** ALBANIA [and non]. 7425, still here Dec 25 at 0018, Albanian music from R. 
Tirana, marred by fast SAH and CCI from China underneath, while 7420 is vacant 

** CHINA [non]. 5990, Dec 24 at 2337, CRI via CUBA is playing ``Silent Night`` 
in Chinese by women`s choir with organ and chime accompaniment, very nice 
rendition, so I hasten to the much better-modulated relay via CANADA on 6040. 
Announceress then explains that Xmas is observed more and more in China than it 
was two decades ago, but Chinese people are able to ``discard all the religious 
connotations and go right to the fun part``. Well put! Considering it the 
western equivalent of the Chinese new year/spring festival celebrations. Next 
is ``Carol of the Bells`` except she calls it ``Xmas Bells``, originally 

A 2010 survey found that there are 23 megaChristians in China, and 5.7 
megaCatholix (not stated whether counted separately or as part of the Christian 
total). Next: ``Sleigh Ride``, allegedly the No. 1 Xmas tune around the world. 
Can we trust these stats coming from the ChiCom? 2347 ``Jingle Bells`` except 
the chorus sings the English (?) words ``Ding-Ding-Dong`` instead. Says it was 
originally composed for Thanksgiving, not Xmas. Finally, the ``Hosanna in the 
Highest`` carol, did not catch what she called it. Program outro as `China 
Horizons` featuring a Chinese women`s singing group, whose name I did not catch 
either, but they were excellent, and retrieving this program would be 
worthwhile if they ever include it at 

** CROATIA [non]. 7375, Dec 25 at 0019, Croatian hymn with YL narration 
talk-over, maybe credits; 0022 cut to ID jingle for Croatian Radio program I, 
then different carol by soprano with electronic music accompaniment, more 
unfamiliar Xmas music with a beat; 0028 a `Kyrie Eleison` version. Voice of 
Croatia relay via GERMANY is a great source of mostly-music all evening until 
0600*, usually with an outstanding signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CUBA [non]. 5954.2, Dec 24 at 2356 I an hearing a tell-tale het between this 
weak signal and something weaker on 5955, hinting that the ELCOR transmitter in 
Costa Rica is back. Yes! At 2357 I can barely make out the R. República theme 
before it cuts off at 2357:40*. Then there is still a het, now between 5952+, 
no doubt Bolivia, and whatever is on 5955 (Iran in Chinese? CNR in Mongolian?). 
Maybe República has been there all along but on a much reduced schedule. Why 
should they keep running this pipsqueak anyway on a Saturday night when they 
are about to come up on a big Sackville transmitter? Anyhow, there was NO Cuban 
jamming on 5955, and when I listen after 0600, 5955 has also been blessedly 
free of the radio war allowing RNW to be clear.

9490, from 2358 I am awaiting R. República via RMI via Sackville, which finally 
cuts on air a few sex before 0000 UT Dec 25, plays short instrumental version 
of Cuban NA (much like that heard on RHC), then the R. República theme and 
sign-on but not mentioning any times or frequencies. 0001 starts `Recuento 
Semanal` week-in-review program. Noise jamming has started, but still an hour 
later, RR/SAC is well atop it here; scheduled 00-03 UT Sundays and Mondays only 

** GREECE. 7475, Dec 25 at 0030, VOG with YL in Greek mentioning ``olive oil``. 
No Xmas music here --- that would be unorthodox (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** GUATEMALA. 4055, Dec 25 at 0008, ever since someone reported hearing cuckoos 
on R. Verdad, I have wanted to too, and now I have! As soon as I tune in, then 

