Read my new posting:   NEW:::::  review for PL200 


4828 V o Zimbabwe 1949 with folk music, S3-4  good modulation . Reception on AM 
as 25232
6005  BBC via?? 20xx talks in Eng with political comments talks about Britain . 
1 kHz carrier  
in LSB QRM and another from 6010 
6055  Rwanda?  2058 talk by 2 men in French and local lang. Supposed acapella 
suspended in just 3-4 secs then with an open carrier 
5995 Mali 2112 with lengthy and monotonous tribal music (the songs played hat 
reminded me Hausa) Very short talks in between songs  S7 35523 
7550 AIR 2145  with song from  movie Silsila a top movie of 70s/80s . Also one 
of the nicest 
hindi songs ever. 
594 MW two stations here in 2215 one in Farsi , possibly  IRIB and another with 
music in 
Turkic (not turkish ) ON 2221 heard from the Farsi  station an ID as R Hasheke 
, with 
stringed  music background 
1395 VoRussia 2230 with many IDs as "Golos Rosii"then news. Heard only with the 
16 h 
antenna with S4 signal as 232x2 . same leve for the 1386 DSL info as background 
1359 R Donetskoye from Ukraine (??) heard with the 16 H antenna. A male signer 
on 2236 
,quite bassy,  with Russian oldies. YL with an ID Donetskoye... kHz then 
stopped program 
(carrier still open). Under this signal there was another station with Russian 

11815 RBC & 11765 RDA with great  signals S5/S9  each 
11725 RNZi 0517 with political phone discussions  in English S4 on 0545 as S7 
342x2 Again 
S5 35222 on 0733 
7315 Dabanga(S10-20 )/ 0520 //11940 (S-)//13800 (S9) talks by OM in a VN lang 
but not AR 
, with talk sabt Sudan .  and A-grand .Also ID R Dabanga. QRM on 11940 a  
carrier with tone 
of 1 kHz , on 13800 a FSK 
11800 DW 0527 expecting to hear SRS with program 'radio drama' in English. Then 
news  . 
mentions on feq and 32!! mb . S10 
15700 Damal ?  0525+31 discussions in VN with some mentions of Sudan, Somalia 
etc in-
between HoA songs S5 35333 
4885 Para 0542 with nice LA pop songs  S5 

Standard rig : ICOM R75 / 2x16 V / m@h40 heads Sennheiser 
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 
Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________ (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE (all mypages !!)
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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