BRAZIL, Radio Voz Missionaria, 9665, f/d absolutely stunning A4-sized QSL certificate in 19 days for Portuguese airmail report and 2 IRCs. Certificate has signatures of the President, Vice-Preseident and Director of Radio on it. Also sent some station brochures that list frequencies and show transmitter and antenna system. The QSL and brochures arrived via EMS Post which certainly cost them much more than the IRCs were worth! As a bonus, I was not inundated with religious tracts!

CANADA, VCK Canadian Coast Guard, Riviere-au-Renard Quebec, 518, f/d thank you letter in 37 days for English airmail report and 1 IRC for report on their NAVTEX transmission. V/s. Alain Poirier, Officer-in-Charge. TX power is 1kW and distance copied is 790.7 miles.

HONG KONG, Hong Kong VOLMET, 6679 f/d information letter in 39 days for English airmail report and 2 IRC's. V/s. LEUNG, Chi-Lam, Chief Aeronautical Communications Supervisor. Address: Civil Aiviation Department, 2/F, Air Traffic Control Complex and Tower, Hong Kong International Airport, Chek Lap Kok, HONG KONG. Unfortunately, the various postal services took a small bite out of the bottom of the envelope, which resulted in "un petit blessé" in the middle of the letter!

USA, KKL Radio, Vashon Island, Washington, 13176, no data thank you on local postcard in 17 days for US $1 return postage and English report via first-class mail. Operator describes on the card how they just squeaked through 3 days without commercial power with the road blocked by down (sic) trees and electrical debris. "The heat from the sun coming through the window gives me the strength to survive." This kind of changes my mind about how nice the Pacific Northwest was supposed to be....

USA, PIRATE, Radio Ronin Shortwave, 6925, f/d Shogun of the Airwaves card in 44 days for email English report to radioroninshortwave(at)gmail(dot)com. This is also an impressive card on sturdy stock and surely took some time to design and cost to print. Card arrived in plain envelope postmarked in Buffalo, New York, with a zip code of 14711 (Belfast, New York) written in the sender section of the envelope. I'll take off my tinfoil hat now....

USA, WWRB/The Overcomer Ministry, 9385, f/d Brother Stair/Atomic Mushroom Cloud card in 152 days for English report via first class mail with 1 first-class stamp, and follow up in English with 2 first-class stamps. QSL arrived 17 days after follow-up. A note on the included religious pamphlets stated they never received the first report.

Fairly decent week for QSLs, all things considered. I am quite happy with the results and hope for even better results in the coming weeks. The solar activity sure had made the propagation funny! I am finally seeing ZIZ, St. Kitts and Nevis again after a long hiatus, and I hope to have them QSL'ed very shortly. I do believe they are the last of the Caribbean "splits" on mediumwave.

I hope everyone has had good DX coming their way!

Al Muick
Whitehall PA USA

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