** BOTSWANA. 17715, Dec 13 at 1453, Amerenglish with heavy flutter on audio and 
frequency wobbling by Doppler. Scheduled as VOA at 14-15, 100 kW, 350 degrees, 
to shift to 10 degrees at 15-16 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. 9785, Dec 13 at 1501, `China Drive` is opening, underneath 
a stronger carrier with hum, but clear by 1503. VOA Chinese during the previous 
hour via Tinang, PHILIPPINES, q.v. was a bit slow to turn off the carrier, 
tsk2; also jammed per Aoki. CRI 9785 is Jinhua site at 264 degrees (Glenn 

** CUBA [and non]. 13640, Dec 12 at 1947 check, huge collision between roughly 
equal bigsigs from RHC and AIR, both broadcasting to Europe in French, as has 
been the case since Nov 7 frequency changes by RHC. Both are outlaw stations, 
refusing to participate in HFCC, so serves them right for not coördinating, but 
pity the poor listeners in Europe. I suspect the 500 kW, 300 degrees from 
Bangaluru have the advantage in Europe. Aoki claims the French segment from RHC 
at 1930-2000 is 100 kW, nondirexional, while Portuguese and Arabic after 2000 
are on 53 degrees. How much longer will this go on? Both stations are 
obstinate, and we know Arnie doesn`t ever want to admit he made a mistake. 
Reports, please, from Europe on how the mix is over there at 1930-2030 (Glenn 

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [non]. Cf previous report under SOUTH CAROLINA [non] --- 
15190, checking for any signal from R. Africa, at the times Brother Scare thinx 
he is on the air, to E Africa, Monday at ``3-4 pm``, probably meaning EDT or 
EST: no sign of it Monday Dec 12 at several chex, circa 1855, 1947, 2050, 2110 
UT. Only extremely weak carrier, probably Brasil at some points, or before 1930 
Philippines. Meanwhile, Ascension with YFR on 15195 at 20-22 had its usual good 
signal, with flutter, and it`s in the same neighborhood as Equatorial Guinea. 
If Brother Scare is really paying for airtime on ``R. Africa``, he`s wasting 
his money, or rather that of the suckers who support him (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** FRANCE [and non]. RFI strike situation check Dec 13:
 9765, Dec 13 at 0635, fair with news in English
17690, Dec 13 at 1417 via GUIANA FRENCH, Spanish with history of French space 
programme; also some ``generator hum``
17620, Dec 13 at 1419, French talk, not musique

Latest update from Mike Cooper Dec 12: ``Workers at RFI on Monday decided "to 
suspend and not to stop the strike" begun on November 28, according to a 
statement posted at RFIRiposte. "Other actions are being out in place. The 
mobilization of workers against the merger of RFI and France 24 is intact," the 
statement said. Monday morning, union officials delivered a letter to the 
office of Prime Minister Francois Fillon asking that he block the merger. 
"Today, the ball is in the court of the Prime Minister," unions said.

A French-language AFP story about RFI on Monday said that, even though
its worldwide audience has declined from 44 million in 2004 to 35.6
million in 2008, it is popular in France with 26 million listeners.
The AFP story added that as much as 80 percent of RFI's programming
has been replaced by music during the strike.``

See also Media Network story:

** KOREA NORTH. 9335, Dec 13 at 1359 open carrier from VOK, except the sound of 
N. Korean jamming is clearly heard, mixture at same Kujang transmitter site. 
That`s noise with an oscillating/pulsing sound added. 1400 VOK IS, French 
sign-on, anthem, with jamming still audible underneath (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11530, Dec 13 at 1410, fair signal from V. of Mesopotamia 
with Kurdish music via UKRAINE; by 1458 it had faded to JBA. Media Network had 
a story on the PKK Dec 8; we always have to point out that VOM is brought to us 
by the same `terrorists` who run Roj TV:

``The PKK is considered a terrorist group by Turkey, the US and the European 
Union. Its members are fighting for autonomy in Turkey’s southeast, a conflict 
that has killed tens of thousands of people since 1984. Roj TV has a Danish 
broadcasting license, but has no studios in Denmark.`` Read more from Today’s 

** MAURITANIA [and non]. 7245, Dec 13 at 0638, IGIM is on and chanting vs 
adjacent Vatican mass on 7250 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MONACO [non]. 5910, Dec 13 at 0644, TWR music-box IS, 0645 Polish. Cannot 
hear a het or anything from Alcaraván Radio, Colombia, which many nites at 
other times has the frequency to itself. HFCC has TWR on 5910 only at 
0645-0700, 100 kW, 55 degrees from Wertachtal, GERMANY. 

At 0650 checked 7225, same YL speaking, but not //. Finally figured out that 
7225 was running about 20 seconds ahead of 5910, so different playouts of same 
program? Separation became more obvious when music started at 0653. HFCC shows 
7225 is 100 kW, 300 degrees from Moosbrunn, AUSTRIA at 0644-0659. Are the 
registered times one minute apart trying to indicate that they are really 20+ 
seconds apart? In A-11 the lower channel was on 5915 and the higher on 7220, 
plus Czech at 0600-0615, both from `MCO` = Fontbonne, France, but not any more 

** OKLAHOMA. 91.7, Tuesday Dec 13 at 1430 UT as I turn on the breakfast table 
radio, quite by chance catch another monthly `The Living Room` show on KOSU, 
pre-empting the final semihour of NPR `Morning Edition`. Gerry Bonds is 
interviewing a Mideast expert from UCO in the first half, and Moslem/Christian 
women from Tulsa in the second half, who get together and enjoy each other`s 
company, Jews and agnostix also welcome. See our previous report on this in 
DXLD 11-45, when it was heard at same time Tuesday Nov 8 --- so seems to be 
scheduled on the second Tuesday of each month (plus a couple of earlier times) 

** PHILIPPINES. 9760, Dec 13 at 1500, where is VOA English news? Finally at 
1502, transmitter cuts on and off quickly multiple times during news, finally 
stays on, but undermodulated and with hum, as also heard last few days. No 
other carrier on frequency, so this Tinang unit is obviously ailing, presumably 
the #2 transmitter, 250 kW at 21 degrees USward, also used on 9555 in Korean at 
12-15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 9840, Dec 13 at 0634, poor signal from something, presumably R. 
Rossii, Moscow site, which was absent 24 hours earlier tho propagation was 
obviously funxioning from that same area on 9996. Still need to check before 
0600 on the collision with VOR English from Pet/Kam to WNAm also on 9840, as 
which one dominates from night to night varies greatly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** TAIWAN [non]. 6875, Dec 13 at 0640, RTI via WYFR still in German instead of 
Spanish, but explaining Chinese song lyrix and then playing the song; usual 
huge signal aimed Mexicoward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9330-CUSB, Dec 13 at 0635, not only no modulation, but no signal from 
WBCQ, despite Cairo-9305, Bulgaria-9400, BBC-9410 audible, and good signal from 
WTJC-9370. But at 0704 recheck, WBCQ is back on 9330 with GFRN, and stronger 
than 9370 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7295, Dec 13 at 0639, AM signal here not a broadcaster but a ham, 
with test counts, quick ID sounded like WB3TM or WB3TL but no hits for either 
on QRZ.com or ARRL.org. Please use fonetix? Algeria AM via France is currently 
on 7295 only at 05-06, to be extended to -07 from Feb 26 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

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