CANADA XMJ329 Canadian Coast Guard, 518, f/d card with NAVTEX information and frequencies on rear of card in 28 days for English report and 1 IRC sent via airmail. V/s Frank Dwyer, Officer-In-Charge, who returned the IRC.

SWITZERLAND, HEB BernRadio 13025.5, f/d antenna/logo card in 145 days for English report and US $2.00 and follow up via email. V/s. Michael Zesigner. Follow-up was sent to info(dot)broadcasting(at)swisscim(dot)com , but Michael Zesiger can be reached at michael(dot)zesiger(at)swisscom(dot)com . It would seem they may have sent an original card, but Michael jokes "Your first QSL was maybe 'Lost in Space.'"

USA WFLF, Maitland Florida, 540, no data confirmation email in 141 days for English report via first-class mail and 1 first-class stamp return postage. Follow-up via email on January 16 2012 and email QSL arrived the next day. V/s. Katherine Brown, Program Director. Ms. Brown apologized profusely for the delay and said that it must have fallen through the cracks. katherinebrown(at)clearchannel(dot)com

USA WPUC469 SailMail Radio South Daytona Beach FL, 18381.41, f/d QSL letter featuring map of worldwide locations, in 18 days for English report sent via first-class mail with 2 first-class stamps as returned postage, one of which was returned. No V/s.

It would seem that utility stations are much better QSLers than broadcast stations these days. It has been like pulling teeth to get QSLs out of broadcast stations, and recordings, while great, just don't do it for me. I think it is having something tangible to put up on the wall that makes me collect QSLs. After all, if you show your grandchildren or friends nice cards and letters you have received from far away, they are more apt to take interest than they would if you played them a crackling MP3 where they might just barely hear a station ID in a language they may not understand. This is especially the case, if they have no knowledge about DXing whatsoever.

I had to laugh at Michael Zesiger's comment about the QSL being "lost in Space." I appreciate a good sense of humor, and am very happy that he was nice enough to re-send the QSL. BTW, this is a very nice card, so if you do happen to catch them, it is well worth the effort.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Al Muick
Whitehall, PA   USA
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