Hi Eike,

Thank you for your explanation, and you certainly have nothing to apologize for in this context!

The simple fact of the matter is that my logging software, DXtreme (www.dxtreme.com), imports and converts your .csv file into a Micro$oft .mdb file, however it truncates the data and does not import several of the important columns into its database.

I'm ashamed to admit, I was not aware of this fact until this incident occurred. Armed with this knowledge, I will most certainly compare against your original .csv in cases where doubt may exist from this day forward. I have also sent a somewhat blistering email to the software company, asking that the program be corrected in the next release to actually include all fields.

Vy 73


On 2/4/2012 06:38, Eike Bierwirth wrote:

Hi Al and all,

take care when reading the csv file, it does include many inactive entries for a reason. The last three entries of each line give a clue if and when the entry is active:

- If the first of the three is a "6", the entry was/is/will be active for the dates specified, e.g.:
means "active from 30 October til 19 November of the current season, inactive on other dates" (cancelled txion, changed frequency, ...) This is useful when you check your logs on a later date when the transmission has already been cancelled and deleted from the up-to-date databases.

- If the first of the three is an "8", the entry is INACTIVE until further notice. This is used for domestic stations that might come back at random, or for some wooden entries when I don't know which of them actually will be used. When the station is clearly IDed to be on the air, then I just change the 8 to a 0 to make the entry active.

Entries such marked as inactive are not copied into the bc and freq files, which are generated from the csv file with a date filter.

These and more codes are explained in the readme.txt.

Sorry for the confusion!


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 09:46:45 -0500
> Von: Albert Muick <radioresearch_field_operati...@yahoo.com <mailto:radioresearch_field_operations%40yahoo.com>> > An: d...@yahoogroups.com <mailto:dxld%40yahoogroups.com>, hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com <mailto:hard-core-dx%40hard-core-dx.com>
> Betreff: Re: [HCDX] [dxld] Log Report for Al Muick 29 January 2012

> All,
> Due to circumstances beyond my control, I missed the 1430 UTC ID or
> The language is definitely *NOT* Arabic, so please disregard my logging
> of Oman on this frequency yesterday. Unless someone comes up with any
> evidence to the contrary, I am going to call this Vo Iran in Hindi.
> >
> > I have just sent you a copy of the .csv file from EiBi from 15 January
> > 2012 listing Oman in the 1400-1730 time slot. Could not send it to

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