** INDIA. 9425, Dec 24 at 2230-2235 AIR news in English, good with flutter on 
National Channel, 2235 into Hindi. Which goes first alternates from hour to 
hour; at 2130 it was Hindi, then English. This cast mentioned Christmas being 
celebrated in India by the Christian minority (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** OKLAHOMA. Dec 24 around 2130 UT we went back to the 89.5 singing-Xmas-trees 
to have a look at them in the daytime and take a few more photos of the site, 
in the 3500 block of West Oak in Enid. It`s obviously a temporary installation, 
anchored by sand/trash bags. Nothing I could recognize as an FM transmitting 
antenna. No signs reveal who is sponsoring this, other than the Grand signs 
about the well, and we have seen no local publicity about it. Does this layout 
look familiar, out of the box, perhaps duplicated elsewhere? We could detect it 
modulating again at 0011 UT Dec 25, at home on the YB-400, not the DX-398, 
aside heavy 89.7 signal from a real House station.

Cover shots:
Animated letterbox:
In the middle of the lot is what`s left of the oil well, which is apparently 
capped off, a dry hole, or exhausted? Last year we saw a huge drilling rig in 
this spot:
Facilities are still available for human workers:
(Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 5960, Dec 24 at 2325, VOT English to NAm is playing ``Here Comes 
Santa Claus`` by Gene Autry (an Oklahoman), 2326 YL not missing this chance to 
remind us that Santa Claus (St. Nicholas) originally hailed from what is now 
Turkey. BTW, in public I only wear a green stocking cap (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. Further to discussion of KJES off-frequency: checking their third 
outlet, 7555 scheduled at 0200-0330, Dec 25 at 0206, cannot detect it at all. 7 
MHz signals are generally weakening, but WBCQ is still audible on 7490-.

On 11714.8: KJES lux out by not having anything on 11715.0 to beat against for 
most of their maximum 14-17 UT span: Vatican does not start until 1650 (BTW, 
Aoki still lists as `B-11` KJES` summer timing of 13-16 UT). (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 5109.75-USB, Dec 25 at 0004, `Radio TimTron Worldwide` is starting 
live for two hours on WBCQ Area 51, 0007 ``Xmas at Ground Zero``, which I think 
long predates 9/11. That`s as closely as I can measure the nominal 5110 
frequency, which if correct is beyond FCC tolerance which would be up to 76.65 
Hz above or below 5,110,000 Hz.

7490-, Dec 25 at 0206 when I am checking for KJES on 7555, I step thru the 7 
MHz channels with BFO, and note that WBCQ is slightly low compared to its 
neighbors, but within tolerance, during `I Sing Radio`, hmmm, not `Icing` 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1596 monitoring: unless you can get WRMI 9955 on 
Sunday at 0900, 1630 or 1830, final chance to hear this week`s edition on SW 
should be 0500 UT Sunday Dec 25 on WTWW 5755, unless holiday pre-empted. As of 
0330 UT Sunday, Area 51 had not yet posted this weekend`s schedule at 
http://www.worldmicroscope.com when WOR might appear UT Monday at 0330v on 

** U S A [non]. 7395, Dec 25 at 0031, strange mixture of `Amazing Grace` and 
`Glory to God in the Highest` from Messiah. At first they seemed to alternate 
and I was wondering if someone had axually tried to combine the two on one poor 
signal! But then the A.G. one went to announcement while Messiah continued on 
the other. Aoki shows Christians vs Christians:

Bible Voice, 250 kW, 90 degrees via Wertachtal, GERMANY at 0030-0100 in English 
Fri/Sat/Sun, Hindi other days; and, YFR, 500 kW, 215 degrees from Montsinéry, 
GUIANA FRENCH, at 0000-0100 in English, so both are far off-target from here 
and from each other (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [non]. 15470, Dec 24 at 2113, VG S9+25 signal with Xmas mass, 2116 
Italian announcement mentions Vatican, more mass. This is a new frequency, or 
rather special one where nothing is normally heard or scheduled. 2215 recheck, 
still going in Spanish, hymn about Noel. I Never hear a specific Vatican Radio 
ID, but sure sounds like them, with Xmas eve special broadcast, and has to be a 
relay with reception like this, since from Europe on 19m, Spain manages only a 
weak 15110 signal, which had been VG in the autumn. Likely Sackville or 
Bonaire, VR relay sites used later in the evening. 

