** CHINA. Firedrake search Dec 17: still nothing found, 7-19 MHz between 1350 
and 1359; and 19-7 MHz between 1455 and 1500. Propagation conditions are 
certainly subnormal, judging from generally weak signals, especially E Asia 
above 10 MHz. 

However, tnx to several (Leonard J Rooney in PA, Noel Green in UK, Chris Scarff 
in NE, Julie Murphy in NSW), who replied that they are still hearing some 
Firedrake at various times on previously known frequencies, but mostly in the 
09-12 UT period rather than my favorite morning monitoring time of 13-15. 

Except Julie Murphy in NSW who also logged FD Dec 16 before 1400 on 15900, 
16100, same time as I was checking those frequencies without results. Leonard 
Rooney also heard some before and after 00 UT Dec 15-16 on 13850, 11500. Their 
full reports will be integrated into the next DXLD 11-51 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** EGYPT. 15160, Dec 17 at 1458 past 1500, open carrier; at 1501 some 
modulation starts but it`s very distorted, on peaks only. Listed as R. Cairo in 
Ozbaki = Uzbek at 1500-1600, 250 kW, 61 degrees from Abis to CIRAF 30 = W Asia 
(often referred to as Central Asia, even tho it`s much closer to the Urals than 
to the middle of the continent around Mongolia) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** ISRAEL. 13850, Dec 17 at 1458, IBA IS weakly audible aside 13845 WWCR, so 
the Persian service at 1500-1630 is still here while // 15760 was to have 
switched to 9985, also too close to WWCR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 6135, Dec 17 at 1348, Shiokaze via JSR Tokyo/Yamata, 
JAPAN hasn`t jumped frequency yet, distinctive news sounder, tho poor signal, 
seems Korean language today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. 7245, Dec 17 at 0611, IGIM already on with chanting (Glenn 

** RUSSIA [and non]. 9670-9675-9680, Dec 17 at 1405, DRM noise also interfering 
with 9860 analog. It`s VOR at 13-18, 100 kW, 260 degrees from Moskva-Taldom 
site, the first two hours with double service in English and Russian, per Aoki. 
Strong enough to be a nuisance, not strong enough to decode here, I expect.

9680 bothered by the noise, but apparently open or barely-modulated carrier. 
Could be another RRI breakdown, but Taiwan/Chinese jamming are also here, and 
HFCC shows NHK Yamata on 9680 at 14-16, apparently wooden, not in Aoki or EiBi 

UNIDENTIFIED. 15700, Dec 17 at 1507, open carrier, off a few minutes later. 
HFCC has something `new` registered this hour for WRN due south via KCH = 
Pridnestrovye, but probably not in effect. More likely R. Bulgaria tune-up 
prior to its 1600 broadcast on 15700, during a break after the 1500 broadcast 
on 15600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
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