Radio Heritage Foundation
December 30 2011

*****Win the great Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby music

*****Thanks to those who recently made donations and if you'd like to
help us continue in 2012 then please donate today - your donations
are urgently needed to cover daily operational costs ********* 

NEW....have you used our great new Australian AM & FM Radio Guides
yet? New AM & FM radio guides coming soon for Melanesia, Micronesia &

Radio Heritage 
Christmas News &

Hello from the South Pacific

Hasn't 2011 gone past so fast? You'll be looking forward to a well
earned break and we hope you'll enjoy time with friends and families
in the coming days and weeks.

Thanks to support from people like yourself, we've managed to come
through a very difficult year with many more features at, well supported competitions, and some long
delayed plans we hope you'll see start coming to fruition early in

We also established a local emergency FM radio station after the
killer Christchurch February 22 earthquake with help from
broadcasters from throughout New Zealand. This was a serious strain
on our finances and resources but made life better for many people.  

Financially, it has been an immense struggle for us, and continues to
be so. Our sincere thanks to those who have become annual supporters
and helped us pay some of the bills. If you can find it possible to
join us as a supporter right now, it would help us more than you can
ever know. We accept VISA, Mastercard, AMEX and JCB.

I hope you'll always find something of interest whether you dip into
the website regularly or infrequently: recently we've completed our
50+ series of Long Lost Australian Radio Stars, added more Armed
Forces Radio Memories from India, found more features about local
radio in New Zealand, and continued adding other new content to

This is a busy time of year, so we'll quickly highlight some things
you might find interesting:

**** many new unique radio features added
**** emergency local radio updates after Christchurch earthquake
**** PAL Radio Guides updated
**** NEW Australian Radio Guides AM & FM added
**** NEW European AM features, audio and memorabilia added
**** 200+ radio books [and other Amazon products] in our bookstores
**** Top 5 Radio books for December
**** almost 50 radio heritage documentaries now completed for RNZI
**** Radio Heritage documentaries now repeated over AWR Wavescan/WRMI 
**** 25+ country profiles updated for World Radio TV Handbook
**** 1000's of rare QSLs, pennants, stickers and audio tapes saved

NEW Christmas 2011 Competition now online at
with wonderful music prizes of the Frank Sinatra Collection and the
Bing Crosby Collection. Entries close December 31 2011. Enter now!

Our thanks to all of you who have helped make 2011 possible through
your goodwill, good wishes, donations of money and memorabilia, to
authors and publishers who have donated their great radio books for
review, to our ongoing supporters at Apex Car Rental,,
ProCopy, PCWIZ2U, and to our key volunteers, Chris [our webmaster]
and Bruce [PAL Radio Guides] and the many individual authors who
provide such interesting stories..........and to our board members
Dave, Jo, Jonathan, Martin and Adrian for their good guidance.

Season's Greetings, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and our best
wishes for a happy, safe and prosperous 2012

The Team at Radio Heritage Foundation

Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit organization
connecting radio, popular culture, history and heritage. Our global
website is To unsubscribe: email 'No Thanks'
to and allow five working days for removal.   

Multiple copies: If you're on more than one of our many individual
mailing lists for different groups you may get several copies of this
newsletter because it's sent to all our lists. We are trying to find
a way to fix this using free mail management software... thanks for
your patience.

Like us @ FACEBOOK
Follow us @ TWITTER
Listen to us @ Radio New Zealand International Mailbox
Listen to us @ Adventist World Radio Wavescan via WRMI Miami
Support us @


PS...Buy an Amazon Gift Card at any of our online bookstores and
choose your own favorite books, CDs, DVDs, MP3 downloads, e-books and
much more as well. A great gift idea this holiday season!

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Order your WRTH 2011:
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