At 2220 compared to Poland via Sackville on 15260, not quite as strong as 
15470, with its own non-// usual Saturday night mass in Polish. Now the SSOB is 
15440 WYFR, with 15470 the second SSOB. 15470 sounds like PBXVI speaking and 
trying to sing, but with YL commentary in Spanish. WEWN Spanish service relays 
Vatican around 2200, so I check 13830 // 12050 --- those are running 13 seconds 
ahead of 15470, so apparently live Xmas Eve service which somehow gets into and 
out of Birmingham/Vandiver first. 

At 2307 the mass is over, and English programming is in progress, interviewing 
someone from Friends of the Holy Land, about helping out the few Christians 
left in Bethlehem. 2312 introduces `our final program today`, Xmas play ``No 
Cribs for a Bed``. 

I check the handy Broadcasts in English schedule booklet for B-11 from the 
British DX Club, which is excellent and comprehensive, so I don`t have to turn 
on a computer, 
and no, there is nothing on 15470 before or after 2300. It does however show 
Vatican at 2300-2345 daily to NAm direct in DRM on 7370 --- so I bet VR decided 
they would like to have a significant audience for a change on this special 
occasion by adding another frequency in AM. But it would be nice if they had 
publicized it.

Expecting this to last until 2345 as well, I don`t check again until 2330, by 
when the broadcast has already stopped, open carrier until 2331*. So was it 
Bonaire or Sackville? Assuming Bonaire still has three funxional transmitters, 
is one available at least from 2100 to 2330? Searching HFCC (the individual RNW 
schedules are insufficient), we find 2100-2127 on 13700, 17605; 2200-2227 on 
15315 and 15540 --- plus NHK relay 2200-2400 on 17605. Unfortunately I did not 
confirm whether the latter was still on the air this date, but why not? That 
makes it more likely Sackville, which has more transmitters, but hardly full 
usage with all the RCI cutbacks.

I`ll check VR`s Special Broadcast page when I turn the computer on later. After 
0100 Dec 25, I finally find it, http://www.radiovaticana.org/en1/trasm_spec.asp
But any Dec 24 entries have already been deleted, leaving only Dec 25, with the 
same info presented on a Spanish page, as specials are now broken up by 
language, making them harder to research; most are direct, but any relays are 
not specified as such; probably in UT +1: 

``Special Broadcasts Sunday 25 December 2011
Christmas Message and "Urbi et Orbi" blessing at 12.00 
>From the Central Loggia of St. Peter's Basilica, the Holy Father's Christmas 
>Message and "Urbi et Orbi" blessing 
Live broadcast from 11.50 a.m. 

- in English for Western Europe on kHz 17.885 SW, for the Rome area on MHz 93,3 
FM and via Internet on Channel 1 
- in French for Western Africa on kHz 21.660 SW and kHz 17.520 SW, for the Rome 
area on MHz 103,8 FM and via Internet on Channel 2 
- in German for Central-Western Europe on kHz 9.645 SW, for the Rome area on 
kHz 1.611 MW and via Internet on Channel 3 
- in Portuguese for Africa on kHz 21.680 SW and via Internet on Channel 4 
- in Italian for Italy on kHz 7.250 SW, for the Rome area on kHz 585 MW, MHz 
105,0 FM and via Internet on Channel 5 
- in Spanish for Central America on kHz 6.070 SW and via Internet on Channel 6 
- International Sound via Internet on Channel 8`` 

UNIDENTIFIED. 5980-5990, Dec 24 at 2355, noise jamming is disrupting this range 
including CRI via Cuba on 5990. Or is it DRM? None such scheduled on any of the 
three channels; nor does it sound much like typical Cuban jamming on 5980 which 
attacks R. Martí after 0700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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