for QSLs after last week's drought. I can't believe it's only three weeks until the end of 2011. Where did the time go?

I took delivery of a Wellbrook ALA1530P active loop antenna today, having received it from my beleaguered postman. I hope to install it tomorrow in the attic with the assistance of my grand nephew and should finally have some decent DX from here after the power line and associated local noise gets attenuated!


Al Muick
Whitehall PA USA

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