BRAZIL - 5990, Radio Senado, terrific reception this week, very early, noted 
several mornings blowing in with a big signal on nice clear fqy.  12/29 at 0755 
with PP pop song, f/by taped ID extravaganza at 0801, with chimes, OM in echo, 
mentions of fqys and ondas curtas, "Bom Dia!" and another ID as "Radio Senado, 
a música regional de. . ."  Then into a pgm of ranchera-like musical 
selections.   Also pinning the S-meter needle at 0959 on 12/30. (Perry, 

BRAZIL - 4865.03, Radio Verdes Florestas, Cruz do Sul, signal holding up quite 
late most mornings, from approx 1000 s/on to nearly 1100, and at times, 
surprisingly, the best Latin in the 60 mb here.  Hrd 12/29 w/segued ballads, no 
amnts at all until 1055 when into an ID sequence --  live OM with clear "Radio 
Verdes Florestas!" ID and then YL with canned ID and fqys run-down.  
Propagation on this one behaves much more like a Peruvian than aBrazilian, 
thanks to far western Brazil  QTH.  Holds up long after other Brazilians like 
4885 have faded away.  (Perry, Illinois)

BRAZIL - 5955.00, unid Brazilian but suspect the listed Radio Gazeta, Sao 
Paolo, but no clear ID yet.  Noted with classic US pops (Doors: "Love Her 
Madly") at 1020, then into long telephone interview by studio ancr and remote 
interviewee in PP.  1029 another fairly strong station came on fqy, but signals 
were exactly zerobeated so no het trouble, but difficult to listen to anyway.  
(Perry, Illinois).

UNID LA - 4875.46, mountain of garbage on this fqy in the mornings this week, 
but underneath it all seems an LA broadcaster, with badly distorted modulation 
and potentially spurious.  Believe lang is PP, so likely a Brazilian.  Noted 
several mornings about 1015.  Ute on fqy and het make this even tougher.  Not 
sure what this is, but interesting . . . haven't heard anything on this fqy of 
late.   Anyone?  (Perry, Illinois)

BOLIVIA - 5952.37, everyone's favorite CP mining town station, Radioemisoras 
Pio XII, Oruro, hrd with nx show in progress at 1010 on 12/27.   Never an easy 
logging, this one is much more likely of late to be heard in early local 
evenings than in the mornings.  (Perry, Illinois)

ETHIOPIA - 9705.00, R. Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, hrd 1947-2020 on 12/15 on a nice 
precise fqy.   Initially heard underneath Family Radio Meyerton on same fqy, 
which thankfully clears out after ToH.  Good signal by 2010 with pleasant pgm 
of Horn of Africa style pops and jazz.  OM ancr in EE and presumed Amharic.  
(Perry, Illinois)

LAOS - 6130 RN Lao, Vientiane'  Highlight of the month has been the reemergence 
of this one, loggable on many mornings.  Was best in early Dec, after Chuck 
Rippel tip, but still hearing this week tho not as well as earlier in Dec (12 / 
3,4,5,6).  Propagation window for here opens up around 1245 and holds thru 
1300+,  tho was hearing as early as 1230 in early Dec.  Best signal was on 12/4 
with very enjoyable pgm of Laotian pop music --  very familiar to me after my 
years of working in Laos.  Very enjoyable programming!   Usually tones on the 
hour, but one time noted playing straight thru on a local Sun nite in Laos. 
(Perry, Illinois)

PERU - 5039.38, Radio Libertad de Junin, noted many mornings this month with 
poor-fair signal, often opening day's xmsn around *1000.  Noted on 12/1 with 
taped organ and echo-voiced ID anmt at 1001 and then live ancr from 1004.  
Interestingly,. this one seems to have become the most reliable Peruvian in the 
60 mb for me this winter, taking the crown from  nominal 4790 R Vision de 
Chiclayo, which has been missing in action.   Am hearing Junin more frequently 
even than R. Tarma on nominal 4775.  Unfortunately, it's a matter of this one 
being the best of a bad lot, as other Peruvians are just not coming thru very 
well this month . . .  (Perry, Illinois)


Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B;  Japan Radio NRD-545;  Eton E1;  Hallicrafters SX100;  Knightkit 
Star Roamer
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 + Quantum Phaser antenna unit
Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop;  Single-Turn Coax 
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